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View Full Version : Anyone ready to listen yet?

09-19-2008, 10:36 PM
OK.....so the US Government just orchestrated the biggest betrayl of your trust in history! They have just reached in your pocket and bailed out the housing market. Well........ATTEMPTED to bail it out. I believe we still have to see the results to know if it will be successful. I say NO!

Not long ago, a Republican majority led by a Republican president decided to tap your phone calls.

Infringement into your personal life has reached an all time high!

Politicians violate your trust constantly, lie to you constantly.

This move to FORCE you to accept US Government ran housing mortgages should be the last straw but I sense you will fantasize to yourselves once again and argue that for some reason, not one you believe in, Libertarians don't have the agenda that really agrees with your soul feeliongs.

You'll use the same ol tired excuse that your vote is wasted. Which in essence means you are too fucking lazy to care enough about your country to CHANGE it for the better.

You know Libartarians care more about liberty, you don't argue that!
You know that America was founded on principles that fall right in line with the Libertarian platform, you don't argue that!
You know that the war on drugs is a waste of your tax money, some of you argue it, but less and less every day!
You know Libertarians have a better tax plan (Fair Tax / Flat Tax), you don't argue that.
You know deep in your heart you are a Libertarian but you can't let yourself vote that way because you need to send your vote to the Republicans who will always protect your best interests.......right?

A 12 to 15 % turnout for the Libertarian party this election would do more than electing a Republican. Shock waves would ripple through the House and Senate like an earthquake. Something an election of either an Ass or an Elephant will not do!

Libertarians have been screaming about Fannie May and Freddie Mac for years, anyone care to even attempt to discredit that statement? Thought not!

My guess is I will not get a single reply to this thread because we will not come to peace with the fact that the Libertarian agenda is the only thing that can save America. Problem is.......we're scared of the task. We...the American people are scared! Scared our vote won't count. Voting for the Democrats or Republicans is what you should be scared of.

VOTE LIBERTARIAN / That's change!

Mr. P
09-19-2008, 10:51 PM
Don't ramble, Emmett. Show examples of what elected Libertarians have done.

Then work to recruit a good candidate for Pres. Barr is the best there has been but being a long term Republican he ain't the answer.

09-19-2008, 11:13 PM
Don't ramble, Emmett. Show examples of what elected Libertarians have done.

Then work to recruit a good candidate for Pres. Barr is the best there has been but being a long term Republican he ain't the answer.

Your right P.....I am rambling. I'm pissed off.....as you and every American should be. In 1996, had the American people elected Harry Browne our president, we would not be in the mess we are in today. That's a fact. Mr. Browne is without a doubt one of the most brilliant financial minds of our time. Even today he has laid out a plan of how the US Government could operate on less than 100 Billion dollars a year. He also could show us how to get there from where we are at.

If you want to read something really good read "Why Government doesn't work" by Harry Browne and you will see the exact things we have experienced in US economic policy predicted beforehand, how we could have avoided them and how we could / CAN fix them. Best book I ever read in my life and the biggest influence to this day in my confidence as a Libertarian.

He made it clear in the 70's and 80's what was going to happen to America right down to the tee. No one listened, he was written off as a kook! Of course he is one of the richest self made ba jillionaires on earth (no one even knows how much money he has because he is smart and ....private).

Mr. Browne explains about government programs, how they ALWAYS fail. He is right. Name me a successful government program......just ONE!

He also writes in a way even dummies can understand about your liberty. He makes you feel it! I remember reading his parts about how government intrusions into people's lives always end up hurting more then helping the average American.

He warned us about Welfare, predicted the Social Security nightmare we live out today and NAILED IT on Fannie May and Freddie Mac. JUST NAILED IT! Even predicted that government would bail it out with tax payer dollars because they set themselves up to have no choice.

We truely passed up our opportunity to fix this broken ass economy in 1996 and 2000 when we did not elect this man who was willing to serve us. BY politicians not listening to his offers of advice in the 80's we have gotten into something we cannot fix. Basically we're bankrupt!

