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View Full Version : ACORN Registering Dead People In IN

red states rule
10-03-2008, 06:30 PM
Well Obama's buddies at ACORN have been nailed once again committing election fraud

Is anyone going to do something about these crooks?

County rejects large number of invalid voter registrations

219.662.5328 | Thursday, October 02, 2008 | 20 comment(s)

CROWN POINT | Lake County Republican Chairman John Curley wants a federal investigation into hundreds of voter registrations bearing fictitious signatures or the names of dead and underage people.

"Fraudulent applications are the workings of ACORN groups operating from Milwaukee and Chicago who are getting out the vote for Obama. I'm Republican, but I want everyone who should vote to vote. But I want a clean election," Curley said at a Wednesday news conference.

Lake County elections officials acknowledged they have found problems and had to reject a large portion of the 5,000 registration forms turned in recently by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, an activist group that conducted registration drives across the county this summer.

An ACORN spokesperson couldn't be reached Wednesday for comment. Telephones to ACORN offices in Gary, Indianapolis, Chicago and Milwaukee were reported to be disconnected.

Curley acknowledges the work of the county elections board to weed out obviously invalid applications, but said more may have slipped into the voter rolls so he wants U.S. Attorney David Capp to conduct a criminal investigation.

Elections Board Director Sally LaSota and Ruthann Hoagland, a county elections board technologist overseeing voter registration, said Wednesday it appears some ACORN vote canvassers pulled names and addresses from telephone books and forged their signatures.

Curley said one registration form was filled out in the name and address of Jimmy John's, a Crown Point fast-food outlet. Another registration, dated in August, is in the name of a Gary man who died Nov. 16, 2007, according to his death certificate.


red states rule
10-03-2008, 07:58 PM
A man was sitting at a bar, nursing a drink and looking distraught.

A sometimes drinking buddy of his asked him what was the problem.

"My Aunt Mae, who lives in Chicago, has become a Democrat."

"That's too bad." his friend patted him on the shoulder, "When's the funeral?"

10-03-2008, 08:26 PM
"Fraudulent applications are the workings of ACORN groups operating from Milwaukee and Chicago who are getting out the vote for Obama. I'm Republican, but I want everyone who should vote to vote. But I want a clean election," Curley said at a Wednesday news conference.

What the heck is this ridiculous statement? "Im a republican, but I want everyone who should vote to vote"? What utter nonsense. There is an assumption there that Republicans dont want people who should vote to vote and thats utter bullcrap.

red states rule
10-03-2008, 08:29 PM
What the heck is this ridiculous statement? "Im a republican, but I want everyone who should vote to vote"? What utter nonsense. There is an assumption there that Republicans dont want people who should vote to vote and thats utter bullcrap.

Is anyone really shocked over this? ACORN has a long history of fraud. It seems the only way Dems can win an election is when there is massive and organized fraud

10-03-2008, 09:36 PM
registering the dead is an old liberal scam. This isn't even the tip of the iceberg. Complaints have been filed against ACORN in at least 14 states. And guess where ACORN gets at least some of its money? From our taxes!!!

ACORN has been organizing protests across the country while maneuvering for their next handout.

scam (scam)

red states rule
10-03-2008, 09:40 PM
registering the dead is an old liberal scam. This isn't even the tip of the iceberg. Complaints have been filed against ACORN in at least 14 states. And guess where ACORN gets at least some of its money? From our taxes!!!

scam (scam)

and legal help from the messiah

10-03-2008, 10:33 PM
Yep, really they are everywhere:


GOP says voter registration groups employed felons
Posted: Oct. 2, 2008

An official with the Republican National Committee said Thursday that a group involved with voter registration drives in Milwaukee is “engaged in systematic fraud and attempts to undermine our electoral system.”

The comments came from Sean Cairncross, the party’s chief lawyer, during a conference call with reporters in the wake of a report that the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) had hired at least seven felons as voter registration workers in the city....

red states rule
10-04-2008, 07:19 AM
and now in Ohio. Looks like Dems are stopping at nothing to win this election. I guess they see how weak a candidate Obama is, so they are using Plan B

Voter Registration Forms Missing

POSTED: 6:28 pm EDT September 27, 2008
UPDATED: 9:04 pm EDT September 27, 2008

More than 100 voter registration forms are missing, and Saturday the students of Franciscan University who helped gather them spoke out.

