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09-29-2008, 05:37 PM

And Obama leads in VA, NC, WI, MN and they are still grey!

after the hockey mom shows the world how shallow her grasp of damned near everything is on Thursday, the map will get even MORE blue!


just a few more months and this long national nightmare will be over!

09-29-2008, 05:38 PM

And Obama leads in VA, NC, WI, MN and they are still grey!

after the hockey mom shows the world how shallow her grasp of damned near everything is on Thursday, the map will get even MORE blue!


just a few more months and this long national nightmare will be over!
You may well be correct as for the election, for the nightmare? Don't be so sure.

09-29-2008, 05:45 PM
You may well be correct as for the election, for the nightmare? Don't be so sure.

I am hopeful for the future of my country... I honestly didn't think we could survive eight years of Bush, and we still may not...but I am hopeful.

red states rule
09-29-2008, 05:46 PM
I am hopeful for the future of my country... I honestly didn't think we could survive eight years of Bush, and we still may not...but I am hopeful.

So your loyality is to Mexico now?

09-29-2008, 05:47 PM

And Obama leads in VA, NC, WI, MN and they are still grey!

after the hockey mom shows the world how shallow her grasp of damned near everything is on Thursday, the map will get even MORE blue!


just a few more months and this long national nightmare will be over!

i would not put any weight in polls right now, nobody really understands what is going on. when this economic situation settles down, you may find the polls doing the opposite. relying on a poll right now is like trying to guess the which way the wind is going to blow when you are all by yourself out in the ocean with nothing but you and your trusty kayak.

09-29-2008, 05:50 PM
I am hopeful for the future of my country... I honestly didn't think we could survive eight years of Bush, and we still may not...but I am hopeful.

again, this is not solely bush's fault, you obviously keep ignoring the community investment act and your buddies, frank etc....telling the gop to STFU back in 2003 when the gop was warning you dems that the mtg issue is entering crisis mode, but you dems put your head in the sand and kept loaning money to people who should never have qualified for loans.

trying being a little less partisan mfm.

09-29-2008, 05:53 PM
i would not put any weight in polls right now, nobody really understands what is going on. when this economic situation settles down, you may find the polls doing the opposite. relying on a poll right now is like trying to guess the which way the wind is going to blow when you are all by yourself out in the ocean with nothing but you and your trusty kayak.

I am not relying on anything. Today, an American president and his treasury secretary, even with the help of 60% of his OPPOSITIOn, couild not convince any more than onme third of his own party in congress to vote to save the economy....

and look what happened to the DOW as a result.

The economy is the albatross about McCain's neck and his own party tied him to the whipping post today. He suspended his campaign to go get a deal done in DC...remember? The democrats came through and helped a great deal on this republican bill. The republicans did not. Lousy leadership. time for a change.

09-29-2008, 05:54 PM
the left and right coast are Osama. but then they think there's an ocean between them

red states rule
09-29-2008, 05:56 PM
I am not relying on anything. Today, an American president and his treasury secretary, even with the help of 60% of his OPPOSITIOn, couild not convince any more than onme third of his own party in congress to vote to save the economy....

and look what happened to the DOW as a result.

The economy is the albatross about McCain's neck and his own party tied him to the whipping post today. He suspended his campaign to go get a deal done in DC...remember? The democrats came through and helped a great deal on this republican bill. The republicans did not. Lousy leadership. time for a change.

and the 95 Dems who voted against it MFM? Any comment on them?

On another thread, you were happy people were going to suffer because of the Dow drop

Where was Obama. Why was he not getting more Dem votes so it would pass? Was he on the phone to campaign contributers and not Dem House members?

09-29-2008, 05:57 PM
I am not relying on anything. Today, an American president and his treasury secretary, even with the help of 60% of his OPPOSITIOn, couild not convince any more than onme third of his own party in congress to vote to save the economy....

and look what happened to the DOW as a result.

The economy is the albatross about McCain's neck and his own party tied him to the whipping post today. He suspended his campaign to go get a deal done in DC...remember? The democrats came through and helped a great deal on this republican bill. The republicans did not. Lousy leadership. time for a change.

Amazing, your congressional leaders cause a problem then get to hang it around President Bush's neck. I know you are happy that this will get your guys back in power, but the fact is your guys will continue to screw us over. And unfortunately they will get help by traitors in our own party.

09-29-2008, 05:58 PM
again, this is not solely bush's fault, you obviously keep ignoring the community investment act and your buddies, frank etc....telling the gop to STFU back in 2003 when the gop was warning you dems that the mtg issue is entering crisis mode, but you dems put your head in the sand and kept loaning money to people who should never have qualified for loans.

trying being a little less partisan mfm.

Not even 'primarily Bush's fault.' In truth, the NYT's nailed the problem in 1999, they just are ignoring it now:


...Now we know that Holmes and Wallison had this dead right. As long as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bought subprime paper, lenders continued to profit from them, pushing them to make more and more loans to unqualified borrowers with no risk to themselves. Meanwhile, rather than manage the GSEs with fiscal discipline as first priority, Raines and his executives ran it as a political organization, looking to distort the market for political ends. When critics tried to point this out, Raines’ defenders — mostly Capitol Hill flacks raking in contributions from Fannie/Freddie sources — called critics and regulators bigots.

Holmes had it right in 1999. One might expect the New York Times to point this out a little more often. Instead, they continue to echo Barack Obama and blame “greed” for the failure. There may have been greed at the bottom of this — but it was greed for political power. (via Power Line)

09-29-2008, 06:03 PM
again, this is not solely bush's fault, you obviously keep ignoring the community investment act and your buddies, frank etc....telling the gop to STFU back in 2003 when the gop was warning you dems that the mtg issue is entering crisis mode, but you dems put your head in the sand and kept loaning money to people who should never have qualified for loans.

trying being a little less partisan mfm.

I am not relying on anything. Today, an American president and his treasury secretary, even with the help of 60% of his OPPOSITIOn, couild not convince any more than onme third of his own party in congress to vote to save the economy....

and look what happened to the DOW as a result.

The economy is the albatross about McCain's neck and his own party tied him to the whipping post today. He suspended his campaign to go get a deal done in DC...remember? The democrats came through and helped a great deal on this republican bill. The republicans did not. Lousy leadership. time for a change.

until you take off your partisan hack helmet, there is not point in discussing the matter with you. as if this is only the repubs or bush's fault....as if barney frank told the whitehouse to STFU on 2003 regarding this very crisis mfm.

09-29-2008, 06:03 PM
Amazing, your congressional leaders cause a problem then get to hang it around President Bush's neck. I know you are happy that this will get your guys back in power, but the fact is your guys will continue to screw us over. And unfortunately they will get help by traitors in our own party.

not to mention they couldn't "save" the economy today....

09-29-2008, 06:04 PM

And Obama leads in VA, NC, WI, MN and they are still grey!

after the hockey mom shows the world how shallow her grasp of damned near everything is on Thursday, the map will get even MORE blue!


just a few more months and this long national nightmare will be over!

really......they couldn't get anything done today.......

red states rule
09-29-2008, 06:05 PM
not to mention they couldn't "save" the economy today....

First thngs first. Pelsoi must have been busy saving the planet from drilling instead of counting votes :laugh2:

09-29-2008, 06:05 PM
and the 95 Dems who voted against it MFM? Any comment on them?

On another thread, you were happy people were going to suffer because of the Dow drop

Where was Obama. Why was he not getting more Dem votes so it would pass? Was he on the phone to campaign contributers and not Dem House members?


09-29-2008, 06:06 PM
not to mention they couldn't "save" the economy today....

no kidding, i do not understand how conservatives support such governmental interference in the economy, am i missing something?

red states rule
09-29-2008, 06:09 PM
really......they couldn't get anything done today.......

As early as 1992, alarm bells were going off on the threat Fannie and Freddie posed to our financial system and our economy. Intervention at any point could have staved off today's crisis. But Democrats in Congress stood in the way.

As the president recently said, Democrats have been "resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me . . . to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."

