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View Full Version : video-Obama yells at an elderly woman questioning him about national security.

09-21-2008, 09:51 PM
Posted by Cassy Fiano
Published: September 21, 2008 - 7:40 PM
Mature, Obama. Real mature.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ty6krf18huA&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ty6krf18huA&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

the rest with comments.

09-21-2008, 10:06 PM
either his is finally losing it, or we are only now seeing his true self that the media ignored all along

you know....people up on coke tend to act crazy like that...

09-22-2008, 05:39 AM
From that little sound bite I think its a bit of a stretch!!! IMHO

09-22-2008, 06:16 AM
either his is finally losing it, or we are only now seeing his true self that the media ignored all along

that it is your opinion and certainly not fact.

I won't even dignify the coke slander. you really lower the bar with that sort of tripe.

09-22-2008, 07:00 AM
that it is your opinion and certainly not fact.

I won't even dignify the coke slander. you really lower the bar with that sort of tripe.

Actually I agree about the coke admission being used, same as with Bush's drinking and Palin's husband's 20 some odd DUI.

09-22-2008, 07:24 AM
Actually I agree about the coke admission being used, same as with Bush's drinking and Palin's husband's 20 some odd DUI.

Yurt said: "you know....people up on coke tend to act crazy like that... "

so... that means that you think is is OK to state that Bush and Palin's husband are ON booze - present tense?

why am I not surprised?

09-22-2008, 07:28 AM
I don't see it as shouting, he could have done it with more decorum but he wasn't shouting.

As for the coke business, you are voting for a personality as much as a party, and you can not deny that taking coke has shown a flaw in obamas personality.

09-22-2008, 07:44 AM
As for the coke business, you are voting for a personality as much as a party, and you can not deny that taking coke has shown a flaw in obamas personality.

Especially when you're running on 'judgement' as opposed to experience in office.

09-22-2008, 07:58 AM
He seemed a bit angry with the questioning and responded as such. If he can't keep a proper demeanor while in a town hall setting, what will he do when a foreign leader says something he disagrees with?

09-22-2008, 09:44 AM
angry? not so much
passionate... assertive... forceful? perhaps moreso

09-22-2008, 09:50 AM

yeah sure...

the Obambam is a lose cannon who can't stand to be questioned by the very people he says he's changing things for..

just another elitist Democrat snob, and a not so bright one at that..

09-22-2008, 09:56 AM
why am I not surprised you would think that way?

09-22-2008, 09:59 AM
why am I not surprised you would think that way?

truth hurts at times..

your boy wonder is a JOKE..and a fraud..

09-22-2008, 10:12 AM
He certainly wasn't yelling, but he did raise his voice and his tone did take on an air of obvious contempt, IMO. I also think he was definately talking down to the woman, scolding her almost.

09-22-2008, 10:28 AM
truth hurts at times..

your boy wonder is a JOKE..and a fraud..

I am not sure that you qualify as any sort of arbiter of truth.

truthiness, maybe...but not truth.

and guess what...your insulting him by calling him a joke and a fraud will certainly not change MY vote, and I doubt it will change others... all it serves to do is marginalize you as someone with little of substance to say.

09-22-2008, 10:35 AM
I am not sure that you qualify as any sort of arbiter of truth.

truthiness, maybe...but not truth.

and guess what...your insulting him by calling him a joke and a fraud will certainly not change MY vote, and I doubt it will change others... all it serves to do is marginalize you as someone with little of substance to say.

all this coming from someone who belittles children who makes a mistake to attact their candidate mother...

you would vote for any loser as long as they had a D next to their name..:laugh2:

09-22-2008, 10:51 AM
she did great. and it was a great Q. standing up and shoving in his incompetent face. he has no security policy. not now or ever. I hope more stand up and let him have it

09-22-2008, 11:14 AM
all this coming from someone who belittles children who makes a mistake to attact their candidate mother...

you would vote for any loser as long as they had a D next to their name.

I never belittled the Palin girl...I merely pointed out that she was the perfect poster child for the ineffectiveness of her mother's abstinence only sex education policy.

And I vote for democrats because I believe in their platform. Why do YOU vote for republicans? Because you like their hairstyles?

09-22-2008, 11:15 AM
she did great. and it was a great Q. standing up and shoving in his incompetent face. he has no security policy. not now or ever. I hope more stand up and let him have it

for you to say that he does not have a security policy is proof that you do not know how to read...or willfully refuse to.

