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View Full Version : All Liberal Hell Will Break lose If Obama Loses

red states rule
09-23-2008, 06:39 AM
The left is showing how they will react if Obama loses the election. All their built up hate and rage will explode should their messiah be rejected by the voters

Liberals' Warnings About Obama Loss May Prove Self-Fulfilling
By Dennis Prager


That is why the growing chorus -- already nearing unanimity -- of liberal commentators and politicians ascribing an Obama loss to American racism is so dangerous.

Andrew Sullivan of The Atlantic: "White racism means that Obama needs more than a small but clear lead to win."

Jack Cafferty of CNN: "The polls remain close. Doesn't make sense ... unless it's race."

Jacob Weisberg of Newsweek and Slate: "The reason Obama isn't ahead right now is ... the color of his skin. ... If Obama loses, our children will grow up thinking of equal opportunity as a myth."

Nicholas D. Kristof of New York Times: "Religious prejudice (against Obama) is becoming a proxy for racial prejudice."

Gerald W. McEntee, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, in a speech to union workers: "Are you going to give up your house and your job and your children's futures because he's black?"

Similar comments have been made by Kansas's Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, a Democrat, and by writers in Time magazine. And according to The Associated Press: "A poll conducted by The Associated Press and Yahoo News, in conjunction with Stanford University, revealed that a fairly significant percentage of Democrats and independents may not vote for Sen. Barack Obama because of his race." If you read the poll, it does not in fact suggest this conclusion. The pollsters assert that any person with any negative view of black life means that the person is racist and means that he would not vote for Obama. Both conclusions are unwarranted. But "Obama will lose because of racism" is how the poll takers and the media spin it.

Why do liberals believe that if Obama loses it will be due to white racism?

One reason is the liberal elite's contempt for white Americans with less education -- even if they are Democrats.


09-23-2008, 07:50 AM
Dems always have to undermine every election. If they lose they can claim Republicans cheat, and democracy in America doesn't work. Their sole purpose is to sow discontent with the election process. Libs hate national elections because their records get exposed. After they lose, they can never admit to themselves that the people have rejected their ideas. They always put the blame soley on "dirty politics" and "smear attacks" from Republicans.

09-23-2008, 07:54 AM
Dems always have to undermine every election. If they lose they can claim Republicans cheat, and democracy in America doesn't work. Their sole purpose is to sow discontent with the election process. Libs hate national elections because their records get exposed. After they lose, they can never admit to themselves that the people have rejected their ideas. They always put the blame soley on "dirty politics" and "smear attacks" from Republicans.
Just as a matter of curiousity...what will be your explanation if Obama does win?

red states rule
09-23-2008, 07:56 AM
Dems always have to undermine every election. If they lose they can claim Republicans cheat, and democracy in America doesn't work. Their sole purpose is to sow discontent with the election process. Libs hate national elections because their records get exposed. After they lose, they can never admit to themselves that the people have rejected their ideas. They always put the blame soley on "dirty politics" and "smear attacks" from Republicans.

So right Hawk

In 2000, 2002, and 2004 Dems screamed about the election being stolen, how minorities were denied their right to vote, how voters showing a photo ID's is racist, and how Diebold was stealing votes from Dems

In 2006, shortly after the polls opened Howie Dean screamed how he heard reports of voter fraud. Then when it became clear Dems would win, all those "reports" vanished, and never talked about again

I did not hear any Republican whining about the results.

Liberal arrogance prevents them from admitting when voters reject their liberalsim, they must make excuses for their loss

09-23-2008, 08:43 AM
The left is showing how they will react if Obama loses the election. All their built up hate and rage will explode should their messiah be rejected by the voters

Well, sure, and they'll call it racism, and may well be right. Racism makes a whole lot of sense in a society where blacks murder 7 times the number of people whites do, and where blacks refusing to pay their mortgages has completely trashed our entire financial system.

My question is, what would they do about it? Anything? Or just fume helplessly like after 2000 and 2004?

I can't see leftists starting the much-discussed revolution. That surely would come from the right if it comes at all.

09-23-2008, 08:49 AM
Just as a matter of curiousity...what will be your explanation if Obama does win?

Hanging chads! ;)


red states rule
09-23-2008, 08:55 AM
Just as a matter of curiousity...what will be your explanation if Obama does win?

Most Republcians will accept the loss and move on

Most will NOT bitch and make excuses like Dems do when they lose

red states rule
09-23-2008, 08:57 AM
Well, sure, and they'll call it racism, and may well be right. Racism makes a whole lot of sense in a society where blacks murder 7 times the number of people whites do, and where blacks refusing to pay their mortgages has completely trashed our entire financial system.

My question is, what would they do about it? Anything? Or just fume helplessly like after 2000 and 2004?

I can't see leftists starting the much-discussed revolution. That surely would come from the right if it comes at all.

No matter what happens in the election, libs will play the race card more and more

If Obama wins, anytime anyone speaks out against his policies; libs will call them racist

We already know what libs will say if he loses

09-23-2008, 10:17 AM
Just as a matter of curiousity...what will be your explanation if Obama does win?

If Obama wins it will be because of conservatives fed up with a Republican Party abandoning its principles(again). Many of us are disgusted with the idea of using nearly a trillion in tax dollars to bail out companies. Perhaps it was warrented, but those companies like Fannie Mae went under because the government was controlling them in the first place. Washington politics forced these lenders to give loans to "high risk" folks (code word for minorities). If these companies had been given free reign to only give loans to those with actual good credit, we wouldn't be in this mess. But the Congressional Black Caucus and the dems that don't dare oppose them dictated loaning practices to mortgage companies all so they could claim they got more poor people and minorites into housing. Some Republicans are guilty of it too. If we lose the election we're not going to blame the democratic election process like Dems would. In my opinion this country is sliding to socialism. This new power grab by the government pretty much proves that. If we elect Obama it will seal the deal and be the final death blow to what little free capitalism we still have. But if thats what the people want then thats what we'll get.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 10:23 AM
Liberal Electoral map


09-23-2008, 10:48 AM
Washington politics forced these lenders to give loans to "high risk" folks (code word for minorities). If these companies had been given free reign to only give loans to those with actual good credit, we wouldn't be in this mess. But the Congressional Black Caucus and the dems that don't dare oppose them dictated loaning practices to mortgage companies all so they could claim they got more poor people and minorites into housing.


The big thing I keep puzzling on is why it seemed like a good idea to give poor people loans on much easier terms than people like you and me.

If we go into a bank to get a mortgage, it's 30-year terms and we have to have all sorts of elaborate paperwork, including whole copies of our income tax, copies of our paychecks, everything.

But if blacks go in for liar loans, they don't have to do any of this --- no proof of working, no income tax forms, nothing ---------- they just SAY they can repay the loan!! And the terms can be extremely low-cash, like the people who don't even pay interest, just a few hundred on principle, so their loans get BIGGER every month (you'd have to be pretty dumb to sign one of those, but apparently people did it by the thousands!).

So what I don't understand is, why not give people like us the liar loans on easy terms and make the people who can't pay back loans fill out all those forms and jump through hoops to get loans? Surely that would have worked better, because we would not have defaulted at the rates that are taking down this economy.

I actually don't understand the reasoning here.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 10:51 AM

The big thing I keep puzzling on is why it seemed like a good idea to give poor people loans on much easier terms than people like you and me.

If we go into a bank to get a mortgage, it's 30-year terms and we have to have all sorts of elaborate paperwork, including whole copies of our income tax, copies of our paychecks, everything.

But if blacks go in for liar loans, they don't have to do any of this --- no proof of working, no income tax forms, nothing ---------- they just SAY they can repay the loan!! And the terms can be extremely low-cash, like the people who don't even pay interest, just a few hundred on principle, so their loans get BIGGER every month (you'd have to be pretty dumb to sign one of those, but apparently people did it by the thousands!).

So what I don't understand is, why not give people like us the liar loans on easy terms and make the people who can't pay back loans fill out all those forms and jump through hoops to get loans? Surely that would have worked better, because we would not have defaulted at the rates that are taking down this economy.

