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View Full Version : McCain, Obama May Skip Bailout Vote

09-29-2008, 01:59 AM
Playing politics in national emergencies never works out well!!!!!!!!!!

Source: Politico

DETROIT, Mich.— The financial crisis is the only thing Barack Obama and John McCain talk about these days.

But neither nominee would commit Sunday to actually returning to the Senate this week to vote on the $700 billion bill aimed at preventing widespread economic collapse.

The dichotomy between their campaign trail rhetoric and their absence in the Senate is nothing new in this presidential race. Both nominees have spoken extensively in their travels over the last 20 months about bills on which they do not vote because they could not make it back to the Senate.

Yet no other piece of legislation has dominated the debate in this election cycle nearly as much as the financial bailout.

Though McCain took the unusual step last week of threatening to skip the first presidential debate to focus on the crisis, he may not make it back to Capitol Hill to weigh in on the legislation.

“It’s impossible to know until the vote has been announced,” McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said Sunday.........

More: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0908/14047.html

I have a bad feeling about all of this!!!!!!!!!!!


09-29-2008, 07:20 AM
Why should Obama go? A "Present" vote won't mean anything.

Surely, you don't think he would actually commit to any side on this issue at this point in time do you?

As for McCain, I would suspect that he will be there unless maybe it is apparent that the vote is going to pass overwhelmingly.


09-29-2008, 09:17 AM
They both have to vote.

It's a political necessity at this point.

They'll be there, in the Senate, with bells on.