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03-15-2007, 12:11 PM
You righties always say we lefties hate him...

sooooooo... can you tell me what is it about him that you love.... Be specific.

03-15-2007, 12:18 PM
I still like George Bush regardless of the media and polls telling me I shouldn't. I believe he is honest. I also think he does what he thinks is right,not necessarily popular or politically correct. The war is proof. He is pro life,which is a big issue for me. I also like his tax cuts....and the judges he appointed to the SC.

IS that enough?

03-15-2007, 12:19 PM

GW in Ohio
03-15-2007, 12:24 PM
I don't think it's accurate to say I "hate" George Bush.

I hold him in contempt, for being an incompetent idiot who is in way over his head as president and had no business running in the first place.

His presidency was seen by the GOP kingmakers as the regency of a boy king. Important matters would be handled by Uncle Dick, after consulting with such luminaries as Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Perle. The boy king would handle all the ceremonial duties, such as meeting with Boy Scout troops who visited the White House, throwing out the first ball at baseball games, and the like.

The problem was that Uncle Dick, the Cardinal Richelieu of this administration, turned out to be every bit as stupid and incompetent as the boy king he was supposed to guide. But since everybody was scared shitless of Cheney, nobody dared to contradict him.

So now we're stuck with this clueless gang of idiots for another year or so. Let's hope there are no more crises......

03-15-2007, 12:27 PM
I don't think it's accurate to say I "hate" George Bush.

I hold him in contempt, for being an incompetent idiot who is in way over his head as president and had no business running in the first place.

His presidency was seen by the GOP kingmakers as the regency of a boy king. Important matters would be handled by Uncle Dick, after consulting with such luminaries as Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Perle. The boy king would handle all the ceremonial duties, such as meeting with Boy Scout troops who visited the White House, throwing out the first ball at baseball games, and the like.

The problem was that Uncle Dick, the Cardinal Richelieu of this administration, turned out to be every bit as stupid and incompetent as the boy king he was supposed to guide. But since everybody was scared shitless of Cheney, nobody dared to contradict him.

So now we're stuck with this clueless gang of idiots for another year or so. Let's hope there are no more crises......

Don't think this addresses the topic question.. "What do you love about him"?

GW in Ohio
03-15-2007, 12:32 PM
Don't think this addresses the topic question.. "What do you love about him"?


I love the fact that he doesn't have sex with White House interns in the Oval Office.

03-15-2007, 12:38 PM
This "Dick Cheney runs the country" crap is a farce created by the media.

GW-why would the GOP want Bush in office if they thought he was stupid and Cheney would need to run the country?

I actually like Dick Cheney too. His image is another example of media/late night talk show bullcrap.

03-15-2007, 12:40 PM
You righties always say we lefties hate him...

sooooooo... can you tell me what is it about him that you love.... Be specific.

Not really, but I can tell you something I absolutely despise about his term in office. 1) He's not used his veto power at all to reign in Congressional spending habits; and, 2) He's left our borders wide-frickin' open which is an obvious failure regarding national security.

I think he's sincere in his desire to do what he feels is best for the USA. But he's not fiscally conservative enough for me.

GW in Ohio
03-15-2007, 12:47 PM
This "Dick Cheney runs the country" crap is a farce created by the media.

GW-why would the GOP want Bush in office if they thought he was stupid and Cheney would need to run the country?

I actually like Dick Cheney too. His image is another example of media/late night talk show bullcrap.

The GOP had the concept of a boy king, a witless figurehead who would be amiable and ingratiating, while the country was actually run by the Dark Lord, Mr. Cheney.

Let's face it, before running for president George W. Bush's greatest accomplishment was in devising new ways to light farts using a Bic lighter.