I actually don't understand the reasoning here.

It was the Dems way of making sure minorites owned a home. They did not care if they could afford it, or not

Remember the one thing about liberals - they do not give a damn about the results of their ideas, only their good intentions

09-23-2008, 11:04 AM

The big thing I keep puzzling on is why it seemed like a good idea to give poor people loans on much easier terms than people like you and me.

If we go into a bank to get a mortgage, it's 30-year terms and we have to have all sorts of elaborate paperwork, including whole copies of our income tax, copies of our paychecks, everything.

But if blacks go in for liar loans, they don't have to do any of this --- no proof of working, no income tax forms, nothing ---------- they just SAY they can repay the loan!! And the terms can be extremely low-cash, like the people who don't even pay interest, just a few hundred on principle, so their loans get BIGGER every month (you'd have to be pretty dumb to sign one of those, but apparently people did it by the thousands!).

So what I don't understand is, why not give people like us the liar loans on easy terms and make the people who can't pay back loans fill out all those forms and jump through hoops to get loans? Surely that would have worked better, because we would not have defaulted at the rates that are taking down this economy.

I actually don't understand the reasoning here.

Since these lenders were forced to give loans to "high risk" folks, they figured it would be better to bundle those "investments" up and sell them. They end up making money off the deal, and the politicians get to gloat they got more po' black folk into new homes. It was a easy money and a "win win" situation for all involved.

Now that its all come crashing down, we're going to reward both the politicians involved and the lenders with a trillion dollars? :lame2:

09-23-2008, 11:05 AM
It was the Dems way of making sure minorites owned a home. They did not care if they could afford it, or not

I suppose it's just that simple, even though it's hard to get my mind around that sort of thinking AT ALL. So........................banks have severe standards against loans to people who actually pay them, on time. And no standards at all for people who haven't bothered to pay them to the point that our financial system is actually collapsing right now??

Darn, the banks deserve to collapse. This was so incredibly crazy, and we are in so much trouble.

So all our 401(k)s are in the pits; we've lost thousands in the stock market; the economy is in danger of tanking; banks that have been around since the Civil War are all going out of business one right after the other, and all this is because banks felt forced by Dems --- Barney Franks comes to mind --- to lend money to people they KNEW wouldn't pay it back?

So the reason the terms were so easy -- liar loans and balloons and no-interest loans -- is that if you put any paperwork to them, they couldn't pass the tests. If you required they prove they had jobs and income -------- they couldn't prove that because they didn't!! That's why they didn't insist on proof: these people didn't HAVE jobs or income or it was from drug-selling or other illegal activities.

But when housing prices turned down these people defaulted in droves, and the performing loans people like us had weren't enough to keep the bad loans from poisoning every single batch of bundled housing securites --- all of these bundles sold internationally were poisoned by the liar loans and such, which were starting to get foreclosed.

And so here we are, with the financial system collapsing.

Suggestion: how about treating everyone equally? Everyone gets loans if they can pass the same stringent standards????????

Instead of preferring the very people who will stop paying first and try to live in the house till the sheriff carries all their stuff out to the sidewalk and padlocks the door.

Darn, I feel discriminated against. Just because I paid off my mortgage, early, I'd have to fill out a lot more paperwork than these people who don't pay if I ever wanted to get another one. Seems to me there is something very wrong there.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 11:08 AM
Mundame, I posted this on another thread

Read the history and what Barney Frank said when Pres Bush wanted to0 do something about the problem

This mess started in 1977 with the Community Reinvestment Act

Bill Clinton expanded it

Pres Bush and McCain tried to fix it, but Dems blocked it

Read the history BP - even the NY Times confirmes what I am saying when they OPPOSED reforms to Fannie and Freddie

Can Congress just walk away from a problem it helped create? Maybe, maybe not.

There's now some talk of a grand deal between the Treasury, the Fed and Congress for a "permanent" solution: creating a government agency to buy up all the bad subprime debt, just like the Resolution Trust Corp. did with bad real estate in the 1980s and 1990s.

Already, the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve are spending hundreds of billions of dollars to keep the subprime crisis from crashing the world economy. The collapse of twin mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, along with the failures of Lehman Bros., Bear Stearns and insurer AIG, expose taxpayers to more than $1 trillion in liabilities.

Until now, Congress has been surprisingly passive. As Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid put it, "no one knows what to do" right now.

Funny, since it was a Democrat-led Congress that helped cause the problems in the first place.

When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently barked "no" at reporters for daring to ask if Democrats deserved any blame for the meltdown, you saw denial in action.

Pelosi and her followers would have you believe this all happened because of President Bush and his loyal Senate lapdog, John McCain. Or that big, bad predatory Wall Street banks deserve all the blame.

"The American people are not protected from the risk-taking and the greed of these financial institutions," Pelosi said recently, as she vowed congressional hearings.

Only one problem: It's untrue.

Yes, banks did overleverage and take risks they shouldn't have.

But the fact is, President Bush in 2003 tried desperately to stop Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from metastasizing into the problem they have since become.

Here's the lead of a New York Times story on Sept. 11, 2003: "The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago."

Bush tried to act. Who stopped him? Congress, especially Democrats with their deep financial and patronage ties to the two government-sponsored enterprises, Fannie and Freddie.

"These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Rep. Barney Frank, then ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."

It's pretty clear who was on the right side of that debate.

09-23-2008, 11:12 AM
Now that its all come crashing down, we're going to reward both the politicians involved and the lenders with a trillion dollars? :lame2:

Hawk, your 401(k) and mine could be bankrupt. Social Security could crash and have nothing for us. The money we have in the bank and any brokerage accounts could become worthless as the dollar loses its value.

This is not about "rewarding" lenders: they are toppling and breaking up all around us, putting their employees out on the street, all their shares in the companies they've worked for 25 years worthless.

As of today there are no more Wall Street investment banks: they are all gone.

I don't think this is business as usual: I think this is a question of whether we will be destitute in our old age like Chinese and Indian people. This is a serious situation. Yes, it was caused by Dems preferring black poor people over people who would perform normally, and by GOPers on Wall Street getting incredibly greedy and playing whack-a-mole with everyone who mentioned "risk."

But whatever caused it, if the result is you and me having no money at all or jobs, could be a problem. Let's solve it first, and LATER hang the guilty parties from the sour apple tree.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 11:30 AM
Hanging chads! ;)



09-23-2008, 12:08 PM
The left is showing how they will react if Obama loses the election. All their built up hate and rage will explode should their messiah be rejected by the voters

And this will be different from their normal behavior how?


red states rule
09-23-2008, 12:09 PM
And this will be different from their normal behavior how?


No different, except the hate and rage will hit new levels. I am wondering if libs will burn their cities down to "get their message out" if Obama does lose

09-23-2008, 12:16 PM
If Obama wins it will be because of conservatives fed up with a Republican Party abandoning its principles(again). Many of us are disgusted with the idea of using nearly a trillion in tax dollars to bail out companies. Perhaps it was warrented, but those companies like Fannie Mae went under because the government was controlling them in the first place. Washington politics forced these lenders to give loans to "high risk" folks (code word for minorities). If these companies had been given free reign to only give loans to those with actual good credit, we wouldn't be in this mess. But the Congressional Black Caucus and the dems that don't dare oppose them dictated loaning practices to mortgage companies all so they could claim they got more poor people and minorites into housing. Some Republicans are guilty of it too. If we lose the election we're not going to blame the democratic election process like Dems would. In my opinion this country is sliding to socialism. This new power grab by the government pretty much proves that. If we elect Obama it will seal the deal and be the final death blow to what little free capitalism we still have. But if thats what the people want then thats what we'll get.

if Obama wins this election it will be because a majority of those voting think he is the best choice... and just because conservative thought prevails on DP.com, that does not mean it will prevail across our nation on 11/4/08. sorry.

09-23-2008, 12:16 PM
I am wondering if libs will burn their cities down to "get their message out" if Obama does lose


It's not usually "libs" who burn down our cities.