No, it wasn't President Bush who said that; it was President Clinton, Democrat, speaking just last week

09-29-2008, 06:09 PM
no kidding, i do not understand how conservatives support such governmental interference in the economy, am i missing something?

there are those that are unwilling to take the risk of what might happen if they do not react.....so they voted to bail out the system.....fortunately they lost.....

let the system fix itself.....the strong will survive and the weak will fail......economic darwinisim....

red states rule
09-29-2008, 06:13 PM
there are those that are unwilling to take the risk of what might happen if they do not react.....so they voted to bail out the system.....fortunately they lost.....

let the system fix itself.....the strong will survive and the weak will fail......economic darwinisim....

Passing it would have only made the problem worse by rewarding failure, if you reward failure you only get more failure. Which is the basic foundation of liberalism

The government needs to stay out of this and let the free market take care of itself. We have had recessions before and made it through them, we'll never live though socialization of our businesses

09-29-2008, 06:14 PM
As early as 1992, alarm bells were going off on the threat Fannie and Freddie posed to our financial system and our economy. Intervention at any point could have staved off today's crisis. But Democrats in Congress stood in the way.

As the president recently said, Democrats have been "resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me . . . to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."

No, it wasn't President Bush who said that; it was President Clinton, Democrat, speaking just last week

you're on a roll

09-29-2008, 06:18 PM
there are those that are unwilling to take the risk of what might happen if they do not react.....so they voted to bail out the system.....fortunately they lost.....

let the system fix itself.....the strong will survive and the weak will fail......economic darwinisim....

both companies should never have been created, i think conservatives also feel some remorse because the government actually created this mess and feel obligated to right it by voting to inject a silly amount of money back into the system....which btw, i am not convinced that it will work.

nearly everyone in washington should be canned, at a minimum they should return their salaries....the federal budget needs to be halved at a minimum....iraq wound down more quickly, and taxes halved at a minimum, put the money back in our pockets and not the government's pocket and watch the economy grow

red states rule
09-29-2008, 06:19 PM
you're on a roll

Now everyone knows why MFM has me on "ignore" :laugh2:

09-29-2008, 06:21 PM
both companies should never have been created, i think conservatives also feel some remorse because the government actually created this mess and feel obligated to right it by voting to inject a silly amount of money back into the system....which btw, i am not convinced that it will work.

nearly everyone in washington should be canned, at a minimum they should return their salaries....the federal budget needs to be halved at a minimum....iraq wound down more quickly, and taxes halved at a minimum, put the money back in our pockets and not the government's pocket and watch the economy grow

just stop sending money to other countries......fix america first.....

red states rule
09-29-2008, 06:28 PM
Well the liberal media is going with the Pelosi talking points

Chris, 40% Dem 'No' Vote Isn't 'Overwhelming' Support
By Mark Finkelstein
September 29, 2008 - 15:39 ET

Like an MSM version of Nancy Pelosi, whose hyper-partisan floor speech reportedly angered many GOP members, Chris Matthews wasted no time in trying to pin the blame for the defeat of the bailout plan on John McCain. Appearing during MSNBC's 2 PM hour, the key to Matthews' argument was his assertion that Dems "overwhelmingly" supported the measure, whereas McCain failed to rally a sufficient number of Republicans.

Love the bailout or hate it. Decry its defeat or rejoice in it. But one thing is clear: Matthews grossly misstated the facts. Far from supporting the plan "overwhelmingly," fully 40% of House Dems voted against it: a margin of 141-94. Republicans, the more free-market oriented of the two parties, were always more wary of the plan. It was clear that passage was largely going to depend on massive Dem support. If McCain failed to deliver, surely Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama failed as much or more.


red states rule
09-29-2008, 06:37 PM
Remember a few days ago how Dems gleefully how the deal was done, without John McCain?

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09-29-2008, 06:40 PM
Bush Warned of Financial Failure, Dems Ignored Warnings

George W. Bush (R., MBA, POTUS) has been warning of the dangers implicit in the quasi-government sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac since 2001. This year alone, he has called for changes 17 times and was ignored by the Democrat controlled Congress. It isn't in Democrats best interest to solve problems under a Republican administration, so they did nothing. In fact, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid despairingly said Sept 17, "no one knows what to do."

From the White House News (h/t Gateway Pundit):

Just the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs

For many years the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of financial turmoil at a housing government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties. President Bush publicly called for GSE reform 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted. Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems.


April: The Administration's FY02 budget declares that the size of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is "a potential problem," because "financial trouble of a large GSE could cause strong repercussions in financial markets, affecting Federally insured entities and economic activity."


May: The President calls for the disclosure and corporate governance principles contained in his 10-point plan for corporate responsibility to apply to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (OMB Prompt Letter to OFHEO, 5/29/02)


January: Freddie Mac announces it has to restate financial results for the previous three years.

February: The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) releases a report explaining that "although investors perceive an implicit Federal guarantee of [GSE] obligations," "the government has provided no explicit legal backing for them." As a consequence, unexpected problems at a GSE could immediately spread into financial sectors beyond the housing market. ("Systemic Risk: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Role of OFHEO," OFHEO Report, 2/4/03)

September: Fannie Mae discloses SEC investigation and acknowledges OFHEO's review found earnings manipulations.

September: Treasury Secretary John Snow testifies before the House Financial Services Committee to recommend that Congress enact "legislation to create a new Federal agency to regulate and supervise the financial activities of our housing-related government sponsored enterprises" and set prudent and appropriate minimum capital adequacy requirements.

October: Fannie Mae discloses $1.2 billion accounting error.

November: Council of the Economic Advisers (CEA) Chairman Greg Mankiw explains that any "legislation to reform GSE regulation should empower the new regulator with sufficient strength and credibility to reduce systemic risk." To reduce the potential for systemic instability, the regulator would have "broad authority to set both risk-based and minimum capital standards" and "receivership powers necessary to wind down the affairs of a troubled GSE." (N. Gregory Mankiw, Remarks At The Conference Of State Bank Supervisors State Banking Summit And Leadership, 11/6/03)


February: The President's FY05 Budget again highlights the risk posed by the explosive growth of the GSEs and their low levels of required capital, and called for creation of a new, world-class regulator: "The Administration has determined that the safety and soundness regulators of the housing GSEs lack sufficient power and stature to meet their responsibilities, and therefore…should be replaced with a new strengthened regulator." (2005 Budget Analytic Perspectives, pg. 83)

February: CEA Chairman Mankiw cautions Congress to "not take [the financial market's] strength for granted." Again, the call from the Administration was to reduce this risk by "ensuring that the housing GSEs are overseen by an effective regulator." (N. Gregory Mankiw, Op-Ed, "Keeping Fannie And Freddie's House In Order," Financial Times, 2/24/04)

June: Deputy Secretary of Treasury Samuel Bodman spotlights the risk posed by the GSEs and called for reform, saying "We do not have a world-class system of supervision of the housing government sponsored enterprises (GSEs), even though the importance of the housing financial system that the GSEs serve demands the best in supervision to ensure the long-term vitality of that system. Therefore, the Administration has called for a new, first class, regulatory supervisor for the three housing GSEs: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banking System." (Samuel Bodman, House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Testimony, 6/16/04)


April: Treasury Secretary John Snow repeats his call for GSE reform, saying "Events that have transpired since I testified before this Committee in 2003 reinforce concerns over the systemic risks posed by the GSEs and further highlight the need for real GSE reform to ensure that our housing finance system remains a strong and vibrant source of funding for expanding homeownership opportunities in America… Half-measures will only exacerbate the risks to our financial system." (Secretary John W. Snow, "Testimony Before The U.S. House Financial Services Committee," 4/13/05)


July: Two Bear Stearns hedge funds invested in mortgage securities collapse.

August: President Bush emphatically calls on Congress to pass a reform package for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying "first things first when it comes to those two institutions. Congress needs to get them reformed, get them streamlined, get them focused, and then I will consider other options." (President George W. Bush, Press Conference, The White House, 8/9/07)

September: RealtyTrac announces foreclosure filings up 243,000 in August – up 115 percent from the year before.

