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View Full Version : Obama Got Major Campaign Donations From Fannie Mae/Mac?

09-18-2008, 01:42 PM
Folks I've been hearing about this on the fair and balanced news site, and also the conservative radio/newstalk stations.

In fact the donations he received were the largest of any politician's.

If this is true, how in the world is Obama coming off with attacking McCain as just a guy with GWB connections and responsibility for the alleged unregulations that caused all the problems with the mortgage giants?

Seems like Obama's hands are extra "dirty" as he's received tons of lobby money from these financial giants.

Abbey Marie
09-18-2008, 03:34 PM
This should be big. Then again, we are led to believe that people are too engrossed with stories about tanning beds in Alaska to notice.

09-18-2008, 03:44 PM
What I would like to know is how many lobbyists Senator Obama has as campaign advisers. I am so sick of his ad claiming that Senator McCain has 7... count them... 7 lobbyists as advisers. I keep wanting to ask, how many do you have Senator Obama? Then I want to ask, Senator Obama, how many terrorists and racists do you have as campaign advisers?


09-18-2008, 06:22 PM
Second largest. I think McCain needs to make an add and just pound him with it. How can the guy who is benefiting the most while tax payers fit the bill going to claim he is fighting for the little guy?

All politicians who took money from these groups should give it back.

09-18-2008, 07:28 PM
they got their dirty little fingers in everyone's pie

09-18-2008, 10:34 PM
Folks I've been hearing about this on the fair and balanced news site, and also the conservative radio/newstalk stations.

In fact the donations he received were the largest of any politician's.

If this is true, how in the world is Obama coming off with attacking McCain as just a guy with GWB connections and responsibility for the alleged unregulations that caused all the problems with the mortgage giants?

Seems like Obama's hands are extra "dirty" as he's received tons of lobby money from these financial giants.

Whats really hilarious is how Obama critizes McCain for not wanting to raise taxes on all the super-rich, yet Obammy and his party don't have a problem GIVING billions in tax money to the small percentage of suits on Wall Street that are running their companies into the ground.