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10-01-2008, 12:23 PM
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
VP debate moderator Ifill
releasing pro-Obama book
Focuses on blacks who are 'forging
a bold new path to political power'
Posted: September 30, 2008
8:35 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh

Gwen Ifill

The moderator of tomorrow's vice-presidential debate is writing a book to come out on the day the next president takes the oath of office that aims to "shed new light" on Democratic candidate Barack Obama and other "emerging young African American politicians" who are "forging a bold new path to political power."

Gwen Ifill of the Public Broadcasting Service program "Washington Week" is promoting "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama," in which she argues the "black political structure" of the civil rights movement is giving way to men and women who have benefited from the struggles over racial equality.

Ifill declined to return a WND telephone message asking for a comment about her book project and whether its success would be expected should Obama lose. But she has faced criticism previously for not treating candidates of both major parties the same.



Its good to know that someone who's financial future rests with one candidate winning the election will be moderating tomorrow nights debate.

Oh, but I'm sure that she be fair, yeah right! Just another political hack.

10-01-2008, 12:26 PM
Its good to know that someone who's financial future rests with one candidate winning the election will be moderating tomorrow nights debate.

Oh, but I'm sure that she be fair, yeah right! Just another political hack.

she's in Osama's tank

10-01-2008, 12:32 PM
Why would the Republicans agree to this debate with an Obama hack "moderating" it?

'Age of Obama' set to come out on inaguration day, yea, she doesn't have a stake in the election....

10-01-2008, 12:34 PM
The lady agreeing to moderate the thing KNOWING she would be perceived as biased shows me she needs ethics classes.

red states rule
10-01-2008, 12:36 PM

10-01-2008, 12:38 PM
don't we think that nearly every journalist has made his or her choice in this election? Does the fact that a professional journalist may be a democrat or a republican and have made up their mind who they will vote for mean that they cannot be expected to be a professional and do their jobs as they ought to?

but again...it is funny to see the right getting their excuses all prepared for Sarah's performance!

red states rule
10-01-2008, 12:40 PM
don't we think that nearly every journalist has made his or her choice in this election? Does the fact that a professional journalist may be a democrat or a republican and have made up their mind who they will vote for mean that they cannot be expected to be a professional and do their jobs as they ought to?

According to your own posts on another thread, the job of this mod is to side with Biden and attack Gov Palin

Here are the 2 posts MFM made

If she can't hold her own against Couric, Biden will chew her apart...and Gwen will help

She'd better learn quickly.... Biden and Ifill are on the agenda for this Thursday!

maybe a valium or a quaalude would help.

Any questions folks?

red states rule
10-01-2008, 12:53 PM
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/4zafLsAtp_Q&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/4zafLsAtp_Q&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

GW in Ohio
10-01-2008, 01:05 PM
Its good to know that someone who's financial future rests with one candidate winning the election will be moderating tomorrow nights debate.

Oh, but I'm sure that she be fair, yeah right! Just another political hack.

Well, you know, Sarah Palin already had no chance tomorrow night, by virtue of the fact that she knows nothing about anything, other than killing wolves from an airplane and eating beef jerkey on her dogsled team.

Tomorrow night all she'll be able to do is regurgitate GOP talking points in a disjointed and completely inappropriate manner.

And she'll be up against a seasoned and knowledgable guy in Joe Biden who will make her look like a hick from Wasilla.

And now she's got to contend with a biased moderator?

Oh, God, she's screwed. Can she say she's got a cold or something?

red states rule
10-01-2008, 01:12 PM
Well, you know, Sarah Palin already had no chance tomorrow night, by virtue of the fact that she knows nothing about anything, other than killing wolves from an airplane and eating beef jerkey on her dogsled team.

Tomorrow night all she'll be able to do is regurgitate GOP talking points in a disjointed and completely inappropriate manner.

And she'll be up against a seasoned and knowledgable guy in Joe Biden who will make her look like a hick from Wasilla.

And now she's got to contend with a biased moderator?

Oh, God, she's screwed. Can she say she's got a cold or something?

A seasoned and knowledgable guy?