09-22-2008, 11:20 AM
[QUOTE=manfrommaine;299324]I never belittled the Palin girl...I merely pointed out that she was the perfect poster child for the ineffectiveness of her mother's abstinence only sex education policy.QUOTE]

Oh well...that makes it alright...:rolleyes:

typical Democrat..do unto others, what they demand not be done to them..

09-22-2008, 11:21 AM
Note that in this video, the lady asks a legitimate question, but Obama can't answer it! Why? Not because he hasn't thought about it, but because he can't say it, because the answer is what George Bush has been saying rand doing right along.

09-22-2008, 11:35 AM

Oh well...that makes it alright...:rolleyes:

typical Democrat..do unto others, what they demand not be done to them..

When have I ever demanded that you not point out factual aspects of Obama's campaign positions?

Are you suggesting that a governor who makes abstinence only her state's policy for sex education should not have the effectiveness of those policies questioned when she can't even convince her own daughter to abstain?

09-22-2008, 11:38 AM
Note that in this video, the lady asks a legitimate question, but Obama can't answer it! Why? Not because he hasn't thought about it, but because he can't say it, because the answer is what George Bush has been saying rand doing right along.

that's just bullshit. Bush's war in Iraq does not protect us from terrorists... and Bush certainly has NOT done diddly to secure our borders OR to repatriate illegal immigrants.

09-22-2008, 11:40 AM

When have I ever demanded that you not point out factual aspects of Obama's campaign positions?

Are you suggesting that a governor who makes abstinence only her state's policy for sex education should not have the effectiveness of those policies questioned when she can't even convince her own daughter to abstain?

I'm talking about using peoples children for your political smears.

now if someone had brought the Obambams kids into any of this campaign, you would see the wrath of hell explode..

change the subject all you want...you are a lowlife for bringing peoples children into the politics..nothing you can say will change my opinion..

09-22-2008, 11:43 AM

I'm talking about using peoples children for your political smears.

now if someone had brought the Obambams kids into any of this campaign, you would see the wrath of hell explode..

change the subject all you want...you are a lowlife for bringing peoples children into the politics..nothing you can say will change my opinion..

and Palin shows shitty leadership skills if she can't even convince her own daughter that abstinence is an effective policy.

you are a clown and nothing you can say will change MY opinion.:laugh2:

09-22-2008, 11:48 AM
The Obambam is a loser just like a lot of his cult members..:cheers2:

09-22-2008, 11:50 AM
The Obambam is a loser just like a lot of his cult members..:cheers2:

the opinion of a clown.

"Two cannibals were eating a clown... one turned to the other and said, 'Does this taste funny to you?'"

09-22-2008, 11:56 AM
the opinion of a clown.

"Two cannibals were eating a clown... one turned to the other and said, 'Does this taste funny to you?'"

you are so not funny, you can't even tell a good joke..even though you are one...:laugh2:

09-22-2008, 12:33 PM
there is nothing untrue in my statement re: coke

09-22-2008, 12:37 PM
people up on coke tend to act crazy like that...

I think it is wrong to bring this up....I think it is important that people realize that Obama's behavior is deficient without chemical assistance.....

09-22-2008, 12:42 PM
I think it is wrong to bring this up....I think it is important that people realize that Obama's behavior is deficient without chemical assistance.....

so it makes the behavior better if his irratibility and irrational outburst was chemically induced?

09-22-2008, 12:48 PM
I think the video snippet was to short to get a real sense of why he seemed so upset by the question.

The woman posed the question like she's a person who hasn't made up her mind on who to vote for. He should have answered the question calmly, clearly stating his position.

IMO having watched him during interviews he is illusive and doesn't like to answer questions in a straight forward manner.

09-22-2008, 12:51 PM
there is nothing untrue in my statement re: coke

of course there is. The verb tense in your statement clearly implies current usage - in facr, implies that his raised voice can be attributed to the influence of cocaine. that's just a ridiculous and cheap smear...

but, as I said, I am not surprised

Abbey Marie
09-22-2008, 01:04 PM

When have I ever demanded that you not point out factual aspects of Obama's campaign positions?

Are you suggesting that a governor who makes abstinence only her state's policy for sex education should not have the effectiveness of those policies questioned when she can't even convince her own daughter to abstain?

