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View Full Version : Palin's Preferred Probe Requires Utmost Secrecy

09-23-2008, 10:00 PM
Just what's all this secrecy about?

Source: Fort Mill Times

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Of the two Alaska investigations into abuse-of-power allegations against Sarah Palin, the governor has chosen to cooperate with just one: The one that guarantees secrecy, can last for years and which she could conceivably dismiss.

The Alaska Legislature in August began its inquiry into whether Palin abused her office when she fired Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, which he claims happened when he didn't fire a state trooper whom Palin's sister had divorced.

Palin initially pledged cooperation with that probe, which was unanimously approved by eight Republicans and four Democrats, saying, "Hold me accountable." After she became Sen. John McCain's running mate on Aug. 29, she backed off, claiming that those behind the probe were biased and manipulating the report's outcome and timing.

Around the time she was announced on the McCain ticket, she filed a complaint against herself with the Alaska State Personnel Board, the body that investigates ethics complaints against executive branch employees. Her attorney asked the Anchorage prosecutor hired by the Legislature to step aside in favor of the personnel board investigation..............

More: http://www.fortmilltimes.com/124/story/300734.html

Most of the time, secrecy just scares the hell out of most including me!!!!!!!!!


09-23-2008, 10:14 PM
fer crying out loud..

the Obambam smear merchants must not be finding out much up in Alaska...
I'm pretty sure they've been told more than once to go take a dive off a short cliff, though...Alaskans don't care to be bothered by the ignorant that call themselves...journalist....:laugh2:

never heard of the Fort mills times, either...sheeesh. desperate

09-23-2008, 10:23 PM
As usual, stevie, you obviously didn't read the damned article.

fer crying out loud..

the Obambam smear merchants must not be finding out much up in Alaska...
I'm pretty sure they've been told more than once to go take a dive off a short cliff, though...Alaskans don't care to be bothered by the ignorant that call themselves...journalist....:laugh2:

never heard of the Fort mills times, either...sheeesh. desperate

It is the natives of Alaska that are concerned here, don't you know? Give your simple ass a rest, stevie. Go to the Lounge and have a Cape Cod on me, OK?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?


09-23-2008, 10:31 PM
As usual, stevie, you obviously didn't read the damned article.

It is the natives of Alaska that are concerned here, don't you know? Give your simple ass a rest, stevie. Go to the Lounge and have a Cape Cod on me, OK?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?



and you sound like you've already had too many Buschs..go to bed..:poke:

09-23-2008, 10:49 PM
Do you actually think you're being witty or inadvertently intelligent, stevie?


and you sound like you've already had too many Buschs..go to bed..:poke:

Since when were you my bed monitor? I thought you were all about liberty and freedom and war?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