"I thought that was terrible, by the way. I didn't know we did it and if I had anything to do with it, we'd have never done it," he told the CBS “Evening News” in reference to this Obama-Biden ad.

"If you want to know where Al Qaeda lives, you want to know where Bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me. ... Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are," he said to the National Guard Association. (According to ABC News, Biden's helicopter was forced down by a snowstorm).

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed,'' Biden told CBS News anchor Katie Couric. "He said, 'Look, here's what happened.' ''

Biden: “Hillary might have been a better pick than me.”

and one of my personal favorites

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/SRV5Y1JCGRI&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/SRV5Y1JCGRI&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

10-01-2008, 01:20 PM
If I were a Democrat..I think I would be worried about the bozo Biden..


10-01-2008, 01:23 PM
Well, you know, Sarah Palin already had no chance tomorrow night, by virtue of the fact that she knows nothing about anything, other than killing wolves from an airplane and eating beef jerkey on her dogsled team.

Tomorrow night all she'll be able to do is regurgitate GOP talking points in a disjointed and completely inappropriate manner.

And she'll be up against a seasoned and knowledgable guy in Joe Biden who will make her look like a hick from Wasilla.

And now she's got to contend with a biased moderator?

Oh, God, she's screwed. Can she say she's got a cold or something?

Yeah but you never know though GW, Biden could attempt another history lesson maybe one like how George Washington led the southern troups against Robert E. Lee's 1st Pennsylvania in Gettysburg, Virginia in 1912. :laugh2:

10-01-2008, 01:26 PM
Well, you know, Sarah Palin already had no chance tomorrow night, by virtue of the fact that she knows nothing about anything, other than killing wolves from an airplane and eating beef jerkey on her dogsled team.

Tomorrow night all she'll be able to do is regurgitate GOP talking points in a disjointed and completely inappropriate manner.

And she'll be up against a seasoned and knowledgable guy in Joe Biden who will make her look like a hick from Wasilla.

And now she's got to contend with a biased moderator?

Oh, God, she's screwed. Can she say she's got a cold or something?

she's young

he's old

your stupid

that's life

10-01-2008, 01:55 PM
They do need to get rid of that woman who's writing the pro-Obama book, put in a substitute.

That's not right.

10-01-2008, 02:41 PM
VP Debate Moderator Pens Pro-Obama Book

Questions are being raised about the objectivity of Thursday's vice presidential debate moderator after news surfaced that she is releasing a new book promoting Barack Obama and other black politicians who have benefited from the civil rights struggle.

source (source)

Iz's gonna flatten dat honkey bitch !!!!

Mr. P
10-01-2008, 04:45 PM
I don't think anyone from PBS should moderate these debates. They are all pretty liberal and if you ever watch any PBS stuff you'd know they don't even try to hide it.

Come on, if you wear yer politics on yer sleeve it's obvious yer not a professional journalist.

10-01-2008, 04:53 PM
I don't think anyone from PBS should moderate these debates. They are all pretty liberal and if you ever watch any PBS stuff you'd know they don't even try to hide it.

Come on, if you wear yer politics on yer sleeve it's obvious yer not a professional journalist.

bullshit. It depends on what sort of questions you ask, and what sorts of news stories you write. period.

For example, Edward R. Murrow made no bones about the fact that he was going after McCarthy, and why.. Are you suggesting he was not a professional journalist?

10-01-2008, 04:55 PM
bullshit. It depends on what sort of questions you ask, and what sorts of news stories you write. period.

For example, Edward R. Murrow made no bones about the fact that he was going after McCarthy, and why.. Are you suggesting he was not a professional journalist?

politcal activisim is not journalism....

10-01-2008, 04:57 PM
politcal activisim is not journalism....

bullshit. If you go after the story and report the story, it sure is.

Woodward and Bernstein....not professional journalists?

Mr. P
10-01-2008, 05:13 PM
bullshit. If you go after the story and report the story, it sure is.

Woodward and Bernstein....not professional journalists?

A moderator does not serve to "report" a story..if they can't moderate but attempt to create a story they have NO business being there..There are professional journalist that can do so..they just don't work for PBS.

