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09-30-2008, 08:40 PM
Prove to me mccain/palin are bad without resorting to articles that smear them.

i.e. facts good

personal attacks bad

I have faith you can prove mccain is hypocritical, lord knows im probably voting for barr anyway.

so, do you accept the challenge?

My Winter Storm
10-01-2008, 02:25 AM
I don't know so much about McCain as I do about Palin, she appears to be hogging the lime light, and is just an embarrassment to the Conservatives.

Did you see the Katie Courie interview? Hear her responses? Might be better if you read the transcript, she had no clue whatsoever.

Did you see the interview when Courie asked Palin what newspapers she reads? Palin couldn't name a single one - how many newspapers can you name, Martin?

McCain has already jumped in front of Palin and retracted a statement she made about Pakistan? Iraq? (can't remember) so what this tells me, is that Palin is a loose cannon. Imagine, your VP says something you disagree with, and you are forced to retract that statement. Not a good thing, you will agree.

I don't like Palin's views, I don't like McCain's views, either. The fact that he has voted with Bush so many times scares me. It is highly possible this man is another Bush waiting to happen - do you really want that, Martin?

10-01-2008, 10:18 AM
I don't know so much about McCain as I do about Palin, she appears to be hogging the lime light, and is just an embarrassment to the Conservatives.

Did you see the Katie Courie interview? Hear her responses? Might be better if you read the transcript, she had no clue whatsoever.

Did you see the interview when Courie asked Palin what newspapers she reads? Palin couldn't name a single one - how many newspapers can you name, Martin?

McCain has already jumped in front of Palin and retracted a statement she made about Pakistan? Iraq? (can't remember) so what this tells me, is that Palin is a loose cannon. Imagine, your VP says something you disagree with, and you are forced to retract that statement. Not a good thing, you will agree.

I don't like Palin's views, I don't like McCain's views, either. The fact that he has voted with Bush so many times scares me. It is highly possible this man is another Bush waiting to happen - do you really want that, Martin?

What she said.

Palin can't talk plain: she is actually incoherent when asked to talk of anything political, up to and including names of prominent United States newspapers.

Her life is full of failures -- all her many reproductive disasters and her gross misuse of power by firing the guy who wouldn't fire her brother-in-law. And she is cruel: she wants to force all women to have the same disasters she has had by making birth control and abortion illegal.

I say that as many problems as the United States has, we cannot afford to have such a restricted, mentally limited, and arrogant person in the presidency as Palin would be if 72-year-old McCain died.