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View Full Version : McCain to Bush: Thanks for screwing me over

09-24-2008, 06:32 PM
Republican presidential candidate John McTraitor has to be livid at how the current administration has fucked up the American economy. Even McT's own running mate believe the country could be on the verge of a depression.
Spin it how you want, but the buck always stops at the top. Massive business bailouts and devastating failure in Iraq have sent American business into a massive tailspin. There is no guidance from the Oval Office, where they are treading water on the political Titanic with no hope of survival.
My husband's company works with some of the top business accounts in the country. He says this is one of the worst weeks anyone has ever seen. No one wants to invest. No one wants to take chances. Everyone has their hand out. They are all in line, waiting to be rescued by Daddy Bush.
John McBush is the heir apparent to the current mockery. He knows it. That is why he is suspending his campaign and hoping Obama does the same. McCain is laying on the ground, hoping Obama's people give him the "thumbs up" that would spare him from certain political death.

You almost feel sorry for McBush. He has to overcome the specter of a total inept former ally in the White House. Dubya has fucked the country over one time too many, causing a viral outbreak of economic AIDS that threatens to sicken everyone.
What a dumb fuck. He takes over a strong country and turns it into a filthy mess. Dubya's lasting legacy will be a walking political STD.

09-24-2008, 06:44 PM
Republican presidential candidate John McTraitor has to be livid at how the current administration has fucked up the American economy. Even McT's own running mate believe the country could be on the verge of a depression.
Spin it how you want, but the buck always stops at the top. Massive business bailouts and devastating failure in Iraq have sent American business into a massive tailspin. There is no guidance from the Oval Office, where they are treading water on the political Titanic with no hope of survival.
My husband's company works with some of the top business accounts in the country. He says this is one of the worst weeks anyone has ever seen. No one wants to invest. No one wants to take chances. Everyone has their hand out. They are all in line, waiting to be rescued by Daddy Bush.
John McBush is the heir apparent to the current mockery. He knows it. That is why he is suspending his campaign and hoping Obama does the same. McCain is laying on the ground, hoping Obama's people give him the "thumbs up" that would spare him from certain political death.

You almost feel sorry for McBush. He has to overcome the specter of a total inept former ally in the White House. Dubya has fucked the country over one time too many, causing a viral outbreak of economic AIDS that threatens to sicken everyone.
What a dumb fuck. He takes over a strong country and turns it into a filthy mess. Dubya's lasting legacy will be a walking political STD.Well that might be true if the premise was true. Unfortunately the record speaks differently, regardless of your 'Conservative' husband's riffs.

09-24-2008, 06:55 PM
What a dumb fuck.

There were 2 dumb fucks mentioned in this thread but neither are running for office. :lol:

09-24-2008, 07:51 PM
Republican presidential candidate John McTraitor has to be livid at how the current administration has fucked up the American economy. Even McT's own running mate believe the country could be on the verge of a depression.
Spin it how you want, but the buck always stops at the top. Massive business bailouts and devastating failure in Iraq have sent American business into a massive tailspin. There is no guidance from the Oval Office, where they are treading water on the political Titanic with no hope of survival.
My husband's company works with some of the top business accounts in the country. He says this is one of the worst weeks anyone has ever seen. No one wants to invest. No one wants to take chances. Everyone has their hand out. They are all in line, waiting to be rescued by Daddy Bush.
John McBush is the heir apparent to the current mockery. He knows it. That is why he is suspending his campaign and hoping Obama does the same. McCain is laying on the ground, hoping Obama's people give him the "thumbs up" that would spare him from certain political death.

You almost feel sorry for McBush. He has to overcome the specter of a total inept former ally in the White House. Dubya has fucked the country over one time too many, causing a viral outbreak of economic AIDS that threatens to sicken everyone.
What a dumb fuck. He takes over a strong country and turns it into a filthy mess. Dubya's lasting legacy will be a walking political STD.

so bush forced all those people to default on their mtgs, he forced all those mtg co's to loan to people who could not afford....

ah no, that would be the dems :poke:

09-24-2008, 08:07 PM
This OP is the best evidence I have seen of why one should never drink and post.

