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View Full Version : Obama's campaign finance chair to hold reception for Ahmadinejad

red states rule
09-20-2008, 09:15 AM
Very telling about the Obama and the people he continues to have around him

Grand Hyatt NY to host Iran president
Email ^ | 18 Sept 08 | None

Posted on Thursday, September 18, 2008 8:40:07 AM by LSUfan

Penny Pritzker, Obama's campaign finance chair, is the heir to the Hyatt hotel fortune. The Grand Hyatt in New York city is hosting an "interfaith dinner" with Iranian President Ahmadinejad Thursday night (September 25) when he comes for his annual UN propaganda tour.

Breaking bread with a genocidal maniac who has repeatedly told his people and other world leaders to prepare for a "world without America." Meanwhile, his country works on the Atomic Bomb.

He also has the blood of US troops on his hands--Iran has provided advanced weaponry to insurgents in both Iraq and Afghanistan, which were used to kill our GIs.


09-20-2008, 02:12 PM
Probably why this firestorm over Palin being FORCED out, because Hillary dearest refused to appear in the same venue:


Democrats threaten to kneecap Jewish nonprofits

Posted on September 20th, 2008 at 10:28 am by Meryl Yourish.

Filed under: Iran, Politics

Why is it, exactly, that so many Jews are Democrats? That’s right. Because Democrats are the champions of liberal, social causes. They’re against tyranny and all for liberty, freedom, and especially, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

But heaven help you if you go against what the Democrats want. Like, say, having Sarah Palin appear in the same venue as Hillary Clinton, even if it’s to protest Jew-hater Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Because then, forget about your freedoms of association, speech, and assembly. But I thought they were for the 'little guy' and yes, the first amendment?

Sources tell CBS 2 HD that a decision to disinvite Palin from the high profile rally after Clinton pulled out in a huff came as the result of intense pressure from Democrats.

[...] Sources say the axes were out for Palin as soon as Sen. Clinton pulled out because she did not want to attend the same event as the Republican vice presidential candidate.

[...] The groups sponsoring the rally against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaking at the UN were reportedly told, “it could jeopardize their tax exempt status” if they had Palin and not Clinton or Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden on hand.Even though it was Clinton's choice, not a breach of etiquette.

So all politicians were disinvited, most prominently, Palin.

Got that? Not only would Clinton not appear, but if the groups did not disinvite Palin, Democrats threatened their tax-exempt status. Why? Because they’d sic the IRS on them by calling it a political event. Who was threatened? Well, basically, every major Jewish group in America.

The thing that I hate the most about this? It won’t stop my liberal Jewish friends from voting Democrat in any way. It won’t even make them think twice about the tactics used by the Democrats. And it’s far, far worse than Soccer Dad wrote about the other day. CBS didn’t have the story about Jewish organizations having their tax-exempt status revoked for having Palin speak at the rally.

That’s not a political party pressuring groups to do something. That’s outright break-your-kneecap, Mafia-style blackmail threats.

In fact, those are precisely the kinds of tactics that the Jewish groups will be protesting on Monday. We just never expected them from the Democrats.

09-20-2008, 07:25 PM
Probably why this firestorm over Palin being FORCED out, because Hillary dearest refused to appear in the same venue:


Do we even KNOW what to expect from the Democrats?

red states rule
09-21-2008, 05:15 AM
Do we even KNOW what to expect from the Democrats?

Obama was wiling to sit down with Little Adolf BUT NOT Gen Petraeus

Obama says Iran is a tiny country and does not pose a threat

Tells you alot about the messiah and his inexperience