September: Single-family existing home sales decreases 7.5 percent from the previous month – the lowest level in nine years. Median sale price of existing homes fell six percent from the year before.

December: President Bush again warns Congress of the need to pass legislation reforming GSEs, saying "These institutions provide liquidity in the mortgage market that benefits millions of homeowners, and it is vital they operate safely and operate soundly. So I've called on Congress to pass legislation that strengthens independent regulation of the GSEs – and ensures they focus on their important housing mission. The GSE reform bill passed by the House earlier this year is a good start. But the Senate has not acted. And the United States Senate needs to pass this legislation soon." (President George W. Bush, Discusses Housing, The White House, 12/6/07)

source (source)

"This is not a partisan crisis, this is an economic crisis," said Deputy Minority Whip Rep. Eric Cantor, who said that 94 Democrats also refused to go along with the bill. He described the vote as the result of "Speaker Pelosi's failure to listen and failure to lead."

source (source)

whats the ONLY mission of democraps???? to make money. they milked this cow fuckin' dry. dirty bastards !!!!!!!!!!

09-29-2008, 08:15 PM

since when does a democratic speaker of the house have to deliver more than a majority of democrats to support a republican president's bailout bill, but his own party - with his own party's presidential nominee giving us a preview of the clout he would have with the republicans in congress were he elected - cannot even muster up one third of their own members?

Certainly...if even MORE of a majority of democrats had held their noses and voted for Hank and Dubya's republican bailout plan, it would have passed. But that ignores the fact that if even the barest of majorities of the president's own fucking party had supported him - at the urging of your obviously persuasive presidential candidate - it would have passed with votes to spare.:laugh2:

red states rule
09-29-2008, 08:16 PM
since when does a democratic speaker of the house have to deliver more than a majority of democrats to support a republican president's bailout bill, but his own party - with his own party's presidential nominee giving us a preview of the clout he would have with the republicans in congress were he elected - cannot even muster up one third of their own members?

Certainly...if even MORE of a majority of democrats had held their noses and voted for Hank and Dubya's republican bailout plan, it would have passed. But that ignores the fact that if even the barest of majorities of the president's own fucking party had supported him - at the urging of your obviously persuasive presidential candidate - it would have passed with votes to spare.:laugh2:

When have a majority of Republicans supported this plan?

I'll wait

BTW, 12 Dems who sit on Barney Frank's committee voted NO - as well as 5 Dem Chairmens of othe committees

09-29-2008, 08:17 PM
since when does a democratic speaker of the house have to deliver more than a majority of democrats to support a republican president's bailout bill, but his own party - with his own party's presidential nominee giving us a preview of the clout he would have with the republicans in congress were he elected - cannot even muster up one third of their own members?

Certainly...if even MORE of a majority of democrats had held their noses and voted for Hank and Dubya's republican bailout plan, it would have passed. But that ignores the fact that if even the barest of majorities of the president's own fucking party had supported him - at the urging of your obviously persuasive presidential candidate - it would have passed with votes to spare.:laugh2:

the bill was not even remotely similar to what bush proposed......and thank god it wasn't approved.....

09-29-2008, 08:18 PM
When have a majority of Republicans supported this plan?

I'll wait

BTW, 12 Dems who sit on Barney Frank's committee voted NO - as well as 5 Dem Chairmens of othe committees

not to mention this is the same crowd that votedto force banks to give loans to "the poor".....now everyone is shocked "the poor" defaulted on their obligations.....

red states rule
09-29-2008, 08:21 PM
not to mention this is the same crowd that votedto force banks to give loans to "the poor".....now everyone is shocked "the poor" defaulted on their obligations.....

They are putting on a show Manu. Dems know they would default on the loans - then they could have the government move in and take over

Dems are dumb, but they are not stupid. This is what they wanted the entire time

09-29-2008, 08:23 PM
the bill was not even remotely similar to what bush proposed......and thank god it wasn't approved.....

It was what team Bush negotiated and it was a bill that Bush and McCain both supported...and one that McCain....your party's nominee for president, was unable to convince any but a handful of your own party faithful to support....now THAT's what I call presidential leadership!!!:lol:

09-29-2008, 08:23 PM
They are putting on a show Manu. Dems know they would default on the loans - then they could have the government move in and take over

Dems are dumb, but they are not stupid. This is what they wanted the entire time

not to mention all the campaign contributions that went to obama fromthose "banks"......

09-29-2008, 08:24 PM
and the map keeps getting more and more blue.

suck on it fellas!:lol:

red states rule
09-29-2008, 08:24 PM
It was what team Bush negotiated and it was a bill that Bush and McCain both supported...and one that McCain....your party's nominee for president, was unable to convince any but a handful of your own party faithful to support....now THAT's what I call presidential leadership!!!:lol:

Where was Obama at? Why did 95 Dems ignore Pelosi?

Hell, did Obama even publicly say he was for the bill? Or was he showing he planned to vote "present"?

09-29-2008, 08:26 PM
It was what team Bush negotiated and it was a bill that Bush and McCain both supported...and one that McCain....your party's nominee for president, was unable to convince any but a handful of your own party faithful to support....now THAT's what I call presidential leadership!!!:lol:

good....we shouldn't be bailing out private companies.......pity the auto bail out didn't go down in flames as well......

red states rule
09-29-2008, 08:27 PM
good....we shouldn't be bailing out private companies.......pity the auto bail out didn't go down in flames as well......

To MFM is Presidential leadership passing a bill that 75% of the people oppose?

09-29-2008, 08:31 PM
and the map keeps getting more and more blue.

suck on it fellas!:lol:

cool....i hope the well spoken white man with the angry black wife does get elected......

then we will have four years of inaction and four years of blame and excuses.....

red states rule
09-29-2008, 08:34 PM
cool....i hope the well spoken white man with the angry black wife does get elected......

then we will have four years of inaction and four years of blame and excuses.....

Sounds like the Carter years to me

http://images.cafepress.com/jitcrunch.aspx?load=blank,blank:90_F.jpg|load=L0,h ttp://images.cafepress.com/image/26340940_400x400.jpg||scale=L0,420,140,White|compo se=blank,L0,Add,30,170|load=mask,blank:90_F_mask.j pg|compose=blank,mask,Mask,0,0|cp=result,blank|sca le=result,0,480,White|compression=95|

09-29-2008, 08:36 PM
yes and who did we get after carter............

Sounds like the Carter years to me

http://images.cafepress.com/jitcrunch.aspx?load=blank,blank:90_F.jpg|load=L0,h ttp://images.cafepress.com/image/26340940_400x400.jpg||scale=L0,420,140,White|compo se=blank,L0,Add,30,170|load=mask,blank:90_F_mask.j pg|compose=blank,mask,Mask,0,0|cp=result,blank|sca le=result,0,480,White|compression=95|

09-29-2008, 08:36 PM
again, this is not solely bush's fault, you obviously keep ignoring the community investment act and your buddies, frank etc....telling the gop to STFU back in 2003 when the gop was warning you dems that the mtg issue is entering crisis mode, but you dems put your head in the sand and kept loaning money to people who should never have qualified for loans.

trying being a little less partisan mfm.

until you take off your partisan hack helmet, there is no point in discussing the matter with you. as if this is only the repubs or bush's fault....as if barney frank told the whitehouse to STFU on 2003 regarding this very crisis mfm.

mfm obviously ignores the truth (3rd time posted) in favor of jumping for joy that some poll says more states are turning blue....party over country everytime mfm....


09-29-2008, 08:38 PM
mfm obviously ignores the truth (3rd time posted) in favor of jumping for joy that some poll says more states are turning blue....party over country everytime mfm....


spot on..... how did barney's committe vote on the bail out......

red states rule
09-29-2008, 08:39 PM
mfm obviously ignores the truth (3rd time posted) in favor of jumping for joy that some poll says more states are turning blue....party over country everytime mfm....


sad, but not surprising and expected

He does not pledge allegiance to the flag - he pledges allegiance to the Dem party

09-29-2008, 08:43 PM
mfm obviously ignores the truth (3rd time posted) in favor of jumping for joy that some poll says more states are turning blue....party over country everytime mfm....


