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View Full Version : Biden: Plagiarist and Liar

09-22-2008, 09:46 PM
We all know that Biden is a plagiarist going all the way back to his days in college as well as his time as a senator. It's well documented.

Now, thanks to Jake Tapper at ABC, we know he is a liar, or at least a liar by omission. By omitting certain key facts, one gets the impression that the helicopter he was traveling was forced down by Al Qaeda.

Today while delivering a speech at the National Guard Association, Biden made this statement:

"If you want to know where Al Qaeda lives, you want to know where Bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me. Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are."

He made essentially the same remark at a fundraiser at thebeginning of this month:

"The superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan where my helicopter was forced down...John McCain wants to know where Bin Laden and the gates of Hell are? I can tell him where. That's where Al Qaeda is. That's where Bin Laden is. It's not in the country of Iraq."

The reality is less dramatic.

From Jake Tapper's blog:

In February 2008, Biden -- along with Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass., and Chuck Hagel, R-Neb. -- was on a chopper that made an emergency landing in the mountains of Afghanistan.

A snowstorm had forced them down.

No one was injured, and the Associated Press reported at the time that "the senators and their delegation returned to Bagram Air Base in a motor convoy, and left for Turkey.

According to Kerry, "It went pretty blind, pretty fast and we were around some pretty dangerous ridges. So the pilot exercised his judgment that we were better off putting down there, and we all agreed...We sat up there and traded stories."

While Biden didn't actually state that Al Qaeda forced the helicopter down, omitting crucial facts in telling the story is, in my opinion, misleading. What is it they say about lies of omission?

Anyway, Jake Tapper is doing some good work in the area of checking the facts of all four of the candidates. Makes me wonder if he may be soon looking for a job...

The Story Behind Biden's Emergency Helicopter Landing in Afghanistan (http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/09/the-story-behin.html)

09-22-2008, 10:32 PM
Yeah al queda controlling that snow storm showed joey right where they could be found. They gave themselves away and now he knows right where they are. I'm sure he'll go right after them as soon as he gets elected VP.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 07:07 AM
Yeah al queda controlling that snow storm showed joey right where they could be found. They gave themselves away and now he knows right where they are. I'm sure he'll go right after them as soon as he gets elected VP.

Sounds like another "sniper fire" story :laugh2:

Biden should have blamed Pres Bush, and global warming.