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View Full Version : aspergers syndrome: my disorder

10-03-2008, 08:57 PM
I think some of you understand, and i thank you for it. but i hope others can see, while I have this, im not any less intelligent then anyone else



Synonyms and related keywords: Asperger syndrome, Asperger disorder, autistic psychopathy, high-functioning autism, HFA, hyperlexia, nonverbal learning disorder, NLD, personality disorder, PDD-NOS, pragmatic language disorder, right hemisphere dysfunction, schizoid personality, semantic pragmatic disorder, sensory integration disorder, persistent impairment in social interactions, repetitive behavior patterns, restricted interests, pedantic speech, early childhood motor delays, clumsiness, fine motor difficulty, gait anomalies, odd movements, social insensitivity, severe social impairment

depression, mood disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Tourette disorder, socially inappropriate behavior, abnormalities in speech, abnormalities in language, oddities in pitch, abnormalities in intonation, abnormalities in prosody, abnormalities in rhythm, selective mutism, lax joints, anomalies of locomotion, anomalies of balance, anomalies of manual dexterity, anomalies of handwriting, anomalies of rapid movements, anomalies of rhythm, anomalies of imitation of movements, impaired ball-playing skills, doll-play paradigm, miscomprehension oflanguage nuance, inability to use language in social contexts, lack of sensitivity about interrupting others, irrelevant commentary, absent facial expressions, inappropriate facial expressions, peer relation difficulties