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View Full Version : Obama says...

09-23-2008, 10:29 AM
"What has been clear during this entire past ten days is John McCain has not had clarity and a grasp on the situation."

What he was referring to is McCain's apparent flip-flopping on the AIG bailout, he opposed it one day then announce he supported it the next day.

Yet in an interview with Meridith Viera, Joe Biden also said AIG should not be bailed out, and later changed his position. Is Biden lacking "clarity and a grasp on the situation?"

Obama's response when called on Biden's flip-flop? "I think that in that situation, I think Joe should have waited as well."

More excellent work by Jake Tapper:

Obama on Biden's Initial Opposition to AIG Bailout: "Joe Should Have Waited" (http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/09/obama-on-bidens.html)

Stormy weather in the Obama camp? We'll see...