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09-24-2008, 02:10 PM
So that he can go to Washington and deal with the financial crisis. Has this ever happened in a campaign before?

red states rule
09-24-2008, 02:16 PM
So that he can go to Washington and deal with the financial crisis. Has this ever happened in a campaign before?

I just heard in the radio Obama has rejected McCain's offer to suspend his campaign and join McCain in DC to try and fix this issue

So much for Obama wanting to work with Republicans

Will Obama debate himself on Friday night?

Or will it be turned into a rally for Obama?

09-24-2008, 02:20 PM
I was just going to post this.

It is interesting. And by asking Obama to join him, well, the only thing Obama can do is say "Okay." Anything less and he's toast. McCain, by coming out first and doing this shows leadership and Obama has no real choice but to follow.

Well, that's not true. He could come out and say that the only reason McCain has done this is to score points and votes, but that would be rather cynical. Ultimately, I can't help but think that the Obama camp is smacking their collective head and saying, "Damn it! Why did't we think of that?!"

McCain's statement:

"America this week faces an historic crisis in our financial system. We must pass legislation to address this crisis. If we do not, credit will dry up, with devastating consequences for our economy. People will no longer be able to buy homes and their life savings will be at stake. Businesses will not have enough money to pay their employees. If we do not act, ever corner of our country will be impacted. We cannot allow this to happen.

Last Friday, I laid out my proposal and I have since discussed my priorities and concerns with the bill the Administration has put forward. Senator Obama has expressed his priorities and concerns.This morning, I met with a group of economic advisers to talk about the proposal on the table and the steps that we should take going forward.I have also spoken with members of Congress to hear their perspective.

It has become clear that no consensus has developed to support the Administration' proposal. I do not believe that the plan on the table will pass as it currently stands, and we are running out of time.

Tomorrow morning, I will suspend my campaign and return to Washington after speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative. I have spoken to Senator Obama and informed him of my decision and have asked him to join me.

I am calling on the President to convene a meeting with the leadership from both houses of Congress, including Senator Obama and myself. It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem.

We must meet as Americans, not as Democrats or Republicans, and we must meet until this crisis is resolved.I am directing my campaign to work with the Obama campaign and the commission on presidential debates to delay Friday night's debate until we have taken action to address this crisis.

I am confident that before the markets open on Monday we can achieve consensus on legislation that will stabilize our financial markets, protect taxpayers and homeowners, and earn the confidence of the American people. All we must do to achieve this is temporarily set politics aside, and I am committed to doing so.

Following September 11th, our national leaders came together at a time of crisis. We must show that kind of patriotism now. Americans across our country lament the fact that partisan divisions in Washington have prevented us from addressing our national challenges. Now is our chance to come together to prove that Washington is once again capable of leading this country."

09-24-2008, 02:22 PM
I think it was a smart move image wise for McCain to do. Im not sure it will change anything though.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 02:25 PM
I think it was a smart move image wise for McCain to do. Im not sure it will change anything though.

It shows what is more important to Mccain. He did say he would rather lose an election then lose a war

Meanwhile, Obama has to think about joinging McCain and actually do something. Maybe Obama will go back to DC and vote "present" on the bailout

09-24-2008, 02:31 PM
It looks like a desperation move to me; note it came directly after the two bad polls.

McCain sure likes to throw Hail Mary passes. This wild move is like his choosing Palin for VP. A bad move, but it gets a lot of attention.

09-24-2008, 02:34 PM
I'd say he knew that Obama would use the economy (as a necessary building block of national security) to maul him in the first debate and hopes to postpone the debate until the furor subsides.

09-24-2008, 02:35 PM
It seems to me to be political posturing.

One upmanship by McCain. There is not a whole heck of a lot he is going to do in Washington before the election and he'll be back on the campaign trail before you can shake a stick, but at least he makes the appearance of being more concerned about Americans than Barack Obama! Bah.

Sorry, no points on this one from me.


red states rule
09-24-2008, 02:37 PM
I'd say he knew that Obama would use the economy (as a necessary building block of national security) to maul him in the first debate and hopes to postpone the debate until the furor subsides.

How typical of a liberal who puts party ahead of country

McCain actually wants to do his job, and that is not good enough for you

BTW, the topic of the first debate was foreign policy

09-24-2008, 02:38 PM
A lot of people are already thinking this means McCain is giving up!


I think this was a bad idea.

I guess we'll see.

He's trying to pose as a leader -- but what if he can't get a consensus? It's now against the interests of Dems to pass a bill and it's good for them to stall like a car run out of gas. I don't know why the Dems would play into all this!

09-24-2008, 02:40 PM
Reminds me of Perot ---------

Quitting in the middle of the campaign, leaving everything and all his supporters in confusion. I was for Perot, and I was really messed up by all that. That was my first thought when I heard this news:

Perot quitting.

Abbey Marie
09-24-2008, 02:41 PM
It seems to me to be political posturing.

One upmanship by McCain. There is not a whole heck of a lot he is going to do in Washington before the election and he'll be back on the campaign trail before you can shake a stick, but at least he makes the appearance of being more concerned about Americans than Barack Obama! Bah.

Sorry, no points on this one from me.


Immie, with no evidence to back it up, you "think" he lied about volunteering to stay in the POW camp until others there longer were freed. And you have admitted you just don't like the man. Let's face it, you will see everything he does or says in this campaign as lies.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 02:42 PM
Immie, with no evidence to back it up, you "think" he lied about volunteering to stay in the POW camp until others there longer were freed. And you have admitted you just don't like the man. Let's face it, you will see everything he does or says in this campaign as lies.

I just learned McDonalds can't get a loan. That is how tight money is right now

This seems to be more serious then I thought

McCain is trying to solve the problem, while Dems show all they care about is winning an election

09-24-2008, 02:46 PM
hey... I thought that everyone on here - and McCain - have been crowing for months and months about how fundamentally strong our economy is under the stewardship of Dubya the chimp.... ninety-eight other senators can handle this with ease, eh? McCain is desperate. period.:laugh2:

red states rule
09-24-2008, 02:49 PM
hey... I thought that everyone on here - and McCain - have been crowing for months and months about how fundamentally strong our economy is under the stewardship of Dubya the chimp.... ninety-eight other senators can handle this with ease, eh? McCain is desperate. period.:laugh2:

MFM we all know you are hoping for an economic collapse. Much like you hoped for defeat in Iraq

You want to dance on the graves of businesses as you did on the graves of our troops in Iraq

The more bad news that comes out the happier you are. You are a typical liberal who like a parasite, feeds off the blood and misery of others

You really do put your party ahead of your country and ahead of your fellow Americans

red states rule
09-24-2008, 02:54 PM
A lot of people are already thinking this means McCain is giving up!


I think this was a bad idea.

I guess we'll see.

He's trying to pose as a leader -- but what if he can't get a consensus? It's now against the interests of Dems to pass a bill and it's good for them to stall like a car run out of gas. I don't know why the Dems would play into all this!

But if it was Obama who suspended his campaign, you would tell us how Obama cares about the folks, and he is taking the high road to solve the problem

09-24-2008, 02:57 PM
hey... I thought that everyone on here - and McCain - have been crowing for months and months about how fundamentally strong our economy is under the stewardship of Dubya the chimp....

This is a really interesting point.

I think it HAS been fundamentally sound!! I mean, the indicators were there -------- good employment, low unemployment only recently rising, inflation not too bad considering, oil went up but then went down again --------

But then this, this MONSTER crawled out of the Black Lagoon, like when it last did in October 1929. The fundamentals of that economy were sound, too: people had jobs, owned homes, had savings and bank account.

But soon all that went away..........................

So what I'm taking from MFM's comment is that a fundamentally sound economy can crash from an attack from a broken financial system, and that really could happen!

I may have been underestimating all this.

09-24-2008, 03:00 PM
Immie, with no evidence to back it up, you "think" he lied about volunteering to stay in the POW camp until others there longer were freed. And you have admitted you just don't like the man. Let's face it, you will see everything he does or says in this campaign as lies.

Where did I say he was lying about this? Yes, I think he embellished, call it a lie if you like, the story about staying in Nam for others. What a great guy he is! Bah!!

I said he was posturing in this move. I did not say he was lying.


09-24-2008, 03:01 PM
But if it was Obama who suspended his campaign, you would tell us how Obama cares about the folks, and he is taking the high road to solve the problem

You must have me confused with someone else.

I think it's a dumb move whoever does it.

09-24-2008, 03:23 PM
Huh, suspending is the wrong word, he is simply taking advantage of a situation he and his party helped create. I am curious how he feels about deregulation now, it will be his 578th flip flop.

09-24-2008, 03:25 PM
I have opted to suspend my naturtal cynicism for the time being choosing to instead believe that McCain's action is because he has the best interests of the country at heart. Though I do confess that my first reaction was that this was a political play (which it probably is) and merely an effort to show some leadership qualities. The reality is, it's probably a combination of both, more of the latter.

09-24-2008, 03:26 PM
Fox News 4:24 PM 9/24 Breaking news:

Obama Rejects Call to Postpone Debate


Oh, boy, we're having fun now!!