If we had any sense we would have begged this man to be the Fed Chairman at least because he is the most brilliant financial mind on earth. Instead politicians cast him off because he was a Libertarian.....the same way all people do Libertarians. The same way this board does it to me when I get started, everyone knows I am right about the subjects concerning liberty but no one wants to do anything about it. In 2024, when we are calling our neighborhood rep to request permisson to go to the grocery store.........DON'T FUCKING BLAME ME!

Now go ahead...tell me how unreasonable I am.....let the PM's fly and say...Whoa that Emmett...he's out there again tonight!

A real change would be to vote LIBERTARIAN!

Mr. P
09-19-2008, 11:36 PM
examples of what elected Libertarians have done?
People need convinced by facts.
Without that yer pissin in the wind friend.

09-20-2008, 12:06 AM
Republicans have claimed to be for small government. Why should we expect the Libertarians will hold to their ideals any more than the Republicans did?

09-20-2008, 12:18 AM
Republicans have claimed to be for small government. Why should we expect the Libertarians will hold to their ideals any more than the Republicans did?

Well....let's see. Republicans have had their chance! Libertarians even they take the risk of standing for complete liberty, not a watered down version of it, hit the heart of the liberty issue so hard and wake people up it seems unfathomable but we still refuse to "give" them the chance.

Who do you reallly think are more serious liberty lovers?


It's a no brainer question.

Frankly, I would have expected someone to ask the question, how do we know Libertarians ............blah....blah

We've seen what Democrats and Republicans can do for your liberty. How about eminant domain, stalking your checking for large deposits, random searches of your car on the side of the road at roadblocks while your neighbors drive by, tapping your calls, .....


The defense rests.

If you want REAL change....VOTE LIBERTARIAN! Anything else is the same old shit!

09-20-2008, 06:45 PM
Absolute silence is mighty golden indeed! It's nice to know I struck such a cord that is no argument with my post!

09-20-2008, 09:26 PM
power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely

09-20-2008, 11:05 PM
power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely

You know, i understand the background behind the quote, but Ive been starting to think it's wrong. Power doesnt corrupt people. People corrupt power. I think the saying came about so those in power can make an excuse for their lack of character and corruption.

09-21-2008, 03:00 AM
I apologize for the short answer, emmie, but, NO. Nobody or practically nobody is willing to listen to a nutcase like Bob Barr. Have you considered your alternative Libertarian in the form of Ron Paul? Perhaps he would be more intersting, think so?


09-21-2008, 09:03 PM
You know, i understand the background behind the quote, but Ive been starting to think it's wrong. Power doesnt corrupt people. People corrupt power. I think the saying came about so those in power can make an excuse for their lack of character and corruption.

Excellent point sir! :clap:

09-21-2008, 09:08 PM
I apologize for the short answer, emmie, but, NO. Nobody or practically nobody is willing to listen to a nutcase like Bob Barr. Have you considered your alternative Libertarian in the form of Ron Paul? Perhaps he would be more intersting, think so?


ANY.....Libertarian will do Psycho! All Libertarians rather new or old subscribe to the same platform. I am truely shocked someone as intelligent as yourself is not one! Just goes to show you just never know!

Let's see ....you describe the man who while in office worked harder than anyone to point out the "blackened out bill of rights". You do believe in the Bill of Rights don't you? You know, the guarentee of our liberty, privacy and choices.

How about an example of your claim that Barr is a "nutcase". You know....evidence. Otherwise it's just your rhetoric, which on here there is plenty of proof of! TOUCHE'

Let's see...a song for the occasion: How about "SILENCE IS GOLDEN"

09-21-2008, 09:09 PM
how much would this have cost the american taxpayer if the govt. had done nothing and let AIG and everyone else just go belly....

Mr. P
09-21-2008, 09:17 PM
how much would this have cost the american taxpayer if the govt. had done nothing and let AIG and everyone else just go belly....

Our way of life....priceless.

09-21-2008, 09:19 PM
how much would this have cost the american taxpayer if the govt. had done nothing and let AIG and everyone else just go belly....