This is why libs and the rest of us carefully no longer live in these cities.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 12:17 PM

It's not usually "libs" who burn down our cities.

This is why libs and the rest of us carefully no longer live in these cities.

Show me where conservatives took to the streets, and burned down their town when they did not get their way?

red states rule
09-23-2008, 12:18 PM
if Obama wins this election it will be because a majority of those voting think he is the best choice... and just because conservative thought prevails on DP.com, that does not mean it will prevail across our nation on 11/4/08. sorry.

Look at the polls - liberal thought is not as big as you think it is :laugh2:

If Obama does lose, libs like you will play the race card as your #1 excuse

09-23-2008, 12:19 PM
Show me where conservatives took to the streets, and burned down their town when they did not get their way?

It may yet happen. That's what a lot of us fear.

But heretofore it's been blacks burning down Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Cincinnati, I don't know whereall else -----------

I don't think black rioters are much into political labels, just gasoline cans.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 12:21 PM
It may yet happen. That's what a lot of us fear.

But heretofore it's been blacks burning down Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Cincinnati, I don't know whereall else -----------

I don't think black rioters are much into political labels, just gasoline cans.

Look at peaceful libs at the G-8 summit. Or when libs protest the war by trashing store fronts and Federal buildings

09-23-2008, 12:38 PM
Look at peaceful libs at the G-8 summit. Or when libs protest the war by trashing store fronts and Federal buildings

Come on, now.

1) Not "libs," ANARCHISTS. That's, you know, DIFFERENT.

2) Even so, the most these types seem to have been up to is carrying around stinky buckets of pee. Nothing got burned down, much less whole inner cities. Shooooooooooooo.................these anarchists wouldn't dare go into inner cities: they'd get mugged and robbed.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 12:41 PM
Come on, now.

1) Not "libs," ANARCHISTS. That's, you know, DIFFERENT.

2) Even so, the most these types seem to have been up to is carrying around stinky buckets of pee. Nothing got burned down, much less whole inner cities. Shooooooooooooo.................these anarchists wouldn't dare go into inner cities: they'd get mugged and robbed.

There is no difference between liberals and anarchists

If Obama loses, the left will explode

09-23-2008, 12:51 PM
There is no difference between liberals and anarchists

Gracious, RSR. That doesn't seem to me to be an easy assertion to defend.

For one thing, liberals believe in strong government and anarchists believe in no government at all.

When they all started up back in the 1840s anarchists didn't believe in organizing, either, but socialists did: Karl Marx ate their lunch, he loved organizing the First Internationale.

Anarchists have been sort of wandering around the world stage one by one ever since, throwing a bomb here, a bucket of pee there, never amounting to much.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 12:54 PM
Gracious, RSR. That doesn't seem to me to be an easy assertion to defend.

For one thing, liberals believe in strong government and anarchists believe in no government at all.

When they all started up back in the 1840s anarchists didn't believe in organizing, either, but socialists did: Karl Marx ate their lunch, he loved organizing the First Internationale.

Anarchists have been sort of wandering around the world stage one by one ever since, throwing a bomb here, a bucket of pee there, never amounting to much.

Tell you what Mundame, listen to the speech Little Adolf from Iran will make today at the UN

I can tell you right now, it could pass for a speech made by Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, or Hillary

His last speech at the UN sounded like it was written for him by the DNC

09-23-2008, 02:21 PM
Denis Prager is an ideological wacko. It is not liberals who will suffer under McPalin, it is America. Isn't the current fool enough for you guys? These two are even farther down the dummy scale. I was thinking maybe they need to bring back that ad with the child and the nuclear holocaust that caused Goldwater to lose so badly but then I thought in the intervening years America has gotten dumber and may actually smile and be glad that endtime is near.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to continue the same economic policies that are destroying the middle class in America.

09-23-2008, 02:26 PM
Denis Prager is an ideological wacko. It is not liberals who will suffer under McPalin, it is America. Isn't the current fool enough for you guys? These two are even farther down the dummy scale. I was thinking maybe they need to bring back that ad with the child and the nuclear holocaust that caused Goldwater to lose so badly but then I thought in the intervening years America has gotten dumber and may actually smile and be glad that endtime is near.

Then tell me why the other two fools are better than these two fools.


09-23-2008, 02:56 PM
Then tell me why the other two fools are better than these two fools.

I see Obama as hope for change, the other day I am driving through a Philly suburb and there is a sign, republicans for Obama, hope was mentioned in the sign. Amazed me. I think he is bright and has seen the real world in Chicago. He has ability and the potential to be great based on his quick rise to his current position. Having watched him in a few tough interviews I think he has an even personality for president as well. And key is the fact his values and ideas are inline with my own. Focus should be on the people and not on the corporations or the military industrial complex.

09-23-2008, 03:05 PM
Just as a matter of curiousity...what will be your explanation if Obama does win?

more people voted for him.

09-23-2008, 03:07 PM
I see Obama as hope for change, the other day I am driving through a Philly suburb and there is a sign, republicans for Obama, hope was mentioned in the sign. Amazed me. I think he is bright and has seen the real world in Chicago. He has ability and the potential to be great based on his quick rise to his current position. Having watched him in a few tough interviews I think he has an even personality for president as well. And key is the fact his values and ideas are inline with my own. Focus should be on the people and not on the corporations or the military industrial complex.



09-23-2008, 03:33 PM
more people voted for him.

but why will more people vote for Obama than McCain, in your mind?

I know why I am voting for him, but clearly, you and your gaggle of conservatives here at DP.com think that my sort of thinking is not representative of the will of the people. How will you explain it if my way of thinking prevails?

red states rule
09-23-2008, 04:09 PM
I see Obama as hope for change, the other day I am driving through a Philly suburb and there is a sign, republicans for Obama, hope was mentioned in the sign. Amazed me. I think he is bright and has seen the real world in Chicago. He has ability and the potential to be great based on his quick rise to his current position. Having watched him in a few tough interviews I think he has an even personality for president as well. And key is the fact his values and ideas are inline with my own. Focus should be on the people and not on the corporations or the military industrial complex.

Liberals have perfected the art of pre-emptive whining

09-23-2008, 06:29 PM
I see Obama as hope for change, the other day I am driving through a Philly suburb and there is a sign, republicans for Obama, hope was mentioned in the sign. Amazed me. I think he is bright and has seen the real world in Chicago. He has ability and the potential to be great based on his quick rise to his current position. Having watched him in a few tough interviews I think he has an even personality for president as well. And key is the fact his values and ideas are inline with my own. Focus should be on the people and not on the corporations or the military industrial complex.

Thank you very much for the honest answer.

Those seem to be hard to come by during any election campaign. I very much appreciate it.

I don't see Senator Obama in the same light as you. He and I do not share the same "vision" although I believe that our goals are similar, I don't agree with his ways of getting there. I do not believe you can help to poor by taxing the middle class and hand feeding the poor. I believe the best way to help the needy is to offer them a helping hand, getting them on their feet and then letting go. You have to pull the crutch away when they can stand on their own two feet or they never will. That doesn't just apply to the poor and the needy either. When you baby a person all his or her life, they learn to depend on you and they never learn to grow up. That is one of the problems I see with the big government liberal Democrats. They want to baby everyone.

Senator Obama has also convinced me that his ideals for America are different than my own. His associations with people like Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers cause me serious concern. Jeremiah Wright doesn't appear to love America. William Ayers has proven he will kill for his own glory. Those are not men that I worship and despite Barack Obama's claims that he barely knew them, I have my doubts.

I don't like John McCain. I never have and I never will. He is a whiner in my books. I respect his service to this country. I respect that he gave five years and nearly died for this country, but as a person, I just don't like him. He is part of the Washington elite and is the last person in the world I would want to vote for. Joe Biden is no different than John McCain either.

As for Governor Palin, I have heard her speak a little. I didn't really like her "testimony" in front of the church. I thought it was tasteless, but that was my opinion. As a person, I don't know much about her. I do, however, believe that she can do as good of a job in the White House as either, Barack Obama, John McCain or Joe Biden if not better than all three combined.

