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View Full Version : The Left's Crooked Umpires

09-20-2008, 08:25 AM

By Bruce Walker
Atlantic Monthly runs an article on John McCain. A photographer, Jill Greenberg, takes pictures of McCain for the piece. She deliberately takes awful photographs, using her skill as a professional to make the senator look as offensive as possible. Charlie Gibson, given the chance to help Americans to get to know the most interesting political figure in decades, uses that opportunity to score cheap political points to demean her instead. These are two perfect examples of the Leftist bias of the media.

But what is it, really, that offends us so much about this bias? There is nothing wrong with having an opinion or incorporating that into coverage of events. We should not apologize for the bias of Christian television stations or Rush Limbaugh. American journalism has historically been biased, but there is a profound difference between the expressed beliefs of opinionated Americans and the creepy bias of the Leftist media. Once, when newspapers were the main source of news in America, many newspapers had partisan names like the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette or the Pottsville Republican. That was fine.

What bothers us about bias in the mainstream media is that the Left lies about its bias. It pretends to be an objective collegial body of neutral professionals. It conceals its opinions and pretends instead to be an honest umpire of the facts. It tries to trick us.

read the rest..

09-20-2008, 08:50 AM
MSM is so far from being on the left it amazes me that anyone still believes that. Gibson asked a few tough questions, how is that on the left? Should he have not done his job? As far as the picture I saw that and it actually looks sculpturest, it hardly said much unless being old is now a bad thing. Hmm, yes, in America being old is sorta bad but that is America and again has nothing to do with the left. Get back to issues and stop the silliness.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Joe Steel
09-20-2008, 09:10 AM
MSM is so far from being on the left it amazes me that anyone still believes that.

If anything, it leans right. The problem wingnuts have with it is really with a fundamental fact; reality has a liberal bias.