I must say, ol' McCain doesn't seem to have a very steady hand on the wheel, does he? He postpones the Republican Convention, he unilaterally calls off the debate, he suspends his campaign ------------------

Could we please just reboot?

Get a whole new set of candidates in here?

I want a new deal -- and this time I want to cut the cards.

09-24-2008, 03:27 PM
good for mccain, country over party.

09-24-2008, 03:28 PM
Huh, suspending is the wrong word, he is simply taking advantage of a situation he and his party helped create. I am curious how he feels about deregulation now, it will be his 578th flip flop.

Whether you like it or not, this is a problem that has been decades in the making. There is plenty of blame to go around.

09-24-2008, 03:32 PM
Whether you like it or not, this is a problem that has been decades in the making. There is plenty of blame to go around.

dimcan thinks the dems are perfect and that obama is the long missing messiah. unfortunately, i don't i have ever heard an objective political viewpoint from him or her.

09-24-2008, 03:38 PM
A lot of people are already thinking this means McCain is giving up!

He just announced this a few hours back. Who are all of these people? And where are they stating that he is giving up? Can you link us please?

09-24-2008, 03:39 PM
Obama Rejects Call to Postpone Debate

Of course he did, like some unnamed posters here, he places politics above our country.

Joe Steel
09-24-2008, 03:49 PM
McCain's campaign is tanking and he has to do something to make himself look like less of a loser. I don't know that this stunt will work, though. McCain is so much a part of the reason for the crisis, going back to Washington may look like he's just trying to cover-up the damage he's already done.

09-24-2008, 03:52 PM
Whether you like it or not, this is a problem that has been decades in the making. There is plenty of blame to go around.

Exactly, just as that time in '29 did not 'come out of nowhere.' It was the reason I posted the timeline last evening. For the record, there were two separate recessions in the '20's and just like what's been happening in the 90's and 00's, they were not equally felt throughout the country.

09-24-2008, 04:08 PM
Very confusing, McCain flopping and floundering around, calling off his campaign, ducking the debate. Makes me MORE nervous about the financial breakdown, not less.

Don't we already HAVE a president, and he's scheduled to speak at 9 tonight on the situation?

Looks like McCain thinks he needs to act like he's the president all of a sudden, but does that mean now we have two of them?

Darn, I don't think we can afford the one we've got, he's running us into the ground. I'm sure we don't want two of them.

09-24-2008, 04:13 PM
Very confusing, McCain flopping and floundering around, calling off his campaign, ducking the debate. Makes me MORE nervous about the financial breakdown, not less.

Don't we already HAVE a president, and he's scheduled to speak at 9 tonight on the situation?

Looks like McCain thinks he needs to act like he's the president all of a sudden, but does that mean now we have two of them?

Darn, I don't think we can afford the one we've got, he's running us into the ground. I'm sure we don't want two of them.

Going to answer my question, or should we assume you just made stuff up out of thin air?

09-24-2008, 04:15 PM
It seems to me that McCain is acting in the interest of the country, probably at his own expense. He's a leader of the minority side of Congress, facing what has been called an economic crisis. Both sides are doing what legislators do, moving at a snail's pace, as was meant to be. On the other hand, if this crisis is as reported, by leadership on both sides, by the administration, by the 'regulators', something needs to get done, very soon. McCain also is one of the few leaders, of either side, that has an honestly good relationship with the leaders of both sides, Obama doesn't.

Come 1/20/09, either Obama or McCain are going to inherit the US government and all crisis that go with it. Unlike 9/11, this crisis is known to whoever will take over. It seems logical that both these men would want to know as much about the problem and whatever the government decides to do or doesn't, as it's going to shape their administration.

09-24-2008, 04:16 PM
good for mccain, country over party.


he's dodging the debates until the furor dies down a bit.... he's tanking in the polls and Obama will undoubtedly rub his nose in his economic deregulatory history...

09-24-2008, 04:18 PM

he's dodging the debates until the furor dies down a bit.... he's tanking in the polls and Obama will undoubtedly rub his nose in his economic deregulatory history...

And the lowlife racist you support isn't concerned about going to DC and assisting in fixing the problem. Maybe they should have told him that Wright and Ayers would be there with some watermelons!

09-24-2008, 04:18 PM
LOL, did anyone hear Obama's response on the radio? "If you need me give me a call" ??? Does this shitbag not think action needs to be taken? So much for Obama's claim that he too puts country first.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 04:19 PM
LOL, did anyone hear Obama's response on the radio? "If you need me give me a call" ??? Does this shitbag not think action needs to be taken? So much for Obama's claim that he too puts country first.

Obama is like MFM

Party and winning an election before country and anything else for that matter

09-24-2008, 04:21 PM
And the lowlife racist you support isn't concerned about going to DC and assisting in fixing the problem. Maybe they should have told him that Wright and Ayers would be there with some watermelons!

you don't think that 98 senators and your stellar president can fix this without Obama and McCain in the building?:laugh2:

Obama can easily "assist in fixing the problem" from a distance. Ever hear of TELEPHONES???:laugh2:

09-24-2008, 04:27 PM

he's dodging the debates until the furor dies down a bit.... he's tanking in the polls and Obama will undoubtedly rub his nose in his economic deregulatory history...

The first debate was supposed to be on foreign policy, which will look a little beside the point with all this STUFF going on with the financial system.

McCain sure takes big gambles. I realize he's suddenly fallen direly in the polls and he has to put the ball in the air, but darn.

Hey, wait, this is our chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We can get some other Republican to run for president, someone we could all actually VOTE for!!!!!!!!!!!

I nominate Lou Dobbs, Charles Krauthammer, and Henry Paulson.

09-24-2008, 04:33 PM
There is not a whole heck of a lot he is going to do in Washington before the election a

these two guys have been chosen to the the leaders of their respective parties.....if there isn't something they can do before the election, there sure isn't anything they can do after it.....

09-24-2008, 04:35 PM
It's now against the interests of Dems to pass a bill and it's good for them to stall like a car run out of gas. I don't know why the Dems would play into all this!
I'm glad to see you on record that the Dems should resist solving the problem in order to gain political advantage.....I knew it was true, just didn't think you would admit it.....

09-24-2008, 04:37 PM
hey... I thought that everyone on here - and McCain - have been crowing for months and months about how fundamentally strong our economy is under the stewardship of Dubya the chimp.... ninety-eight other senators can handle this with ease, eh? McCain is desperate. period.:laugh2:

so the guys who intend to lead the country for the next four to eight years should leave something like this in the hands of 98 other guys?......there's leadership for you.....

09-24-2008, 04:41 PM
a comparison of leadership styles.....

McCain: "I am calling on the President to convene a meeting with the leadership from both houses of Congress, including Senator Obama and myself. It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem."

Obama: "If you need me give me a call"

09-24-2008, 04:43 PM
I'm glad to see you on record that the Dems should resist solving the problem in order to gain political advantage.....I knew it was true, just didn't think you would admit it.....

Why not? It's obvious. What does "admit" mean --- are you implying I'm a Democrat? I've never been a Democrat in my life.

But that doesn't mean I can't figure out some politics THIS obvious. McCain has "suspended his campaign" to go to Washington and fight this Monster from the Black Lagoon "for the people" (no, no, I mean the fiscal meltdown, not Obama), as if he cares anything about the people: he cares about winning the election.

Therefore, the Democrats will fight him like cats stuffed in a gunny sack. Duh!

If it was Obama pulled this stupid stunt, the GOPers would fight him!! I don't see how McCain can win; Paulson and Bernanke must be under sedation right now, realizing that their hopes of a quick fix just went bust, thanks to John McCain.

09-24-2008, 04:48 PM
It would be so great if John McCain just KEPT his campaign suspended!!

Get somebody sensible in.

I bet I'm not the last person you'll see say that.

09-24-2008, 04:51 PM
Why not? It's obvious. What does "admit" mean --- are you implying I'm a Democrat? I've never been a Democrat in my life.

okay, so you have just started supporting Democrats THIS year, big difference....why would you support a candidate that would put political posturing ahead of doing the job he's already been elected to do....in the senate?.....

09-24-2008, 04:52 PM
Paulson and Bernanke must be under sedation right now, realizing that their hopes of a quick fix just went bust, thanks to John McCain.
thank God for that at least.....

09-24-2008, 05:05 PM
I see Mundame likes to toss out baseless comments/accusations and then flee when called to the floor. This is how I weed out who is worth debating with in the future. At least not everyone is dumb enough to just believe what any nitwit will write on a message board.

09-24-2008, 05:21 PM
a comparison of leadership styles.....

McCain: "I am calling on the President to convene a meeting with the leadership from both houses of Congress, including Senator Obama and myself. It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem."

Obama: "If you need me give me a call"

McCain is showboating. Obama isn't.

Actually, McCain is more like tapdancing to get us to forget his role in getting us INTO this mess.:lol:

red states rule
09-24-2008, 05:25 PM
McCain is showboating. Obama isn't.

Actually, McCain is more like tapdancing to get us to forget his role in getting us INTO this mess.:lol:

You mean the numerous times McCain tried to introduce bills to rweform Fannie and Freddie and Dems blocked it?