10-01-2008, 05:21 PM
bullshit. If you go after the story and report the story, it sure is.

Woodward and Bernstein....not professional journalists?

changing the topic because your own post stated morrow was biased ....

Edward R. Murrow made no bones about the fact that he was going after McCarthy....

let the spin and lies commence...........

10-01-2008, 05:44 PM
Ifil stands to gain monetarily if obamanation wins the election. If he doesn't she loses money. Her book will be released on Jan 20. Having her as a moderator is not just unethical, it borders on criminal.

obamanation is the fifth Monkee. Like the pre-fab four he's a media creation. Created, cared for, hyped and pampered by the media. They are out to prove that they control how America thinks.

red states rule
10-01-2008, 05:47 PM
Ifil stands to gain monetarily if obamanation wins the election. If he doesn't she loses money. Her book will be released on Jan 20. Having her as a moderator is not just unethical, it borders on criminal.

obamanation is the fifth Monkee. Like the pre-fab four he's a media creation. Created, cared for, hyped and pampered by the media. They are out to prove that they control how America thinks.

You nailed it

MFM is ducking a couple of his posts from another thread. He admitted Ifil is biased and has an agenda

Here are the 2 posts MFM made

If she can't hold her own against Couric, Biden will chew her apart...and Gwen will help

She'd better learn quickly.... Biden and Ifill are on the agenda for this Thursday!

maybe a valium or a quaalude would help.

10-01-2008, 06:08 PM
What a comedy the conservative wingnut tools are, even before the debate they make up excuses. Saw a conservative radio person today repeating the same old lies about Obama while categorizing the Palin interviews as full of trick questions. Do you think it ever occurred to the fool that a smarter person could have addressed any question. Watch Clinton sometime.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

red states rule
10-01-2008, 06:11 PM
What a comedy the conservative wingnut tools are, even before the debate they make up excuses. Saw a conservative radio person today repeating the same old lies about Obama while categorizing the Palin interviews as full of trick questions. Do you think it ever occurred to the fool that a smarter person could have addressed any question. Watch Clinton sometime.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Hey, your fellow liberal hack MFM admits she has an agenda, and the debate will be a 2 on 1 handicap match

I can see how you would foam at the mouth if Bill Sammon, Shepard Smith, Bill Hemmer,or Molly Henneberg were picked as a mod

Mr. P
10-01-2008, 06:20 PM
What a comedy the conservative wingnut tools are, even before the debate they make up excuses. Saw a conservative radio person today repeating the same old lies about Obama while categorizing the Palin interviews as full of trick questions. Do you think it ever occurred to the fool that a smarter person could have addressed any question. Watch Clinton sometime.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

No one is making excuses but any FOOL can spot a stacked deck, even a dimocrat. IDIOT!

10-01-2008, 06:21 PM
What a comedy the conservative wingnut tools are, even before the debate they make up excuses. Saw a conservative radio person today repeating the same old lies about Obama while categorizing the Palin interviews as full of trick questions. Do you think it ever occurred to the fool that a smarter person could have addressed any question. Watch Clinton sometime.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Saying we see the bias in this debate does not mean anyone is making excuses. I think Palin is going to chew biden up in spite of the obvious bias.

10-01-2008, 06:35 PM
I do believe that when the debate is over you all may come away with new ideas and a better understanding of journalist and writer.

10-01-2008, 06:38 PM
Hmm, when the books came out on Obama, the Obama camp quickly acted to silence them. Even today, they look to threaten anyone posting, insinuating, saying outright anything that could be construed as 'untruths' or 'less than truth.'

For some reason the Republicans are wrong for saying that a Corsi light, on the reverse side is not the best choice in moderator is over the line? LOL! Ifill is not close to the reality of a Freddoso, yet can you imagine the brouhaha if he was asked to moderate?

10-01-2008, 06:47 PM
i think its hilarious that the same person who whines about moderators on this site being bias has no problem with a biased moderator for thursdays debate...:laugh2:

deceptive honesty

10-01-2008, 08:30 PM
i think its hilarious that the same person who whines about moderators on this site being bias has no problem with a biased moderator for thursdays debate...:laugh2:

deceptive honesty

what bias? she is a journalist who has written a book about black politicians. Do you honestly think that such scholarship disqualifies her from moderating a vice presidential debate between two white politicians?