The College Republicans of the Steubenville campus said between Sept. 1 and Sept. 15 they held a bipartisan drive to collect the forms, and in the last few days they discovered they never made it to the local Board of Elections.

Roughly 120 forms have vanished, and Brian D'Amico, vice president of the College Republicans, said all he has as proof is the ripped and empty envelope in which his fellow classmates sent them out.

"I think that the voter process in general was disrupted," D'Amico said.

It's unclear so far when the forms disappeared, but it is known where the envelope once containing the forms traveled.


10-04-2008, 08:27 AM
I heard they were intimidating banks into these mortgage loans. whats next an execution dept???? somebody please tell us law enforcement isn't asleep at the wheel here. Im considering passing this on to my bank. looks like we cured a symptom but the disease rolls merely along !!!! I just found out their scamin' here in my state.



10-04-2008, 08:31 AM
I've heard that so long as you believe you're doing the right thing, and don't think you're being dishonest, that playing games with our political process is A-OK!

red states rule
10-04-2008, 08:35 AM
I've heard that so long as you believe you're doing the right thing, and don't think you're being dishonest, that playing games with our political process is A-OK!

To MFM, it is only dishonest if they get caught. Even then, it has not been proven.

10-04-2008, 08:42 AM
Excuse me for entering this wingnut circle jerk but........when were they convicted?

Okay, jerk on wingnuts! Jerk on! 1-2, 1-2, 1-2...don't forget to change hands when you get to 100! :laugh2:

10-04-2008, 08:44 AM
Excuse me for entering this wingnut circle jerk but........when were they convicted?

Okay, jerk on wingnuts! Jerk on! 1-2, 1-2, 1-2...don't forget to change hands when you get to 100! :laugh2:

Two in Wisconsin. There are hundreds, if not thousands of reports of voter fraud, intimidation related to ACORN. Really, this is the first time you've jumped in with a term like 'circle jerk', when you seem woefully uninformed.

10-04-2008, 08:48 AM
Two in Wisconsin. There are hundreds, if not thousands of reports of voter fraud, intimidation related to ACORN. Really, this is the first time you've jumped in with a term like 'circle jerk', when you seem woefully uninformed.

Call it premature exasperation. But watching the thread with all the mutual wingnut stroking, well I had to get in and interrupt the rhythm. I could see what was happening but I don't have a bucket of cold water handy.

red states rule
10-04-2008, 08:49 AM
Call it premature exasperation. But watching the thread with all the mutual wingnut stroking, well I had to get in and interrupt the rhythm. I could see what was happening but I don't have a bucket of cold water handy.

Do yiu think it is OK for the rampant voter fraud ACORN committs? They have a long history of votor fraud, and Obama has close ties to them

10-04-2008, 08:59 AM
Do yiu think it is OK for the rampant voter fraud ACORN committs? They have a long history of votor fraud, and Obama has close ties to them

If is saw some evidence - as opposed to untested allegations - I might have a view.

red states rule
10-04-2008, 09:03 AM
If is saw some evidence - as opposed to untested allegations - I might have a view.

Just Google ACORN

Here are a few examples - there are alot




10-04-2008, 09:05 AM
Can't see a court report in there RSR.

red states rule
10-04-2008, 09:08 AM
Can't see a court report in there RSR.

Be a good little lib and turn a blind eye to Democrat corruption. Reminds me of a Dem who said in an interview about Bill Clinton "Just because there was semen on the dress, does not mean he had sex with her"

And you must be a speed reader to have read all 3 links that fast

10-04-2008, 09:12 AM
Can't see a court report in there RSR.

Have you been to the states for the past 40 years? Try to reign in 'community organizers.' We'd end up with riots that would make the 60's seem mild. Too many bright, well meaning folks have aligned themselves with those that wish to undermine a system that continued to become more open throughout a relatively short history. For over 40 years now, what had seemed at the time to be an organized response to ills, turned into a plague of its own.

Alinsky was not the cure for the system most Americans want. It may be what you wish in Australia and far be it from me to not wish you well in your endeavors towards bringing that to fruition, but really not welcome here.

red states rule
10-04-2008, 07:13 PM
I can't see why libs ever lose an election with all the dead people who vote for them