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View Full Version : Is McCain Stupid?

Joe Steel
09-20-2008, 08:11 AM
Does McCain really believe the stuff he says or does he just blurt out whatever crosses his mind from minute-to-minute?

Wall Street turmoil left John McCain scrambling to explain why the fundamentals of the U.S. economy remained strong. It also left him defending his support for privately investing Social Security money in the same markets that had tanked earlier in the week.

McCain defends retirement accounts amid stock dive (http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5gwHGMYappR5eiPj4JoZ8L-7YUacAD939UIJ00)

09-20-2008, 08:39 AM
I am beginning to think that McCain and Palin should be called dumb and dumber as they are both nitwits. The really amazing thing is out of all the republicans this is the best they could do? Bottom of his class and wants creationism taught, if ten or twenty years ago someone told you the republican presidential candidates would be this unqualified you wouldn't believe it. Today the conservative echo chamber creates fantasies that confound reality.

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.

09-20-2008, 08:48 AM
you should really be worried about the two BOZOS that your party has put up on the pedestal...your boy wonder running for President can't even hold a rally with the little people, without taking his teleprompter with him..
And Joey Biden....good gawd, that's a gaffe riot there...

the Democrat party never learns...you continually put up people who are elitist and Socialist..everyday people don't relate to that crap..

Joe Steel
09-20-2008, 09:03 AM
I am beginning to think that McCain and Palin should be called dumb and dumber as they are both nitwits. The really amazing thing is out of all the republicans this is the best they could do?

I guess it's tough to be a Republican party boss when your ideology has proven to be a disaster-making horror. You have to make compromises and that means you have to pick candidates who might have a chance even if they're idiots.

09-20-2008, 10:46 AM
left scrambling? Seems to me McCain was pretty articulate with his points.

But then again atleast McCain knows there are only 50 states.

09-20-2008, 05:40 PM
John shows the classic pre dementia signs. He isn't stupid he is just unable to be smart with the onset of dementia.

09-20-2008, 05:56 PM
John shows the classic pre dementia signs. He isn't stupid he is just unable to be smart with the onset of dementia.

Smarter than Obama regarding both Georgia and the financial crisis.

09-20-2008, 06:15 PM
Does McCain really believe the stuff he says or does he just blurt out whatever crosses his mind from minute-to-minute?

Does this answer your question?

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/QfFCyMMI1Dg&hl=it&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/QfFCyMMI1Dg&hl=it&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

red states rule
09-20-2008, 06:20 PM
I am beginning to think that McCain and Palin should be called dumb and dumber as they are both nitwits. The really amazing thing is out of all the republicans this is the best they could do? Bottom of his class and wants creationism taught, if ten or twenty years ago someone told you the republican presidential candidates would be this unqualified you wouldn't believe it. Today the conservative echo chamber creates fantasies that confound reality.

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.


09-20-2008, 06:29 PM

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/CNGa6Ujyaf4&hl=it&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/CNGa6Ujyaf4&hl=it&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

09-20-2008, 07:42 PM
Smarter than Obama regarding both Georgia and the financial crisis.The financial situation was a known disaster coming down the pike ever since RR started deregulation. With ethics and oversight removed greed took its course and even my man Clinton had a part in the fiasco.
And a person doesn't have to be much smarter than a rock to know Iraq was a class A blunder.

09-20-2008, 08:37 PM
The financial situation was a known disaster coming down the pike ever since RR started deregulation. With ethics and oversight removed greed took its course and even my man Clinton had a part in the fiasco.
And a person doesn't have to be much smarter than a rock to know Iraq was a class A blunder.

This financial disaster started with the the Carter-era Community Reinvestment Act and has been snowballing ever since. There's plenty of blame to go around.

09-20-2008, 08:47 PM
This financial disaster started with the the Carter-era Community Reinvestment Act and has been snowballing ever since. There's plenty of blame to go around.


why were mtg co's forced to loan to people they would not have under a free market system? why?

09-20-2008, 08:57 PM

why were mtg co's forced to loan to people they would not have under a free market system? why?

Age-old standards of banking prudence got thrown out the window. In their place came harsh new regulations requiring banks not only to lend to uncreditworthy borrowers, but to do so on the basis of race.

These well-intended rules were supercharged in the early 1990s by President Clinton. Despite warnings from GOP members of Congress in 1992, Clinton pushed extensive changes to the rules requiring lenders to make questionable loans.

Lenders who refused would find themselves castigated publicly as racists. As noted this week in an IBD editorial, no fewer than four federal bank regulators scrutinized financial firms' books to make sure they were in compliance.

