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red states rule
09-23-2008, 06:21 PM
Breaking News >> FBI Investigating Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers and AIG for Potential Fraud

Fox News is reporting the FBI is looking into fraud charges. Perhaps now they willl go after the heads of those firms who ran them into the ground

There goes Franklin Rain's job as Obama's economic advisor

09-23-2008, 09:14 PM
I just can't wait for the full report!!!!!!!!! I'll bet it ain't gonna be pretty for the deregulators!!!!!!!!!!


09-23-2008, 09:21 PM
Breaking News >> FBI Investigating Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers and AIG for Potential Fraud

Fox News is reporting the FBI is looking into fraud charges. Perhaps now they willl go after the heads of those firms who ran them into the ground

There goes Franklin Rain's job as Obama's economic advisor

I could not believe my eyes reading that in the WSJ ---- the FBI is investigating whether some of these firms misrepresented their assets?????????

Migod, it was national news that Franklin Raines and his bunch fraudulently cooked the books so they would get bigger compensation, which was based on their fraudulent accounting, with the WSJ fulminating about jailtime all the while in the background!! Raines only escaped being locked up with the other jailbird CEOs because he is black, and everybody knows this! Suddenly the FBI is investigating??

Sounds like their job on the Amerithrax case ----- a total botch.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 09:28 PM
I could not believe my eyes reading that in the WSJ ---- the FBI is investigating whether some of these firms misrepresented their assets?????????

Migod, it was national news that Franklin Raines and his bunch fraudulently cooked the books so they would get bigger compensation, which was based on their fraudulent accounting, with the WSJ fulminating about jailtime all the while in the background!! Raines only escaped being locked up with the other jailbird CEOs because he is black, and everybody knows this! Suddenly the FBI is investigating??

Sounds like their job on the Amerithrax case ----- a total botch.

They do have to gather the evidence Mundame, they can't just charge people with a crime without it

Who do you think they are - Democrats?

09-23-2008, 09:29 PM
No shit, Sherlock!!!!!!!!


09-23-2008, 09:35 PM
They do have to gather the evidence Mundame, they can't just charge people with a crime without it

Who do you think they are - Democrats?

Everybody who reads the financial papers knew about Raines YEARS ago, that's why he was kicked out, so it's a little late for the FBI to run in and say, "Oh!! We're shocked to think somebody might have committed a crime here!"

I don't know what is going on with this at this late date, but it's pretty stupid for the FBI to take an interest so long after the fact. Where were they a few years ago when the crime was actually going on or had just been discovered??

I think the FBI just wants to get in on the action to promote their agency, now that there is a big meltdown going on. I'm losing all respect for the FBI.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 09:37 PM
Everybody who reads the financial papers knew about Raines YEARS ago, that's why he was kicked out, so it's a little late for the FBI to run in and say, "Oh!! We're shocked to think somebody might have committed a crime here!"

I don't know what is going on with this at this late date, but it's pretty stupid for the FBI to take an interest so long after the fact. Where were they a few years ago when the crime was actually going on or had just been discovered??

I think the FBI just wants to get in on the action to promote their agency, now that there is a big meltdown going on. I'm losing all respect for the FBI.

Or perhaps now the FBI sees they have a chance to prove a case in court. Dems are not going to like this if charges are placed, and people are put on trial

Then all the crap they pulled with their social engineering will come out

09-23-2008, 09:42 PM
Or perhaps now the FBI sees they have a chance to prove a case in court. Dems are not going to like this if charges are placed, and people are put on trial

Then all the crap they pulled with their social engineering will come out

Maybe you are right. It was very frustrating that Franklin Raines stole, outright, 147 million dollars and nobody dared to do a thing about it except let him take his money and run, because he was black.

But now is perhaps their chance, finally ----- only in the case of a major meltdown could anyone move against a black executive of Fannie Mae.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 09:43 PM
Maybe you are right. It was very frustrating that Franklin Raines stole, outright, 147 million dollars and nobody dared to do a thing about it except let him take his money and run, because he was black.

But now is perhaps their chance, finally ----- only in the case of a major meltdown could anyone move against a black executive of Fannie Mae.

Everyone knows Al Capone killed people - but they could never prove it in court

09-23-2008, 09:49 PM
From Reuters tonight --

In testimony before the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, the FBI chief also vowed to pursue corporate executives if necessary in mortgage fraud cases.

Mueller said the FBI was looking at all levels of the mortgage systems. With respect to the corporate probes, which could result in federal charges, "the allegations would be there were misstatements of assets," he said.

That's what Raines was accused of, certainly --- he and his cronies misstated the Fannie Mae assets bigtime in a way that allowed them to up their own compensation hugely. It was widely reported, but Fannie and Freddie had so many powerful friends in Congress (Franks, Obama, etc.) that no one could move against Raines.

There is going to be a lot more of this sort of thing if Obama gets in and stocks all the government agencies with corrupt, worthless people like Franklin Raines.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 09:51 PM
From Reuters tonight --

That's what Raines was accused of, certainly --- he and his cronies misstated the Fannie Mae assets bigtime in a way that allowed them to up their own compensation hugely. It was widely reported, but Fannie and Freddie had so many powerful friends in Congress (Franks, Obama, etc.) that no one could move against Raines.

There is going to be a lot more of this sort of thing if Obama gets in and stocks all the government agencies with corrupt, worthless people like Franklin Raines.