Of course you are so far gone, you are having a difficult time from the difference from reality and your DNC approved talking points

09-24-2008, 05:25 PM
McCain is showboating. Obama isn't.

Actually, McCain is more like tapdancing to get us to forget his role in getting us INTO this mess.:lol:

so mccain should do nothing....:rolleyes:

red states rule
09-24-2008, 05:26 PM
I see Mundame likes to toss out baseless comments/accusations and then flee when called to the floor. This is how I weed out who is worth debating with in the future. At least not everyone is dumb enough to just believe what any nitwit will write on a message board.

I am beginning to think she is related to MFM somehow

They are two peas in a pod

Or two nuts in a shell

Your call

red states rule
09-24-2008, 05:26 PM
so mccain should do nothing....:rolleyes:

That is what Reid and Pelosi have been damn good at for the last 2 years

09-24-2008, 05:28 PM
McCain is showboating. Obama isn't.

Who the fuck needs Obama to travel to DC to vote "present" once again anyway? Even a monkey can do that, which he has so many times before! :laugh2:

red states rule
09-24-2008, 05:30 PM
Who the fuck needs Obama to travel to DC to vote "present" once again anyway? Even a monkey can do that, which he has so many times before! :laugh2:

Watch out Jim, MFM will now draw the race card from the bottom of the deck for that one :laugh2::laugh2:

09-24-2008, 05:31 PM
That is what Reid and Pelosi have been damn good at for the last 2 years

they successfully caved to bush over drilling ban...

red states rule
09-24-2008, 05:34 PM
they successfully caved to bush over drilling ban...

and on Fisa, surrendering in Iraq, on spending bills, defeated tax hikes, and the childrens health bill where families earning $80,000 would be on the program

Not bad for a lame duck President

09-24-2008, 05:38 PM
so mccain should do nothing....:rolleyes:

of COURSE he should do something....I recommend dodging the debates to go showboat in DC. That'll work!

09-24-2008, 06:04 PM
Watch out Jim, MFM will now draw the race card from the bottom of the deck for that one :laugh2::laugh2:

Ask me if I care. I wouldn't vote for him anyway as my son in 3rd grade has more experience than him, and he didn't attend a racist, America hating church for 20 years, only to part ways when it might hurt him politically.

red states rule
09-24-2008, 06:13 PM
Ask me if I care. I wouldn't vote for him anyway as my son in 3rd grade has more experience than him, and he didn't attend a racist, America hating church for 20 years, only to part ways when it might hurt him politically.

Oh I know it is like water of a ducks back. I know how the twit operates.

Obama is showing how much he cares about the country and the voters with his one finger salute he gave McCain on his offer to go to DC and try and actually do something

09-24-2008, 06:15 PM
Oh I know it is like water of a ducks back. I know how the twit operates.

Obama is showing how much he cares about the country and the voters with his one finger salute he gave McCain on his offer to go to DC and try and actually do something

Just look at the racist scumbags ears, it's obvious he's only a couple of generations away from the apes! :coffee:

red states rule
09-24-2008, 06:26 PM
Just look at the racist scumbags ears, it's obvious he's only a couple of generations away from the apes! :coffee:


09-24-2008, 06:45 PM
RSR, like the wife one MtnBiker pointed out, this seems beneath you.

09-24-2008, 06:51 PM
RSR, like the wife one MtnBiker pointed out, this seems beneath you.

I'll take the blame, I started it. And it's not beneath me, I've always been a scumbag! :coffee:

09-24-2008, 06:57 PM
I'd say he knew that Obama would use the economy (as a necessary building block of national security) to maul him in the first debate and hopes to postpone the debate until the furor subsides.

brilliant idea....given obama and his dem controled congress had nothing to do with all this over the past 2 years.....

09-24-2008, 06:58 PM
brilliant idea....given obama and his dem controled congress had nothing to do with all this over the past 2 years.....

Didn't you get the memo that Obama is the Messiah and the Dems are always absolved of all wrongdoing?

09-24-2008, 07:01 PM
I'll take the blame, I started it. And it's not beneath me, I've always been a scumbag! :coffee:

I should have known! ;)

09-24-2008, 07:21 PM
Why are all the democrats on this board acting like their party is innocent in all this?! We have a Dem congress right now and they are as responsible for this mess as anyone. How dare they act as if this is solely G.W.'s fault? That is total nonsense,but unfortunately a lot of Americans won't see through the garbage pouring out of our media right now.

That being said,I give McCain credit for postponing his campaign. We all know this is an extremely tight race and I personally don't beleive he would chance it trying to pull a political stunt.....at least not this. I believe he wants the best for our country first.

09-24-2008, 07:39 PM
of COURSE he should do something....I recommend dodging the debates to go showboat in DC. That'll work!

so debating is more important than being a senator...he should ignore his duties to debate :poke:

only a party hack would think it more important to campaign than perform the duties of a senator

09-24-2008, 07:49 PM
McCain is showboating. Obama isn't.

Actually, McCain is more like tapdancing to get us to forget his role in getting us INTO this mess.:lol:

McCain may have something to add, Obama obviously doesn't. If a partisan vote should come up, the Dems should call him, he'll hop on a plane. He has no ideas, he doesn't need to hear any, as even then, nothing to contribute.

09-24-2008, 07:53 PM
McCain may have something to add, Obama obviously doesn't. If a partisan vote should come up, the Dems should call him, he'll hop on a plane. He has no ideas, he doesn't need to hear any, as even then, nothing to contribute.

if obama thinks a debate is more important than the economy notwithstanding the chump refused to debate hillary after he kept getting his ass handed to him... then obama belongs in a debate club, not the oval office or the senate office

09-24-2008, 07:56 PM
Of course he did, like some unnamed posters here, he places politics above our country.


09-24-2008, 08:17 PM
One Senator is doing his job and one Senator is voting present over the phone.

Obama needs to wait and see which way the wind is blowing so he knows how to vote and so he knows who as well as how to follow.

McCain went to Washington to the lead the way.

09-24-2008, 08:45 PM
Osama won't vote. no ones taught him how????

game over. McCain wins.......

09-24-2008, 08:46 PM
if obama thinks a debate is more important than the economy notwithstanding the chump refused to debate hillary after he kept getting his ass handed to him... then obama belongs in a debate club, not the oval office or the senate office

Obama is not a Democratic leader, he may be their poster boy, but far from a leader. It's understandable, he hasn't 'been there 200 days', much less long enough to gain legs. But here he is, just a vote or two away from the pinnacle. Able to tell Iran, "We hear you baby, we're with you!" Able to tell Putin, "Forget the past, we're not loading defensive or offensive missiles anywhere in Europe, we heard you Babe."

McCain has lots of negs, just ask any Conservative. At the same time, it's not never, never land.

Abbey Marie
09-24-2008, 08:48 PM
PostmodernProphet;300396]a comparison of leadership styles.....

McCain: "I am calling on the President to convene a meeting with the leadership from both houses of Congress, including Senator Obama and myself. It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem."

Obama: "If you need me give me a call"
I'd give Hussein a break on this one. Even he knows that with so little experience, he has nothing to offer them.

Abbey Marie
09-24-2008, 08:54 PM
That being said,I give McCain credit for postponing his campaign. We all know this is an extremely tight race and I personally don't beleive he would chance it trying to pull a political stunt.....at least not this. I believe he wants the best for our country first.

I agree about McCain, Krisy. Like him or not, he has a very strong record of going his own way to do what he believes is best for the country. That's what got him in trouble with Republicans in the first place.

I don't think the Dems are necessarily being nasty with the accusations that McCain is posturing. I think they just cannot comprehend a politician who places the country's needs over his own aspirations. They simply aren't familiar with the concept.

09-24-2008, 09:02 PM
I agree about McCain, Krisy. Like him or not, he has a very strong record of going his own way to do what he believes is best for the country. That's what got him in trouble with Republicans in the first place.

I don't think the Dems are necessarily being nasty with the accusations that McCain is posturing. I think they just cannot comprehend a politician who places the country's needs over his own aspirations. They simply aren't familiar with the concept.

Agreed. They also cannot relate to a candidate that is really ready to be a leader. Obama is not, while admitting he has a very good chance of winning. If he does, God bless him and the US, both will need it.

09-24-2008, 09:14 PM
Why are all the democrats on this board acting like their party is innocent in all this?! We have a Dem congress right now and they are as responsible for this mess as anyone. How dare they act as if this is solely G.W.'s fault? That is total nonsense,but unfortunately a lot of Americans won't see through the garbage pouring out of our media right now.

That being said,I give McCain credit for postponing his campaign. We all know this is an extremely tight race and I personally don't beleive he would chance it trying to pull a political stunt.....at least not this. I believe he wants the best for our country first.

cute..a "democratic congress" with less than 50 democratic senators so how the fuck do democrats pass anything, let alone get it past the monkey in the white house? givbe me a fucking break!

09-24-2008, 09:24 PM
cute..a "democratic congress" with less than 50 democratic senators so how the fuck do democrats pass anything, let alone get it past the monkey in the white house? givbe me a fucking break!