Failure to comply meant your bank might not be allowed to expand lending, add new branches or merge with other companies. Banks were given a so-called "CRA rating" that graded how diverse their lending portfolio was.


"We have to use every means at our disposal to end discrimination and to end it as quickly as possible," Clinton's comptroller of the currency, Eugene Ludwig, told the Senate Banking Committee in 1993.

And they meant it.

In the name of diversity, banks began making huge numbers of loans that they previously would not have. They opened branches in poor areas to lift their CRA ratings.


Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac grew to become monsters, accounting for nearly half of all U.S. mortgage loans. At the time of their bailouts this month, they held $5.4 trillion in loans on their books. About $1.4 trillion of those were subprime.

As they grew, Fannie and Freddie grew heavily involved in "community development," giving money to local housing rights groups and "empowering" the groups, such as ACORN, for whom Barack Obama once worked in Chicago.

Warning signals were everywhere. Yet at every turn, Democrats in Congress halted attempts to stop the madness. It happened in 1992, again in 2000, in 2003 and in 2005. It may happen this year, too.

Since 1989, Fannie and Freddie have spent an estimated $140 million on lobbying Washington. They contributed millions to politicians, mostly Democrats, including Senator Chris Dodd (No. 1 recipient) and Barack Obama (No. 3 recipient, despite only three years in office).

The Clinton White House used Fannie and Freddie as a patronage job bank. Former executives and board members read like a who's who of the Clinton-era Democratic Party, including Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelick, Jim Johnson and current Rep. Rahm Emanuel.

Collectively, they and others made well more than $100 million from Fannie and Freddie, whose books were cooked Enron-style during the late 1990s and early 2000s to ensure executives got their massive bonuses.



Excellent editorial on the subject at INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY:

...the fact is, President Bush in 2003 tried desperately to stop Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from metastasizing into the problem they have since become.

Here's the lead of a New York Times story on Sept. 11, 2003: "The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago."

...John McCain, just two years after Bush's plan, McCain also called for badly needed reforms to prevent a crisis like the one we're now in.

"If Congress does not act," McCain said in 2005, "American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system and the economy as a whole." (http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=306632135350949)

09-20-2008, 08:59 PM
The financial situation was a known disaster coming down the pike ever since RR started deregulation. With ethics and oversight removed greed took its course and even my man Clinton had a part in the fiasco.
And a person doesn't have to be much smarter than a rock to know Iraq was a class A blunder.

So what excuse are you making for Obama?

09-20-2008, 09:08 PM
great info mick

Pelosi and her followers would have you believe this all happened because of President Bush and his loyal Senate lapdog, John McCain. Or that big, bad predatory Wall Street banks deserve all the blame.

"The American people are not protected from the risk-taking and the greed of these financial institutions," Pelosi said recently, as she vowed congressional hearings.

Only one problem: It's untrue

the LIE:

But the fact is, President Bush in 2003 tried desperately to stop Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from metastasizing into the problem they have since become.

Here's the lead of a New York Times story on Sept. 11, 2003: "The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago."

Bush tried to act. Who stopped him? Congress, especially Democrats with their deep financial and patronage ties to the two government-sponsored enterprises, Fannie and Freddie.

"These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Rep. Barney Frank, then ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."

so we have an inflated housing market because supposedly more can afford to buy and of course because more can afford (e.g. LOAN) to buy, the market will continue to rise as less desirable properties are snatched up because of the loans. of course the mtg lenders see this as a great time to make money by loaning more in an up market.

what if the market goes down? did they know something we don't? that the government would bail them out? where is the risk? a false economy, IMO.

09-21-2008, 07:32 AM
This election should be like the LBJ Goldwater destruction. McPalin is just too scary, two people even less qualified than W. It amazes me. Only one thing keeps it from a complete landslide.

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.


red states rule
09-21-2008, 07:47 AM
This election should be like the LBJ Goldwater destruction. McPalin is just too scary, two people even less qualified than W. It amazes me. Only one thing keeps it from a complete landslide.

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.


It seems to me, libs are making their excuses early. The race card is being played more and more as Obama falls in the polls, and the race gets tighter

09-21-2008, 07:52 AM
The Democrats do it every time... anounce a free beer party and then blame the Republicans for failing to manage the crowd control.

red states rule
09-21-2008, 07:53 AM
The Democrats do it every time... anounce a free beer party and then blame the Republicans for failing to manage the crowd control.