Looks like a job will be opening up on Obama's campaign staff

09-23-2008, 10:07 PM
do you honestly think the politicians who need to be investigated in this matter are going to be?

red states rule
09-23-2008, 10:12 PM
do you honestly think the politicians who need to be investigated in this matter are going to be?

We can only hope. The voters are pissed over the bailout and only 1 in 4 support it

09-23-2008, 10:14 PM
do you honestly think the politicians who need to be investigated in this matter are going to be?

There have been a lot of anti-black moves lately. The exposee on Rangel of New York was pretty comprehensive and damning. And now they are starting in on Franklin Raines??

So yes, sure, some of them ARE being investigated. These men deserve it, but at the same time it's a transparent attack against Barack Obama's candidacy. His enemies are saying, look, here are a lot of corrupt black men and we're showing you all their crimes: think about whether you want Obama appointing a lot more like them.

I agree with this so I don't object: too many black pols are flagrantly corrupt:

William Jefferson. Kweisi Mfume.

red states rule
09-23-2008, 10:34 PM
FBI probing bailout firms
Investigators start search for fraud at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers and AIG, sources say.


FBI spokesman Special Agent Richard Kelko had no comment on that information, but said that 26 firms were currently under investigation as part of the bureau's mortgage fraud inquiry.

Earlier this month, FBI director Robert Mueller told Congress that 1,400 individual real estate lenders, brokers and appraisers were now under investigation in addition to two dozen corporations.

"The FBI currently has 26 pending corporate fraud investigations involving subprime lenders," Kelko said. "As we have seen, this number can fluctuate over time, however we do not discuss which companies may or may not be the subject of an investigation."

Previously, CNN has reported that Countrywide is part of the investigation.


09-23-2008, 10:47 PM
There have been a lot of anti-black moves lately. The exposee on Rangel of New York was pretty comprehensive and damning. And now they are starting in on Franklin Raines??

So yes, sure, some of them ARE being investigated. These men deserve it, but at the same time it's a transparent attack against Barack Obama's candidacy. His enemies are saying, look, here are a lot of corrupt black men and we're showing you all their crimes: think about whether you want Obama appointing a lot more like them.

I agree with this so I don't object: too many black pols are flagrantly corrupt:

William Jefferson. Kweisi Mfume.

I don't think its necessary to bring Race into the equation. Senator Dodd and Barney Franks are just as responsible and corrupt in this and they are hardly black.

09-23-2008, 10:58 PM
There have been a lot of anti-black moves lately. The exposee on Rangel of New York was pretty comprehensive and damning. And now they are starting in on Franklin Raines??

So yes, sure, some of them ARE being investigated. These men deserve it, but at the same time it's a transparent attack against Barack Obama's candidacy. His enemies are saying, look, here are a lot of corrupt black men and we're showing you all their crimes: think about whether you want Obama appointing a lot more like them.

I agree with this so I don't object: too many black pols are flagrantly corrupt:

William Jefferson. Kweisi Mfume.

are you insane? so now because someone has a certain skin color they should NOT be investigated simply because the presidential candidate is black and this of course must be a black witch hunt :laugh2:

hear about jack abromoff (sp?) and cunningham from CA -- in prison, oh, they are WHITE

09-24-2008, 12:00 AM
Who Let The Dogs Out?

are you insane? so now because someone has a certain skin color they should NOT be investigated simply because the presidential candidate is black and this of course must be a black witch hunt :laugh2:

hear about jack abromoff (sp?) and cunningham from CA -- in prison, oh, they are WHITE

I say let them run!!!!!!!!!!!!


09-24-2008, 09:46 AM
I don't think its necessary to bring Race into the equation. Senator Dodd and Barney Franks are just as responsible and corrupt in this and they are hardly black.

I'm saying these attacks on prominent black men --- Rangel, Raines --- are hardly chance at this time, late September. You were thinking it was maybe a coincidence?

People are playing guilt by association against Obama. Black men are corrupt, therefore Obama will be corrupt. That's the suggestion in this ...peculiar timing.

I think it's a fair game, but it IS being played.

Politics is a grown up game, kiddoes. They aren't playing with softballs.

09-24-2008, 07:57 PM
I'm saying these attacks on prominent black men --- Rangel, Raines --- are hardly chance at this time, late September. You were thinking it was maybe a coincidence?

People are playing guilt by association against Obama. Black men are corrupt, therefore Obama will be corrupt. That's the suggestion in this ...peculiar timing.

I think it's a fair game, but it IS being played.

Politics is a grown up game, kiddoes. They aren't playing with softballs.

what about the WHITE people i pointed out? that is just the cream of the crop. get real.

09-24-2008, 08:42 PM
I'm saying these attacks on prominent black men --- Rangel, Raines --- are hardly chance at this time, late September. You were thinking it was maybe a coincidence?

People are playing guilt by association against Obama. Black men are corrupt, therefore Obama will be corrupt. That's the suggestion in this ...peculiar timing.

I think it's a fair game, but it IS being played.

Politics is a grown up game, kiddoes. They aren't playing with softballs.

my gosh, she's right.....conservatives made people default on their loans so they could prosecute Raines just before the election........

09-24-2008, 09:50 PM
I hope the greedy ceo's are punished and responsible regulations that dont hinder business, but dont allow the private sector to screw us.

Breaking News >> FBI Investigating Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers and AIG for Potential Fraud

Fox News is reporting the FBI is looking into fraud charges. Perhaps now they willl go after the heads of those firms who ran them into the ground

There goes Franklin Rain's job as Obama's economic advisor