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View Full Version : Stephanie Curcio: Palin puts career before children

09-17-2008, 11:55 AM
:lame2:but some of the comments are great..:laugh2:

16 hours, 25 minutes ago

Like almost everyone else in this country, I was taken aback by Sen. John McCain's announcement of Sarah Palin to be his running mate in the coming election. I was eager to find out more about her, especially since Sen. McCain's age and bouts with cancer increase the risk of his not being able to complete his term in office, thus making this unknown quantity a possible President of the United States. What I have learned about Mrs. Palin is utterly appalling!

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That she is inexperienced is painfully obvious. How a man like John McCain, who spent months ranting about Barack Obama's inexperience, could select this "yokel" by comparison is beyond ridiculous! The absolute disdain for the American people and disrespect for the office of President that this move displays is profound. Clearly the political gamesmanship and grinding desire to win at all costs has turned him into someone none of us would have believed he could be.

But more important is what I see of Gov. Palin as a woman. She is a mother to five young children, one of whom is only months old and has special needs. Now this is a woman who vehemently supports life and opposes abortion. Great! But who, then, is going to take care of this child with special needs, not to mention the other children, while their mother pursues the role of U.S. vice president?

read the rest if you wish...
http://www.theunionleader.com/article.aspx?headline=Stephanie+Curcio%3a+Palin+pu ts+career+before+children&articleId=92517c45-8d34-4941-8167-4aedfb0b4b24

09-17-2008, 01:05 PM
I"m so glad I never considered myself a feminist.

These women who say we can do anything men can do, are the ones who are most vile against Palin.

Sarah has already billed her husband as a stay at home dad. How is this any different from the wifes of congressmen and senators who are stay at home moms???????

NO ONE mentions that Biden abandond his young children to a housekeeper after his wife died. Was he expected to give up his seat?????? NO he was praised as a good provider.

Abbey Marie
09-17-2008, 01:24 PM
Democrats, aka the June Cleaver party! Perhaps they should hand out aprons at their rallies.

If I didn't read all this tripe myself, I wouldn't believe it.

Can you IMAGINE what Dems would be saying if the Republican candidate was a conservative black? It would in all likelihood make the KKK blush.


09-17-2008, 01:28 PM
All you have to do is look at what has been said about Condoleeza. The dems woud leave their bashing up to the "black leadership", that way they don't look like racists.

09-17-2008, 01:35 PM
NO ONE mentions that Biden abandond his young children to a housekeeper after his wife died. Was he expected to give up his seat?????? NO he was praised as a good provider.

What about Obama abandoning his young children to seek the Presidency? The demands on his time, should he win, will be far greater than the demands Palin or Biden will face. Using this criteria, McCain would be the best choice as his children are adults, with the exception of Bridget who is, I believe, 17.

09-17-2008, 01:47 PM
I love the phony outrage these libs have over her "inexperience". She's more experienced than Obama. Its going to be her job to try and stay awake during Senate sessions, not to be commander in chief. Almost no one remembers who the VPs are unless they end up running for President and winning. Never has there been so much outrage over the 'qualifications' of a VP pick. The libs are not outraged by her qualifications, they're outraged because Repubs might beat them in being the first to have a female VP. They're outraged because her politics invigorates the conservative base.