And WHO is the fucking racist??????:laugh2:

red states rule
10-01-2008, 08:33 PM
what bias? she is a journalist who has written a book about black politicians. Do you honestly think that such scholarship disqualifies her from moderating a vice presidential debate between two white politicians?

And WHO is the fucking racist??????:laugh2:

Instead of playing the race card, why not admit you said how bias Gwen is and admit defeat :laugh2:

Here are the 2 posts MFM made

If she can't hold her own against Couric, Biden will chew her apart...and Gwen will help

She'd better learn quickly.... Biden and Ifill are on the agenda for this Thursday!

maybe a valium or a quaalude would help.

10-01-2008, 08:35 PM
what bias? she is a journalist who has written a book about black politicians. Do you honestly think that such scholarship disqualifies her from moderating a vice presidential debate between two white politicians?

And WHO is the fucking racist??????:laugh2:

Hello! Her book is all about the break out of Blacks, Obama being the leader. Yes, it disqualifies her on the basis of her preconceived ideas.

For the record, I think the spotlight on the book and her prejudices are being called out. My guess, she'll be more than fair.

10-01-2008, 08:37 PM
Hello! Her book is all about the break out of Blacks, Obama being the leader. Yes, it disqualifies her on the basis of her preconceived ideas.

For the record, I think the spotlight on the book and her prejudices are being called out. My guess, she'll be more than fair.

as if this is a big fucking surprise! If the McCain camp was unaware of her book, they are too stupid to lead America. period. end of discussion.

10-01-2008, 08:42 PM
Hello! Her book is all about the break out of Blacks, Obama being the leader. Yes, it disqualifies her on the basis of her preconceived ideas.

For the record, I think the spotlight on the book and her prejudices are being called out. My guess, she'll be more than fair.

kath, this is a guy who has essentially admitted the moderator is biased and will chew palin apart:

Biden will chew her apart...and Gwen will help

that is a quote from rsr, i did not look it up, but i do not believe rsr would make it up...

i really don't see why these debates can't have two bias moderators, one for and one against...kind of a pro/con debate, i think that is the best way to flesh out what people truly want to hear

red states rule
10-01-2008, 08:45 PM
kath, this is a guy who has essentially admitted the moderator is biased and will chew palin apart:

that is a quote from rsr, i did not look it up, but i do not believe rsr would make it up...

i really don't see why these debates can't have two bias moderators, one for and one against...kind of a pro/con debate, i think that is the best way to flesh out what people truly want to hear

MFM's posts are # 7 and #10 on this thread


10-01-2008, 08:45 PM
kath, this is a guy who has essentially admitted the moderator is biased and will chew palin apart:

that is a quote from rsr, i did not look it up, but i do not believe rsr would make it up...

i really don't see why these debates can't have two bias moderators, one for and one against...kind of a pro/con debate, i think that is the best way to flesh out what people truly want to hear

Ifill WILL chew her apart... but only because she opens herself up for such dissection by her own shallow understanding of the issues. If Biden were to show himself to be woefully lacking on knowledge, wouldn't you WANT the moderator to expose that failing?

10-01-2008, 08:47 PM
MFM's posts are # 7 and #10 on this thread



why is it there is only one moderator? how about two, from both sides?

red states rule
10-01-2008, 08:49 PM
Ifill WILL chew her apart... but only because she opens herself up for such dissection by her own shallow understanding of the issues. If Biden were to show himself to be woefully lacking on knowledge, wouldn't you WANT the moderator to expose that failing?

Why will she chew her apart - because you admitted she has an AGENDA. Is that the role of a mod MFM?

red states rule
10-01-2008, 08:50 PM

why is it there is only one moderator? how about two, from both sides?