Gov. Palin's real views on abstinence ed have already been posted on this board. Her's one example posted by Kathianne:

Palin said last month that no woman should have to choose between her career, education and her child. She is pro-contraception and said she's a member of a pro-woman but anti-abortion group called Feminists for Life.

And here, a Palin quote from a radio interview:

Palin wrote, "Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support."

But in August of that year, Palin was asked during a KTOO radio debate if "explicit" programs include those that discuss condoms. Palin said no and called discussions of condoms "relatively benign."
"Explicit means explicit," she said. "No, I'm pro-contraception, and I think kids who may not hear about it at home should hear about it in other avenues. So I am not anti-contraception. But, yeah, abstinence is another alternative that should be discussed with kids. I don't have a problem with that. That doesn't scare me, so it's something I would support also."


09-22-2008, 01:20 PM

did she, or did she not apply for a federal grant to fund the teaching of abstinence only sex education in Alaska schools?

09-22-2008, 01:44 PM
either his is finally losing it, or we are only now seeing his true self that the media ignored all along

you know....people up on coke tend to act crazy like that...

of course there is. The verb tense in your statement clearly implies current usage - in facr, implies that his raised voice can be attributed to the influence of cocaine. that's just a ridiculous and cheap smear...

but, as I said, I am not surprised

what is untrue specifically relating to my statement about cocaine? people up on coke do not tend to act crazy LIKE that?

i did not say he was on coke, i made a statement regarding cocaine behavior. the only opinion i gave directly relating to his behavior was that 1) he is losing it, or 2) we are only now seeing his true self.

i won't wait for you to apologize for calling me a liar.

09-22-2008, 01:49 PM
what is untrue specifically relating to my statement about cocaine? people up on coke do not tend to act crazy LIKE that?

i did not say he was on coke, i made a statement regarding cocaine behavior. the only opinion i gave directly relating to his behavior was that 1) he is losing it, or 2) we are only now seeing his true self.

i won't wait for you to apologize for calling me a liar.

cute counselor.:lol: What did the line about people on coke refer to? What does coke have to do with a discussion of Obama's interchange with the woman? IT was clearly a scurrilous character assassination and you just don't have the grace to admit it. Pretty sad. I won't wait for you to find some integrity.

09-22-2008, 01:58 PM
cute counselor.:lol: What did the line about people on coke refer to? What does coke have to do with a discussion of Obama's interchange with the woman? IT was clearly a scurrilous character assassination and you just don't have the grace to admit it. Pretty sad. I won't wait for you to find some integrity.

thank you for admitting there is nothing untrue relating directly to my statement on coke behavior. and yes, i was being cute with an interesting and factual observation about cocaine behavior. if someone wants to draw an inference to obama, it is a free country. and neither you nor I know for a fact whether he still uses. :coffee:

09-22-2008, 03:03 PM
thank you for admitting there is nothing untrue relating directly to my statement on coke behavior. and yes, i was being cute with an interesting and factual observation about cocaine behavior. if someone wants to draw an inference to obama, it is a free country. and neither you nor I know for a fact whether he still uses. :coffee:
and you know as well as I do that such "cute" behavior does NOTHING to raise the quality of debate...in fact, it lowers it. congratulations.

09-22-2008, 03:08 PM
and you know as well as I do that such "cute" behavior does NOTHING to raise the quality of debate...in fact, it lowers it. congratulations.

nah, it makes people think and gets your goat :laugh2:

plus, hypocritical as usual with you...

but dubya was such a party animal he couldn't even REMEMBER if he did cocaine!

now THAT'S believable!

Do you think he remembers whether or not he did any heroin?

Do you think he remembers whether or not he had sex with any little girls?

Do you think he remembers whether or not he killed any wetbacks?

09-22-2008, 03:15 PM
I have tried, as of late, to raise the level of debate with you and everyone else. Silly me...I actually thought you might join me in that effort. Ah well. Live and learn.

09-22-2008, 03:33 PM
I have tried, as of late, to raise the level of debate with you and everyone else. Silly me...I actually thought you might join me in that effort. Ah well. Live and learn.


hater. :poke:

09-22-2008, 03:42 PM


no conflict there. I think I have stated quite clearly that I truly believe that you have an unhealthy and unnatural hatred for Barack Obama. I think it poisons any conversation you might have about his platform or his policies.