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View Full Version : Palin says Couric "annoyed her"

10-04-2008, 11:48 AM
I agree! It is really sad when an interviewer asks a potential VP candidate tough questions that she has no pre-prepared answers for. :rolleyes:


10-04-2008, 11:54 AM
if the Perky One has two brain cells in her pointy head, I would be shocked..

nobody watches her on the news, so she had to try and make some headlines for herself, so her liberal buddies would drool all over her again......

she IS ANNOYING, as is some on this board....:laugh2:

10-04-2008, 12:11 PM
Couric had her mind made up what to believe and how to feel about Palin before the interview started. She sat stiffly, unsmiling and came across that she wasn't open to anything Palin said. I thought that a bit of ego clashing. However, when interviewing men, Couric laughs, smiles, jokes around with them and asks better questions of them. And it comes across as flirting. Since this was woman to woman, maybe there was a bit of jealiousy taking place on her part. She kept inquiring about Palins reading material, for crying out loud. But when she interviews men, she doesn't ask that question. Why? Anyway, the interview certainly was biased.

Mr. P
10-04-2008, 12:14 PM
Couric annoys the shit outta me and always has, which is why I never watch her. She's so transparent she shouldn't even be called a journalist.

10-04-2008, 12:19 PM
she hasn't been a journalist in years..

all she is now, is another liberal talking head...and not a very bright one..

10-04-2008, 12:20 PM
I agree! It is really sad when an interviewer asks a potential VP candidate tough questions that she has no pre-prepared answers for. :rolleyes:


It annoys me and it isn't interviewing me. I would say she but I don't want to insult real women here by referring to that imbecile as one of them. That thing with the permanent "who farted" scowl is obviously a sexless alien planted on this planet 100s of years ago to do it's best to pollute minds and disrupt human society. I would ask "who the hell has she blown" to get where she is on television but it's obviously because of an alien mind trick that she is there....... even Bill BJ Clinton would turn that face down and he definitely has a track record of going for scowling women who most normal guys wouldn't touch with your dick Gabbit.
I like the fact that Governor Palin immediately saw where the interview was going and played with Couric, that set up the VP debate where she stunned Home Depot's Joe Bidden to the point he could only babble lies and half truths to justify why he and his boy could possibly be running for the most important positions in our government...... he failed miserably and still had that used car salesman's smile to the end as he stared longingly at his superior opponent's backside.

10-04-2008, 01:34 PM
Curious but the Couric's interview was more telling of Palin. As the debate started she set the fool's rule, she wasn't going to answer questions, she was going to repeat slogans. The few times Ifill went back on question, Palin went back into never never land. Slogans matter more to republicans than facts.

"In a conversation, you have to build your sentence phrase by phrase, monitoring the reaction of your listener, while aiming for relevance to the question. That’s what led Ms. Palin into word salad with Ms. Couric. But when the questioner is 30 feet away on the floor and you’re on a stage talking to a camera, which can’t interrupt or make faces, you can reel off a script without embarrassment. The concerns raised by the Couric interviews — that Ms. Palin memorizes talking points rather than grasping issues — should not be allayed by her performance in the forgiving format of a debate."


I thought this summed her up well.

"Palin launched into her charm offensive — winking, smiling, dodging questions and speaking in her signature Sarah-phonics , a mash up of sentence fragments and colloquialisms glued together with misplaced also’s and there’s — gibberish really. Everyone in the bar lapped it up. It was The Sarah Palin Show."


10-04-2008, 01:42 PM
good gawd..now we are suppose to take the Nyslimes as proof of something...that's as bad as having to watch the perky one...:laugh2:

10-04-2008, 01:50 PM

10-04-2008, 01:55 PM

I told you her head was pointy...:laugh2:

10-04-2008, 01:57 PM
she's a strange looking kitty....

10-04-2008, 02:24 PM
So now it is Couric's fault that Palin was an idiot during their interview? I see now. You can't defend Palin, so you attack Couric.
Palin and some other Alaskans of note have one major similarity: they are clueless and make little sense.

10-04-2008, 02:34 PM
So now it is Couric's fault that Palin was an idiot during their interview? I see now. You can't defend Palin, so you attack Couric.
Palin and some other Alaskans of note have one major similarity: they are clueless and make little sense.

well...you should know all about clueless, so you can comment on it..

she was my Governor.... and I and the majority of people from Alaska know what type of person Sarah Palin is...
so there is nothing to defend her from.. to me you and your liberal buddies who think you know her in five short weeks, sound like, bla, bla bla...:cheers2:

10-04-2008, 03:24 PM
So when asked about other SCOTUS rulings why did she not express concerns about the reduction in penalties for the Exxon Valdez judgment? It is only her state that looses!
She is also a very good dancer of the likes of Condoleeza Rice.

10-04-2008, 05:24 PM
I am so happy that Sarah has finally told someone in the media what she thinks of them. Maybe she grew a set of balls? Maybe she took McCains'? I don't know,but I just love that she has flipped off someone in the media that has tried sooooo very hard to chew her up and spit her out. She thought there were more important things to talk about than what she reads. What kind of supposed journalist is that worried about an issue like that?

I have heard a couple other little jabs to the media love,Sarah and I hope she keeps telling them to eat shit in her own kind way. Anyone ,and I mean anyone can see the unfair treatment she has had.

Katier Couric is no journalist. Her ratings leave a lot to be desired. She is another member of the Obama society.

10-04-2008, 05:38 PM
I am so happy that Sarah has finally told someone in the media what she thinks of them. Maybe she grew a set of balls? Maybe she took McCains'? I don't know,but I just love that she has flipped off someone in the media that has tried sooooo very hard to chew her up and spit her out. She thought there were more important things to talk about than what she reads. What kind of supposed journalist is that worried about an issue like that?

I have heard a couple other little jabs to the media love,Sarah and I hope she keeps telling them to eat shit in her own kind way. Anyone ,and I mean anyone can see the unfair treatment she has had.

Katier Couric is no journalist. Her ratings leave a lot to be desired. She is another member of the Obama society.

go back and watch katie ask the question......she was basicly asking....what do you hicks in alaska read to form the idiotic opinions you hold.....charlie gibbson and olberman and mathews and the rest all do the same thing.....if you disagree with them then obvioulsy your a getting your information from the wrong place or you are simply stupid....or both.....

like my mom once said (and this is comming from someone that thought syriana was a documentary)...."if you would just think it through you would be a liberal"......then asked to borrow money....

10-04-2008, 06:06 PM
Couric annoys me and last time i checked she isnt going to ask me any question let alone one im unprepared for.