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09-30-2008, 10:00 AM
a one term governor is not ready for vice president


a one term senator is ready to be president.

I am waiting for one person, to take off their partisan cap, put on their common sense cap, pretend the one term senator is a republican, and the one term governor is a democrat and then explain to me, why

#1 the cnn obsession with palin's lack of experience, and obama gets free pass

#2 why the partisan free pass for your guy, but the lady get trashed by the media and some on the board?

is inexperience only inexperience if your an elephant?

GW in Ohio
09-30-2008, 10:48 AM
a one term governor is not ready for vice president


a one term senator is ready to be president.

I am waiting for one person, to take off their partisan cap, put on their common sense cap, pretend the one term senator is a republican, and the one term governor is a democrat and then explain to me, why

#1 the cnn obsession with palin's lack of experience, and obama gets free pass

#2 why the partisan free pass for your guy, but the lady get trashed by the media and some on the board?

is inexperience only inexperience if your an elephant?

martin: Obama has been in the public eye, campaigning for president for about two years now. During that time, he's had to articulate positions on every issue, debate those positions, and refine his positions on the issues. The business of running for president is more grueling and demanding than actually being president. Obama is knowledgable on all the issues and he has been well broken in as far as standing up to pressure and living under a microscope is concerned.

Sarah Palin was shooting wolves from planes and eating beef jerky on dogsled teams until just a few weeks ago.

She's totally unprepared for national office and doesn't know jack shit about anything except shooting wolves and eating beef jerky on her dogsled team.

09-30-2008, 10:56 AM
I think you make an excellent point, obama has been in the public eye for the last two years, he has gone against the media, oreilly, mccain, the voters, hillary, the democratic party. He is far more prepared for office then sarah palin is.

I dont think sarah palin only shoots wolves and eats beef jerky :laugh2: but your point is very taken. I just wish obama was a two term (completed senator) before he started running for president. That does not mean he would be a bad president, the voters must vote for him, not only based on his experience as a community organizer, time in the state house, and senate, but his polices, personality, and likability. Like any candidate.

I think he is a better choice then palin, based on experience, i think mccain is better then obama based on experience, but this boils down to who's policies do you want and what direction do you want the country do you want to go in and we cant discriminate solely on experience, expierience alone cannot predict a good or bad president, whether its a lot or a little. you can have a lot of bad expierience, not enough expierence, a little good expierience, a lot of good expierience. Excellent post by you, which ill pos rep you for later, and i hope others do as well, because it is very rep worth, as it is well thought out and excellent

martin: Obama has been in the public eye, campaigning for president for about two years now. During that time, he's had to articulate positions on every issue, debate those positions, and refine his positions on the issues. The business of running for president is more grueling and demanding than actually being president. Obama is knowledgable on all the issues and he has been well broken in as far as standing up to pressure and living under a microscope is concerned.

Sarah Palin was shooting wolves from planes and eating beef jerky on dogsled teams until just a few weeks ago.

She's totally unprepared for national office and doesn't know jack shit about anything except shooting wolves and eating beef jerky on her dogsled team.

09-30-2008, 11:15 AM
martin: Obama has been in the public eye, campaigning for president for about two years now. During that time, he's had to articulate positions on every issue, debate those positions, and refine his positions on the issues. The business of running for president is more grueling and demanding than actually being president. Obama is knowledgable on all the issues and he has been well broken in as far as standing up to pressure and living under a microscope is concerned.

Sarah Palin was shooting wolves from planes and eating beef jerky on dogsled teams until just a few weeks ago.

She's totally unprepared for national office and doesn't know jack shit about anything except shooting wolves and eating beef jerky on her dogsled team.

"Obama is knowledgable on all the issues"
The world as seen through the eyes a hack...

Obama is the child of the mainstream media....isn't that obvious...
they have NEVER written anything but puff pieces on him and his campaign for years, unless they were forced to comment on things like Rev. Wright and Ayers....and even that stuff was but a puff of smoke....
They even turned on Hillary to promote this empty suit....
His own VP choice said hes not ready for the job of POTUS....

God damn man, open your eyes to the reality around you and lay off the View, Obermann, Matthews and Dim-flavored Koolade...

09-30-2008, 11:25 AM
I believe mccain has the experience and judgment to be president.

I believe obama is dangerously nieve when it comes to iran, and though he was right/is right about not needing to go to war with iraq he does not have the courage to admit the surge worked.

Still mccain will pander to anyone, and tries to hard to be liked, so while he is better then obama, he is still far from ideal.

obama, needs more expierience,

mccain is still a better choice, in an election with two bad choices

"Obama is knowledgable on all the issues"
The world as seen through the eyes a hack...

Obama is the child of the mainstream media....isn't that obvious...
they have NEVER written anything but puff pieces on him and his campaign for years, unless they were forced to comment on things like Rev. Wright and Ayers....and even that stuff was but a puff of smoke....
They even turned on Hillary to promote this empty suit....
His own VP choice said hes not ready for the job of POTUS....

God damn man, open your eyes to the reality around you and lay off the View, Obermann, Matthews and Dim-flavored Koolade...

10-01-2008, 04:20 PM
gw is a partisan hack just like mfm. He says what the party tells him to say. Like mfm it's party first and everything second.

There is no way the libs here can anser your questions Martin. They would have to admit their own god is not up to par to the second place on the repub ticket.

McCain and biden have a lot of years of experience in the senate. obamanation has two years and two years running for president. Which if that is a qualification the charlie rangle, al sharpton, buchanon, ralph nader and others have a lot more experience to be president than he does. Most of them have been running every four years for the past two decades.

Two years of running for office does not qualify anyone for anything.

Let's create a hypothetical office called the Boss. You and I are running for that office. Knowing our resumes and experience, who do you think is more qualified for the office?