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View Full Version : Obama’s “Community Organizer” Experience In Perspective

09-26-2008, 11:11 AM
2008-09-25 at 4:34 pm · Filed under 2008, Analysis, OP/ED, Politics, Vox Populi

A notion frequently advanced by conservatives during this year’s presidential race is that if elected, Barack Obama would not bring any useful experience to the White House as a result of his sparse political background, including among other dubious roles, that of being a “community organizer.” This idea is wrong in the extreme. As a direct result of his “community organizing” work, Obama garnered a huge store of expertise that promises to be extremely useful in implementing his agenda should he become president. But it is the nature of that agenda, and the means by which he intends to implement it, that should have Americans gravely concerned.

First however, the actualities of “community organizers” need to be understood. Certainly, a few such individuals are sincere and honorable in their efforts to improve their surroundings. Yet the majority of those who have participated in “community organizing” have, over time, proven themselves to be wholly self serving, and ultimately indifferent to the needs of their fellow citizens. In the minds of such people, the common folk are not the real concern, but merely a “resource” to be summoned and discarded at the pleasure of those leading the particular movement.

If such an assessment sounds overly harsh, consider the organization “ACORN” (the “Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now”) and Obama’s relationship with it. ACORN claims to fight for the improvement of societal conditions for low and moderate income families. Yet it regularly engages in massive efforts at voter fraud. Such action, reveals a total indifference towards those it claims to represent. Just how much care for the concerns of real people could it possibly have, considering that ACORN often promotes its goals through the registration of “voters” who are either nonexistent or dead?

Obama’s entire political career, both before and after being elected to the United States Senate, is an unaltered pattern of operating within such realms. And with each passing day, it becomes more evident that this action was undertaken for the sole purpose of advancing the career of Barack Obama.

Thus can his nonexistent record of achievements be explained. Each community situation in which he found himself served as an opportunity to wax eloquent in front of the microphones. Yet after all of the fanfare subsided, nothing had changed. Nothing was intended to change. And while talk of “change” served to stoke the emotions of the crowds, real change would have eliminated any reason for those crowds to continually flock to him and empower him to take on his seemingly worthy cause.

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