Please...are you going to act like Democrats have no fault in this?!! Take off the blinders!!! Your party is not perfect. They want to do nothing but raise taxes and make it even harder for average Americans to feed their families.

Give me a break,rev.

09-24-2008, 09:33 PM
cute..a "democratic congress" with less than 50 democratic senators so how the fuck do democrats pass anything, let alone get it past the monkey in the white house? givbe me a fucking break!

what is cute (sick actually) a dem loyalist who believes it is more important to campaign than perform the duties of the senate. it is more important to lash out at a senator who is asking people to come together to resolve this and bash him for not debating....when it is obama who refused mccain's townhall style debates. but oh no, because mccain wants to go to work in washington, you call him a chicken on the debate issue, but when obama did not want to do townhall style debate/sessions with mccain, you supported obama.

tell me: party politics aside - what exactly is wrong with mccain's suggestion?

you of course conveniently ignore this...

so debating is more important than being a senator...he should ignore his duties to debate

09-24-2008, 09:38 PM
what is cute (sick actually) a dem loyalist who believes it is more important to campaign than perform the duties of the senate. it is more important to lash out at a senator who is asking people to come together to resolve this and bash him for not debating....when it is obama who refused mccain's townhall style debates. but oh no, because mccain wants to go to work in washington, you call him a chicken on the debate issue, but when obama did not want to do townhall style debate/sessions with mccain, you supported obama.

tell me: party politics aside - what exactly is wrong with mccain's suggestion?

you of course conveniently ignore this...

the next election for president is VERY important. I am surprised that you would think otherswise.

Like I said, and Obama also said...if McCain can't walk and chew gum at the same time, perhaps he is in a bit over his head. If he can't impact the discussions in DC and still get ready for a debate that will showcase the differences between him and Sen. Obama for the American people who have to decide on our next leader in a few short weeks, perhaps he is not really up for the job.

09-24-2008, 09:42 PM
UOTE=manfrommaine;300513]the next election for president is VERY important. I am surprised that you would think otherswise.

of course you are surprised, i never said it wasn't. :poke:

Like I said, and Obama also said...if McCain can't walk and chew gum at the same time, perhaps he is in a bit over his head. If he can't impact the discussions in DC and still get ready for a debate that will showcase the differences between him and Sen. Obama for the American people who have to decide on our next leader in a few short weeks, perhaps he is not really up for the job.

once again:

what exactly is wrong with mccain's suggestion? it appears nearly everyone in power back in washington believes the economy is in serious shit. mccain wants to get back there and try and resolve it. you and captain amerrigoround think it is more important to debate on friday night. notwithstanding (again) that obama fled from mccain's offer to (i think 10) townhall style debates/session.

09-24-2008, 09:46 PM
what exactly is wrong with mccain's suggestion? it appears nearly everyone in power back in washington believes the economy is in serious shit. mccain wants to get back there and try and resolve it. you and captain amerrigoround think it is more important to debate on friday night. notwithstanding (again) that obama fled from mccain's offer to (i think 10) townhall style debates/session.

McCain's ssuggestion is designed to deflect his involvement in the deregulation that led to this crisis. It also seems aimed at scaling back the debate schedule so that Sarah Moosehunter won't have to debate anyone. McCain puts forth this townhall style format and expects everyone to just agree wholeheartedly with it, and when they don't, he runs away from any sort of debate. He's a pussy.

09-24-2008, 09:54 PM
McCain's ssuggestion is designed to deflect his involvement in the deregulation that led to this crisis. It also seems aimed at scaling back the debate schedule so that Sarah Moosehunter won't have to debate anyone. McCain puts forth this townhall style format and expects everyone to just agree wholeheartedly with it, and when they don't, he runs away from any sort of debate. He's a pussy.

what is the point of talking with you....you refuse to answer questions...and engage in ethereal talking points that do not address the issues i have asked or presented.

1. what is wrong with mccain's suggestion?

all politics aside, is there something wrong, in and of itself, with mccain's suggestion? this is the third time, do i need to make it any more clear?

2. you did address the debate issue, but holy crap, if i was in a rocking chair i would have fallen out laughing so hard. mccain offers debates in a, relatively speaking, smooth period and obama runs like there is no tomorrow. but, since all of washington seems to believe the economy is in serious shit, obama wants to simply debate mccain and not go back to washington to actually....wait...............................wai t................................................. ...........................be a senator and vote or give a voice.

your man is a pussy, not mccain. and deep down you know it.

09-24-2008, 10:04 PM
what is the point of talking with you....you refuse to answer questions...and engage in ethereal talking points that do not address the issues i have asked or presented.

1. what is wrong with mccain's suggestion?

all politics aside, is there something wrong, in and of itself, with mccain's suggestion? this is the third time, do i need to make it any more clear?

2. you did address the debate issue, but holy crap, if i was in a rocking chair i would have fallen out laughing so hard. mccain offers debates in a, relatively speaking, smooth period and obama runs like there is no tomorrow. but, since all of washington seems to believe the economy is in serious shit, obama wants to simply debate mccain and not go back to washington to actually....wait...............................wai t................................................. ...........................be a senator and vote or give a voice.

your man is a pussy, not mccain. and deep down you know it.
1. delaying the debate gives McCain a chance to avoid being connected to the deregulation debacle that caused this mess and it probably gives the McCain/Palin campaign the opportunity to bag the VP debates altogether.

2.McCain's "proposal" was not sanctioned by any independent party. The debates that WERE arranged were, and that independent party has urged that the first debate go on as scheduled.

My guess is both of them will end up voting on the measure either the day before the debate, the day of the debate or the day after.

09-24-2008, 10:11 PM
manfrommaine;300555]1. delaying the debate gives McCain a chance to avoid being connected to the deregulation debacle that caused this mess and it probably gives the McCain/Palin campaign the opportunity to bag the VP debates altogether.

are you familiar with the term "in and of itself" and do you know what it means?

2.McCain's "proposal" was not sanctioned by any independent party. The debates that WERE arranged were, and that independent party has urged that the first debate go on as scheduled.

My guess is both of them will end up voting on the measure either the day before the debate, the day of the debate or the day after.

huh? so obama gets a pass because some "independent" party did not "sanction" the debates? :laugh2: i guess obama is not fit to be president, he can't even make an executive decision to debate his opponent. :poke:

wait, i have to have...uh, um, uh, somebody....uh, sanction....this, uh, debate. folks, were talking about the future of this country, i cannot and will not debate this man unless somebody sanctions it!


09-24-2008, 10:15 PM
are you familiar with the term "in and of itself" and do you know what it means? yes. why do you ask?

huh? so obama gets a pass because some "independent" party did not "sanction" the debates? :laugh2: i guess obama is not fit to be president, he can't even make an executive decision to debate his opponent. :poke:
He chose not to agree to his opponent's unilateral terms. so what?

wait, i have to have...uh, um, uh, somebody....uh, sanction....this, uh, debate. folks, were talking about the future of this country, i cannot and will not debate this man unless somebody sanctions it!


:laugh2: (ditto)

09-24-2008, 10:15 PM
I am NOT convinced and 100% against this socialist, knee-jerk, quick fix, bad solution, and while im not gonna write my congressman if the debate is postponed, why must it be?

Washington cant go on If they dont have 2 votes from these two senators who have missed tons of votes

I didnt realize mccain and/or obama were gonna save us


09-24-2008, 10:38 PM
:laugh2: (ditto)

i was wrong to expect more from you. my mistake

09-24-2008, 10:39 PM
I am NOT convinced and 100% against this socialist, knee-jerk, quick fix, bad solution, and while im not gonna write my congressman if the debate is postponed, why must it be?

Washington cant go on If they dont have 2 votes from these two senators who have missed tons of votes

I didnt realize mccain and/or obama were gonna save us


think about it, you don't think these two senators have influence....one of them might be the next prez

mfm knows it, and that is why he is scared to answer my post(s)

09-24-2008, 10:57 PM
think about it, you don't think these two senators have influence....one of them might be the next prez

mfm knows it, and that is why he is scared to answer my post(s)
and they are both going to attend a meeting at the white house tomorrow...and then they should debate the day after...but methinks that McCain knows he is toast if he debates in the midst of a crisis he is a major part of creating so he wants to run and hide.

09-24-2008, 11:22 PM
and they are both going to attend a meeting at the white house tomorrow...and then they should debate the day after...but methinks that McCain knows he is toast if he debates in the midst of a crisis he is a major part of creating so he wants to run and hide.

so the debate is still more important than the duty of acting as a senator.....

no surprise, especially since you chicken boy wonder would not debate mccain without a so-called independent party :laugh2: your candidate had his chance...10 times....but now when mccain wants to work together as a fellow senator, not as an opponent, with obama, you call mccain chicken.

no surprise. party over country, every time.

