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View Full Version : How private is computer data?

09-17-2008, 07:02 PM
apparently not as private as we think, especially upon entering the country or going to another country, that country, US included, can and will take your laptop, copy the hard drive if they want, etc... i understand that you have less of a right to privacy when you cross the border (according to case law), this seems a major intrusion and violates what is an expectation of privacy. then again, i do believe (not sure) that your briefcase can be searched and any letters therein can be read and/or copied. so one could argue this is an extension of that expectation, but i think it too much.

The three business tech risks you don't know about

San Francisco - Business travelers will soon need to carry the name of their corporate lawyer in addition to their passport when returning home to the United States, and they may need to bring with them a different business laptop as well. This is because U.S. Customs can search and confiscate your laptop without any prior cause, according to policies that have been posted online since a Ninth U.S. Circuit Court ruling in April.

it is a good article, worth reading