Do I deny that the financial crisis has been a long time brewing? no.
Do I deny that democrats played some role in getting us to where we are? no
Do you seem to deny that, for better or worse, the president owns the economy he presides over? yes.

and again, yurt...I would ask you to please quit insulting me in such a distasteful manner. My country is always my top priority. I happen to fervently believe that my country would be better served if if adopted the platform and principles of the democratic party....just as you believe that we would be a better country if we headed off in the direction suggested by conservative/republican political philosophies.

09-29-2008, 08:56 PM
Do I deny that the financial crisis has been a long time brewing? no.
Do I deny that democrats played some role in getting us to where we are? no
Do you seem to deny that, for better or worse, the president owns the economy he presides over? yes.

and again, yurt...I would ask you to please quit insulting me in such a distasteful manner. My country is always my top priority. I happen to fervently believe that my country would be better served if if adopted the platform and principles of the democratic party....just as you believe that we would be a better country if we headed off in the direction suggested by conservative/republican political philosophies.

why did your party not vote to bail out private industry today then......they seemd to have no problem the other day when they bailed out the auto industry......

09-29-2008, 08:56 PM
i have not seen one post from mfm that blames any democrat or any dem policy that caused this...even in this post he attacks ONLY bush...as if congress and the senate have no control over the economy, as if barney and his goons telling the WH to STFU in 2003 and saying the WH and repubs is merely scarying people about fannie and freddie...had no effect, but oh no, who does mfm single out...Bush.

anyone who jumps with giddy joy about this monetary situation making more people vote for their party is the very definition of party over country. i would not celebrate over such a thing, especially when you admit your party is at fault....

exactly what will the dems or obama do to fix this? the same thing barney and his goons did...

09-29-2008, 08:58 PM
i have not seen one post from mfm that blames any democrat or any dem policy that caused this...even in this post he attacks ONLY bush...as if congress and the senate have no control over the economy, as if barney and his goons telling the WH to STFU in 2003 and saying the WH and repubs is merely scarying people about fannie and freddie...had no effect, but oh no, who does mfm single out...Bush.

anyone who jumps with giddy joy about this monetary situation making more people vote for their party is the very definition of party over country. i would not celebrate over such a thing, especially when you admit your party is at fault....

exactly what will the dems or obama do to fix this? the same thing barney and his goons did...

the dems want to give money to the people that defaulted on the loans.....

09-29-2008, 08:59 PM
has been posted here, but i challenge mfm to watch this and reply to it....

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/NU6fuFrdCJY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/NU6fuFrdCJY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

09-29-2008, 09:01 PM
the dems want to give money to the people that defaulted on the loans.....

yes, the very people who could not get loans without CRA, force americans and/or american co's to loan them money and if they default, force americans to give them money anyways.

09-29-2008, 09:04 PM
i have not seen one post from mfm that blames any democrat or any dem policy that caused this...even in this post he attacks ONLY bush...as if congress and the senate have no control over the economy, as if barney and his goons telling the WH to STFU in 2003 and saying the WH and repubs is merely scarying people about fannie and freddie...had no effect, but oh no, who does mfm single out...Bush.

anyone who jumps with giddy joy about this monetary situation making more people vote for their party is the very definition of party over country. i would not celebrate over such a thing, especially when you admit your party is at fault....

exactly what will the dems or obama do to fix this? the same thing barney and his goons did...

I am hardly jumping for joy. that is a lie, but I have grown to expect that sort of behavior from you and I continue to forgive you even as I ask you to cease and desist. My 401k has taken a beating, as has every American's. And I do not admit that my party is "at fault" but that it bears SOME responsibility. YOU seem to suggest that Wall Street played no role in this and it was all Rep. Barney Frank's fault. I am saying that Phil Gramm and John McCain bear a large portion of the blame along with Wall Street and you do not seem to have the honesty to admit that. Also, you fail to acknowledge the simple fact that, rightly or wrongly, the party out of power ALWAYS hangs a sagging economy around the neck of the opposition president. The fact that Carter inherited a stagnant economy from Ford has NEVER, not even to this day, stopped republicans from placing all the blame on Jimmy Carter for the economic woes experienced during his administration. YOu act as if Bush is somehow getting some never-before-seen, grossly unfair treatment and that is simply faux outrage. More of the typical yurt stock in trade. Are you ever going to mature?

red states rule
09-29-2008, 09:06 PM
I am hardly jumping for joy. that is a lie, but I have grown to expect that sort of behavior from you and I continue to forgive you even as I ask you to cease and desist. My 401k has taken a beating, as has every American's. And I do not admit that my party is "at fault" but that it bears SOME responsibility. YOU seem to suggest that Wall Street played no role in this and it was all Rep. Barney Frank's fault. I am saying that Phil Gramm and John McCain bear a large portion of the blame along with Wall Street and you do not seem to have the honesty to admit that. Also, you fail to acknowledge the simple fact that, rightly or wrongly, the party out of power ALWAYS hangs a sagging economy around the neck of the opposition president. The fact that Carter inherited a stagnant economy from Ford has NEVER, not even to this day, stopped republicans from placing all the blame on Jimmy Carter for the economic woes experienced during his administration. YOu act as if Bush is somehow getting some never-before-seen, grossly unfair treatment and that is simply faux outrage. More of the typical yurt stock in trade. Are you ever going to mature?

Watch this MFM, if you have the guts - which I doubt

Dems are saying there was no problem, and playing the race card against the Republicans who were sounding the alarm

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/_MGT_cSi7Rs&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/_MGT_cSi7Rs&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

09-29-2008, 09:08 PM
has been posted here, but i challenge mfm to watch this and reply to it....

you challenge me? I challenged you to quit insulting me and lying about me weeks ago. When you decide to accept MY challenge, I will accept yours. not until.

red states rule
09-29-2008, 09:09 PM
you challenge me? I challenged you to quit insulting me and lying about me weeks ago. When you decide to accept MY challenge, I will accept yours. not until.

IOW -MFM is boxed in a corner and knows he is busted :laugh2:

09-29-2008, 09:10 PM
I am not relying on anything. Today, an American president and his treasury secretary, even with the help of 60% of his OPPOSITIOn, couild not convince any more than onme third of his own party in congress to vote to save the economy....

and look what happened to the DOW as a result.

The economy is the albatross about McCain's neck and his own party tied him to the whipping post today. He suspended his campaign to go get a deal done in DC...remember? The democrats came through and helped a great deal on this republican bill. The republicans did not. Lousy leadership. time for a change.

It was what team Bush negotiated and it was a bill that Bush and McCain both supported...and one that McCain....your party's nominee for president, was unable to convince any but a handful of your own party faithful to support....now THAT's what I call presidential leadership!!!:lol:

and the map keeps getting more and more blue.

suck on it fellas!:lol:

for someone who complains about others calling him a liar, you sure do love to throw that word around to others....

and yes, i would call that JUMPING FOR JOY

either recant that i lied or you shall be a liar. i will give you one chance to clarify how that is not you jumping for joy but that it is reasonable to expect someone to see it as jumping for joy.

09-29-2008, 09:13 PM
I am not jumping for joy about our monetary situation. period. you continue to lie and insult me. par for the course.

09-29-2008, 09:13 PM
It was what team Bush negotiated and it was a bill that Bush and McCain both supported...and one that McCain....your party's nominee for president, was unable to convince any but a handful of your own party faithful to support....now THAT's what I call presidential leadership!!!:lol:

Their was no Bush team negotiating...R's were cut out from the start....

Asked whether House GOP lawmakers are right to believe they were slighted, Kanjorski replied, “I don't know that we included them in enough, and that's always a dangerous thing in politics.

Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) doesn’t agree with Kanjorski. During a press conference Thursday night, Frank noted that the committee's ranking member, Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.), has participated in the negotiations.

After Democrats announced they had a deal on Thursday, Bachus released a statement, which stated, “As I made clear in the meeting [Thursday] morning, I was not authorized by my colleagues to make any agreement on behalf of House Republicans.”

09-29-2008, 09:14 PM
Watch this MFM, if you have the guts - which I doubt

Dems are saying there was no problem, and playing the race card against the Republicans who were sounding the alarm

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/_MGT_cSi7Rs&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/_MGT_cSi7Rs&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

mfm doesn't have the partisan courage to watch these videos....they show the fault of dems and he will not watch them, for if he doesn't, then he can claim innocence and keep blaming bush and mccain....

and mfm, if you cannot discuss things in a mature manner with me, such as calling me a liar, then it is best you refrain from speaking to me at all, because it is clear you have not changed and you cannot handle yourself well around me.

09-29-2008, 09:14 PM
Their was no Bush team negotiating...R's were cut out from the start....

Asked whether House GOP lawmakers are right to believe they were slighted, Kanjorski replied, “I don't know that we included them in enough, and that's always a dangerous thing in politics.

Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) doesn’t agree with Kanjorski. During a press conference Thursday night, Frank noted that the committee's ranking member, Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.), has participated in the negotiations.

After Democrats announced they had a deal on Thursday, Bachus released a statement, which stated, “As I made clear in the meeting [Thursday] morning, I was not authorized by my colleagues to make any agreement on behalf of House Republicans.”
and her I thought Hank Paulsen was on Bush's team.:laugh2:

09-29-2008, 09:15 PM
I am not jumping for joy about our monetary situation. period. you continue to lie and insult me. par for the course.

and the map keeps getting more and more blue.

suck on it fellas

you are jumping for joy that this situation is causing your party to get more votes....period, that is not a lie, you own words convict you.

09-29-2008, 09:16 PM
mfm doesn't have the partisan courage to watch these videos....they show the fault of dems and he will not watch them, for if he doesn't, then he can claim innocence and keep blaming bush and mccain....

and mfm, if you cannot discuss things in a mature manner with me, such as calling me a liar, then it is best you refrain from speaking to me at all, because it is clear you have not changed and you cannot handle yourself well around me.

I think I am showing great forgiveness and restraint around you... unlike you who says "fuck you" in a negative rep to me.

very immature.

red states rule
09-29-2008, 09:17 PM
mfm doesn't have the partisan courage to watch these videos....they show the fault of dems and he will not watch them, for if he doesn't, then he can claim innocence and keep blaming bush and mccain....

and mfm, if you cannot discuss things in a mature manner with me, such as calling me a liar, then it is best you refrain from speaking to me at all, because it is clear you have not changed and you cannot handle yourself well around me.

I know. I suspect he reads my posts but is to big a coward to repsond. He is a hack who lives for bad news for the country

It is a fact he has put his party and thirst for political power ahead of his country

He does not give a damn about America, or the working class folks. He looks down on both with pure contempt

red states rule
09-29-2008, 09:18 PM
I think I am showing great forgiveness and restraint around you... unlike you who says "fuck you" in a negative rep to me.

very immature.

Here comes another temper tanutrm from the boards biggest crybaby. MFM you worked damn hard for, and deserve every rep point you have gotten

09-29-2008, 09:18 PM
I think I am showing great forgiveness and restraint around you... unlike you who says "fuck you" in a negative rep to me.

very immature.

fuck you again. for a whiny bitch who cries everytime someone questions his integrity, you sure love to throw the word around. it is OK for you to insult my integrity, but not the other way around. hyprocrite, but no surprise.

i did not lie, your own words convict you.

09-29-2008, 09:20 PM
fuck you again. for a whiny bitch who cries everytime someone questions his integrity, you sure love to throw the word around. it is OK for you to insult my integrity, but not the other way around. hyprocrite, but no surprise.

i did not lie, your own words convict you.

I have never jumped for joy at the monetary situation. that is a lie that you do not have the grace to retract. no surprise there, certainly.

09-29-2008, 09:20 PM
posted only 1 minute apart:

It was what team Bush negotiated and it was a bill that Bush and McCain both supported...and one that McCain....your party's nominee for president, was unable to convince any but a handful of your own party faithful to support....now THAT's what I call presidential leadership!!!:lol:

and the map keeps getting more and more blue.

suck on it fellas!:lol:

09-29-2008, 09:21 PM
you are jumping for joy that this situation is causing your party to get more votes....period, that is not a lie, you own words convict you.

case in point

09-29-2008, 09:22 PM
posted only 1 minute apart:
so what? are you saying that something I say a minute from now will necessarily directly relate to something I am saying now?

09-29-2008, 09:22 PM
how 'bout those Red Sox??

red states rule
09-29-2008, 09:23 PM
I have never jumped for joy at the monetary situation. that is a lie that you do not have the grace to retract. no surprise there, certainly.

You jumped for joy on todays Dow drop, as much as you did over the troops killed in Iraq

You have been giddy over any bad economic news, and have been pissed off over the success on Oraq

You live for, and crave as much bad news and misery as possible - all for political reasons

09-29-2008, 09:23 PM
I have never jumped for joy at the monetary situation. that is a lie that you do not have the grace to retract. no surprise there, certainly.

i NEVER said you jumped for joy AT the monetary situation, you are lying....i said you are jumping for joy because it is causing more people to vote for your party....your lies are pathetically funny

09-29-2008, 09:26 PM
"anyone who jumps with giddy joy about this monetary situation making more people vote for their party is the very definition of party over country."

"at"...versus "about"

why am I surprised that the nitpicky whiny little attorney would stake his case on THAT huge fucking distinction????:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

09-29-2008, 09:26 PM
since when does a democratic speaker of the house have to deliver more than a majority of democrats to support a republican president's bailout bill, but his own party - with his own party's presidential nominee giving us a preview of the clout he would have with the republicans in congress were he elected - cannot even muster up one third of their own members?

What a warped fuckin' brain you have...Its a bailout plan for Bush on one hand....but R's don't support it....
I guess that somehow makes sense to you.....but even the average working brain can deduce that this conclusion doesn't compute....

then, when it doesn't pass, its now R's being petty and putting politics before the country....
Suddenly the plans purpose is not to bailout Bush
Suddenly the plan is for the good of the country....

the fuckin logic at play boggles the mind....

Certainly...if even MORE of a majority of democrats had held their noses and voted for Hank and Dubya's republican bailout plan, it would have passed. But that ignores the fact that if even the barest of majorities of the president's own fucking party had supported him - at the urging of your obviously persuasive presidential candidate - it would have passed with votes to spare.:laugh2:

Pelosi wanted this crap bill...and couldn't deliver enough votes...."for the good of the country", the majority party failed again as it has for almost 2 years...

09-29-2008, 09:27 PM
I am not relying on anything. Today, an American president and his treasury secretary, even with the help of 60% of his OPPOSITIOn, couild not convince any more than onme third of his own party in congress to vote to save the economy....

and look what happened to the DOW as a result.

The economy is the albatross about McCain's neck and his own party tied him to the whipping post today. He suspended his campaign to go get a deal done in DC...remember? The democrats came through and helped a great deal on this republican bill. The republicans did not. Lousy leadership. time for a change.
you mean save the country from what the Democrats did to us.....and the leader of that opposition was stupid enough to blame the administration for her party's errors....talk about bipartisan action.....

I think what we need to do between now and Thursday is make it clear to the American public that we need a bailout because of what the Democrats have done, but the Democrats don't want to take the responsibility for it.....

09-29-2008, 09:28 PM
Pelosi wanted this crap bill...and couldn't deliver enough votes...."for the good of the country", the majority party failed again as it has for almost 2 years...Pelolsi delivered a majority of democrats...

and your president and your presidential nominee also wanted this bill and they couldn't ever deliver a third of their votes!:laugh2:

09-29-2008, 09:29 PM
"anyone who jumps with giddy joy about this monetary situation making more people vote for their party is the very definition of party over country."

