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09-23-2008, 02:44 PM

Is the real Barack Obama the man who said:

"I believe the Second Amendment means something. . . . There is an individual right to bear arms."— Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Feb. 16. 2008 (http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=718635)

Or is it the man who voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry to continue?

Is the real Barack Obama the man who said:

"I am a strong believer of the Second Amendment," he said. "Nobody's going to take the guns of law-abiding Virginians away from them." Richmond Time Dispatch, Aug, 22, 2008 (http://www.inrich.com/cva/ric/news/politics.apx.-content-articles-RTD-2008-08-22-0153.html)

Or is it the man who has called for the renewal of the failed Clinton gun ban? Illinois Senate Debate #3: Barack Obama vs. Alan Keyes (http://www.ontheissues.org/2008/Barack_Obama_Gun_Control.htm and http://www.ontheissues.org/IL_2004_Senate_3rd.htm) Oct 21, 2004.

Is the real Barack Obama the man who said:

"I have always believed that the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to bear arms,"

Or is it the man who has said he categorically opposes your right to carry for self-defense?

Is the real Barack Obama the man who said:

“I also identify with the need for crime-ravaged communities to save their children from the violence that plagues our streets through common-sense, effective safety measures.

Or is it the man who believes that “what works” in Chicago is a complete ban on handgun ownership?
Is the real Barack Obama the man who said:

"There is an individual right to bear arms. But it is subject to common sense regulation."—Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Online, 2/15/08

Or is it the man who includes as “sensible regulation” prosecuting people who use a handgun in their own home in self-defense?

Is the real Barack Obama the man about which Gov. Schweitzer of Montana said:

“He ain't going to take your gun away. He ain't ever going to take your gun away.” Missoulian, August 13, 2008 (www.missoulian.com/articles/2008/08/13/news/local/news03.txt)

Or is it the man who endorsed a complete ban on handguns? Independent Voters of Illinois/Independent Precinct Organization general candidate questionnaire, Sept. 9, 1996. The responses on this survey were described in “Obama had greater role on liberal survey,” Politico, March 31, 2008. (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0308/9269.html)

And there is more. This is the real Barack Obama:

"I’m consistently on record and will continue to be on record as opposing concealed carry."
Chicago Tribune, 4/27/04

"I think it’s a scandal that this president (Bush) did not authorize a renewal of the assault weapons ban."
Illinois Senate Debate #3: Barack Obama vs. Alan Keyes, 10/21/04

"I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities and that our leaders must say so in the face of the gun manufacturers lobby."
The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama, 2006

"I think we have two conflicting traditions in this country." (gun ownership and restrictions on guns)
Politico, 2/11/08

"I think that local jurisdictions have the capability to institute their own gun laws."
BaltimoreSun.com, 2/15/08

"There was a discussion today about a law that has just passed in California that allows micro-tracing of bullets that have been discharged in a crime so that they can immediately be traced," he said. "This is something that California has passed over the strong objections of the NRA…That's the kind of common sense gun law that gun owners as well as victims of gun violence can get behind."
Baltimore Sun.com Feb. 15, 2008

Q: When you were in the state senate, you talked about licensing and registering gun owners. Would you do that as president?
A: I don't think that we can get that done.
2008 Democratic debate in Las Vegas Jan 15, 2008