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View Full Version : Marriage, a Biological Institution

09-24-2008, 05:52 PM
So I wanted to add a little to my previous blog (see below) regarding marriage. Beyond the moral implications regarding gay marriage, I think it is simply unnatural, and purely indulgent to sexual appetites. Sex can be, and is a source of great pleasure. Pleasure aside, sex is also the only natural means of procreation. Biologically a man and a woman need each other to have children. Biologically men and women’s sexual organs fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. In other words, there is real biological need of copulation between a man and a woman. Biologically it makes sense for a man and a woman to marry, and mate for life; multiplying, and raising children together.

In a homosexual relationship, there is no biological function. Sex between two people of the same sex is purely physical and emotional, it fulfills no greater purpose, and leads to nothing but bonding between the two, and the release of sexual energy. Because there is no greater biological purpose, there is no need for marriage for a homosexual couple; besides perhaps insurance, and inheritance, which could be achieved through a legal contract, and wouldn’t really require marriage.

When marriage becomes solely about desire, passion, and lust, it loses it’s connection to it’s true purpose, creating future generations. This attack on marriage is just another way the liberals are trying to destroy the family, and redirect the emphasis from the family, to individual freedoms. This is no different than the debate on abortion, or divorce. I believe the family must be defended at all costs, as it is the single greatest strength a child can have, as it prepares to face the struggles of the future.
My previous post on marriage:

This subject is so controversial, that many people simply don’t talk about it. Well, this may come as a surprise, but I’m not afraid to talk about it, because I feel my beliefs are correct, and I shouldn’t be ashamed or afraid of the truth.

I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I don’t support gay marriage, because I believe it is morally wrong. When it comes to matters like this, I don’t look to what is socially acceptable, I look to what I believe is acceptable to God. I believe marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, and the formation of families is central to the Creator’s plan for His children. Children are entitled to be born within this bond of marriage.

Do I discriminate, or in anyway dislike homosexuals? No, I don’t. I believe people are free to choose the way they want to live, because we are, after all, a free land. But when people try to force me to accept their lifestyles and decisions, in encroaches on my freedom, and my freedom must be protected as well. The will of the few can not, and should not trump the will of the majority.


09-24-2008, 08:15 PM
So, since my wife and I can't have children, and our sexual congress is nothing more than the satisfaction of our carnal desires, and our marriage serves no purpose. We should be content with hiring a lawyer to guide us through the process of filing durable medical powers of attorney and financial powers of attorney...A costly process that, and one which some can't afford.

Your argument fails on so many levels that I simply don't have time to enumerate them all.

09-24-2008, 09:59 PM
So, since my wife and I can't have children, and our sexual congress is nothing more than the satisfaction of our carnal desires, and our marriage serves no purpose. We should be content with hiring a lawyer to guide us through the process of filing durable medical powers of attorney and financial powers of attorney...A costly process that, and one which some can't afford.

Your argument fails on so many levels that I simply don't have time to enumerate them all.

are you speaking the truth about you and your wife?

09-24-2008, 10:01 PM
there are those who cannot have children and there are those who CHOOSE not to have children in a hetro marriage.

so hetros who are married should keep having kids....even on welfare

09-25-2008, 04:32 AM
are you speaking the truth about you and your wife?


09-25-2008, 04:33 AM
there are those who cannot have children and there are those who CHOOSE not to have children in a hetro marriage.

so hetros who are married should keep having kids....even on welfare

Keep spitting them out like litters of puppies. At least by CP's logic. ;)

09-25-2008, 06:05 AM
Keep spitting them out like litters of puppies. At least by CP's logic. ;)

That's not his logic, nor his blog; he's posting an article.

09-25-2008, 11:16 AM
Total, complete, utter bullshit. Ranks right up with the pathetic fringe elements who believe sex is only allowable as a means to reproduction. And it is under no circumstances to be enjoyed.

09-25-2008, 12:17 PM
So, since my wife and I can't have children, and our sexual congress is nothing more than the satisfaction of our carnal desires, and our marriage serves no purpose. We should be content with hiring a lawyer to guide us through the process of filing durable medical powers of attorney and financial powers of attorney...A costly process that, and one which some can't afford.

Your argument fails on so many levels that I simply don't have time to enumerate them all.

The fact that some people's sexual organs don't function properly does not somehow mean that this biology between man and woman does not exist. It is absurd to take such an extreme leap of logic and say that because sex is purely physical with no greater goal due to the fact that some men/women are sterile, I should be allowed to stick my penis in another man's anus because it is inherently the same thing.

09-25-2008, 12:22 PM
Marriage is universal around the world and was undoubtedly created or crafted as a method of virtuous procreation. I would guess that at some time in this crafting of the arrangement it was learned that bloodlines were important along with avoiding marriage within the family.

Marriage served a purpose and in most cultures that started off as agriculture based culture where women were minimized. First born sons have or had certain responsibilities and females supported the will of the husband... therefore female children, once mature are given away by the father to a deserving superior male of another family... A son is not given away because a son has allegiance for his family... a given away daughter has allegiance to her gained family, or in other words the daughter then belongs to her husband and his family and should support his family to include his parents... after all her father gave her away.

So yes, to relate a relationship between gay persons to this tradition that has been tried and tested over centuries is just plain stupid... platonic relationships have nothing to do with marriage as marriage originated in all places in the world.

09-25-2008, 12:58 PM
It's a fallacy to suggest sex is 'purely physical'.

09-26-2008, 09:56 PM
Marriage is universal around the world and was undoubtedly created or crafted as a method of virtuous procreation. I would guess that at some time in this crafting of the arrangement it was learned that bloodlines were important along with avoiding marriage within the family.

