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View Full Version : The Truth About Sarah Palin

09-24-2008, 02:33 AM
She ain't shit, folks. She is about everything that most of us have been trying to eliminate for most of our lives!!!!!!!!!


Sarah Palin's credentials as a "reformer" are nothing but spin. She has sided with Big Oil, lobbied to increase pork spending and abused her public power to carry out personal vendettas. Here's a guide to separating myth from fact.................

More: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/23140513/the_truth_about_sarah_palin

If you're looking for the Holy Ghost, you ain't gonna find it with Sarah Palin!!!!!!!!!!!!


09-24-2008, 03:53 AM
She ain't shit, folks. She is about everything that most of us have been trying to eliminate for most of our lives!!!!!!!!!


Sarah Palin's credentials as a "reformer" are nothing but spin. She has sided with Big Oil, lobbied to increase pork spending and abused her public power to carry out personal vendettas. Here's a guide to separating myth from fact.................

More: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/23140513/the_truth_about_sarah_palin

If you're looking for the Holy Ghost, you ain't gonna find it with Sarah Palin!!!!!!!!!!!!


I notice Timmy doesn't bother to document any of the garbage he made up...... wow, The Rolling Stone, isn't that the joke magazine that blatantly is in Obama's ass?...... Who besides you and 12 year olds could possibly give a shit what this hack rag has to say? Are you going to paste some bullshit from Time magazine next?

09-24-2008, 04:32 AM
the sad thing is, there are probably a million stoners who read nothing but the RS and will be stupid enough to vote based on what this idiot says.....

09-24-2008, 06:23 AM
so - where's the truth about Palin?

09-26-2008, 07:57 PM
Here are just a few of many things quoted from the article, dmp. This rag doesn't hit the news stands until Oct. 2, 2008, so you still have plenty of time to request any corrections that you might have.

THE MYTH: "I told the Congress 'Thanks, but no thanks' on that Bridge to Nowhere." — Sarah Palin, convention speech

THE FACTS: Supported the infamous pork project in her 2006 run for governor, even after Congress had killed the bridge; derided its opponents as "spinmeisters." Reversed her stance a year later — but kept the money, doling out the $223 million in federal funds to other pork projects throughout the state.

THE MYTH: "We ... championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress." — Sarah Palin, convention speech

THE FACTS: As mayor, employed a lobbyist who also worked for Jack Abramoff to secure $27 million in pork spending for Wasilla — more than $4,000 per resident. In her two years as governor, requested $453 million in earmarks. Alaska ranks first in the nation for pork, raking in seven times the national average.

THE MYTH: "I found ... someone who stopped government from wasting taxpayers' money." — John McCain, introducing Palin

THE FACTS: Signature accomplishment as mayor: building a $15 million hockey arena that plunged the city into debt. Broke ground on the project without finalizing the city's purchase of the land; the resulting fiasco cost Wasilla $1.3 million — roughly $200 per resident.

THE MYTH: "We began a nearly $40 billion natural-gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence." — Sarah Palin, convention speech

THE FACTS: With federal approval years away, not a single section of the pipeline has been laid. State could end up paying the pipeline's contractor $500 million — even if it never breaks ground on the project.

THE MYTH: "She's from a small town with small-town values." — Fred Thompson, convention speech

THE FACTS: Wasilla and the surrounding valley recently named the meth capital of Alaska, with 42 meth labs busted in a single year.

THE MYTH: "I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending." — Sarah Palin, convention speech

THE FACTS: As governor, sought travel reimbursement for 312 nights she spent in her own home................

There are other things reported in the article. I am certain the Rolling Stone would welcome any corrections that they feel need to be made. Printing lies has not been their modem operandi to my knowledge.


09-26-2008, 08:27 PM
You are expecting us to take as fact anything the ROLLING STONER has to say.........

my side aches from laughing so damn hard...


09-26-2008, 09:58 PM
They are all points covered extensively here, in the msm and even on FauxNews.

You are expecting us to take as fact anything the ROLLING STONER has to say.........

my side aches from laughing so damn hard...


None of them can refute the claims. Perhaps you can additionally enlighten us, stevie? Do you lack the courage or the intelligence?


09-27-2008, 04:31 AM
They are all points covered extensively here, in the msm and even on FauxNews.

None of them can refute the claims. Perhaps you can additionally enlighten us, stevie? Do you lack the courage or the intelligence?


Psych....you are right....these are all points covered extensively here.....and shown to be liberal bullshit spin extensively here.....what more do you need?....

09-27-2008, 05:32 PM
I have heard people say, as you say, it is all liberal bullshit spin, PmP. But, the facts remain verifiable and correct and that is not a good thing for the Governor of Alaska. Calling the truth "liberal bullshit spin" is not helping you in the credibility department unless you have something to show that what you say is true.

Psych....you are right....these are all points covered extensively here.....and shown to be liberal bullshit spin extensively here.....what more do you need?....

Perhaps you can shed more light on these subjects, PLEASE?!?!????!?!??


09-27-2008, 06:06 PM

09-28-2008, 08:45 AM
Here are just a few of many things quoted from the article, dmp. This rag doesn't hit the news stands until Oct. 2, 2008, so you still have plenty of time to request any corrections that you might have.

THE MYTH: "I told the Congress 'Thanks, but no thanks' on that Bridge to Nowhere." — Sarah Palin, convention speech

THE FACTS: Supported the infamous pork project in her 2006 run for governor, even after Congress had killed the bridge; derided its opponents as "spinmeisters." Reversed her stance a year later — but kept the money, doling out the $223 million in federal funds to other pork projects throughout the state.