You are welcome. MFM is ducking me, and I guess he felt he could ignore his slip up of showing a small bit of honesty by admitting her bias

10-01-2008, 09:13 PM
don't we think that nearly every journalist has made his or her choice in this election? Does the fact that a professional journalist may be a democrat or a republican and have made up their mind who they will vote for mean that they cannot be expected to be a professional and do their jobs as they ought to?

but again...it is funny to see the right getting their excuses all prepared for Sarah's performance!

Nearly every MSM journalist is on board for Obama. Centainly their right. At the same time, their position requires they make that known. To Ifill's credit, she has, no way is Random House hiding her 1/20/09 release.

On the other hand, should the debate committee say, whoa, your bias is showing? Yes, I think so.

Mr. P
10-01-2008, 09:15 PM
as if this is a big fucking surprise! If the McCain camp was unaware of her book, they are too stupid to lead America. period. end of discussion.

The candidates choose and approve the moderator? Interesting new ,MFM, factoid.

I'm sure they are aware of her book.

10-01-2008, 09:33 PM
I do believe that when the debate is over you all may come away with new ideas and a better understanding of journalist and writer.

I highly doubt it.

I don't know anything about Gwen Ifil and I'm not at all hinting she will be unfair. I don't think the fact that she has written a book about the coming out of black politicians disqualifies her from moderating the debate.

On the other hand, the fact that she is a liberal should disqualify her. :laugh2: Ya can't trust them darned liberals. No sir 'ee! I think Sean Hannity should moderate the next Presidential debate. What do you think of that?

Also, I like Yurt's idea of duel moderators; one pro Dem, one pro Rep. Let's say there is time for 20 questions each moderator could ask each candidate 5 questions so both sides would have friend/foe questions.


Mr. P
10-01-2008, 10:11 PM
I highly doubt it.

I don't know anything about Gwen Ifil and I'm not at all hinting she will be unfair. I don't think the fact that she has written a book about the coming out of black politicians disqualifies her from moderating the debate.

On the other hand, the fact that she is a liberal should disqualify her. :laugh2: Ya can't trust them darned liberals. No sir 'ee! I think Sean Hannity should moderate the next Presidential debate. What do you think of that?

Also, I like Yurt's idea of duel moderators; one pro Dem, one pro Rep. Let's say there is time for 20 questions each moderator could ask each candidate 5 questions so both sides would have friend/foe questions.


Lets just put em in a sound proof booth and ask em both the same questions WITHOUT the partisan BS.

10-01-2008, 11:32 PM
I say have Dennis Miller moderate the debates.

red states rule
10-02-2008, 06:51 AM
I say have Dennis Miller moderate the debates.

or Bill O'Reilly

10-02-2008, 06:54 AM
Nearly every MSM journalist is on board for Obama. Centainly their right. At the same time, their position requires they make that known. To Ifill's credit, she has, no way is Random House hiding her 1/20/09 release.

On the other hand, should the debate committee say, whoa, your bias is showing? Yes, I think so.
how is her bias showing? She wrote a book about the rise of four black politicians, Obama being one. It is nonsense to assume that she would be incapable of moderating the debate professionally.

red states rule
10-02-2008, 06:56 AM
how is her bias showing? She wrote a book about the rise of four black politicians, Obama being one. It is nonsense to assume that she would be incapable of moderating the debate professionally.

YOU admitted twice she is biased and has agenda

Lets hear from Gwen's family:

'Brilliant' Ifill Cousin Scours Palin As 'Offensive to Black Women'
By Tim Graham (Bio | Archive)
October 2, 2008 - 06:48 ET

Here are more signs Sarah Palin could face an uphill battle with PBS host Gwen Ifill. Professor Sherrilyn Ifill of the University of Maryland Law School, who Gwen Ifill has lauded as "my brilliant baby cousin," has written that black women are not buying Sarah Palin’s "false claims to feminism" and is portrayed as too perfect: "when women who are privileged present as though they have it all together, it’s offensive to black women."