All that being said, when this election is done, I have made a vow to myself to support the person who has been elected to the Office of President of the United States with my prayer and as an American. That doesn't mean that if I see something I believe to be wrong, such as the Patriot Act that I won't speak up about it. But I'm not going to fall for the trap I fell for in George Bush's first term or his campaign against John Kerry.

All I can say, is that right now, I am praying that America can continue to stand despite who wins in November.


red states rule
09-23-2008, 06:35 PM
For some reason libs can't accept the reasons many people are not going to vote for their messiah. It has nothing to do with race

Wrong on the National Security

Wrong economic policies

Piss poor judgement

A Socialist bordering on Communist

09-23-2008, 07:01 PM
but why will more people vote for Obama than McCain, in your mind?

I know why I am voting for him, but clearly, you and your gaggle of conservatives here at DP.com think that my sort of thinking is not representative of the will of the people. How will you explain it if my way of thinking prevails?

approximately 95% of the black vote

guess which candidate has that

09-23-2008, 07:25 PM
Just as a matter of curiousity...what will be your explanation if Obama does win?

that at least 51% of those that vote are naive.....

09-23-2008, 07:31 PM
yep......you are one of the "good kids" ...... guess what you get to do now ...... besides watching your house value drop and your retierment account tank ..... you get to "fund" the bail out of he banks and i would bet money to those folks that bought a house they could not afford......

I suppose it's just that simple, even though it's hard to get my mind around that sort of thinking AT ALL. So........................banks have severe standards against loans to people who actually pay them, on time. And no standards at all for people who haven't bothered to pay them to the point that our financial system is actually collapsing right now??

Darn, the banks deserve to collapse. This was so incredibly crazy, and we are in so much trouble.

So all our 401(k)s are in the pits; we've lost thousands in the stock market; the economy is in danger of tanking; banks that have been around since the Civil War are all going out of business one right after the other, and all this is because banks felt forced by Dems --- Barney Franks comes to mind --- to lend money to people they KNEW wouldn't pay it back?

So the reason the terms were so easy -- liar loans and balloons and no-interest loans -- is that if you put any paperwork to them, they couldn't pass the tests. If you required they prove they had jobs and income -------- they couldn't prove that because they didn't!! That's why they didn't insist on proof: these people didn't HAVE jobs or income or it was from drug-selling or other illegal activities.

But when housing prices turned down these people defaulted in droves, and the performing loans people like us had weren't enough to keep the bad loans from poisoning every single batch of bundled housing securites --- all of these bundles sold internationally were poisoned by the liar loans and such, which were starting to get foreclosed.

And so here we are, with the financial system collapsing.

Suggestion: how about treating everyone equally? Everyone gets loans if they can pass the same stringent standards????????

Instead of preferring the very people who will stop paying first and try to live in the house till the sheriff carries all their stuff out to the sidewalk and padlocks the door.

Darn, I feel discriminated against. Just because I paid off my mortgage, early, I'd have to fill out a lot more paperwork than these people who don't pay if I ever wanted to get another one. Seems to me there is something very wrong there.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 07:47 PM
The world according to the Democrats:

1. Only Whites are racists

2. Only Democrat women can be successful.

3. Only Republicans can be sexist

4. Any mistakes that Democrats make are taken out of context, and twisted byt the right wing hate machine

5. Anytime Republcians talk about what Dems say, do, and stand for it is hate-speech.

Did I overlook anything?

09-23-2008, 09:02 PM
The world according to the Democrats:

1. Only Whites are racists

2. Only Democrat women can be successful.

3. Only Republicans can be sexist

4. Any mistakes that Democrats make are taken out of context, and twisted byt the right wing hate machine

5. Anytime Republcians talk about what Dems say, do, and stand for it is hate-speech.

Did I overlook anything?

6. Anything good that happens in the world was instituted by a Democrat.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 06:25 AM
6. Anything good that happens in the world was instituted by a Democrat.

7) The most pressing issue in this election is to allow gays to marry

09-24-2008, 06:31 AM
approximately 95% of the black vote

guess which candidate has that

the democrat, always, regardless of color.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 06:54 AM
the democrat, always, regardless of color.

Let's see, the black voters will tell you outright they are voting for Obama simply because he is black.

Then conservatives are racist because we do not vote for him because we disagree with his liberal views?

09-24-2008, 07:08 AM
When I came into this thread this morning the first post I saw was this one from RSR:

the democrat, always, regardless of color.

Let's see, the black voters will tell you outright they are voting for Obama simply because he is black.

Then conservatives are racist because we do not vote for him because we disagree with his liberal views?

and having remembered this thread, the first thought I had was that MFM's quote was in response to this post here:

The world according to the Democrats:

1. Only Whites are racists

2. Only Democrat women can be successful.

3. Only Republicans can be sexist

4. Any mistakes that Democrats make are taken out of context, and twisted byt the right wing hate machine

5. Anytime Republcians talk about what Dems say, do, and stand for it is hate-speech.

Did I overlook anything?

Let's see... #6 was:

6. Anything good that happens in the world was instituted by a Democrat.

#7 was:

7) The most pressing issue in this election is to allow gays to marry

And #8 was in reference to party over country?

the democrat, always, regardless of color.

Well, at least that was what I was thinking when I read that quote of MFM's. I must admit to thinking that there are times that many of us put party or philosophy over country.


red states rule
09-24-2008, 07:18 AM
MFM always puts party ahead of country. The party is his top priority, and gaining more political power is his never ending mission

MFM wears more turquoise than an Indian

Back to the thread...

More on the world accroding to Dems is there is no problem tax dollars cannot ifx

09-24-2008, 07:23 AM
MFM always puts party ahead of country. The party is his top priority, and gaining more political power is his never ending mission

MFM wears more turquoise than an Indian

Back to the thread...

More on the world accroding to Dems is there is no problem tax dollars cannot ifx

I know you won't admit this, but the truth is MFM is not the only one. :p


red states rule
09-24-2008, 07:26 AM
I know you won't admit this, but the truth is MFM is not the only one. :p


MFM is the most hate filled, and arrogant person on this board. Period

Another rule...

Baby animals are more important than baby humans

09-24-2008, 07:35 AM
Well, at least that was what I was thinking when I read that quote of MFM's. I must admit to thinking that there are times that many of us put party or philosophy over country.


Does not one's philosophy about government determine what they think is best for their country's government?

I happen to love my country. I happen to believe that progressive liberalism over the past century has moved my country in a great direction. I happen to believe that continuing to move in that direction is the best thing for my country.

Quit making this party instead of country.... people who believe in their parties believe that their country wins when it moves in the direction their party advocates.

The day that the democratic party advocates moving this country in a direction that I believe is not in her best interest I will consider leaving my party. Not until.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 07:41 AM
Does not one's philosophy about government determine what they think is best for their country's government?

I happen to love my country. I happen to believe that progressive liberalism over the past century has moved my country in a great direction. I happen to believe that continuing to move in that direction is the best thing for my country.

Quit making this party instead of country.... people who believe in their parties believe that their country wins when it moves in the direction their party advocates.

The day that the democratic party advocates moving this country in a direction that I believe is not in her best interest I will consider leaving my party. Not until.

Here is what liberals like MFM has told us over the years

Pres Bush is a murderer

Jimmy Carter is a great statesmen

The Earth is burning up because Al Gore says so

Nearly everywhere else in the world is better than America

I would not be surprised if MFM believes the words, "we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal," were from an Obama speech.

09-24-2008, 07:49 AM
Does not one's philosophy about government determine what they think is best for their country's government?

I happen to love my country. I happen to believe that progressive liberalism over the past century has moved my country in a great direction. I happen to believe that continuing to move in that direction is the best thing for my country.

Quit making this party instead of country.... people who believe in their parties believe that their country wins when it moves in the direction their party advocates.

The day that the democratic party advocates moving this country in a direction that I believe is not in her best interest I will consider leaving my party. Not until.

I'm sorry, but I don't think you understand.