"at"...versus "about"

why am I surprised that the nitpicky whiny little attorney would stake his case on THAT huge fucking distinction????:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

:lol::lol::lol:This from the master of parsing a post....:lol::lol::lol:

but at least you don't go nuts attacking someones spelling like you used to...

red states rule
09-29-2008, 09:29 PM
Pelolsi delivered a majority of democrats...

and your president and your presidential nominee also wanted this bill and they couldn't ever deliver a third of their votes!:laugh2:

But she failed to deliver 40% of the Dems - and fell on her ass in front of the nation :laugh2:

09-29-2008, 09:29 PM
you mean save the country from what the Democrats did to us.....and the leader of that opposition was stupid enough to blame the administration for her party's errors....talk about bipartisan action.....

I think what we need to do between now and Thursday is make it clear to the American public that we need a bailout because of what the Democrats have done, but the Democrats don't want to take the responsibility for it.....

riiiight, pmp....it was the democrats who did this to us. Wall Street had NOTHING to do with it...Phil Gramm had NOTHING to do with it!:laugh2:

red states rule
09-29-2008, 09:30 PM
riiiight, pmp....it was the democrats who did this to us. Wall Street had NOTHING to do with it...Phil Gramm had NOTHING to do with it!:laugh2:

Try watching the video of the Dems denying there was a problem MFM

Oh, being the coward you are you will not

09-29-2008, 09:32 PM
:poke: Stupid ass Liberals like MFM Put all their hope in dumb ass polls Just like 2004 when Libturds believed Traitor John Kerry would Carry 48 States then he got BITCH slapped same thing will Happen to the RACIST NEGRO OBAMA :dance:

09-29-2008, 09:32 PM
Pelolsi delivered a majority of democrats...

and your president and your presidential nominee also wanted this bill and they couldn't ever deliver a third of their votes!:laugh2:

the dems should clean up their own mess.....funny barney couldn't deliver his own committee

09-29-2008, 09:32 PM
please refrain from insults :poke:

other then that the post is good :salute:

Try watching the video of the Dems denying there was a problem MFM

Oh, being the coward you are you will not

09-29-2008, 09:33 PM
"anyone who jumps with giddy joy about this monetary situation making more people vote for their party is the very definition of party over country."

"at"...versus "about"

why am I surprised that the nitpicky whiny little attorney would stake his case on THAT huge fucking distinction????:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

well, you are simple, so i would not expect you to see the difference or maybe it is that you are smart but enjoy lying because you know you are wrong....here is more proof that you are indeed enjoying and jumping for joy over the monetary situation causing more people to vote for YOUR POLITICAL PARTY:

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
you know that the leadership will be working round the clock between now and then to put together a bill that will be able to win more than one third of the republican party. Does your party really think that American voters will look back to who has been in power for the last eight years, and who has had both executive AND legislative control for six of the last eight years, and NOT hang responsibility for this mess around your necks? My house is nearly paid off, and my 401k portfolio is very conservative (aqs of about three months ago) so I personally will not suffer because of this mess... my parishioners will. that's the bad news. the republicans will. that's the good news.

as i said, your own words convict you liar.

red states rule
09-29-2008, 09:33 PM
well, you are simple, so i would not expect you to see the difference or maybe it is that you are smart but enjoy lying because you know you are wrong....here is more proof that you are indeed enjoying and jumping for joy over the monetary situation causing more people to vote for YOUR POLITICAL PARTY:

as i said, your own words convict you liar.

That conviction was an open and shut case Yurt

09-29-2008, 09:34 PM
the dems should clean up their own mess.....funny barney couldn't deliver his own committee

now thats interesting

09-29-2008, 09:35 PM
That conviction was an open and shut case Yurt

true, but he called me a liar after saying that he would not do so and then accused me of calling him a liar, which i have not done until this thread....

but you're right, i should let it go, he is not worth it

09-29-2008, 09:37 PM
after our conversation right now, this is what came to mind :laugh2:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MNwpM51AGV8&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MNwpM51AGV8&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

red states rule
09-29-2008, 09:37 PM
true, but he called me a liar after saying that he would not do so and then accused me of calling him a liar, which i have not done until this thread....

but you're right, i should let it go, he is not worth it

Beating up on him is always a good thing Yurt. He keeps providing the material, and it is impossible not to take it

09-29-2008, 09:37 PM
well, you are simple, so i would not expect you to see the difference or maybe it is that you are smart but enjoy lying because you know you are wrong....here is more proof that you are indeed enjoying and jumping for joy over the monetary situation causing more people to vote for YOUR POLITICAL PARTY:

as i said, your own words convict you liar.

the fact that republicans will suffer for the terrible damage they have done to our country is good news for our nation, but I certainly am not jumping for joy. The long nightmare is about over. I am too tired to jump. and I must deal with the real life consequences of this economic downturn everyday to find any joy in it. I have homeless people coming into my office every single day looking for help... it is profoundly depressing.

09-29-2008, 09:43 PM
another day, another invisible negative rep.... must be from my old nemisis RSR...I don't even bother to take him off ignore long enough to verify that anymore. I am certain there will be another one tomorrow. just like the tides.... you can almost set your watch by 'em!:laugh2:

red states rule
09-29-2008, 09:44 PM
another day, another invisible negative rep.... must be from my old nemisis RSR...I don't even bother to take him off ignore long enough to verify that anymore. I am certain there will be another one tomorrow. just like the tides.... you can almost set your watch by 'em!:laugh2:

As long as you keep acting like an asshole they will keep coming :laugh2:

09-29-2008, 09:45 PM
the fact that republicans will suffer for the terrible damage they have done to our country is good news for our nation, but I certainly am not jumping for joy. The long nightmare is about over. I am too tired to jump. and I must deal with the real life consequences of this economic downturn everyday to find any joy in it. I have homeless people coming into my office every single day looking for help... it is profoundly depressing.

the republicans will not suffer.....those on main street will and as a directly result of a failed political / economic policy forced upon wall street by obama's inner circle.....and oddly enough these same people will rewardobama with their vote while he and those that failed them sit in million dollar homes.....

09-29-2008, 09:46 PM
and the map keeps getting more and more blue.

suck on it fellas!:lol:

and you're laughing.....

your convicted yourself, pathetic

09-29-2008, 09:47 PM
the republicans will not suffer.....those on main street will and as a directly result of a failed political / economic policy forced upon wall street by obama's inner circle.....and oddly enough these same people will rewardobama with their vote while he and those that failed them sit in million dollar homes.....

of course...it is ALL the democrats fault, ain't it manu?

Phil Gramm has NOTHING to do with it!:laugh2:

09-29-2008, 09:52 PM
of course...it is ALL the democrats fault, ain't it manu?

Phil Gramm has NOTHING to do with it!:laugh2:

to which party did the pres belong when the two pieces of legislation were passed that created sub prime loans.....

can you name a dem that tried to do anything about these high risk loans during the past 8 years

09-29-2008, 09:52 PM
and you're laughing.....

your convicted yourself, pathetic

again yurt...the fact that the picture of you all squirming as you watch the map turn blue does is humorous to me does not mean that I am jumping for joy about our monetary crisis. Our monetary crisis causes me a great deal of personal anquish on a daily basis as the pastor of an urban church. There is no joy in that for me. I find no joy at all in the fact that a trillion dollars in value just melted away from the stock market - and the retirement accounts of hardworking americans- today alone. There is nothing JOYFUL about that. period. If you cannot see that distinction, you really do not have the thoughtful discernment necessary to be an officer of the court, IMHO.

09-29-2008, 09:53 PM

this is how big a criminal i am

09-29-2008, 09:53 PM
to which party did the pres belong when the two pieces of legislation were passed that created sub prime loans.....

Democrat. Who was the chair of the Senate banking committee?

