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09-22-2008, 10:57 AM
As if I didn't have to deal with enough medical issues in the family...

Jerome and Porter (Pug and Chihuahua) were outside around 6pm last night when I called them in for their dinner. Jerome came in, took 2 bites out of his food and plopped over and had a seizure. The only medical issue he's had is when Porter tried to eat his eyeball last year. The seizure subsided within 1 minute, then he was a little out of it for about 10 minutes, but then he was fine after that. He ate his dinner and a bone afterwards, and appeared fine the rest of the night.

He was outside again this morning and I called them in. They came in and followed me upstairs to my room where Jerome fell over and had another seizure. I held him loosely until it subsided and then had him in the vet within 3 minutes. I've never been so scared in my life. I was visibly shaken, sweating and white as a ghost. The nurses actually were more concerned about me than the dog!

They have him on a catheter and injected him with some valium and are going to monitor him for the day. He might come home with seizure medication or he might need to go to a doggy neurologist.

I love this dog as if he were a brother of mine. He's slept in my bed with me every night since I've had him (9 years) except for maybe a day or two. I pray it's just something minor and medication will keep it at bay.

Has anyone had any experience with their pets and seizures?

09-22-2008, 11:10 AM
My wife and I have a Gordon Setter mix who has, on occasion, had seizures. They are few and seemingly far between. Since we spend eight hours or more away from home a day, I suppose he could be having them while we're out, but I haven't seen any in the evenings or on the weekends.

It scares the hell out of me when they happen though. Like you, our dogs are family, not pets.

Abbey Marie
09-22-2008, 12:34 PM
We had a cat who had seizures. They are terrible to see. The vet put her on meds, one pill every day. She never had another seizure once she was on the meds, and lived for many years.

09-22-2008, 01:07 PM
Damn, he is nine years already??? We havent had any dogs with seizures, except one, and that was when we had to put her down. Hers seems alot worse than Jeromes were.

01-24-2009, 09:57 AM
They find out whats wrong with Jerome yet?

since we cant have kids right now, we have 4 dogs. a black and a yellow lab, a puggle, and a toy rat terrier. three of them sleep with us, the black lab sleeps in his kennel. they are our kids right now and i would be very upset if soemthing happened to any of them.

01-25-2009, 04:54 PM
Pets having seizures is every bit as traumatic as one of your kids having them, jimbo!!!!!!!!!!! I can't offer you advise other than to say I think you're doing the correct thing by having the vets take care of him.

Keep us posted on Jerome, jimbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I offer you something to settle the nerves?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?



01-25-2009, 05:59 PM
Jim Bubba ( my Bull dog) did the same thing the other night, he just fell face first on the ground and then never moved a inch, I thought he had died, I sent the kids out of the room and went to tend to him, when I got there he stood up as if nothing happened, I had forgotten about Jerome but I bet that's what had happened to him

01-26-2009, 03:29 AM
Jeff, my Japanese Chin, close kin to the bulldog, often plops down without any response to anything until she wants to respond.

Jim Bubba ( my Bull dog) did the same thing the other night, he just fell face first on the ground and then never moved a inch, I thought he had died, I sent the kids out of the room and went to tend to him, when I got there he stood up as if nothing happened, I had forgotten about Jerome but I bet that's what had happened to him

I think it might be common with those damned flat nosed dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I offer you a beverage?!?!!?!?!??!?!???!?


01-26-2009, 11:19 AM
I would love a beverage ,it was with out a doubt weird he fell flat on his face then onto his side and didn't move, this is the laziest dog I have ever seen but even for him this was weird

01-26-2009, 03:40 PM
Fortunately, this episode was back in September and Jerome has been fine ever since. I believe our landscaper might have dropped pesticides that week and he may have been eating the grass. Both times it happened shortly after he came back inside the house.

Jeff, I'm sure Bubba's issue is that he ate too many socks and underwear growing up, it's catching up with him!

01-26-2009, 04:53 PM
LOL you may be right Jim , seems as though all I hear the kids say is they need new clothes , and Bubba just looks guilty ever time the subject comes up, lol