It is your party that matters most to you. Let's put it this way, if Barack Obama were running as a Republican and John McCain were running as a Democrat and both were running the same campaigns they are running now, I'm pretty sure you would be voting for John McCain. In fact, I don't doubt that at all.

To you John McCain would be a war hero without any room for anyone to question his efforts for this country and Barack Obama would be an Uncle Tom.

And the reverse is true for RSR. He'd be voting Obama.


red states rule
09-24-2008, 07:54 AM
I'm sorry, but I don't think you understand.

It is your party that matters most to you. Let's put it this way, if Barack Obama were running as a Republican and John McCain were running as a Democrat and both were running the same campaigns they are running now, I'm pretty sure you would be voting for John McCain. In fact, I don't doubt that at all.

To you John McCain would be a war hero without any room for anyone to question his efforts for this country and Barack Obama would be an Uncle Tom.

And the reverse is true for RSR. He'd be voting Obama.


You are wrong Immie

Before McCain picked Gov Palin, I was not going to vote for anyone for President

I do not trust McCain on many issues. Immigration, global warming, and this bailout crap; to name a few

At this point, I am voting for Gov Palin and hopeing she will keep McCain on a tight leash when it comes to his liberal beliefs

Unlike MFM, I will not compromise by principals to win an election

09-24-2008, 08:11 AM
I'm sorry, but I don't think you understand.

It is your party that matters most to you. Let's put it this way, if Barack Obama were running as a Republican and John McCain were running as a Democrat and both were running the same campaigns they are running now, I'm pretty sure you would be voting for John McCain. In fact, I don't doubt that at all.

To you John McCain would be a war hero without any room for anyone to question his efforts for this country and Barack Obama would be an Uncle Tom.

And the reverse is true for RSR. He'd be voting Obama.


I don't think YOU understand, Immie, or else you are being willfully ignorant and argumentative just for the hell of it.

I would vote for whomever believed in the same things that I believe in. I don't vote for the PERSONALITY...I vote for the ideas that the person stands behind. People join political parties because of what those parties believe in. I am an American first and a democrat second and it disappopints me and saddens me when people who I would normally think were smarter and more level headed continue to question my patriotism.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 08:13 AM
I don't think YOU understand, Immie, or else you are being willfully ignorant and argumentative just for the hell of it.

I would vote for whomever believed in the same things that I believe in. I don't vote for the PERSONALITY...I vote for the ideas that the person stands behind. People join political parties because of what those parties believe in. I am an American first and a democrat second and it disappopints me and saddens me when people who I would normally think were smarter and more level headed continue to question my patriotism.

Looks like someones blue nose is out of joint :laugh2:

09-24-2008, 08:14 AM
You are wrong Immie

Before McCain picked Gov Palin, I was not going to vote for anyone for President

I do not trust McCain on many issues. Immigration, global warming, and this bailout crap; to name a few

At this point, I am voting for Gov Palin and hopeing she will keep McCain on a tight leash when it comes to his liberal beliefs

Unlike MFM, I will not compromise by principals to win an election

You say that but I think you are fooling yourself. I realize most Republicans said they could not stand John McCain and would never vote for him. Much of that is due to George Bush's poor performance as a conservative President. However, slowly, but surely, most of them are changing their tunes. They are all finding excuses as to why they will vote for John McCain. Come November they will have given themselves the perfect excuse as to why they have chosen to vote for McCain. After all, Barack Obama is a socialist who will destroy America if "I" don't vote for McCain.

It will all come down to independent voters just like every other recent election. Unfortunately, it appears the liberals have already won regardless of who wins in November. They won in the primaries.


09-24-2008, 08:19 AM
I don't think YOU understand, Immie, or else you are being willfully ignorant and argumentative just for the hell of it.

I would vote for whomever believed in the same things that I believe in. I don't vote for the PERSONALITY...I vote for the ideas that the person stands behind. People join political parties because of what those parties believe in. I am an American first and a democrat second and it disappopints me and saddens me when people who I would normally think were smarter and more level headed continue to question my patriotism.

I'm not questioning your patriotism at all, although, it sounds like that. I'm questioning your ability to be impartial. I do not believe you have that ability when it comes to politics. Case in point... when was the last time you even considered not voting Democrat? When was the last time you even thought about a candidate for any position that did not have a (D) after his name? When was the last time you even looked at a non-Democrat's positions without the intent of beating them down?

Be honest... I know you are.

As for being argumentative just for the hell of it... I've been known to walk that road. :laugh2:


red states rule
09-24-2008, 08:20 AM
You say that but I think you are fooling yourself. I realize most Republicans said they could not stand John McCain and would never vote for him. Much of that is due to George Bush's poor performance as a conservative President. However, slowly, but surely, most of them are changing their tunes. They are all finding excuses as to why they will vote for John McCain. Come November they will have given themselves the perfect excuse as to why they have chosen to vote for McCain. After all, Barack Obama is a socialist who will destroy America if "I" don't vote for McCain.

It will all come down to independent voters just like every other recent election. Unfortunately, it appears the liberals have already one regardless of who wins in November. They won in the primaries.


I am honest about how I feel about McCain, which is more then I can say about MFM

I am looking for excuses. If McCain would have picked someone like Lindsey Graham, I would be leaving the Presdient section of the ballot blank

red states rule
09-24-2008, 08:21 AM
I'm not questioning your patriotism at all, although, it sounds like that. I'm questioning your ability to be impartial. I do not believe you have that ability when it comes to politics. Case in point... when was the last time you even considered not voting Democrat? When was the last time you even thought about a candidate for any position that did not have a (D) after his name? When was the last time you even looked at a non-Democrats positions without the intent of beating them down?

Be honest... I know you are.

As for being argumentative just for the hell of it... I've been known to walk that road. :laugh2:


Simply by having a different POV, and pointing out his partisan posts; MFM will say you are questioning his patriotism

09-24-2008, 08:24 AM
I'm not questioning your patriotism at all, although, it sounds like that. I'm questioning your ability to be impartial. I do not believe you have that ability when it comes to politics. Case in point... when was the last time you even considered not voting Democrat? When was the last time you even thought about a candidate for any position that did not have a (D) after his name? When was the last time you even looked at a non-Democrats positions without the intent of beating them down?

Be honest... I know you are.

As for being argumentative just for the hell of it... I've been known to walk that road. :laugh2:


I did noit vote for Mondale for president.

But STILL...you miss my point.... I believe in what the democratic party stands for. I believe that the country would be best served by enacting the democratic party platform. Politics is a team sport. You can't ever advance your party's platform - WHICH YOU BELIEVE IS BEST FOR THE COUNTRY THAT YOU LOVE!!!! - if you do not elect your party's candidates into office.

And you can sugar coat it all you want, Immie, but anyone who continues to say that I care more about my party than I do about my country IS questioning my patriotism.. and I do not take that lightly.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 08:27 AM
I did noit vote for Mondale for president.

But STILL...you miss my point.... I believe in what the democratic party stands for. I believe that the country would be best served by enacting the democratic party platform. Politics is a team sport. You can't ever advance your party's platform - WHICH YOU BELIEVE IS BEST FOR THE COUNTRY THAT YOU LOVE!!!! - if you do not elect your party's candidates into office.

And you can sugar coat it all you want, Immie, but anyone who continues to say that I care more about my party than I do about my country IS questioning my patriotism.. and I do not take that lightly.

Who did you vote for? LaRouche?

Your posts show without a doubt, your party is your #1 priority. Nothing else matters to you

That is a fact

09-24-2008, 09:15 AM
I did noit vote for Mondale for president.

But STILL...you miss my point.... I believe in what the democratic party stands for. I believe that the country would be best served by enacting the democratic party platform. Politics is a team sport. You can't ever advance your party's platform - WHICH YOU BELIEVE IS BEST FOR THE COUNTRY THAT YOU LOVE!!!! - if you do not elect your party's candidates into office.

And you can sugar coat it all you want, Immie, but anyone who continues to say that I care more about my party than I do about my country IS questioning my patriotism.. and I do not take that lightly.

Take it however you want, but you are not impartial.

And you are absolutely wrong if you think Socialism is best for this country. Would you have our children running around shouting "Heil Obama"?

Would you have the government take all of my hard earned wages and distribute them to those more fortunate than I?

That is the direction your party and your leader is attempting to take us.


red states rule
09-24-2008, 09:18 AM
Take it however you want, but you are not impartial.

And you are absolutely wrong if you think Socialism is best for this country. Would you have our children running around shouting "Heil Obama"?

Would you have the government take all of my hard earned wages and distribute them to those more fortunate than I?

That is the direction your party and your leader is attempting to take us.


Immie, while I admit I am baised, I will also take my party to task when I disagree with them

Unlike MFM, who posted several times he would NEVER support any Dem who voted for the Iasrq war - he is backing the Obama/Biden ticket

Biden voted for the war

Case closed

Dems live to redistribute income - but never their own

09-24-2008, 09:33 AM
Take it however you want, but you are not impartial.no one is "impartial" We ALL have our biases and our beliefs

And you are absolutely wrong if you think Socialism is best for this country. Would you have our children running around shouting "Heil Obama"?
I disagree with your whole premise. I do not think my party wants to enact socialism. And your insult about "Heil Obama" is repugnant

Would you have the government take all of my hard earned wages and distribute them to those more fortunate than I?
no. just a portion...like every government has done - democrat or republican - since the dawn of income tax.

That is the direction your party and your leader is attempting to take us.

We will have to agree to disagree about the entire matter, and we probably should just agree to not converse any further.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 09:34 AM
We will have to agree to disagree about the entire matter, and we probably should just agree to not converse any further.

Crawling away to lick your wounds? :laugh2:

Going to put Immie on ignore MFM?

09-24-2008, 09:48 AM
We will have to agree to disagree about the entire matter...

We can agree to disagree. I've no problem with that.

...and we probably should just agree to not converse any further.

Why? Will you cuss me out for disagreeing with your party or politics? Will you put me on ignore?

As for "Heil Obama", it was no insult... it is the track that a repressive government eventually ends up at whether that is their desire or not. It is also the direction that both parties are taking us at this time.


red states rule
09-24-2008, 09:49 AM
Why? Will you cuss me out for disagreeing with your party or politics? Will you put me on ignore?


You are damn right he will. MFM is great at showing the love and tolerance libs are famous for

09-24-2008, 10:05 AM
We can agree to disagree. I've no problem with that.

Why? Will you cuss me out for disagreeing with your party or politics? Will you put me on ignore?

As for "Heil Obama", it was no insult... it is the track that a repressive government eventually ends up at whether that is their desire or not. It is also the direction that both parties are taking us at this time.


I have no intention of putting you on ignore Immie... we go back way too long for that. I must admit I am a bit puzzled by your refusal to understand how continuing to tell me that I value my party MORE than I do my country might be insulting to me.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 10:07 AM
I must admit I am a bit puzzled by your refusal to understand how continuing to tell me that I value my party MORE than I do my country might be insulting to me.

The truth does sometimes hurt MFM. I am puzzled over how you can deny something that is so obvious

09-24-2008, 10:21 AM
I have no intention of putting you on ignore Immie... we go back way too long for that. I must admit I am a bit puzzled by your refusal to understand how continuing to tell me that I value my party MORE than I do my country might be insulting to me.

Because I am not insulting you. You are simply overly sensitive like every other liberal alive. :laugh2:

If you actually tried reading what I said, you would see that I basically pointed that finger at just about everyone else too. We all look at party or philosophy as the best thing for our country and most of us... strike that all of us who do are wrong!

The fact is that neither party's complete platform is best for America. The fact is that what is best for America is a degree of compromsie that neither party is willing to undertake. Your insistance that your party's plans for America is best is exactly what I am pointing at. It is party over country regardless of how you look at it and YOU are wrong.

You are unwilling to even consider that your enemies might not be bad guys. You are unwilling to even consider that you might not see the whole picture. You are unwilling to even consider that someone outside your party might actually love their country too and might actually want what is best for America as well. You are unwilling to even consider that I might just have a point, because I am not willing to endorse a socialist who does not appear to want what is best for America.


red states rule
09-24-2008, 10:25 AM
Because I am not insulting you. You are simply overly sensitive like every other liberal alive. :laugh2:

If you actually tried reading what I said, you would see that I basically pointed that finger at just about everyone else too. We all look at party or philosophy as the best thing for our country and most of us... strike that all of us who do are wrong!

The fact is that neither party's complete platform is best for America. The fact is that what is best for America is a degree of compromsie that neither party is willing to undertake. Your insistance that your party's plans for America is best is exactly what I am pointing at. It is party over country regardless of how you look at it and YOU are wrong.

You are unwilling to even consider that your enemies might not be bad guys. You are unwilling to even consider that you might not see the whole picture. You are unwilling to even consider that someone outside your party might actually love their country too and might actually want what is best for America as well. You are unwilling to even consider that I might just have a point, because I am not willing to endorse a socialist who does not appear to want what is best for America.


Immie, MFM's attitude come from his rotten childhood

As a child, evey Halloween he was dressed as a dire hydrant and sent to the local dog pound

09-24-2008, 12:20 PM
Because I am not insulting you. You are simply overly sensitive like every other liberal alive. :laugh2:

If you actually tried reading what I said, you would see that I basically pointed that finger at just about everyone else too. We all look at party or philosophy as the best thing for our country and most of us... strike that all of us who do are wrong!

The fact is that neither party's complete platform is best for America. The fact is that what is best for America is a degree of compromsie that neither party is willing to undertake. Your insistance that your party's plans for America is best is exactly what I am pointing at. It is party over country regardless of how you look at it and YOU are wrong.

You are unwilling to even consider that your enemies might not be bad guys. You are unwilling to even consider that you might not see the whole picture. You are unwilling to even consider that someone outside your party might actually love their country too and might actually want what is best for America as well. You are unwilling to even consider that I might just have a point, because I am not willing to endorse a socialist who does not appear to want what is best for America.


I have worked for the Maine State Legislature. I know that reality shows that no one party will ever get all it wants. I know that really good law is made when people of good will from both sides come to the middle and compromise. I also KNOW that, in order to approach the middle with any conviction, you have to approach FROM somewhere. My party approaches the middle from the left. I know that bills become law when legislatures vote on those bills created in the middle. I know that the party that has the majority of seats in that legislative body can shape the final form of that bill to be more closely aligned with their party's ideals. I know that when the executive who signs those bills into law agrees with the law, he or she will sign it. I approach that middle compromising ground from the left side. I want my party to gain and maintain majorities in legislatures AND to gain control of the executive branches of government so that those bills that contain more of the essence of the democratic party platform than the republican platform can be passed and signed into law because I BELIEVE THAT IS IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF MY COUNTRY AND I LOVE MY COUNTRY. END OF STORY.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 12:22 PM

Try living it for a change

Saying it over and over does not make it true

09-24-2008, 01:26 PM
I have worked for the Maine State Legislature. I know that reality shows that no one party will ever get all it wants. I know that really good law is made when people of good will from both sides come to the middle and compromise. I also KNOW that, in order to approach the middle with any conviction, you have to approach FROM somewhere. My party approaches the middle from the left. I know that bills become law when legislatures vote on those bills created in the middle. I know that the party that has the majority of seats in that legislative body can shape the final form of that bill to be more closely aligned with their party's ideals. I know that when the executive who signs those bills into law agrees with the law, he or she will sign it. I approach that middle compromising ground from the left side. I want my party to gain and maintain majorities in legislatures AND to gain control of the executive branches of government so that those bills that contain more of the essence of the democratic party platform than the republican platform can be passed and signed into law because I BELIEVE THAT IS IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF MY COUNTRY AND I LOVE MY COUNTRY. END OF STORY.

And I believe that you are 100% wrong. There is no place in America for the intolerance and hatred spewed by the left.