The Community Times, a suburban Maryland newspaper, found Professor Ifill was ardently opposed to the Alaska governor when they did an e-mail interview:

"From the first day, Palin presented herself as shooting a bear in the morning, field dressing it, cooking up the breakfast, diapering the babies, passing legislation in the afternoon, cleaning the house, satisfying her husband, etc., etc., etc. And it's just not true," she wrote in an e-mail interview. "It's hard to be an average working mom, really hard. And when women who are privileged present as though they have it all together, it's offensive to black women."


red states rule
10-02-2008, 09:06 AM
how is her bias showing? She wrote a book about the rise of four black politicians, Obama being one. It is nonsense to assume that she would be incapable of moderating the debate professionally.

So would you approve of Sean Hannity and Rush moderate the next 2 Presidental debates? They both have written several bestsellers, and would be incapable of moderating the debate professionally

10-02-2008, 09:19 AM
i say let O'Reilly do the next one

red states rule
10-02-2008, 09:23 AM
i say let O'Reilly do the next one

If Obamabots like MFM had their way Keith Olbermann would be the mod

She is releasing a book on Jan 20th on Obam. If Obama win the election, the sales of her book may be DRAMATICALLY different than if not.

Gwen Ifill, regardless of her intent, has a vested financial interest in Obama winning the election.

10-02-2008, 09:24 AM
So would you approve of Sean Hannity and Rush moderate the next 2 Presidental debates? They both have written several bestsellers, and would be incapable of moderating the debate professionally

Did you really mean they would be incapable of moderating it fairly or was that a slip of the fingers?

Personally, I doubt either Sean or Rush would be unbiased moderators.


10-02-2008, 09:26 AM
If Obamabots like MFM had their way Keith Olbermann would be the mod

She is releasing a book on Jan 20th on Obam. If Obama win the election, the sales of her book may be DRAMATICALLY different than if not.

Gwen Ifill, regardless of her intent, has a vested financial interest in Obama winning the election.

you shitn' me??? Keith overbite will debate his self !!!!!

red states rule
10-02-2008, 09:26 AM
Did you really mean they would be incapable of moderating it fairly or was that a slip of the fingers?

Personally, I doubt either Sean or Rush would be unbiased moderators.


Thanks for catching the typo

MFM would shit his apnts if Rush or Sean would be the mods in a debate

They would be unbiased. They would ask hard questions to both candidates, and to libs that is a partisan attack

red states rule
10-02-2008, 09:27 AM
you shitn' me??? Keith overbite will debate his self !!!!!

To hacks like MFM, Keith is a fair, unbiased journalist who speaks nothing but the truth :laugh2:

10-02-2008, 09:30 AM
Thanks for catching the typo

MFM would shit his apnts if Rush or Sean would be the mods in a debate

They would be unbiased. They would ask hard questions to both candidates, and to libs that is a partisan attack

To be quite frank, I don't think Sean Hannity could pull off even the appearance of being unbiased. As for Rush, I am not so sure about that. Maybe he could act unbiased maybe not.


10-02-2008, 09:31 AM
Thanks for catching the typo

MFM would shit his apnts if Rush or Sean would be the mods in a debate

They would be unbiased. They would ask hard questions to both candidates, and to libs that is a partisan attack

be fair and balanced. MFM would shit his diapers !!!!!:lol:

10-02-2008, 10:14 AM
My mom sent me a petition this morning to ask for removal of Gwen Ifill. It will about as much good as calling my RINO and telling him not to vote for the bailout but heres the link in case anyone is interested.


red states rule
10-02-2008, 10:16 AM
be fair and balanced. MFM would shit his diapers !!!!!:lol:

More like Depends

10-02-2008, 10:17 AM
My mom sent me a petition this morning to ask for removal of Gwen Ifill. It will about as much good as calling my RINO and telling him not to vote for the bailout but heres the link in case anyone is interested.


yeah a little late. but I think Palin has been trained to handle her.

red states rule
10-02-2008, 10:17 AM
My mom sent me a petition this morning to ask for removal of Gwen Ifill. It will about as much good as calling my RINO and telling him not to vote for the bailout but heres the link in case anyone is interested.



I will pass on the link

10-02-2008, 10:54 AM
how is her bias showing? She wrote a book about the rise of four black politicians, Obama being one. It is nonsense to assume that she would be incapable of moderating the debate professionally.

do you even know the name of the title?

Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama

obama is just one of them......right

red states rule
10-02-2008, 11:41 AM
do you even know the name of the title?

Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama

obama is just one of them......right

Not only that Yurt - check out this story Gwen wrote about the Obama family.

The Obamas: Portrait of an American Family
Gwen Ifill

Soon we will vote for our next president, and for the first time in history, one of the two candidates is a Black man. For a year, Essence pursued an interview with the entire Obama family‹to no avail. Finally, this summer ESSENCE became the only Black media outlet allowed a glimpse into the lives of Barack, Michelle and their two girls, Malia and Sasha, when we were invited to their South Side Chicago home. Weeks later, veteran political journalist Gwen Ifill was with the family as they campaigned in a small mostly White western town, and she flew with them to a Black church in the urban Midwest.

Barack Obama is sitting in the back of his rented luxury campaign bus with its granite counters and two flat-screen TVs. The Illinois senator's arms are wrapped around his wife, Michelle, whom he doesn't get to see much these days. At this very moment he is, of all things, singing.

I've just asked them how their lives have changed since he won the Democratic presidential nomination. There have definitely been changes, especially for Michelle Obama, who used to pride herself on campaigning by day and rushing home to her daughters each night. Now she is spending more of her days and nights on the road, but seldom in the same place as her husband. And when their daughters‹Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7 get to see their dad, they likely have to share him with thousands of adoring strangers. "Daddy's gone a lot," Sasha notes. "We don't see him that much."

But on this Fourth of July, everyone is together. Even though there are at least a half-dozen aides and family members on the bus with us, it feels intimate back here. Michelle and Barack are curled up on the beige couch, while the children are reading and coloring a few feet away. Michelle folds her long legs to her chin and leans into her husband as he explains the reality of their lives. When he pauses, she finishes his sentences.

Their ease with each other recalls the day several weeks earlier when ESSENCE arrived to photograph the Obamas at their large Georgian Revivial home on Chicago's South Side. Barack stood on the lawn playfully teasing his wife as she posed for our cameras. Now, as then, his customary public caution melts away when he is with his family. Under relentless media scrutiny, Barack Obama says his family is going the extra mile to "maintain this little island of normalcy in the midst of all this swirl of activity."

But family snapshots of this sort are rare, as are moments when the Obamas can just chill. "Michelle has done a heroic job of managing the house, the family and still finding time to campaign and be out on the road," he says, after directing staff members to turn off the television, which was tuned to Fox News Channel. "I'm always marveling at everything that she can do."


10-02-2008, 12:13 PM
do you even know the name of the title?

Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama

obama is just one of them......right

He is. And you would claim to know otherwise by the COVER of the book?:laugh2:

10-02-2008, 12:29 PM
only a partisan biased person would claim that obama is merely just "one of them" when the title states AGE OF OBAMA...

the messiah to many, the bringer of a new age to most and it seems some on this board feel this guy is so powerful that he will single handedly usher in a new age, the AGE OF OBAMA, but that he is merely "one of them"


10-02-2008, 12:31 PM
THAT is a politically insensative statement! LOL

10-02-2008, 12:36 PM
THAT is a politically insensative statement! LOL

bow to obama, this is THE AGE OF OBAMA

red states rule
10-02-2008, 12:39 PM
bow to obama, this is THE AGE OF OBAMA


10-02-2008, 12:43 PM

red states rule
10-02-2008, 12:48 PM


10-02-2008, 01:18 PM
From the Amazon editorial review:

"In THE BREAKTHROUGH, veteran journalist Gwen Ifill surveys the American political landscape, shedding new light on the impact of Barack Obama’s stunning presidential campaign and introducing the emerging young African American politicians (plural) forging a bold new path to political power.

Ifill argues that the Black political structure formed during the Civil Rights movement is giving way to a generation of men and women who are the direct beneficiaries of the struggles of the 1960s. She offers incisive, detailed profiles of such prominent leaders as Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, and U.S. Congressman Artur Davis of Alabama, and also covers up-and-coming figures from across the nation. Drawing on interviews with power brokers like Senator Obama, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Vernon Jordan, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, and many others, as well as her own razor-sharp observations and analysis of such issues as generational conflict and the "black enough" conundrum, Ifill shows why this is a pivotal moment in American history. "

THE BREAKTHROUGH is a remarkable look at contemporary politics and an essential foundation for understanding the future of American democracy.


red states rule
10-02-2008, 01:21 PM
Then why is everyone connected with this say "no comment" MFM?