09-24-2008, 11:25 PM
so the debate is still more important than the duty of acting as a senator.....

no surprise, especially since you chicken boy wonder would not debate mccain without a so-called independent party :laugh2: your candidate had his chance...10 times....but now when mccain wants to work together as a fellow senator, not as an opponent, with obama, you call mccain chicken.

no surprise. party over country, every time.

you can continue to insult my patriotism at every turn. I still forgive you. Again.... McCain makes a proposal and, because Obama doesn't accept it without condition, he is a coward, yet McCain can pull out of a mutually agreed upon format and he is somehow a hero? give me a break!:laugh2:

09-24-2008, 11:28 PM
you can continue to insult my patriotism at every turn. I still forgive you. Again.... McCain makes a proposal and, because Obama doesn't accept it without condition, he is a coward, yet McCain can pull out of a mutually agreed upon format and he is somehow a hero? give me a break!:laugh2:


i cannot answer yurt (my buddy) question.

it's ok mfm. my questions hurt and make you want to beg for silence. i'm fine with that, really.

09-25-2008, 04:30 AM
So that he can go to Washington and deal with the financial crisis. Has this ever happened in a campaign before?

It's more bout John McCain trying to save John McCain's presidential bid than it is about John McCain trying to save the national economy.

red states rule
09-25-2008, 06:25 AM
McCain priority - solving the problem

Obama's priority - running for a better job then he has now

Obama claims he loves to debate but refused to take on Mccain in 10 town hall debates. Obama does not cunction well without his teleprompter

Obama did not want to show up cause he knows he'll only vote present. Now he has been shamed into going to DC and doing the job he is currently being paid to do

And it is not running for President

red states rule
09-25-2008, 07:15 AM
the next election for president is VERY important. I am surprised that you would think otherswise.

Like I said, and Obama also said...if McCain can't walk and chew gum at the same time, perhaps he is in a bit over his head. If he can't impact the discussions in DC and still get ready for a debate that will showcase the differences between him and Sen. Obama for the American people who have to decide on our next leader in a few short weeks, perhaps he is not really up for the job.

Obama says a President should be able to "multitask". Then it should be easy for your messiah to excuse himself Friday afternoon, fly to Mississippi, give his speech, and fly back to Washington that night.

Should be easy for the choosen one

09-25-2008, 07:16 AM
so the debate is still more important than the duty of acting as a senator.....1.
no surprise, especially since you chicken boy wonder would not debate mccain without a so-called independent party :laugh2: your candidate had his chance...10 times....but now when mccain wants to work together as a fellow senator, not as an opponent, with obama, you call mccain chicken. 2.

no surprise. party over country, every time.3.

you can continue to insult my patriotism at every turn. I still forgive you. Again.... McCain makes a proposal and, because Obama doesn't accept it without condition, he is a coward, yet McCain can pull out of a mutually agreed upon format and he is somehow a hero? give me a break!:laugh2:


i cannot answer yurt (my buddy) question.4.

it's ok mfm. my questions hurt and make you want to beg for silence. i'm fine with that, really.5.

1. At this point, the senators are not only senators, but the nominees of their party for the highest office in the land. I think they are both smart enough to be able to multitask...well, at least one of them is.
2.Again. nothing is stopping them from working together today AND debating tomorrow... except, perhaps, McCain's fear of getting his ass whipped in the current climate.
3.same old erroneous insult...repeating it does not make it true
4.you just don't like my answers. And you are not my buddy.
5. more backhanded slurs from the master. why am I not surprised?

red states rule
09-25-2008, 07:24 AM
1. At this point, the senators are not only senators, but the nominees of their party for the highest office in the land. I think they are both smart enough to be able to multitask...well, at least one of them is.
2.Again. nothing is stopping them from working together today AND debating tomorrow... except, perhaps, McCain's fear of getting his ass whipped in the current climate.
3.same old erroneous insult...repeating it does not make it true
4.you just don't like my answers. And you are not my buddy.
5. more backhanded slurs from the master. why am I not surprised?

If Obama can multitask so well, let him show the nation by doing it.

McCain has no problem debating. in fact, he is behind in the polls, and that is typically the best time for the underdog to get the leader into a debate. or are you gonna deny that political reality?

09-25-2008, 07:36 AM
If Obama can multitask so well, let him show the nation by doing it.

McCain has no problem debating. in fact, he is behind in the polls, and that is typically the best time for the underdog to get the leader into a debate. or are you gonna deny that political reality?

Why waste your time discussing the issues with him? All that matters to him is the almighty (D) and will use any available excuse to absolve them of everything and anything. If one doesn't care that their ticket is comprised of a proven racist and a proven liar, speaking issues with them is fruitless.

Party over country each and every time. Very sad indeed.

red states rule
09-25-2008, 07:42 AM
Why waste your time discussing the issues with him? All that matters to him is the almighty (D) and will use any available excuse to absolve them of everything and anything. If one doesn't care that their ticket is comprised of a proven racist and a proven liar, speaking issues with them is fruitless.

Party over country each and every time. Very sad indeed.

I know that Jim, He is a lying political hack who is here to flame and smear people

I am using him as a punching bag and as a way to kill time this morning before going to the Dr's

09-25-2008, 07:43 AM
I know that Jim, He is a lying political hack who is here to flame and smear people

I am using him as a punching bag and as a way to kill time this morning before going to the Dr's

I'm saddened to inform you that hitting a deflated punching bag won't do much for you.

red states rule
09-25-2008, 07:48 AM
I'm saddened to inform you that hitting a deflated punching bag won't do much for you.

He claims to have me on ignore, but I am sure he is sitting behind his keyboard screaming at the ceiling as he reads my posts; and fights the temptation to reply

I do enjoy pushing his buttons and making him go over the edge - but within the rules of the community. Even though he is acting like a spoiled brat, he is not posting as much which is a good thing

red states rule
09-25-2008, 07:52 AM
BTW, if the deal is still not done, and Obama wants to debate; McCain can send Gov Palin in his place

I would enjoy watching her wipe the floor up with the messiah

Meanwhile, McCain does is job as US Senator and throws the messiah a curve ball

09-25-2008, 08:04 AM
1. delaying the debate gives McCain a chance to avoid being connected to the deregulation debacle that caused this mess and it probably gives the McCain/Palin campaign the opportunity to bag the VP debates altogether.

What proof do you have of this statement? I never heard that "deregulation" caused this. This was caused by Fannie Mae, a government run institution. How could it possibly be "deregulated". It happened because of lenders giving loans to those without good credit, mostly because Congress pressured them into doing so in order to get the 'disenfranchised' into homes. We've heard the speech of Daniel Mudd to the Congressional Black Caucus, and we've heard them cheer with glee that Fannie Mae had given more loans to minorities than any other company in history. Thats what the Dems wanted, thats what they got. And now we're stuck with the mess.

09-25-2008, 09:17 AM
What proof do you have of this statement? I never heard that "deregulation" caused this. This was caused by Fannie Mae, a government run institution. How could it possibly be "deregulated". It happened because of lenders giving loans to those without good credit, mostly because Congress pressured them into doing so in order to get the 'disenfranchised' into homes. We've heard the speech of Daniel Mudd to the Congressional Black Caucus, and we've heard them cheer with glee that Fannie Mae had given more loans to minorities than any other company in history. Thats what the Dems wanted, thats what they got. And now we're stuck with the mess.

No, wait, Hawk ------ when they deregulated they allowed short selling again, on downticks even, for instance. And I'm one who believes short seller crooks did indeed take down several investment banks by spreading rumors for personal profit ------ for instance, the hedge funds the FBI is investigating now. Short selling is how too many hedge funds make their money and they are collapsing the financial system. The laws were not enforced and that's the focus of the current FBI investigation.

I was for deregulation, too, but we may have been foolish about that, it's looking like..........

09-25-2008, 10:17 AM
No, wait, Hawk ------ when they deregulated they allowed short selling again, on downticks even, for instance. And I'm one who believes short seller crooks did indeed take down several investment banks by spreading rumors for personal profit ------ for instance, the hedge funds the FBI is investigating now. Short selling is how too many hedge funds make their money and they are collapsing the financial system. The laws were not enforced and that's the focus of the current FBI investigation.

I was for deregulation, too, but we may have been foolish about that, it's looking like..........

And this caused mortgage companies to give loans to folks who couldn't pay them? And for high risk people to ask for loans they couldn't pay off?

09-25-2008, 10:21 AM
1. At this point, the senators are not only senators, but the nominees of their party for the highest office in the land. I think they are both smart enough to be able to multitask...well, at least one of them is.
2.Again. nothing is stopping them from working together today AND debating tomorrow... except, perhaps, McCain's fear of getting his ass whipped in the current climate.
3.same old erroneous insult...repeating it does not make it true
4.you just don't like my answers. And you are not my buddy.
5. more backhanded slurs from the master. why am I not surprised?

right...thats why obama chickened out of the townhall style debates

suspending a campaign for a few days to fix what people in washington call a major economical disaster will not affect their run for the highest office. you believe that this debate is so important and that running for office is more important than focusing all their energy on being......................senators. if obama was a true leader, he would simply reschedule the debate next week, whats the big deal, wait a week.

i'm glad mccain suspended his campaign to focus on this problem. obama has never really been a senator as he has been running for president since day one of his term so it is no surprise he doesn't know how to get off the campaign trail.

09-25-2008, 10:25 AM
And this caused mortgage companies to give loans to folks who couldn't pay them? And for high risk people to ask for loans they couldn't pay off?