Actually, it probably had more to do with gaining and maintaining power than with "virtuous procreation". As for bloodlines and inbreeding, I'm sure the animal husbandry folks at the time figured that one out.

Marriage served a purpose and in most cultures that started off as agriculture based culture where women were minimized. First born sons have or had certain responsibilities and females supported the will of the husband... therefore female children, once mature are given away by the father to a deserving superior male of another family... A son is not given away because a son has allegiance for his family... a given away daughter has allegiance to her gained family, or in other words the daughter then belongs to her husband and his family and should support his family to include his parents... after all her father gave her away.

I don't know where you got your information, but many early cultures, including agrarian cultures, where matriarchal or matrifocal where women took central roles in society...far from being minimized.

So yes, to relate a relationship between gay persons to this tradition that has been tried and tested over centuries is just plain stupid... platonic relationships have nothing to do with marriage as marriage originated in all places in the world.

Again, marriage originated as a contract...to secure power and property. Religion grew up around marriage giving it the odor of sanctity.

09-26-2008, 10:06 PM
Actually, it probably had more to do with gaining and maintaining power than with "virtuous procreation". As for bloodlines and inbreeding, I'm sure the animal husbandry folks at the time figured that one out.

I don't know where you got your information, but many early cultures, including agrarian cultures, where matriarchal or matrifocal where women took central roles in society...far from being minimized.

Again, marriage originated as a contract...to secure power and property. Religion grew up around marriage giving it the odor of sanctity.

you may have linked up before (again), but have not seen it. do you have link or something that supports your statement that marriage orignated as a contract? and if so, under what contract law was the marriage understood?

09-26-2008, 11:25 PM
Common knowledge, contracts, legal entities, general confusion?!??!??!??!? Leave it to a fuckin' legal expert to create the chaos needed to finally get to the point!!!!!!!!!!! Confusing? I thought so.


Don't take that personally, yuk. I really can't tell from here if you're actually fuckin' or not.

Mr. P
09-26-2008, 11:51 PM
IMO marriage evolved in some form or another in every culture as a societal stabilizer. That resulted in structure which resulted in strength. Which resulted in a degree of success.

09-26-2008, 11:58 PM
Marriage is a religious ritual, dumbo. The government needs to stay out of it.


Mr. P
09-27-2008, 12:00 AM
Marriage is a religious ritual, dumbo. The government needs to stay out of it.


What government? Oh and what religion?

09-27-2008, 12:27 AM
I can share but I don't intend to go back to ABC and 2 + 2 with you, P.

What government? Oh and what religion?

Where, exactly, do you have a problem?


Mr. P
09-27-2008, 12:35 AM
I can share but I don't intend to go back to ABC and 2 + 2 with you, P.

Where, exactly, do you have a problem?


I don't, sorry to disappoint.

09-27-2008, 12:44 AM
Obviously you do. Have you spoken with your doctor about your condition?

I don't, sorry to disappoint.

No disappointment here and no disappointment intended!!!!!!!!!!!!


09-27-2008, 01:30 AM
Marriage is a religious ritual, dumbo. The government needs to stay out of it.

Holy crap! Psychoblues and I agree on something!

Dayum... I gotta to get the brain cleanser, something must be wrong...

09-27-2008, 02:14 AM
Give yourself a little time and me just a tad of a chance, numbnuts.

Holy crap! Psychoblues and I agree on something!

Dayum... I gotta to get the brain cleanser, something must be wrong...

You'll discover that we agree on a lot more than that!!!!!!!!!!!


09-30-2008, 12:24 AM
The fact that some people's sexual organs don't function properly does not somehow mean that this biology between man and woman does not exist. It is absurd to take such an extreme leap of logic and say that because sex is purely physical with no greater goal due to the fact that some men/women are sterile, I should be allowed to stick my penis in another man's anus because it is inherently the same thing.

The fact that not all those who are allowed to marry are able to procreate is a contradiction to your idea that marriage exists only for the propagation of the species. You said that because same-sex couples can't reproduce there is no point to them getting married and therefore they shouldn't marry. It then follows from your logic that any marriage between those who are infertile is pointless and wrong. You ignore the fact that same-sex married couples can provide a good place to raise children that would otherwise be left in the adoption system.

As for your appeal to God, I think that your deity should govern the laws for marriage in your religious buildings. Forcing others to live by your religious laws is a clear violation of their religious freedom.

And yes if you do vote against same-sex marriage you do discriminate against homosexuals, you would be denying them equal rights. Legalizing same-sex marriage would not be forcing anything on you. How exactly would the legalization of same-sex marriage force you to accept something? It would force you to tolerate it not approve of it. Much in the same way that people still personally disapprove of interreligious and interracial marriages although they are legal. People are forced to tolerate their existence they are not forced in the least to be accepting of them.

My Winter Storm
10-01-2008, 02:15 AM
I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I don’t support gay marriage, because I believe it is morally wrong. When it comes to matters like this, I don’t look to what is socially acceptable, I look to what I believe is acceptable to God. I believe marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, and the formation of families is central to the Creator’s plan for His children. Children are entitled to be born within this bond of marriage.

Do I discriminate, or in anyway dislike homosexuals? No, I don’t. I believe people are free to choose the way they want to live, because we are, after all, a free land. But when people try to force me to accept their lifestyles and decisions, in encroaches on my freedom, and my freedom must be protected as well. The will of the few can not, and should not trump the will of the majority.

You are entitled to your opinion, I know we have clashed in the past but I think we have become to understand each other a little.

As you know, I am gay, and while I do not care much about marriage, if I met the right woman, and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, I would love to make that comittment to her. I hate the thought of being denied this, and hope that someday, gay marriage will be legal in my country, so I and my partner can be afforded the same rights as other married couples.