09-25-2008, 04:55 AM
No answer eh? :laugh2:

09-25-2008, 09:26 AM
The Wall Street Journal lead Editorial this morning echoes my thinking exactly, from the first moment I heard of McCain's tactic --------

That it's flailing around, shows unsteadiness, and also that it injects partisan presidential politics into this issue so that chances of passing any intervention become worse.

************************************************** **
The Candidates Vote 'Present' (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122230374700773663.html?mod=todays_us_opinion)

Last we checked, the President of the United States was still George W. Bush, the Secretary of the Treasury was still Henry Paulson, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve was still Ben Bernanke, and Congress still had 533 members not running for President who are at least nominally competent to debate and pass legislation.

So count us as mystified by Senator John McCain's decision yesterday to suspend his campaign and call for a postponement in Friday's first Presidential debate so that he and Barack Obama can work out a consensus bill to stabilize the financial system. This is supposed to be evidence of leadership?


Whatever the motive, this is not what the country expects from its Presidential candidates. The Administration and the Congress have a responsibility to negotiate legislation, and we can only hope it isn't carbuncled to a point that makes it impossible for Treasury to hold a decent mortgage-backed securities auction, or allow markets to clear. As Senators, Messrs. Obama and McCain also have a responsibility to give us their up-or-down verdict on the bill as it emerges. If they have specific differences or suggestions, they certainly have a large megaphone to broadcast them.

09-25-2008, 09:42 AM
The Wall Street Journal lead Editorial this morning echoes my thinking exactly, from the first moment I heard of McCain's tactic --------

That it's flailing around, shows unsteadiness, and also that it injects partisan presidential politics into this issue so that chances of passing any intervention become worse.

Even Bill Clinton praises McCain's decision to postpone the debate, and he points out that McCain offered debates before that Obama passed on.

09-25-2008, 09:56 AM
Even Bill Clinton praises McCain's decision to postpone the debate, and he points out that McCain offered debates before that Obama passed on.

And that means what exactly? Billy is selling out his party, sore losers are awful sometimes.


09-25-2008, 09:58 AM
And that means what exactly? Billy is selling out his party, sore losers are awful sometimes.

It shows people of intelligence can speak logically, while dipshits like yourself don't know jack shit. But we knew that already, so I apologize for pointing out the obvious.

09-25-2008, 10:02 AM
funny how all the liberals are now turning on their Big Dawg Billy Clinton, since he won't go out and lie for the Obambam...

they did the same to Joe Lieberman...Liberals have no loyalty, except to gaining power any way they can...

the American people see that...that's why they lose all the time.:dance:

09-25-2008, 10:05 AM
funny how all the liberals are now turning on their Big Dawg Billy Clinton, since he won't go out and lie for the Obambam...

they did the same to Joe Lieberman...Liberals have no loyalty, except to gaining power any way they can...

the American people see that...that's why they lose all the time.:dance:

The nutjobs spoke as if Clinton was God for how many years now? But as soon as he states something that supports a (R) he's no longer any good. LOL

09-25-2008, 10:08 AM
The nutjobs spoke as if Clinton was God for how many years now? But as soon as he states something that supports a (R) he's no longer any good. LOL

you should of seen the hateful post to Billy boy from someone at the Huffopost the other day...


watching them eat their own...:D

09-25-2008, 10:09 AM
Gabby are you suggesting that it was Bush who pushed these mortage companies to give risky loans to "high risk" people, which we all know means minorities? I thought he was a racist Republican who didn't give a shit about colored folk. It was the Dems doing everything they could to pressure those companies into giving loans to the 'disenfranchised'. All so we could say we gave the impoverished a chance!

09-25-2008, 10:38 AM
This is what the dims wanted to happen. This collapse is what they were waiting for. Barney frank wants to be Americas landlord.

FRANK: Well that's, frankly, the Democrats, some Republicans. We are the ones who have said, "Look, we're going to buy up some of these assets," and many of them will be mortgage securities. What we're saying is, "Buy them with an eye towards assembling enough of them so we then could be the landlord, in effect, and reduce the foreclosures," and that's one, frankly, that the administration has been resisting.