THE MYTH: "We ... championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress." — Sarah Palin, convention speech

THE FACTS: As mayor, employed a lobbyist who also worked for Jack Abramoff to secure $27 million in pork spending for Wasilla — more than $4,000 per resident. In her two years as governor, requested $453 million in earmarks. Alaska ranks first in the nation for pork, raking in seven times the national average.

THE MYTH: "I found ... someone who stopped government from wasting taxpayers' money." — John McCain, introducing Palin

THE FACTS: Signature accomplishment as mayor: building a $15 million hockey arena that plunged the city into debt. Broke ground on the project without finalizing the city's purchase of the land; the resulting fiasco cost Wasilla $1.3 million — roughly $200 per resident.

THE MYTH: "We began a nearly $40 billion natural-gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence." — Sarah Palin, convention speech

THE FACTS: With federal approval years away, not a single section of the pipeline has been laid. State could end up paying the pipeline's contractor $500 million — even if it never breaks ground on the project.

THE MYTH: "She's from a small town with small-town values." — Fred Thompson, convention speech

THE FACTS: Wasilla and the surrounding valley recently named the meth capital of Alaska, with 42 meth labs busted in a single year.

THE MYTH: "I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending." — Sarah Palin, convention speech

THE FACTS: As governor, sought travel reimbursement for 312 nights she spent in her own home................

There are other things reported in the article. I am certain the Rolling Stone would welcome any corrections that they feel need to be made. Printing lies has not been their modem operandi to my knowledge.


great copy and paste. and no link. your a rolling "stoned" asshat

09-28-2008, 08:56 AM
I have heard people say, as you say, it is all liberal bullshit spin, PmP. But, the facts remain verifiable and correct and that is not a good thing for the Governor of Alaska. Calling the truth "liberal bullshit spin" is not helping you in the credibility department unless you have something to show that what you say is true.

Perhaps you can shed more light on these subjects, PLEASE?!?!????!?!??

why should he. you can't. fucker :lol::lame2::link::finger3::cheers2::cool:

09-28-2008, 12:40 PM
the truth about sarah palin: she has a penis :laugh2:

She ain't shit, folks. She is about everything that most of us have been trying to eliminate for most of our lives!!!!!!!!!


Sarah Palin's credentials as a "reformer" are nothing but spin. She has sided with Big Oil, lobbied to increase pork spending and abused her public power to carry out personal vendettas. Here's a guide to separating myth from fact.................

More: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/23140513/the_truth_about_sarah_palin

If you're looking for the Holy Ghost, you ain't gonna find it with Sarah Palin!!!!!!!!!!!!


09-28-2008, 12:41 PM
i love your download, you must pm and tell me how i can do stuff like that :laugh2:

bravo :clap:

great copy and paste. and no link. your a rolling "stoned" asshat

09-28-2008, 08:02 PM
I certainly provided a link to the article in the first post in this thread, dumbo.

great copy and paste. and no link. your a rolling "stoned" asshat

And I mentioned in the post that you indicate such dissatisfaction with that I was still talking about the article that had already been posted and properly linked. Sheesh, what a freakin' dumbo you are?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


09-28-2008, 08:06 PM
Do you have anything to back that up, martin, or are you just trying to be cute?

the truth about sarah palin: she has a penis :laugh2:

The things that I have said so far in this thread are all TRUE. Maybe you just stretched something a little too far, eh?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


09-28-2008, 09:01 PM
psydeshow, why are you such a coward?


09-28-2008, 09:04 PM
psydeshow, why are you such a coward?


He only 'instigates' doesn't 'reply', regardless of worthiness...

09-28-2008, 09:15 PM
Respond to what, dumbo? I am not involved in that conversation and don't plan to be.

psydeshow, why are you such a coward?


You don't understand international protocol or the events leading up to Sen. Biden's visit with the Georgian delegation. It's not my position to educate you on the topic at this time.


09-28-2008, 09:16 PM
Shame on you, kitty.

He only 'instigates' doesn't 'reply', regardless of worthiness...

You know better than that but you just had to spit it out, didn't you?


09-28-2008, 09:18 PM
Shame on you, kitty.

You know better than that but you just had to spit it out, didn't you?


As you do, my dear. Wanna have me set you up with a Busch?

09-28-2008, 09:19 PM
He only 'instigates' doesn't 'reply', regardless of worthiness...

his subsequent posts prove this

09-28-2008, 09:20 PM
his subsequent posts prove this

True. Now however considering his response, we'll give him a chance...

09-28-2008, 09:22 PM
That would be a good start, 'lil miss.

As you do, my dear. Wanna have me set you up with a Busch?

Thanks, you know that I MEAN that!!!!!!!!!!!:salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::che ers2::salute:

09-28-2008, 09:24 PM
What do we have here, the yuk/Kat coalition? Interesting!!!!!!!!!


09-28-2008, 09:26 PM
That would be a good start, 'lil miss.

Thanks, you know that I MEAN that!!!!!!!!!!!:salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::che ers2::salute:

why do you post? you are afraid to answer posts that you don't agree with. why? are you that scared?

09-28-2008, 09:38 PM
Are you begging me to enter into a thread with which I have not yet entered just because you wrote it and are proud of it?

why do you post? you are afraid to answer posts that you don't agree with. why? are you that scared?

Do you really think I am scared, yuk? Are you threatening me? Kiss this: :pee:
