View Full Version : We're in the cage right?

09-20-2008, 06:53 PM
Ok! What we say in here in fair game right?

Once again I have silenced this board! On four different threads I have brought up Libertarians and got to raving and ..........................no response!

You know why?

CAUSE I'M RIGHT! No...excuse me...not me....Libartarians....ARE RIGHT! yoiu people know it too. What the hell is wrong with you folks? Now FM / FM , when will you open your eyes that your two party system is absolutely broken and needs to be fixed?

A person who knows they can and doesn't........................................... .....................................(I'm not gonna say it)

Folks....when do we wake up. Eventually every Republican on this board will probably become a Libertarian. That isn't the objective. It's to bring the Republican Party to us. Why wait? Tell your friends about the Libertarian party because it's to late. The biggest weapon ever available to the American voter is in your hands right now. USE IT!


09-20-2008, 07:05 PM
not me, Emmet...I live in a swing state.....someday you might be able to thank me that Obama isn't your president....

09-20-2008, 07:18 PM
Hey Emmet, I have a tremendous amount of respect for positions and I have left the issue alone because I already made my position pretty clear previously and don't want to drive the bandwagon on your thread. :salute:

09-20-2008, 07:54 PM
This place is sorta like DU in one regard - hysterical and nasty and kool-aid drinking Libs are the most vocal.

09-21-2008, 12:13 AM
Perhaps no-one gives a shit.

I don't. And that's why I won't post a response.

Because I don't give a shit about the ideas of libertarians and I don't see the point in getting into a flamefest.

09-21-2008, 09:15 PM
Perhaps no-one gives a shit.

I don't. And that's why I won't post a response.

Because I don't give a shit about the ideas of libertarians and I don't see the point in getting into a flamefest.

Aren't you from like the outback.......then who gives a shit what you think!

09-22-2008, 01:01 PM
Libertarians have some good policy positions. They've very conservative in their views.

With people being divided pretty evenly between the two parties we now have, if conservatives start voting en mass libertarian we are simply handing EVERY election to the Dem's.

09-22-2008, 05:28 PM
Aren't you from like the outback.......then who gives a shit what you think!

Outback or not, he's probablly right about the giving a shit part. This applies to all 'ignored' threads and posts. :dance:

09-23-2008, 05:35 PM
emmie, I think that most people tend to put libertarians and religious tongue talkers in the same group, the crazy one. But, it seems that of late the religious tongue talking nuts are gaining more acceptance at least within the more conservative circles. Shocking, isn't it?
