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09-30-2008, 09:49 PM
Do you think it is possible that Obama and Pelosi ensured the relief bill would fail in order to enhance Obama's Presidential opportunities?

It is not a secret that a bad economy is bad for the incumbent party when running for the WH and for Congress. Do you think that maybe the Ds might not have wanted that bill to pass?

It would serve dual purpose as well, making it difficult for McCain to defend a decision to go to DC to work on the bill and ensuring further economic downtrend thus enhancing their own candidates in this election.

It isn't that hard to pick up a phone and call a few Congressmen and see if they'll switch up a vote so you can pass some legislation, yet his own staff says Obama never even tried... Pelosi stands up and makes a speech, one that I don't think changed a single vote but it certainly was partisan. Was it an excuse to point more fingers at the Rs?

What do y'all think?

09-30-2008, 09:52 PM
Do you think it is possible that Obama and Pelosi ensured the relief bill would fail in order to enhance Obama's Presidential opportunities?

It is not a secret that a bad economy is bad for the incumbent party when running for the WH and for Congress. Do you think that maybe the Ds might not have wanted that bill to pass?

It would serve dual purpose as well, making it difficult for McCain to defend a decision to go to DC to work on the bill and ensuring further economic downtrend thus enhancing their own candidates in this election.

What do y'all think?

all the republicans had to do was vote for it and they would have stymied this purported evil plan. why wouldn't they have done that?

09-30-2008, 09:55 PM
all the republicans had to do was vote for it and they would have stymied this purported evil plan. why wouldn't they have done that?
I am sure that the whips reported the votes that they could get, it seems that somebody worked to ensure that there wouldn't be enough.

All that the Ds could have done to pass it is have their Fearless Leader pick up a phone and call just a few Congressmen, 11 is all they needed, and I believe that they knew it before the vote was taken.

09-30-2008, 09:55 PM
all the republicans had to do was vote for it and they would have stymied this purported evil plan. why wouldn't they have done that?
Oh, and because it was crap legislation, made in panic.

We already have examples of that crap. The Patriot Act would be one that you are familiar with.

09-30-2008, 09:57 PM
Oh, and because it was crap legislation, made in panic.

We already have examples of that crap. The Patriot Act would be one that you are familiar with.

I am familiar with the patriot act...another piece of crap legislation sponsored by this administration.

unlike the patriot act, however, this bill failed because Bush AND McCain have so little clout over house republicans now that their pleas for support fell on deaf ears.

09-30-2008, 09:59 PM
I am familiar with the patriot act...another piece of crap legislation sponsored by this administration.

unlike the patriot act, however, this bill failed because Bush AND McCain have so little clout over house republicans now that their pleas for support fell on deaf ears.
Rubbish, it is contrary to most conservatives, it is amazing they could get 65 votes, they did their part. It seems that a different party, who actually controls congress, failed. 95 against... I believe a few calls from the Leader of their party would have made the difference, too bad he isn't capable of multi-tasking as he said he was.

The total lack of leadership presented by Obama was amazing. He didn't even phone it in as he said he would. He "supported" the legislation with silence.

09-30-2008, 10:38 PM
Rubbish, it is contrary to most conservatives, it is amazing they could get 65 votes, they did their part. It seems that a different party, who actually controls congress, failed. 95 against... I believe a few calls from the Leader of their party would have made the difference, too bad he isn't capable of multi-tasking as he said he was.

The total lack of leadership presented by Obama was amazing. He didn't even phone it in as he said he would. He "supported" the legislation with silence.

what bullshit. this was a bill presented by Bush's secretary of the treasury. did you forget that?????:laugh2:

09-30-2008, 10:41 PM
what bullshit. this was a bill presented by Bush's secretary of the treasury. did you forget that?????:laugh2:
Why should I 'forget' that? When has Bush displayed any fiscal conservatism? Please. You are aiming at the wrong target here. Most of the worst crap he ever put forward was "bi-partisan" rubbish that spent money like retarded people who think that because they still have checks they still have money. This is no different.

This crap is just more of what created the problem to begin with. It is amazing they could get 65 Rs to vote for this idiocy.

09-30-2008, 10:42 PM
Rubbish, it is contrary to most conservatives, it is amazing they could get 65 votes, they did their part. It seems that a different party, who actually controls congress, failed. 95 against... I believe a few calls from the Leader of their party would have made the difference, too bad he isn't capable of multi-tasking as he said he was.

The total lack of leadership presented by Obama was amazing. He didn't even phone it in as he said he would. He "supported" the legislation with silence.

Or maybe the Politicians listened to their constituents and not some babbling hag? This was not any party's victory or loss, its the victory of the people that called in to their representatives and told them no. The power of a vote nearing election time.

09-30-2008, 10:43 PM
Why should I 'forget' that? When has Bush displayed any fiscal conservatism? Please. You are aiming at the wrong target here. Most of the worst crap he ever put forward was "bi-partisan" rubbish that spent money like retarded people who think that because they still have checks they still have money.

Agreed, as I posted from the outset, this was a Bush/Democrat bill. Nothing Conservative about it.