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View Full Version : Dissecting the Palin Rumor Mill

09-23-2008, 01:01 PM

In my new and unexpected role as the Pajamas Media answer to Hedda Hopper, I’ve spent a lot of time looking at the rumors about Sarah Palin that have appeared in the weeks since John McCain announced her nomination. (The new list is up to 91 and still growing.) Its given me a whole new insight into rumors and how the press responds to them. It seems to be very predictable — and very artificial.

Let’s look at a recent one, #83. The rumor, as it was reported, was that Palin had “cut the Special Olympics funding in half.” Now, here are the facts (and thanks to Warren Throckmorton for digging this out):

* The 2006 budget was $250,000.
* The 2007 budget as passed by the Alaskan legislature was $650,000
* After Palin used her line-item veto authority, the new budget was $275,000

So we see the facts of the story are that it was a “Beltway budget cut”: more money, but not as much as someone wanted. The facts aren’t as interesting as the history of the story, though. It appears to have started, in this case, with the New York Times, which casually says:

Democrats have pointed, sometimes correctly, sometimes erroneously, to items in the state budget for the disabled that Ms. Palin cut. According to state documents, she cut the state’s Special Olympics budget in half.

Step one: assert something in a way that doesn’t stand out.

09-23-2008, 02:13 PM
Let me know when they dissect the fact she is a hillbilly right wing religious creationist nut case.


America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.

09-23-2008, 02:22 PM
Let me know when they dissect the fact she is a hillbilly right wing religious creationist nut case.


So? What is your take on these apparant lies by the left wing? If what is discussed in this blog is true, then the left was once again caught in a huge fabrication for votes.

What is your take on this? More lies from Obama supporters? How often are we supposed to believe them before we get wary of those fabrications?


09-23-2008, 02:32 PM
So? What is your take on these apparant lies by the left wing? If what is discussed in this blog is true, then the left was once again caught in a huge fabrication for votes.

What is your take on this? More lies from Obama supporters? How often are we supposed to believe them before we get wary of those fabrications?


According to state documents, she cut the state’s Special Olympics budget in half.

State documents. As with all right wing echo chamber nonsense there is no sense.

09-23-2008, 02:41 PM
According to state documents, she cut the state’s Special Olympics budget in half.

State documents. As with all right wing echo chamber nonsense there is no sense.

I wonder if you have ever had to prepare a budget for a business.

I have done a few and I can tell you that department managers ask for the world and expect their budgets to be cut. It would be interesting to see what was requested in the 2006 budget and if that too was cut. Did they request $650,000 and get $250,000?

The fact that they requested $650,000 and only got $275,000 is not a cut, in fact, they got a 10% increase over the prior year's budget, but the left is mincing words trying to make her out as a bad person. She isn't a bad person just because she said that the State of Alaska could not afford to increase spending on this project 2.6 times.