Tell me, do you love your country or only 65% of your country? It is Americans that make up "your country". Americans seem to be split roughly 35% Democrats and 35% Republicans (estimated numbers) and the rest in the middle. If you love you country what about RSR, Glockmail or Dixie? What about President Bush? John McCain? Sarah Palin? America is made up of all of us, not just Barack Obama and the socialists that want my hard earned income.


09-24-2008, 01:46 PM
And I believe that you are 100% wrong. There is no place in America for the intolerance and hatred spewed by the left.

Tell me, do you love your country or only 65% of your country? It is Americans that make up "your country". Americans seem to be split roughly 35% Democrats and 35% Republicans (estimated numbers) and the rest in the middle. If you love you country what about RSR, Glockmail or Dixie? What about President Bush? John McCain? Sarah Palin? America is made up of all of us, not just Barack Obama and the socialists that want my hard earned income.


I am 100% wrong? And you are, I would imagine, 100% right? I doubt it.

I love my country. I do not LOVE the other people you mentioned, but I do not hate them and I certainly tolerate them and, while I may disagree with every word they say, I would fight to the death for their right to say it. I realize that they all share residence with me in this glorious country and that their views need to be heard and there needs to be an honest and vigorous debate as to the direction of our country.

And I find it interesting that you fail to acknowledge the intolerance and hatred that is spewed from the right...actually from some of the very folks you mention... could it be because you identify with them, and perhaps secretly share a bit of their hatred and intolerance? :poke:

red states rule
09-24-2008, 01:57 PM
And I believe that you are 100% wrong. There is no place in America for the intolerance and hatred spewed by the left.

Tell me, do you love your country or only 65% of your country? It is Americans that make up "your country". Americans seem to be split roughly 35% Democrats and 35% Republicans (estimated numbers) and the rest in the middle. If you love you country what about RSR, Glockmail or Dixie? What about President Bush? John McCain? Sarah Palin? America is made up of all of us, not just Barack Obama and the socialists that want my hard earned income.


I will give you one guess to which parts of the US MFM loves. Rememebr this is the guy who has openly hoped for people to die, and shows his compassion in strange ways

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/United_States_Elections_2004_Electoral_College_map .png

09-24-2008, 02:23 PM
I am 100% wrong? And you are, I would imagine, 100% right? I doubt it.

I love my country. I do not LOVE the other people you mentioned, but I do not hate them and I certainly tolerate them and, while I may disagree with every word they say, I would fight to the death for their right to say it. I realize that they all share residence with me in this glorious country and that their views need to be heard and there needs to be an honest and vigorous debate as to the direction of our country.

And I find it interesting that you fail to acknowledge the intolerance and hatred that is spewed from the right...actually from some of the very folks you mention... could it be because you identify with them, and perhaps secretly share a bit of their hatred and intolerance? :poke:

And the second greatest commandment is?

Never mind, I think as a pastor you have forgotten that one. Look it up, Mark 12:31 :poke:

Actually, I was thinking about the right after I posted that post. As I thought about the right wingers who are intolerant, and there is no denying that there are intolerant right wingers... now we're excluding the clowns on this site... but real people mind you, the only intolerant "right wingers" I can think of at the moment are the Pharisees of today. They would be people like Pat Robertson, James Dobson and the talk show hosts who make their living off being intolerant and controversial. Hell, even right wing politicians are tolerant of the left... to their downfall. But when it comes to everyday people most people on the right and middle are open and caring and they truly express their concerns for other people. While with people on the left, things are so much different.

Typically, if you don't see eye to eye with a left winger then you are hated with a passion. If you don't agree that an unwanted child should be killed before birth than you are a woman hater and "pro-life" has been made to be evil. How can being for life be evil? If you won't vote for Barack Obama then you are a racist. If you don't want to see the government confiscate income to feed the government black hole then you hate the poor and must be a rich corporate bastard. I could go on and on with that. And I am NOT talking about politicians, I'm talking about anyone that sees themselves as a true "liberal".

There is no room in liberalism for disagreement. You are either with them or you are THE ENEMY and most likely Satan Spawn.

That is not the kind of leader that America needs today. Unfortunately it is what is being offered by the Democratic Party.

Oh and one more itsy bitsy thing. NO, I AM NOT 100% RIGHT, but you are welcomed to try to prove to me where I am wrong! I'd sure love to find love in a liberal heart.


09-24-2008, 02:30 PM
And the second greatest commandment is?

Never mind, I think as a pastor you have forgotten that one. Look it up, Mark 12:31 :poke:

Actually, I was thinking about the right after I posted that post. As I thought about the right wingers who are intolerant, and there is no denying that there are intolerant right wingers... now we're excluding the clowns on this site... but real people mind you, the only intolerant "right wingers" I can think of at the moment are the Pharisees of today. They would be people like Pat Robertson, James Dobson and the talk show hosts who make their living off being intolerant and controversial. Hell, even right wing politicians are tolerant of the left... to their downfall. But when it comes to everyday people most people on the right and middle are open and caring and they truly express their concerns for other people. While with people on the left, things are so much different.

Typically, if you don't see eye to eye with a left winger then you are hated with a passion.bullshit If you don't agree that an unwanted child should be killed before birth than you are a woman hater and "pro-life" has been made to be evil. not so. you hang the opinions of a vocal far left minority on all of us How can being for life be evil? If you won't vote for Barack Obama then you are a racist. dittoIf you don't want to see the government confiscate income to feed the government black hole then you hate the poor and must be a rich corporate bastard. flatulent rhetoric I could go on and on with that. And I am NOT talking about politicians, I'm talking about anyone that sees themselves as a true "liberal".absolutely false

There is no room in liberalism for disagreement. You are either with them or you are THE ENEMY and most likely Satan Spawn. again... you paint us all with the same brush. completely inaccurate

That is not the kind of leader that America needs today. Unfortunately it is what is being offered by the Democratic Party.


I have never seen Barack Obama speak hatefully of anyone on the right. And while I certainly know that I am a sinner and that I fail to love all of my neighbors as myself... I am trying to get better. I am trying to forgive and I am trying to be more tolerant.

So...Immie... do YOU love Barack Obama? :laugh2:

red states rule
09-24-2008, 02:40 PM
I have never seen Barack Obama speak hatefully of anyone on the right. And while I certainly know that I am a sinner and that I fail to love all of my neighbors as myself... I am trying to get better. I am trying to forgive and I am trying to be more tolerant.

So...Immie... do YOU love Barack Obama? :laugh2:

Obama recently attacked an abortion survivor because she spoke out against Obama voting to deny babies who live through an abortion medical care

Do you support denying them medical care preacher man?


09-24-2008, 02:54 PM
I have never seen Barack Obama speak hatefully of anyone on the right. And while I certainly know that I am a sinner and that I fail to love all of my neighbors as myself... I am trying to get better. I am trying to forgive and I am trying to be more tolerant.

So...Immie... do YOU love Barack Obama? :laugh2:

Absolutely! I love Barack Obama and I am praying for him daily. I just don't agree with him and I won't vote for him! :poke:

As for the part about you trying to forgive and trying to be more tolerant... well, it is evident! I will give you that. You have been taking a lot of hits from RSR the last couple weeks and I don't think you've given in.

But, as for tolerance? Well you don't appear to tolerant of my razzing today! :poke:

Typically, if you don't see eye to eye with a left winger then you are hated with a passion.bullshit If you don't agree that an unwanted child should be killed before birth than you are a woman hater and "pro-life" has been made to be evil. not so. you hang the opinions of a vocal far left minority on all of us How can being for life be evil? If you won't vote for Barack Obama then you are a racist. dittoIf you don't want to see the government confiscate income to feed the government black hole then you hate the poor and must be a rich corporate bastard. flatulent rhetoric I could go on and on with that. And I am NOT talking about politicians, I'm talking about anyone that sees themselves as a true "liberal".absolutely false

Every bit of what I said in that quote is accurate. Liberals will not tolerate opposition in the least. I've been called a woman hater because I believe that life takes precedence. I have been called a racist because I won't vote for Senator Obama. Now, I have never been called a rich corporate bastard, but I have been told that I don't care about the poor which is a lie.


09-24-2008, 03:19 PM
Absolutely! I love Barack Obama and I am praying for him daily. I just don't agree with him and I won't vote for him! :poke:

As for the part about you trying to forgive and trying to be more tolerant... well, it is evident! I will give you that. You have been taking a lot of hits from RSR the last couple weeks and I don't think you've given in.

But, as for tolerance? Well you don't appear to tolerant of my razzing today! :poke:

Every bit of what I said in that quote is accurate. Liberals will not tolerate opposition in the least. I've been called a woman hater because I believe that life takes precedence. I have been called a racist because I won't vote for Senator Obama. Now, I have never been called a rich corporate bastard, but I have been told that I don't care about the poor which is a lie.


Immie... I am not quite as righteous as you might think. I have had RSR on ignore for several weeks now so I have not read what he has written about me, although I can imagine it quite clearly. He has been basically been insulting me with the same material for years! I find life to be a lot calmer without reading his tripe.:laugh2:

Every bit of your quote may be accurate about SOME liberals, but not the vast majority of us. It would be like me trying to say that ALL conservatives are as ignorant and hateful as RSR... and I know that is not the case.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 03:21 PM
Immie... I am not quite as righteous as you might think. I have had RSR on ignore for several weeks now so I have not read what he has written about me, although I can imagine it quite clearly. He has been basically been insulting me with the same material for years! I find life to be a lot calmer without reading his tripe.:laugh2:

Every bit of your quote may be accurate about SOME liberals, but not the vast majority of us. It would be like me trying to say that ALL conservatives are as ignorant and hateful as RSR... and I know that is not the case.

Immie, MFM is a liar. I know for a fact he is reading my posts, as does others.

MFM plays the role of the offended liberal very well, while sprewing his hate and insults form his pulpit of liberalism

09-24-2008, 05:40 PM
Immie... I am not quite as righteous as you might think. I have had RSR on ignore for several weeks now so I have not read what he has written about me, although I can imagine it quite clearly. He has been basically been insulting me with the same material for years! I find life to be a lot calmer without reading his tripe.:laugh2:

Every bit of your quote may be accurate about SOME liberals, but not the vast majority of us. It would be like me trying to say that ALL conservatives are as ignorant and hateful as RSR... and I know that is not the case.

Hahahaha... so that is your secret!

Hey, what ever works!

What I said, is true... but it is most likely an exaggeration. I certainly can't claim to know all liberals... now can I? :laugh2:

I must say, though, it is quite irritating to be called a woman hater because I believe that life is important. It is also extremely irritating to be called racist because I don't agree with Barack Obama or that I don't care about the poor because I don't think life time hand outs are the way to improve their lives.

And one more thing... thank you for not putting me on the spot and asking if I love John McCain! I might have had to say that I too am a sinner. :laugh2: Yet, I do pray for him as well.


09-24-2008, 05:41 PM
Immie, MFM is a liar. I know for a fact he is reading my posts, as does others.

MFM plays the role of the offended liberal very well, while sprewing his hate and insults form his pulpit of liberalism

I'm sure he does read at least some of your posts. Especially the ones that I quote.


red states rule
09-24-2008, 05:47 PM
I'm sure he does read at least some of your posts. Especially the ones that I quote.


I know he reads all of them. He has commented on my posts to others. This is like the 6th time he has put me on his version of ignore

He is tired of getting the hell beat of him. He really is a gutless coward who brags about his so called character, and patriotism from behind a keyboard

09-24-2008, 09:16 PM
I'm sure he does read at least some of your posts. Especially the ones that I quote.


the only ones I EVER read are the ones that others quote. I have been "religious" about my decision to not read his posts. period. What I read from him that is quoted by others is more than I care to. I note how he quickly responds to all of my posts, but I refuse to get sucked in to reading them because I have no doubt they are the same inflammatory, partisan attacks against my patriotism and my character that had been the hallmark of RSR's "debating" since long before I got sick of them and put him on ignore in the first place.

09-24-2008, 09:31 PM
the only ones I EVER read are the ones that others quote. I have been "religious" about my decision to not read his posts. period. What I read from him that is quoted by others is more than I care to. I note how he quickly responds to all of my posts, but I refuse to get sucked in to reading them because I have no doubt they are the same inflammatory, partisan attacks against my patriotism and my character that had been the hallmark of RSR's "debating" since long before I got sick of them and put him on ignore in the first place.

I wouldn't believe you if I was standing behind you at your computer. I've read hundreds of thousands of posts over the years on various boards, and you have to be the biggest fucking liar that I've ever crossed paths with.

And before your lame ass even thinks about shooting me a PM asking me to "scale my attacks back a bit", shove it up your fake preacher ass. You did that time and time again and to MANY users on this board, only to show your true colors over and over again every time someone states something negative about your beloved Dems.

Party before country. You sicken me.

09-24-2008, 09:33 PM
I wouldn't believe you if I was standing behind you at your computer. I've read hundreds of thousands of posts over the years on various boards, and you have to be the biggest fucking liar that I've ever crossed paths with.

And before your lame ass even thinks about shooting me a PM asking me to "scale my attacks back a bit", shove it up your fake preacher ass. You did that time and time again and to MANY users on this board, only to show your true colors over and over again every time someone states something negative about your beloved Dems.

Party before country. You sicken me.

How's your mom? I hope my prayers have had some effect. friend.

09-24-2008, 09:35 PM

09-24-2008, 09:37 PM
How's your mom? I hope my prayers have had some effect. friend.

She's doing well. Say prayers for your own issues first. friend.

09-24-2008, 09:37 PM
guess which color state i like in


I will give you one guess to which parts of the US MFM loves. Rememebr this is the guy who has openly hoped for people to die, and shows his compassion in strange ways

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/United_States_Elections_2004_Electoral_College_map .png

09-24-2008, 09:40 PM
She's doing well. Say prayers for your own issues first. friend.
my own issues are nowhere near as pressing as your mother's health. friend.

09-24-2008, 09:41 PM
hey maine, hows it going?


my own issues are nowhere near as pressing as your mother's health. friend.

09-24-2008, 09:43 PM
hey maine, hows it going?


are you the ghost of actsnoblemartin?

09-24-2008, 09:43 PM
my own issues are nowhere near as pressing as your mother's health. friend.

I'm going to request this once, and once only - leave my Mom out of the political threads. I don't need your sarcasm nor prayers from a fake preacher. You don't want your family brought up and I'm politely asking you to leave my family out of this.

09-24-2008, 09:45 PM
How's your mom? I hope my prayers have had some effect. friend.

Damn, low is low, but now you are claiming that her recovery is your intervention? WTF? Seems to be.

It's the great work of the docs, who were in place due to family.

The will to live and go beyond, Joan. My heroine.

09-24-2008, 09:50 PM
Damn, low is low, but now you are claiming that her recovery is your intervention? WTF? Seems to be.

It's the great work of the docs, who were in place due to family.

The will to live and go beyond, Joan. My heroine.

I have prayed for Jimmy's mom. Odd that you would think that is "low".

09-24-2008, 09:52 PM
I'm going to request this once, and once only - leave my Mom out of the political threads. I don't need your sarcasm nor prayers from a fake preacher. You don't want your family brought up and I'm politely asking you to leave my family out of this.

your request is granted.

But my prayers were never sarcastic, Jim. I always and will continue to hoope for her complete recovery.

09-24-2008, 09:53 PM
hey maine, hows it going?


as good as can be expected. you?

09-24-2008, 09:56 PM
im alright. I sincerely wish you and your family the best.


as good as can be expected. you?

09-24-2008, 09:56 PM
im alright. I sincerely wish you and your family the best.



09-24-2008, 09:57 PM
Thank You Sir.


red states rule
09-25-2008, 06:39 AM
your request is granted.

But my prayers were never sarcastic, Jim. I always and will continue to hoope for her complete recovery.

You are as sincere about this as you were about your wishing me well with my cancer