03-15-2007, 12:51 PM
I love the fact that he isn't a lawyer or a polished politician.
I love the fact that he loves his wife and isn't ashamed to make it obvious. I love the fact that he has a large ranch in Texas that is just that, no 30,000 square foot mansion there, a very simple ranch style house on a bunch of land.
I love the fact that he keeps himself in extraordinary shape, isn't ashamed to not be a party guy but let's everyone know that he is in bed by 9:30.
I love the fact that he doesn't kiss the ass of Hollywood, unions or leaders from around the world.
I love the strength and courage he shows everyday in the face of constant criticism of every breath he takes and how he doesn't let it get to him.
I love how incredibly positive he is in such a negative environment.
I love the fact that those that are sure he is an idiot and feel they are so superior to him get their ass kicked everytime they go up against him.

But what I really love about our President, George W. Bush, is the fact that he beat an addiction to alcohol and he thanks God for giving him the strength to do so...I love that he isn't ashamed to let the world know that he loves God and is doing his work.

03-15-2007, 12:52 PM
The GOP had the concept of a boy king, a witless figurehead who would be amiable and ingratiating, while the country was actually run by the Dark Lord, Mr. Cheney.

Let's face it, before running for president George W. Bush's greatest accomplishment was in devising new ways to light farts using a Bic lighter.

Heard it all before....*yawn*

03-15-2007, 12:53 PM
The GOP had the concept of a boy king, a witless figurehead who would be amiable and ingratiating, while the country was actually run by the Dark Lord, Mr. Cheney.

Let's face it, before running for president George W. Bush's greatest accomplishment was in devising new ways to light farts using a Bic lighter.

Hey GW, don't let anyone call you a cliche' because you aren't .......really.:laugh2:

03-15-2007, 12:54 PM
I love the fact that he isn't a lawyer or a polished politician.
I love the fact that he loves his wife and isn't ashamed to make it obvious. I love the fact that he has a large ranch in Texas that is just that, no 30,000 square foot mansion there, a very simple ranch style house on a bunch of land.
I love the fact that he keeps himself in extraordinary shape, isn't ashamed to not be a party guy but let's everyone know that he is in bed by 9:30.
I love the fact that he doesn't kiss the ass of Hollywood, unions or leaders from around the world.
I love the strength and courage he shows everyday in the face of constant criticism of every breath he takes and how he doesn't let it get to him.
I love how incredibly positive he is in such a negative environment.
I love the fact that those that are sure he is an idiot and feel they are so superior to him get their ass kicked everytime they go up against him.

But what I really love about our President, George W. Bush, is the fact that he beat an addiction to alcohol and he thanks God for giving him the strength to do so...I love that he isn't ashamed to let the world know that he loves God and is doing his work.

That too!!!!:dance:

03-15-2007, 12:55 PM
Frankly, I've been disappointed by a lot of Bush's decisions. But here's what I like about him:

- He's for free trade.
- He's pro-life, and uses his powers to limit abortion.
- He's appointed two strict constructionist SCOTUS justices.
- He has cut our taxes (though I fault him and the GOP Congress from 2003-2006 for not making them permanent).
- He is a Christian, and seeks to act on his religious beliefs where they are compatible with good federal policy.
- He supports Second AMendment rights.

GW in Ohio
03-15-2007, 12:56 PM
I love the fact that he hasn't started World War III.....................


:clap: :salute: :clap:

03-15-2007, 01:00 PM
I love the fact that he hasn't started World War III.....................


:clap: :salute: :clap:

If WW3 starts,it won't be because of GW Bush,it will be because of radical muslims who don't like anyone who believes differently than they do,and Bush won't put up with their crap in an attempt to please the world.

03-15-2007, 01:02 PM
I love the fact that he isn't a lawyer or a polished politician.
I love the fact that he loves his wife and isn't ashamed to make it obvious. I love the fact that he has a large ranch in Texas that is just that, no 30,000 square foot mansion there, a very simple ranch style house on a bunch of land.
I love the fact that he keeps himself in extraordinary shape, isn't ashamed to not be a party guy but let's everyone know that he is in bed by 9:30.
I love the fact that he doesn't kiss the ass of Hollywood, unions or leaders from around the world.
I love the strength and courage he shows everyday in the face of constant criticism of every breath he takes and how he doesn't let it get to him.
I love how incredibly positive he is in such a negative environment.
I love the fact that those that are sure he is an idiot and feel they are so superior to him get their ass kicked everytime they go up against him.