No. Well.

I can't excuse any of that: at the lowest level (both sides of the table) the behavior was simply and plainly criminal.

But that's not what we were talking about above: we were talking about deregulation. There IS some real problem with deregulation, after all. More than one thing is going on here.

This business of signing up bad credit risks for extremely weird mortgages they'd have to soon refi out of but then couldn't because housing values collapsed --------- that's not about deregulation, that's about misbehavior, and I agree that the black and Dems in Fannie Mae and Congress and the communities are to blame and that it was wrong and even criminal conduct. And indeed, the FBI is now investigating, extremely belatedly.

I don't believe that investment banks knew that all over the world, however ---- Lehman Bros, China, British banks, etc. If they had understood the risk was so high they were about to get flattened, I'm sure they would have changed their behavior to avoid the catastrophe that is going on now.

09-25-2008, 10:31 AM
Reuters, 11:27 AM 9/25:

Obama says Congressional leaders have made progress, appear close to deal on bailout

Thus Obama quickly takes credit for the whole thing!

If he's quick on his feet, he can watch the deal finalized in the House Friday afternoon, go to the "debate" and deliver speeches and jokes on the stage while everyone will be watching to see McCain not show up, and McCain will be stuck in Washington with a done deal that didn't need him, looking like an idiot.

On the other hand, if the deal gets hung and McCain stays in Washington working it all weekend, he MIGHT look better.

09-25-2008, 10:42 AM
1. At this point, the senators are not only senators, but the nominees of their party for the highest office in the land. I think they are both smart enough to be able to multitask...well, at least one of them is.

I agree with the essence of this thought, but I have a slightly different take. I have always held the opinion that any senator, congressman, or other elected official seeking the office of the President should be required to relinquish their current office. The demands and rigors of a national campaign are such that they are frequently unable to fulfill the obligations of the office to which they have been elected. They are senators first, elected by citizens, sworn to represent those citizens. This is their first job, not running for President.

2.Again. nothing is stopping them from working together today AND debating tomorrow... except, perhaps, McCain's fear of getting his ass whipped in the current climate.

I can't argue with this, except that I don't think McCain is afraid. I will, however, say that if the debate is pushed back until this crap is resolved, both candidates would have the benefit of being able to worry about only one problem rather than splitting their focus.

Some stuff between you and Yurt that I have no interest in addressing

09-25-2008, 10:46 AM
How would McCain "get his ass whipped" in a debate on foreign policy. Obama can't even admit he was dead wrong on the surge and McCain was right. McCain is going to beat him over the head with that FACT over and over.

Facts are stubborn things!!!!

09-25-2008, 11:26 AM
hey... I thought that everyone on here - and McCain - have been crowing for months and months about how fundamentally strong our economy is under the stewardship of Dubya the chimp.... ninety-eight other senators can handle this with ease, eh? McCain is desperate. period.:laugh2:

It's obvious the punk ass osama realizes that he has nothing to contribute to an adult discussion about spending close to a trillion dollars of taxpayer money, he's too busy being a National community organizer than to do the job he was actually elected to do. He is a United States Senator, is he not? He did state that this was the biggest crisis ever, right? And yet it's more important for him to recite the same bullshit speech to a bunch of his sheep in some po-dunk town than to do his job........ he's an asshole that if out of the incredible lunacy of the voting public and cheating of Democrats, he would actually get into office, will be out within six months.

As for President Bush being at fault, you are a bigger dimwit than I thought. This is the result of the asinine policies of Jimma Cawta and Bill "BJ"Clinton. Forcing banks to give loans to minority borrowers that had no means to pay them back was a Democrat vote buying scheme started by that dimwit submarine clown Cawta. "BJ" expanded it and now the proverbial chickens are coming home to roost.

Isn't it time for you to head south to tortilla land for the rest of your boring ass life?:fu:

09-25-2008, 11:37 AM
you can continue to insult my patriotism at every turn. I still forgive you. Again.... McCain makes a proposal and, because Obama doesn't accept it without condition, he is a coward, yet McCain can pull out of a mutually agreed upon format and he is somehow a hero? give me a break!:laugh2:

A patriot could never leave the country he supposedly loves, to relocate to Mexico to eat refried beans for the rest of his life. Running away from your country is not patriotic, at least it isn't to anyone but Demwitocrats. I can't wait to see the photo of you holding up the flag of your new country with a tortilla stuffed in your mouth. Anyone that has to constantly remind everyone how patriotic they are doesn't even believe it themselves. President Bush's farts are more patriotic than you, cookie.

09-25-2008, 11:38 AM
"We know he didn't do it because he's afraid because Sen. McCain wanted more debates." - William Jefferson Clinton

09-25-2008, 11:40 AM
"We know he didn't do it because he's afraid because Sen. McCain wanted more debates." - William Jefferson Clinton

Mr. Clinton seems to be enjoying himself these days. He says ANYthing he wants!

09-25-2008, 11:42 AM
Mr. Clinton seems to be enjoying himself these days. He says ANYthing he wants!

No kidding, and it's pissing some people off.

Abbey Marie
09-25-2008, 01:54 PM
McCain's correct assessment of the need to get back to DC and focus on this huge crisis, was dismissed by Obama as an inability to multi-task. It makes you wonder what Obama would do as Prez if he was busy elsewhere while we had a major crisis. Would he just keep sailing or "organizing", or whatever, while we were, say, attacked, and claim he was multi-tasking? Yet another for my long list of reasons why this guy must be kept out of the WH.

09-25-2008, 02:03 PM
Yet another for my long list of reasons why [Obama] must be kept out of the WH.

McCain's strange erratic behavior looks to me as though it's guaranteeing an Obama victory.

For the first time I'm thinking McCain maybe IS too old. He just suddenly does these crazy things and nobody can figure out where they came from --- certainly not from his advisors.

Abbey Marie
09-25-2008, 02:35 PM
McCain's strange erratic behavior looks to me as though it's guaranteeing an Obama victory.

For the first time I'm thinking McCain maybe IS too old. He just suddenly does these crazy things and nobody can figure out where they came from --- certainly not from his advisors.

Returning to Washington to do his job as a Senator is crazy?

09-25-2008, 02:47 PM
McCain's strange erratic behavior looks to me as though it's guaranteeing an Obama victory.

For the first time I'm thinking McCain maybe IS too old. He just suddenly does these crazy things and nobody can figure out where they came from --- certainly not from his advisors.

so they guy that can deliver the republican vote and work across the aisle.....goes back to washington to do what he has done in the past to help resolve this very important issue and you call him crazy.....

i assume sanity would be holding a televised pissing match to discuss what you might do in the future about things you have no control over .....

09-25-2008, 02:53 PM
Returning to Washington to do his job as a Senator is crazy?

Sure, if he's running for president and he "suspends his campaign" in late September!! Running for president is his job, not suddenly something else.

Flying back for a vote would be good, and conscientious -------

But "suspending his campaign" and calling off a presidential debate?????

Shades of Perot going nuts in 1992!

Today is the first time I supposed the age thing was a problem, but this is just WAAAAAAY too erratic --- nobody sane does this sort of thing!

I think McCain has lost it because of age and we need a younger candidate.

Oooooooooooooooo, no, NOT Palin.

09-25-2008, 02:58 PM
McCain's strange erratic behavior looks to me as though it's guaranteeing an Obama victory.

For the first time I'm thinking McCain maybe IS too old. He just suddenly does these crazy things and nobody can figure out where they came from --- certainly not from his advisors.


09-25-2008, 03:00 PM
so they guy that can deliver the republican vote and work across the aisle.....goes back to washington to do what he has done in the past to help resolve this very important issue and you call him crazy.....

i assume sanity would be holding a televised pissing match to discuss what you might do in the future about things you have no control over .....


i will debate my way through a wet paper bag, i will debate my way through a wet paper bag....

09-25-2008, 03:20 PM

I guess that does look like McCain suspending his campaign, but could be considered a little unkind...... http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/nevet%E9s-kacag%E1s/laughing-smiley-018.gif

09-25-2008, 03:36 PM
I guess that does look like McCain suspending his campaign, but could be considered a little unkind...... http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/nevet%E9s-kacag%E1s/laughing-smiley-018.gif

actually, it's obama wondering how mccain made him look like a hack

Abbey Marie
09-25-2008, 03:58 PM
Sure, if he's running for president and he "suspends his campaign" in late September!! Running for president is his job, not suddenly something else.

Flying back for a vote would be good, and conscientious -------

But "suspending his campaign" and calling off a presidential debate?????

Shades of Perot going nuts in 1992!

Today is the first time I supposed the age thing was a problem, but this is just WAAAAAAY too erratic --- nobody sane does this sort of thing!

I think McCain has lost it because of age and we need a younger candidate.

Oooooooooooooooo, no, NOT Palin.

Kooky reasoning on your part, Mundame.

To the debate point, too bad Obama ducked all those Town Hall meetings McCain asked him to participate in with him. I guess he was too busy campaigning, because, by your reasoning, that is more important than working your hardest to save the country from financial ruin.

09-25-2008, 04:19 PM
right...thats why obama chickened out of the townhall style debates

suspending a campaign for a few days to fix what people in washington call a major economical disaster will not affect their run for the highest office. you believe that this debate is so important and that running for office is more important than focusing all their energy on being......................senators. if obama was a true leader, he would simply reschedule the debate next week, whats the big deal, wait a week.

i'm glad mccain suspended his campaign to focus on this problem. obama has never really been a senator as he has been running for president since day one of his term so it is no surprise he doesn't know how to get off the campaign trail.

I wonder why you think you KNOW why Obama did not agree to McCain's debate proposal but instead went with the non-partisan commission plan?

My guess is that McCain is using this as a way to skip one debate - and the one his campaign really wants to skip is the VP one!:laugh2:

09-25-2008, 05:14 PM
manfrommaine;300812]I wonder why you think you KNOW why Obama did not agree to McCain's debate proposal but instead went with the non-partisan commission plan?

let's see the genius hisself in action....he wonders why i "think" i KNOW, yet his next statement is a presumption ABOUT mccain :laugh2:

My guess is that McCain is using this as a way to skip one debate - and the one his campaign really wants to skip is the VP one!:laugh2

do you enjoy kicking your own ass in debates?

09-25-2008, 05:16 PM
I wonder why you think you KNOW why Obama did not agree to McCain's debate proposal but instead went with the non-partisan commission plan?

My guess is that McCain is using this as a way to skip one debate - and the one his campaign really wants to skip is the VP one!:laugh2:

McCain has spent months trying to debate Obama, I doubt he has any fear in that regard.

IMO McCain is doing the right thing. He is being paid, my tax dollare, to be a senator. Something Bambam cares nothing about, since he's been running for president since he was elected to the Senate.

09-25-2008, 05:20 PM
McCain has spent months trying to debate Obama, I doubt he has any fear in that regard.

IMO McCain is doing the right thing. He is being paid, my tax dollare, to be a senator. Something Bambam cares nothing about, since he's been running for president since he was elected to the Senate.

exactly. obama does not know how to be a senator as he has only been campaigning since day one. the messiah never intended to actually work as a senator, only to use the office to get to his "heavenly" throne in the whitehouse.

09-25-2008, 06:51 PM
MFM, what is wrong with delaying the debate for a couple of days? McCain certainly didn't say he would cancel it, just that he would like to delay it while they work on the fate of $700 Billion tax dollars...

Obama has lost virtually every debate he has ever been in, so I can understand why he'd want to debate an empty chair. LOL.

09-26-2008, 03:46 AM
McCain priority - solving the problem

<blockquote>If you doubt that McCain's moves were about rescuing his candidacy rather than our economy, consider how his proposal to suspend the presidential campaign came about.

McCain had just finished a phone call with Obama on Wednesday in which they discussed a joint statement of principles and McCain broached the idea of suspending the campaign. Obama said he'd think about it, but McCain didn't give him time. To Obama's surprise, McCain appeared on television shortly after the conversation to announce his unilateral pause in campaigning and a call for postponing Friday's debate. This is bipartisanship?

As for getting the nominees to yesterday's White House meeting, Bush's lieutenants had been in discussions with McCain's people during the day Wednesday. Obama didn't get his invitation from the president until around 7:30 p.m., just an hour and a half before Bush's speech. This was an active intervention by Bush on behalf of McCain to box Obama into the photo op. Again, was this bipartisan? - <a href=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/25/AR2008092503684.html?hpid=opinionsbox1>The Washington Post</a></blockquote>

Obama's priority - running for a better job then he has now

<blockquote>“I didn’t decide to run for president to start a national crusade for the political reforms I believed in or to run a campaign as if it were some grand act of patriotism. In truth, I wanted to be president because it had become my ambition to be president. . . . In truth, I’d had the ambition for a long time.” - John McCain</blockquote>

Obama claims he loves to debate but refused to take on McCain in 10 town hall debates. Obama does not function well without his teleprompter

Hmmmm...It seems that Grampy was the one that pussed out here. But do please provide specific examples with links of your assertion.

Obama did not want to show up cause he knows he'll only vote present. Now he has been shamed into going to DC and doing the job he is currently being paid to do

McCain was absent for 64.1% of Senate votes, Obama for 45.9%. Seems Obama's spent more time doing his job than Grampy.

And it is not running for President

So if McCain is confronted with more than one problem at a time as POTUS, he just suspends the presidency to deal with one at a time? It would seem multi-tasking is a prerequisite for the office.

09-26-2008, 04:38 AM
We're watching a presidential ticket falling apart in front of our eyes.

Didn't take long either.

What a mess.

09-26-2008, 06:57 AM
We're watching a presidential ticket falling apart in front of our eyes.

Didn't take long either.

What a mess.
The Democrats have been owned!

I think the Republicans have set up the Democrats with this bail out thing. My guess is Bush is in the middle of it and planned the strategy with the Party so they could align the Dems with Bush separating the Republicans who, then come out shining with an alternative program that protects the tax payer with half the cost at the last minute... as the stock market descends into a red blood bath this morning the Democrats will agree to whatever the Republicans offer. Obama will have to choose to get on the plane or not with the stock market tanking to go debate alone as McCain stays in Washington to save the day... Maybe McCain will do a satellite hookup for the debate from the Senate to rub it in pointing out how he showed leadership and Obama showed he is aligned with Bush and only wanted to play politics as usual.

It's like those TV commercials, "but if you call in the next ten minutes I'll double the offer, just pay shipping and handling". Did I mention that 70% of Americans are against the bail out?

09-26-2008, 08:13 AM
I think the whole thing is a ploy to keep Obama from having time to prepare for a debate on foreign relations......keep him busy watching the real senators debate the financial crisis and his handlers won't be able to drill him on who has veto powers over the UN Security Council......I look for McCain to show up at the last minute....

09-26-2008, 09:18 AM
let's see the genius hisself in action....he wonders why i "think" i KNOW, yet his next statement is a presumption ABOUT mccain :laugh2:

do you enjoy kicking your own ass in debates?

your post was clearly a statement of fact. my post was clearly my opinion.

"right...thats why obama chickened out of the townhall style debates"

me:"My guess is that McCain is using this as a way to skip one debate - and the one his campaign really wants to skip is the VP one! "

I wondered how you KNEW why Obama rejected McCain's town hall formats... you stated it as fact and I wondered how you thought you knew that. Do you have an answer to that simple question or merely more lawyerly tapdancing?

09-26-2008, 09:21 AM
My guess is that McCain is using this as a way to skip one debate - and the one his campaign really wants to skip is the VP one!:laugh2:

Hmmmmmmm........I wonder if you might be right.

Palin is possibly just so hopeless that an experienced senator like Biden could easily make her look foolish.

It does seem as if the result of all this is to ditch at least the VP debate, if not all of them. If this Washington crisis drags on, McCain could deep-six the whole debate process. Might be wise to do so.

09-26-2008, 09:28 AM
Clearly, America ain't buyin' McCain's act... Rasmussen has Obama up by FIVE...his biggest lead since his post convention bounce. Obama has been steady and calm throughout this crisis while McCain has been running around like a chicken with his head cut off.... from "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" to this latest "gotta ditch the debates and lead the way through this economic crisis" bullshit. It will further backfire on him when all his "presidential leadership" won't be able to budge the house republicans. :laugh2:

09-26-2008, 01:07 PM
your post was clearly a statement of fact. my post was clearly my opinion.

"right...thats why obama chickened out of the townhall style debates"

me:"My guess is that McCain is using this as a way to skip one debate - and the one his campaign really wants to skip is the VP one! "

I wondered how you KNEW why Obama rejected McCain's town hall formats... you stated it as fact and I wondered how you thought you knew that. Do you have an answer to that simple question or merely more lawyerly tapdancing?

good lord you are nit picky and love to parse everything....mine is as much a statement of ""fact"" as yours, where did i say that my statement was a "fact?" oh wait, i did not. apparently everything has to be spelled out in minutia in order for mfm to be happy. maybe we all need a disclaimer that our comments are opinions unless expressly stated as fact.

why don't you have your lawyer draw up a posting agreement with me mfm :laugh2:

i love how you know obama is not chicken, but know mccain is

09-26-2008, 01:23 PM
and they are both going to attend a meeting at the white house tomorrow...and then they should debate the day after...but methinks that McCain knows he is toast if he debates in the midst of a crisis he is a major part of creating so he wants to run and hide.

It would appear that Osama screwed up the White House meeting by attempting to take it over and getting into an arrogant pissing match with the Republicans........ what a uniter, what a diplomat. Seems Osama is in a hurry to get back to the groupie skanks he has been seen hanging with.

Osamabama is a punk, a hack and wouldn't even make a believable used car lot car washer. Why wouldn't a dipshit like this be up in the polls with the ridiculously uninformed public?

09-26-2008, 01:44 PM
It would appear that Osama screwed up the White House meeting by attempting to take it over and getting into an arrogant pissing match with the Republicans........ what a uniter, what a diplomat. Seems Osama is in a hurry to get back to the groupie skanks he has been seen hanging with.

Osamabama is a punk, a hack and wouldn't even make a believable used car lot car washer. Why wouldn't a dipshit like this be up in the polls with the ridiculously uninformed public?

Yep, seems he blew the set up the Dems had arranged for. Today they are on the attack, but I doubt it will take long for the story to get out through non- traditional sources.

09-26-2008, 01:54 PM
good lord you are nit picky and love to parse everything....mine is as much a statement of ""fact"" as yours, where did i say that my statement was a "fact?" oh wait, i did not. apparently everything has to be spelled out in minutia in order for mfm to be happy. maybe we all need a disclaimer that our comments are opinions unless expressly stated as fact.

why don't you have your lawyer draw up a posting agreement with me mfm :laugh2:

i love how you know obama is not chicken, but know mccain is



notice the difference?:laugh2:

09-26-2008, 01:56 PM
McCain played chicken with Obama about the debate, proclaiming that he would not debate until a deal was done in DC. And here we are.... the deal is FAR from done and Johnny boy is on his way to Mississippi. BLINK! FLIP FLOP!:laugh2:

09-26-2008, 04:21 PM
Yep, seems he blew the set up the Dems had arranged for. Today they are on the attack, but I doubt it will take long for the story to get out through non- traditional sources.

very true, unfortunately the media is nearly completely in obama's camp and does his campaigning for him, so if the dems make a talking point list, the media blindly repeats it as if it is fact

09-26-2008, 04:24 PM
very true, unfortunately the media is nearly completely in obama's camp and does his campaigning for him, so if the dems make a talking point list, the media blindly repeats it as if it is fact

Problem for the MSM, when enough of non-traditional writes, they need to catch up, however abhorrent they may find it. They learned their lesson somewhat with Drudge, later Rathergate. It's not firm yet, but getting there. It's the preponderance of the elephant.

09-26-2008, 04:24 PM


notice the difference?:laugh2:

let me highlight my post so you can see the 'difference'

good lord you are nit picky and love to parse everything....mine is as much a statement of ""fact"" as yours, where did i say that my statement was a "fact?" oh wait, i did not. apparently everything has to be spelled out in minutia in order for mfm to be happy. maybe we all need a disclaimer that our comments are opinions unless expressly stated as fact.

why don't you have your lawyer draw up a posting agreement with me mfm

i love how you know obama is not chicken, but know mccain is

i guess obama is a liar and scumbag who has 29 concubines....one for each day of the muslim lunar month

09-26-2008, 04:26 PM
very true, unfortunately the media is nearly completely in obama's camp and does his campaigning for him, so if the dems make a talking point list, the media blindly repeats it as if it is fact

There is a great op-ed piece by Tony Blankley at the Washington Times which addresses this.

Media covering for Obama (http://washingtontimes.com/news/2008/sep/24/media-chronicles/)

09-26-2008, 04:26 PM
Problem for the MSM, when enough of non-traditional writes, they need to catch up, however abhorrent they may find it. They learned their lesson somewhat with Drudge, later Rathergate. It's not firm yet, but getting there. It's the preponderance of the elephant.

i hope you are right. i did hear on the radio (car radio Mr. P) this morning that the dems made a deal about how mccain is playing politics with this, YET they said that obama was the one with the ideas and that obama's ideas should be followed.....

i also heard that reid or someone made a statement that asked bush to kick mccain out of town....


09-26-2008, 04:31 PM
There is a great op-ed piece by Tony Blankley at the Washington Times which addresses this.

Media covering for Obama (http://washingtontimes.com/news/2008/sep/24/media-chronicles/)

excellent article, loved this and so true

And as a result, we are less than seven weeks away from possibly electing a president who has not been thoroughly and even half way honestly presented to the country by our watchdogs — the press.

seriously, can someone point out the negative or serious stories on obama that shed him in, even a slight, negative light? especially compared with palin.

rsr has a great pic that shows two covers of a magazine, palin v obama, and the bias is so clear that it should be presumed that the burden is on the media to defend that kind of bias

09-26-2008, 04:33 PM
i hope you are right. i did hear on the radio (car radio Mr. P) this morning that the dems made a deal about how mccain is playing politics with this, YET they said that obama was the one with the ideas and that obama's ideas should be followed.....

i also heard that reid or someone made a statement that asked bush to kick mccain out of town....


Are those the same ideas Obama has been refusing to reveal at this time of fiscal crisis?

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said on Friday he supported efforts by the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve to shore up confidence in the financial markets and said he would hold off from presenting his own economic recovery plan. (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080919/ts_nm/usa_politics_obama_financial_dc)

Granted, this was on the 19th, but I have yet to hear his plan. It seems to me that, considering the crisis we now face, this would be a good time to reveal how he is going to save the country.

09-26-2008, 04:40 PM
Are those the same ideas Obama has been refusing to reveal at this time of fiscal crisis?

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said on Friday he supported efforts by the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve to shore up confidence in the financial markets and said he would hold off from presenting his own economic recovery plan. (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080919/ts_nm/usa_politics_obama_financial_dc)

Granted, this was on the 19th, but I have yet to hear his plan. It seems to me that, considering the crisis we now face, this would be a good time to reveal how he is going to save the country.

There can be only one president... anything from McCain OR Obama about what they would or will do about this when THEY become president would only serve to muddy the waters and confuse the market.

09-26-2008, 04:44 PM
There can be only one president... anything from McCain OR Obama about what they would or will do about this when THEY become president would only serve to muddy the waters and confuse the market.

I suppose, but I would think that a sitting U.S. Senator would be in a position to help pen legislation that would get the country out of this mess. Obama is a sitting U.S. Senator, last time I checked and other sneators working on the problem might find his economic recovery plan helpful.

09-26-2008, 04:48 PM
Are those the same ideas Obama has been refusing to reveal at this time of fiscal crisis?

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said on Friday he supported efforts by the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve to shore up confidence in the financial markets and said he would hold off from presenting his own economic recovery plan. (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080919/ts_nm/usa_politics_obama_financial_dc)

Granted, this was on the 19th, but I have yet to hear his plan. It seems to me that, considering the crisis we now face, this would be a good time to reveal how he is going to save the country.

great find.

this guy cares more about himself than saving this country. what a egoist and coward if you ask me. he has no plan, save for waiting until someone else has a plan and then saying....yeah, my plan is....

i can save you from losing your home, i have the plan, but, i have to win this political seat first, then i'll help you

he is a liar, simple

09-26-2008, 04:52 PM
There is a great op-ed piece by Tony Blankley at the Washington Times which addresses this.

Media covering for Obama (http://washingtontimes.com/news/2008/sep/24/media-chronicles/)

Excellent tip. Thank you!

09-26-2008, 06:26 PM
he is a liar, simple

another night, another instance of yurt calling someone ELSE a liar. ho hum:laugh2:

09-26-2008, 07:45 PM
Are those the same ideas Obama has been refusing to reveal at this time of fiscal crisis?

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said on Friday he supported efforts by the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve to shore up confidence in the financial markets and said he would hold off from presenting his own economic recovery plan. (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080919/ts_nm/usa_politics_obama_financial_dc)

Granted, this was on the 19th, but I have yet to hear his plan. It seems to me that, considering the crisis we now face, this would be a good time to reveal how he is going to save the country.
It's like Nixon's "secret plan" for victory in VN. Non-existent.

09-26-2008, 07:49 PM
It's like Nixon's "secret plan" for victory in VN. Non-existent.

time will tell

09-26-2008, 08:00 PM
time will tell
Yeah, and "time will tell" was often stated for Nixon too.


If your plan is good, give it up. Or prove one more time that your election prospects are far more important than the nation is to you.

Nixon was a turd for that idiot line, so is Obama.

09-26-2008, 09:56 PM
Yeah, and "time will tell" was often stated for Nixon too.


If your plan is good, give it up. Or prove one more time that your election prospects are far more important than the nation is to you.

Nixon was a turd for that idiot line, so is Obama.

holding one's tongue in the face of Wall Street is different than holding one's tongue in the face of our enemies abroad.

09-27-2008, 12:56 AM
holding one's tongue in the face of Wall Street is different than holding one's tongue in the face of our enemies abroad.
No. It isn't.

If you can benefit the nation, "secret plan" that will only be revealed after winning is not the way to go. There is nothing he could do with the economy that needs a "secret plan". And somebody with no experience running with a secret plan. Bad move to let them into office.

09-27-2008, 01:04 AM
McSame blinked. Not good for secrets or national leadership.

No. It isn't.

If you can benefit the nation, "secret plan" that will only be revealed after winning is not the way to go. There is nothing he could do with the economy that needs a "secret plan". And somebody with no experience running with a secret plan. Bad move to let them into office.

You don't read much, do you, nofucks?


09-27-2008, 01:07 AM
McSame blinked. Not good for secrets or national leadership.

You don't read much, do you, nofucks?

You don't write much, do you? Your posts are nonsense. Thankfully there are some intelligent lefties, because if you were the only example they'd be extinct.

09-27-2008, 01:19 AM
Jealousy will get you nowhere, nofucks.

You don't write much, do you? Your posts are nonsense. Thankfully there are some intelligent lefties, because if you were the only example they'd be extinct.

Insults aside, you're still full of shit. Know what I mean?