09-29-2008, 09:55 PM
again yurt...the fact that the picture of you all squirming as you watch the map turn blue does is humorous to me does not mean that I am jumping for joy about our monetary crisis. Our monetary crisis causes me a great deal of personal anquish on a daily basis as the pastor of an urban church. There is no joy in that for me. I find no joy at all in the fact that a trillion dollars in value just melted away from the stock market - and the retirement accounts of hardworking americans- today alone. There is nothing JOYFUL about that. period. If you cannot see that distinction, you really do not have the thoughtful discernment necessary to be an officer of the court, IMHO.

you're full of shit preacher...i'm somehow squirming, but you laughing and telling us (suck on it fellas :lol: and saying the republicans suffering is GOOD) is not jumping up and down....

this matter is concluded

09-29-2008, 09:56 PM
to which party did the pres belong when the two pieces of legislation were passed that created sub prime loans.....

can you name a dem that tried to do anything about these high risk loans during the past 8 years

yes, barney frank told us there was NO problem and that republicans are fear mongers for saying so

i did notice mfm cut out that line from your post :laugh2:

09-29-2008, 09:58 PM
you're full of shit preacher...i'm somehow squirming, but you laughing and telling us (suck on it fellas :lol:) is not jumping up and down....

this matter is concluded

it IS laughing at YOUR squirming.... clearly. It is NOT jumping for joy about our monetary crisis. Again, if that distinction is really lost on you, I find it unthinkable that you could ethically serve as an officer of the court.

This matter IS concluded. YOu mischaracterized my post and do not have the grace to admit it.

we are done now.

09-29-2008, 10:00 PM
i did notice mfm cut out that line from your post :laugh2:
LIAR! I cut nothing out. He ADDED that line a minute after I answered him.

09-29-2008, 10:01 PM
i already said it was concluded...

nice to see you are back to your old ways of personally insulting my professional integrity....

you best put me back on ignore liar

09-29-2008, 10:05 PM
i already said it was concluded...

nice to see you are back to your old ways of personally insulting my professional integrity....

you best put me back on ignore liar
I am not trying to insult your professional integrity. I am honestly commenting on your obvious lack of discernment.

and if I put you on ignore, I'd have to forever guess between you and RSR as to the source of my daily phantom neg reps!

09-29-2008, 10:23 PM
Democrat. Who was the chair of the Senate banking committee?

i thought the pres owned what happens......so which is it.....

09-29-2008, 10:34 PM
i thought the pres owned what happens......so which is it.....

the president does own the consequences of what happens. Last I knew, the Clinton years were pretty good, weren't they? :laugh2:

how have these BUSH years been?

09-29-2008, 10:39 PM
again, we're playing the my guy is better then your guy.

Do you or anyone really wanna tell me that only republicans are responsible for the first 9/11, the second 9/11, beirut bombings, iran hostage crises.

What other situations can i use to be partisan?

Bush is better

no clinton is better

when will anyone realize, this is not the olympics, you dont get a gold medal for being right

lets argue over policies and issues, and stop with the name calling, this goes for EVERYONE


the president does own the consequences of what happens. Last I knew, the Clinton years were pretty good, weren't they? :laugh2:

how have these BUSH years been?

09-29-2008, 10:44 PM
I am not trying to insult your professional integrity. I am honestly commenting on your obvious lack of discernment.

and if I put you on ignore, I'd have to forever guess between you and RSR as to the source of my daily phantom neg reps!

you little shithead, you are flat out insinuating that i am the source of your daily phantom neg reps....such an insinuation is of course a lie, but no surprise

now stop making things up about me and slandering my character and get back to debating , got it, good.

09-29-2008, 10:46 PM
again, we're playing the my guy is better then your guy.

Do you or anyone really wanna tell me that only republicans are responsible for the first 9/11, the second 9/11, beirut bombings, iran hostage crises.

What other situations can i use to be partisan?

Bush is better

no clinton is better

when will anyone realize, this is not the olympics, you dont get a gold medal for being right

lets argue over policies and issues, and stop with the name calling, this goes for EVERYONE


actually, according to bill clinton the republicans and himself tried to overhall fannie and freddie but the dems blocked it....thats right

09-29-2008, 10:47 PM
hey yurt,

non-politically speaking

how are you doing today?

you little shithead, you are flat out insinuating that i am the source of your daily phantom neg reps....such an insinuation is of course a lie, but no surprise

now stop making things up about me and slandering my character and get back to debating , got it, good.

09-29-2008, 10:52 PM
hey yurt,

non-politically speaking

how are you doing today?

great, why?

09-29-2008, 10:55 PM
you little shithead, you are flat out insinuating that i am the source of your daily phantom neg reps....such an insinuation is of course a lie, but no surprise

now stop making things up about me and slandering my character and get back to debating , got it, good.

it is a fact that six of the last seven negative reps I have gotten have come from you two. If I had you both on ignore, I would have to be forever switching off my ignore list to see which one of you hit me. With only RSR on ignore, there is no question. There is no lie there at all. sorry.

09-29-2008, 10:57 PM
good thanks :)

just wondering, so i thought i'd ask

have a great night


great, why?

09-29-2008, 10:58 PM
have a good night manfrommaine, im going to sleep


it is a fact that six of the last seven negative reps I have gotten have come from you two. If I had you both on ignore, I would have to be forever switching off my ignore list to see which one of you hit me. With only RSR on ignore, there is no question. There is no lie there at all. sorry.

09-29-2008, 10:59 PM
the president does own the consequences of what happens. Last I knew, the Clinton years were pretty good, weren't they? :laugh2:

how have these BUSH years been?

do they own the actions that later result in problems or do they get absolved of all responsibility once they leave......

yes clinton got lucky that the dot com era occured while he was cheating on his wife.....does he get credit for the dot com crash and subsequent recession.....

09-29-2008, 11:05 PM
it is a fact that six of the last seven negative reps I have gotten have come from you two. If I had you both on ignore, I would have to be forever switching off my ignore list to see which one of you hit me. With only RSR on ignore, there is no question. There is no lie there at all. sorry.

psssssssssst....liar, you claimed i negged rep you daily....when is the last time i did so? you little worthless liar :laugh2:

simply because X number of last neg reps does NOT prove i daily neg rep you....lol....you can lie better than this, really

and you getting a neg rep for calling me liar, don't play the victim....now go back to your closet and smack yourself some more

09-29-2008, 11:07 PM
do they own the actions that later result in problems or do they get absolved of all responsibility once they leave......

yes clinton got lucky that the dot com era occured while he was cheating on his wife.....does he get credit for the dot com crash and subsequent recession.....

what is funny is that clinton actually tells us that he and the republicans tried to reign this disaster in but the dems ignored him

09-29-2008, 11:10 PM
psssssssssst....liar, you claimed i negged rep you daily....when is the last time i did so? you little worthless liar :laugh2:

simply because X number of last neg reps does NOT prove i daily neg rep you....lol....you can lie better than this, really

and you getting a neg rep for calling me liar, don't play the victim....now go back to your closet and smack yourself some more

I have NEVER claimed that you neg repped me daily. I claimed that I get neg repped daily, and that if I had you AND RSR on ignore, I would be unsure as to who the author was.

The last time you neg repped me was two hours ago, by the way.:laugh2:

09-29-2008, 11:11 PM
do they own the actions that later result in problems or do they get absolved of all responsibility once they leave......

yes clinton got lucky that the dot com era occured while he was cheating on his wife.....does he get credit for the dot com crash and subsequent recession.....

did it happen on his watch? Like I said earlier, nobody from the right ever seems willing to lay any of Carter's economic woes at the feet of Gerry Ford.

09-29-2008, 11:13 PM
again yurt...the fact that the picture of you all squirming as you watch the map turn blue does is humorous to me does not mean that I am jumping for joy about our monetary crisis. Our monetary crisis causes me a great deal of personal anquish on a daily basis as the pastor of an urban church. There is no joy in that for me. I find no joy at all in the fact that a trillion dollars in value just melted away from the stock market - and the retirement accounts of hardworking americans- today alone. There is nothing JOYFUL about that. period. If you cannot see that distinction, you really do not have the thoughtful discernment necessary to be an officer of the court, IMHO.