How much would it have cost us not to get into bed with them in the first place?

Government has no business in our business. "Harry Browne"

Every time government gets involved in anything it is doomed to failure. Special Interest will soon be on the agenda. Everybody knows that. The lending industries should all be private. ALL OF THEM! Anything else is a prescription for failure.

We never should have gotten involved and we wouldn't be asking the question you just asked! (Which under the circumstances is a good question) Yes, we have to get further involved now because we got involved to begin with.

It's like a lie that breeds another lie!

Mr. P
09-21-2008, 09:32 PM
How much would it have cost us not to get into bed with them in the first place?

Government has no business in our business. "Harry Browne"

Every time government gets involved in anything it is doomed to failure. Special Interest will soon be on the agenda. Everybody knows that. The lending industries should all be private. ALL OF THEM! Anything else is a prescription for failure.

We never should have gotten involved and we wouldn't be asking the question you just asked! (Which under the circumstances is a good question) Yes, we have to get further involved now because we got involved to begin with.

It's like a lie that breeds another lie!

Emmett, it's not that we got involved it's that we got uninvolved. Regulation was removed from the financial institutions and this is the result. As much as we don't like regulation there are places for it, the financial institutions of the country are one of those places.

09-21-2008, 09:37 PM
Emmett, it's not that we got involved it's that we got uninvolved. Regulation was removed from the financial institutions and this is the result. As much as we don't like regulation there are places for it, the financial institutions of the country are one of those places.

How many pockets got lined with money taken from the profits of mortgage contracts to bring about regulation?

Wht was regulation necessary? Regulating creates no competition, Competition is good for capatilists!

What the hell am I doing....................shit this is P I'm talking to...Damn I'm sorry P, I thought you were someone else!

Mr. P
09-21-2008, 09:50 PM
How many pockets got lined with money taken from the profits of mortgage contracts to bring about regulation?

Wht was regulation necessary? Regulating creates no competition, Competition is good for capatilists!

What the hell am I doing....................shit this is P I'm talking to...Damn I'm sorry P, I thought you were someone else!

As much as I support 'hands off' by the gov..I'm wise enough to know that that ain't gonna work with everything..that's a part of the libertarian platform I don't and can't support.

09-21-2008, 11:53 PM
What do the libertarians think about the FAA?

09-22-2008, 06:35 AM
Good or bad the mortgage bail out has been put forward. Congress still has to pass it. If there were libertarians in congress they would stop and defund this mess. How many libertarians are in congress?

Congress makes the laws, repeals the laws, and provides the funds. Where do we really need the power right now? The congress? or the president?

A vote for libertarian is just a throw away of the your vote allowing the marxist to get in, the same way clinton got in in 92.

You want change? Clean out congress. I won't take a chance on the marxist getting control without a congress that can reign him in.

When you have a strong start of libertarians in congress, then come see me about voting for president.

09-22-2008, 02:18 PM
Now go ahead...tell me how unreasonable I am.....let the PM's fly and say...Whoa that Emmett...he's out there again tonight!

The Wall Street Journal editorial today agreed with Emmett about the Freddie and Fannie problem. Congress mandated by law that banks make a good faith effort (quotas) to lend money to subprime borrowers -----

Does that make sense? To lend to people who by definition are not likely to pay it off? Freddie and Fannie got in on this big time because of Congress requiring them to and China bought lots of shares of both; now we have to make that good or have 1.5 billion very, very angry Chinese looking across the Pacific at us.

A lot of this crisis is the fault of Congress meddling to "help" poor people.

Query: now the Dems in Congress want to add onto the rescue bill that when houses go into foreclosure judges can change the terms of the loans so the debtor can more easily satisfy the debt ----------------------

So why wouldn't every mortgagee with a balloon loan instantly decide to go into foreclosure so they can get a better deal? Since they can't sell their house either at all or only for less than they owe and now can't refinance?

09-22-2008, 02:20 PM
When you have a strong start of libertarians in congress, then come see me about voting for president.

Yeah, really. These two running for prez are such a pair of losers.

I have higher standards than to go quite this low.