But what I really love about our President, George W. Bush, is the fact that he beat an addiction to alcohol and he thanks God for giving him the strength to do so...I love that he isn't ashamed to let the world know that he loves God and is doing his work.

Well-said, and ITA.

03-15-2007, 01:12 PM
I don't "love" any politician. I respect Bush for what he has been doing. I also disagree with many of his domestic policies. I also realize that he makes decisions based on facts that I or any of you will never see or hear about. Facts that even congress doesn't get. And he has to make decisions based on those facts that may or may not effect all of our lives.\

making up shit about Cheney being in charge and Bush the boy king is just smallminded bullshit that even the poster knows is such. If you actually believe that du and moveon bullshit you need to get an education.

03-15-2007, 01:21 PM
making up shit about Cheney being in charge and Bush the boy king is just smallminded bullshit that even the poster knows is such. If you actually believe that du and moveon bullshit you need to get an education.

Doesn't that get sooooo old,gaff? How can anyone buy into that completely made up media crap?

I beleive George Bush is genuine. The media has chewed him up and spithim out. I wish he would fight back a little more. I did see a funny little clip on OReilly one night tho. It was Bush walking across the lawn with the book "Bias" by Berbard Goldberg. It was a nice little jab for all the Libs in the press too see.

03-15-2007, 02:05 PM
Doesn't that get sooooo old,gaff? How can anyone buy into that completely made up media crap?

I beleive George Bush is genuine. The media has chewed him up and spithim out. I wish he would fight back a little more. I did see a funny little clip on OReilly one night tho. It was Bush walking across the lawn with the book "Bias" by Berbard Goldberg. It was a nice little jab for all the Libs in the press too see.

Yes it was probably done on purpose for their viewing pleasure. I too wish he would be a little more aggresive with his critics. He's in the position he is because he doesn't come out bite back. The whole GOP has that attitude and they need to get rid of it. If you don't stand up to the intimidators they will will just continue.

As for WW3 its already underway. It's the war with islam which is world wide. Two military fronts are ongoing and many more behind the scenes actions. Another front is opening in somolia. We have troops there now, did anyone hear about that? It's a world war, but its not accepted as such by the deniers. And people in this country are rarely effected by it.

Abbey Marie
03-15-2007, 02:11 PM
Here's one reason:


03-15-2007, 02:16 PM
He is a good guy despite the absolute villification of his character. He does what he says he will do.

03-15-2007, 02:18 PM
I love George Bush because he pissed libs off so bad they just flat out lie to get at him!

I love George Bush because he was elected and Gore andKerry were not and that pissed of the libs so bad they threatened to leave the country...too bad they didn't.

I love George Bush because he pisses libs off...period.

03-15-2007, 03:02 PM
Here's one reason:


Exactly Abbey,
That photograph does say it all.
How about he and Laura walking down the ramp at ground zero to place the wreath and then hug and cry with the family members, one of the finest moments in Presidential sincerity and caring that I have ever witnessed. That isn't something that could be Clintoned(faked).

Abbey Marie
03-15-2007, 03:28 PM
Exactly Abbey,
That photograph does say it all.
How about he and Laura walking down the ramp at ground zero to place the wreath and then hug and cry with the family members, one of the finest moments in Presidential sincerity and caring that I have ever witnessed. That isn't something that could be Clintoned(faked).

I like that term you've coined. I think we should all start using it, especially in the Presidential primaries. :clap:

03-15-2007, 03:33 PM
I like that term you've coined. I think we should all start using it, especially in the Presidential primaries. :clap:

I had a feeling you would notice.:laugh2:

03-15-2007, 04:12 PM
I love George Bush because he pissed libs off so bad they just flat out lie to get at him!

I love George Bush because he was elected and Gore andKerry were not and that pissed of the libs so bad they threatened to leave the country...too bad they didn't.

I love George Bush because he pisses libs off...period.