An urban church, please, it's a lousy clubhouse for racist shitheads.

09-29-2008, 11:14 PM
did it happen on his watch? Like I said earlier, nobody from the right ever seems willing to lay any of Carter's economic woes at the feet of Gerry Ford.

so which way do you want it......do you own the outcome of your actions even if you are no longer there.....

tell me ... why was clinton able to cut military infrastucture and balance the budget ..... do you know who's nephew's company got all the contracts to redevelope the military bases he closed .....

09-29-2008, 11:15 PM
I have NEVER claimed that you neg repped me daily. I claimed that I get neg repped daily, and that if I had you AND RSR on ignore, I would be unsure as to who the author was.

The last time you neg repped me was two hours ago, by the way.:laugh2:


you assinuation is clear liar

you have not changed, it is clear that you are wasting my time and all your talk about bringing it up a level is pure bullshit, you live for the bullshit mfm, because you are full of it, it is all you have, nothing more...

09-29-2008, 11:17 PM
you assinuation is clear liar

you have not changed, it is clear that you are wasting my time and all your talk about bringing it up a level is pure bullshit, you live for the bullshit mfm, because you are full of it, it is all you have, nothing more...

you cannot read the english language with any degree of clarity. that is not my fault counselor. I write with a great deal more precision than you read...obviously. deal with it.

09-29-2008, 11:18 PM
so which way do you want it......do you own the outcome of your actions even if you are no longer there.....

tell me ... why was clinton able to cut military infrastucture and balance the budget ..... do you know who's nephew's company got all the contracts to redevelope the military bases he closed .....
which way do YOU want it? Is Ford to blame for Carter's problems, or is it only democrats who are forced to own their legacy?

09-29-2008, 11:21 PM
which way do YOU want it? Is Ford to blame for Carter's problems, or is it only democrats who are forced to own their legacy?

you are the one that said a pres owns what happens under him.....now you wnat to blame ford for carter ....... does bush get to blame clinton for the dot com recession in 2000 and 911 then .....

09-29-2008, 11:24 PM
you are the one that said a pres owns what happens under him.....now you wnat to blame ford for carter ....... does bush get to blame clinton for the dot com recession in 2000 and 911 then .....
I did not want to blame ford for carter...I asked you for some consistency. I say that what happens on your watch is your problem. you seem to want to lay all of bush's problems on Clinton but don't seem to be willing to apply that same axion when the shoe is on the other foot.

09-29-2008, 11:38 PM
I did not want to blame ford for carter...I asked you for some consistency. I say that what happens on your watch is your problem. you seem to want to lay all of bush's problems on Clinton but don't seem to be willing to apply that same axion when the shoe is on the other foot.

no i am willing to discuss this anyway you like......you started by saying bush owns the last 8 years...... i said then clinton and carter owns theirs and you wanted to blame congress and previous presidents for carter and clintons choices on the subprime....and the falters in the economy on their watch.....seems you are the one that wants it both ways.....i just want you to pick one way or the other ....

09-30-2008, 05:47 AM
no i am willing to discuss this anyway you like......you started by saying bush owns the last 8 years...... i said then clinton and carter owns theirs and you wanted to blame congress and previous presidents for carter and clintons choices on the subprime....and the falters in the economy on their watch.....seems you are the one that wants it both ways.....i just want you to pick one way or the other ....
I would imagine that Bill Clinton is perfectly happy to own the economic record of his watch. I would imagine that Bush and the republicans are less excited about owning THEIR record, eh?

09-30-2008, 05:59 AM
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/election_20082/2008_presidential_election/obama_gets_post_debate_boost_in_voter_trust_on_all _issues

"Obama is now trusted more on all 10 major issues in new Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveys Saturday and Sunday nights. He even has a statistically insignificant one-point lead over McCain in trust on the handling of the war in Iraq. Just two weeks ago, the Republican had an eight-point lead on this issue."

and on Thursday night, we'll hear the flushing sound of mooseburgers swirling down the drain!:laugh2:

09-30-2008, 08:25 AM
I would imagine that Bill Clinton is perfectly happy to own the economic record of his watch. I would imagine that Bush and the republicans are less excited about owning THEIR record, eh?

considering the insurmountable evidence that the Democrats brought about this economic crisis, I would say the Republicans ought to be happier than the Democrats.....

09-30-2008, 08:50 AM
I would imagine that Bill Clinton is perfectly happy to own the economic record of his watch. I would imagine that Bush and the republicans are less excited about owning THEIR record, eh?

considering the insurmountable evidence that the Democrats brought about this economic crisis, I would say the Republicans ought to be happier than the Democrats.....

The Republicans should be happier than the Democrats. The problem is that this happened on Bush's watch and regardless of the fact that it was Clinton's and the Democrat's doing that brought this problem about, it will be blamed on Bush et al by those who don't pay attention.


09-30-2008, 09:45 AM
:laugh2: mooseburgers

I prefer mine with ketchup :coffee:

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/election_20082/2008_presidential_election/obama_gets_post_debate_boost_in_voter_trust_on_all _issues

"Obama is now trusted more on all 10 major issues in new Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveys Saturday and Sunday nights. He even has a statistically insignificant one-point lead over McCain in trust on the handling of the war in Iraq. Just two weeks ago, the Republican had an eight-point lead on this issue."

and on Thursday night, we'll hear the flushing sound of mooseburgers swirling down the drain!:laugh2:

red states rule
09-30-2008, 11:11 AM
The Republicans should be happier than the Democrats. The problem is that this happened on Bush's watch and regardless of the fact that it was Clinton's and the Democrat's doing that brought this problem about, it will be blamed on Bush et al by those who don't pay attention.


Even though Pres Bush and Republicans tried many times to fix the probelm, and Dems blocked every attempt?

09-30-2008, 11:16 AM
Even though Pres Bush and Republicans tried many times to fix the probelm, and Dems blocked every attempt?

Everyday Americans don't care. This happened under George Bush's watch. He should have taken care of it before it got this far. After all he had almost 8 years to fix the problem... yada yada yada. The President can do anything he wants.

George Bush will be the one they blame for this regardless of the truth of the matter.


red states rule
09-30-2008, 11:18 AM
Everyday Americans don't care. This happened under George Bush's watch. He should have taken care of it before it got this far. After all he had almost 8 years to fix the problem... yada yada yada. The President can do anything he wants.

George Bush will be the one they blame for this regardless of the truth of the matter.


Anyone with an IQ above room temp will see Dems could have won the vote yesterday, and when they see the tape of Dems saying there was no problem as Republicans tried to reform Fannie and Freddie - they will care

09-30-2008, 11:29 AM
Anyone with an IQ above room temp will see Dems could have won the vote yesterday, and when they see the tape of Dems saying there was no problem as Republicans tried to reform Fannie and Freddie - they will care

By then it will be too late.

Obama will be President and the Dems will be laughing their asses off. By the time 2012 comes around this will be old news and no one will care.

In fact, they are already laughing their asses off. Just by looking at the polls and the electoral college chart, they think they've got it won and maybe they do.


red states rule
09-30-2008, 11:32 AM
By then it will be too late.

Obama will be President and the Dems will be laughing their asses off. By the time 2012 comes around this will be old news and no one will care.

In fact, they are already laughing their asses off. Just by looking at the polls and the electoral college chart, they think they've got it won and maybe they do.


If Obama makes it, then the Dems will do the entire nation what they did to Freddie and Fannie

Then hacks like MFM will do the only thing they can do - blame Pres Bush and beg the voters to give Barry, Reid, and Pelosi more time and money to fix the problems

09-30-2008, 11:34 AM
their is only one political party, the drunken idiots in washington party

their gentlemens agreement keeps any other view then extreme right or left out of washington and america suffers

If Obama makes it, then the Dems will do the entire nation what they did to Freddie and Fannie

Then hacks like MFM will do the only thing they can do - blame Pres Bush and beg the voters to give Barry, Reid, and Pelosi more time and money to fix the problems