Gwen Ifill, Debate Commission Try 'No Comment' on Obama-Book Conflict of Interest
By Tim Graham (Bio | Archive)
October 2, 2008 - 12:13 ET

Everyone knows how the media hates stonewalling politicians. We all saw it last week when they stomped around over Sarah Palin's photo-ops at the United Nations. So why is it okay for Gwen Ifill and the Commission on Presidential Debates to try the "no comment" defense on Ifill's conflict of interest with the Obama "Breakthrough" book? (That is, other than telling AP conservatives are racist to raise questions.) Columbia Journalism Review's Liz Cox Barrett tried:

A Newshour spokeswoman returned my call to Ifill. The spokeswoman said that “as a journalist, Gwen has to focus on the task at hand: preparing for the debate” (adding that “way before this issue came up, [Ifill] decided not to do interviews” in advance of the debate). I asked the spokeswoman about the appearance of conflict and she replied that Ifill had “proven herself to be fair and balanced and no doubt will be” tomorrow night.

I was then bumped up to the spokeswoman’s boss who said that Ifill had “set this aside,” was focusing on debate prep, and that he didn’t “think Gwen is in a position” to talk to me about this but that he would try to reach her and ask.

Not only is Ifill supposed to represent the media's reverence for accountability and transparency, she's also taxpayer-subsidized, so she's stiffing the public in two maddening ways. The Boston Herald also noted its former food writer was stonewalling off the public:

Ifill did not return an e-mail. Peter Eyre of the Commission on Presidential Debates, which selected Ifill, didn’t return a call.

Wouldn't it be nice to hear from these people before the debate?


10-02-2008, 01:37 PM
The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama


red states rule
10-02-2008, 01:47 PM
The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama



10-02-2008, 01:56 PM
we'll all have to learn Jive



red states rule
10-02-2008, 02:25 PM

10-02-2008, 02:32 PM
fox TV is giving the instructions they handed to Biden. how to stand, act and talk. in other words be a fuckin' dummy !!!!!

red states rule
10-02-2008, 02:36 PM
fox TV is giving the instructions they handed to Biden. how to stand, act and talk. in other words be a fuckin' dummy !!!!!

Biden does not need any instructions to do that. It comes natural to him

10-02-2008, 02:47 PM
Biden does not need any instructions to do that. It comes natural to him

its Howdy Biden time !!!!!


10-02-2008, 02:54 PM
Well, you know, Sarah Palin already had no chance tomorrow night, by virtue of the fact that she knows nothing about anything, other than killing wolves from an airplane and eating beef jerkey on her dogsled team.

Tomorrow night all she'll be able to do is regurgitate GOP talking points in a disjointed and completely inappropriate manner.

And she'll be up against a seasoned and knowledgable guy in Joe Biden who will make her look like a hick from Wasilla.

And now she's got to contend with a biased moderator?

Oh, God, she's screwed. Can she say she's got a cold or something?

:lol: Who's making excuses now? :lol:

red states rule
10-02-2008, 02:54 PM

10-02-2008, 03:00 PM
Hello! Her book is all about the break out of Blacks, Obama being the leader. Yes, it disqualifies her on the basis of her preconceived ideas.

For the record, I think the spotlight on the book and her prejudices are being called out. My guess, she'll be more than fair.

I fully agree. And this point of view will be borne out by the chapters she devotes to the accomplisments and viewpoints of Clarence Thomas, Ken Blackwell, Thomas Sowell etc.

There WILL be such chapters, won't there? After all, those individuals have been in public service far longer, and have accomplished much more, than Barack Obama.

Yes, inclusion of those chapters, and their glowing content, will show exactly how fair she will be.

red states rule
10-02-2008, 04:26 PM
Won't it be wonderful when this book get's published on the day John McCain is sworn into office?