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View Full Version : Texas lawmakers vote on cancer vaccine

Mr. P
03-15-2007, 10:45 AM
Good news!

AUSTIN, Texas - Texas lawmakers are fighting to block the governor's order requiring that sixth-grade girls be vaccinated against the virus that causes cervical cancer, with the House giving final approval to a bill to make the shots strictly voluntary.

Gov. Rick Perry's executive order has inflamed conservatives who say it contradicts Texas' abstinence-only sexual education policies and intrudes into family lives. Some critics also have questioned whether the vaccine has been proven safe.

The House voted 118-23 on Wednesday to approve a bill that would keep the vaccine off the list of required shots for school attendance.


03-15-2007, 11:02 AM
Ugh, everybody here was trying to do the right thing, but for all the wrong reasons. The governor didn't care about the kids. He cared about the campaign contributions (bribes) he was getting from the company that makes the vaccine. The legislature voted it down largely due to religious pressure because too many people have done nothing to prevent their kids from having sex, but believe they've remained celibate, nonetheless.

The real issue should be one of public health vs. personal freedom. I, personally, believe that an HPV vaccine falls outside the jurisdiction of a government to enforce on children. All the currently required vaccines are for airborne diseases, meaning you can catch them simply by attending school. To catch HPV, however, requires some things that you're not allowed to do at school. Given the reality of teens having sex, I wouldn't have a problem with the vaccine being offered at schools, but to require it is an infringement of liberty without just cause.