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View Full Version : DNC steps in to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate

10-04-2008, 01:57 PM
inquiring minds want to know....

Posted: October 04, 2008
12:00 am Eastern

By Drew Zahn
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Philip J. Berg

The man suing Sen. Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee for proof of Obama's American citizenship is outraged that his own party – rather than just providing the birth certificate he seeks – would step in to silence him by filing a motion to dismiss his lawsuit.

As WND reported, prominent Pennsylvania Democrat and attorney Philip J. Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court two months ago claiming Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to be elected president. Berg has since challenged Obama publicly that if the candidate will simply produce authorized proof of citizenship, he'll drop the suit.

Berg told WND the longer the DNC tries to ignore his lawsuit or make it go away – instead of just providing the documents – the more convinced he is that his accusations are correct.

Despite assertions by the Washington Post, FactChecker.org and other organizations that Obama has produced a certified Hawaiian birth certificate, Berg told WND he remains "99.99 percent sure" that the certificate is a fake and he wants a court, not a website, to determine its validity.

read the rest..

10-04-2008, 04:49 PM

here's the one he released

source (source)


Techdude delivers a final report that exceeds my wildest expectations. It is irrefutable, empirical evidence - Obama's birth certificate is a forgery. Why? Why a COLB (certificate of live birth) forgery? That is the question.

source (source)


a little misdirection ????

10-04-2008, 05:06 PM
I was born in Hawaii..and my certificate doesn't look anything like the one above..

why wouldn't he just release his original, what don't they want people to see??

10-04-2008, 05:21 PM
I was born in Hawaii..and my certificate doesn't look anything like the one above..

why wouldn't he just release his original, what don't they want people to see??

might be lost??? mine is much smaller but has more info on it.

"what don't they want people to see??".........he's a politician. like all of em its none of our business. it might reveal the truth !!!!!

10-04-2008, 07:18 PM
inquiring minds want to know....

Posted: October 04, 2008
12:00 am Eastern

By Drew Zahn
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Philip J. Berg

The man suing Sen. Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee for proof of Obama's American citizenship is outraged that his own party – rather than just providing the birth certificate he seeks – would step in to silence him by filing a motion to dismiss his lawsuit.
As WND reported, prominent Pennsylvania Democrat and attorney Philip J. Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court two months ago claiming Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to be elected president. Berg has since challenged Obama publicly that if the candidate will simply produce authorized proof of citizenship, he'll drop the suit.

Berg told WND the longer the DNC tries to ignore his lawsuit or make it go away – instead of just providing the documents – the more convinced he is that his accusations are correct.

Despite assertions by the Washington Post, FactChecker.org and other organizations that Obama has produced a certified Hawaiian birth certificate, Berg told WND he remains "99.99 percent sure" that the certificate is a fake and he wants a court, not a website, to determine its validity.

read the rest..

it is a good point....he could make this go away in five minutes

10-05-2008, 10:26 AM
Do you think that this will be resolved before the election?

If it is, and the BC is found to be forged, will Hillary be the default candidate and will Barry get in any legal trouble? Can US Senators be born in other countries and still serve? Every search I have done only mentions the issue with electing a President.

10-05-2008, 01:59 PM
if this is true, which i don't think it is, why hasn't mccain jumped all over this?

10-05-2008, 03:43 PM
if this is true, which i don't think it is, why hasn't mccain jumped all over this?

I agree. If I'm incorrect, one of the lawyers can correct me. There is no question that Barack's mother was a US citizen, thus he is, regardless of locale of birth. Same with the nonsense regarding McCain in Panama. In both cases for the most part, I've avoided the threads, as they are just misinformed, IMHO.

10-05-2008, 03:49 PM
I agree. If I'm incorrect, one of the lawyers can correct me. There is no question that Barack's mother was a US citizen, thus he is, regardless of locale of birth. Same with the nonsense regarding McCain in Panama. In both cases for the most part, I've avoided the threads, as they are just misinformed, IMHO.

say what you want...I see this all over the net..People are questioning this..

why wouldn't they want to show the original??

10-05-2008, 03:52 PM
say what you want...I see this all over the net..People are questioning this..

why wouldn't they want to show the original??

Stephanie, it's not a matter of 'what I want', it's a matter of the Constitution. We get our citizenship through our parents, either of them.

10-05-2008, 04:13 PM
Stephanie, it's not a matter of 'what I want', it's a matter of the Constitution. We get our citizenship through our parents, either of them.

yes his citizenship is one of the questions..

but another has been, that his name is something more, that he doesn't want people to see..

there are other questions than just his citizenship..he could make this all go away, by just showing his original birth certificate..

Why wont he????

10-05-2008, 04:25 PM
In a search of the Constitution online, according to FindLaw.com it says that U.S. law at that time stated the natural-born parent (this would be his mother) must have resided in the United States for 10 years, at least 5 of which had to be after the age of 16.

Obama's mom was only 18 when he was born.

10-05-2008, 04:42 PM
In a search of the Constitution online, according to FindLaw.com it says that U.S. law at that time stated the natural-born parent (this would be his mother) must have resided in the United States for 10 years, at least 5 of which had to be after the age of 16.

Obama's mom was only 18 when he was born.

Obama's mother was born of US citizens, in the US. No confusion there.

10-05-2008, 04:56 PM
Obama's mother was born of US citizens, in the US. No confusion there.

His father wasn't a citizen, he was a student here on a visa.

If he was born elsewhere, then he does not qualify under the laws in place at the time.

He needs to prove undeniably that he was in fact born in Hawaii.

Maybe get the medical records of the hospital?

If he has nothing to hide, then why not release them?

edited to add link:
"...4. December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986
If, at the time of your birth, both your parents were U.S. citizens and at least one had a prior residence in the United States, you automatically acquired U.S. citizenship with no conditions for retaining it.

If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16. There are no conditions placed on retaining this type of citizenship. If your one U.S. citizen parent is your father and you were born outside of marriage, the same rules apply if your father legally legitimated you before your 21st birthday and you were unmarried at the time. If legitimation occurred after November 14, 1986, your father must have established paternity prior to your 18th birthday, either by acknowledgment or by court order, and must have stated in writing that he would support you financially until your 18th birthday. "


10-05-2008, 05:04 PM
His father wasn't a citizen, he was a student here on a visa.

If he was born elsewhere, then he does not qualify under the laws in place at the time.

He needs to prove undeniably that he was in fact born in Hawaii.

Maybe get the medical records of the hospital?

If he has nothing to hide, then why not release them?

edited to add link:
"...4. December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986
If, at the time of your birth, both your parents were U.S. citizens and at least one had a prior residence in the United States, you automatically acquired U.S. citizenship with no conditions for retaining it.

If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16. There are no conditions placed on retaining this type of citizenship. If your one U.S. citizen parent is your father and you were born outside of marriage, the same rules apply if your father legally legitimated you before your 21st birthday and you were unmarried at the time. If legitimation occurred after November 14, 1986, your father must have established paternity prior to your 18th birthday, either by acknowledgment or by court order, and must have stated in writing that he would support you financially until your 18th birthday. "


People have been asking this for months, and they get shot down as if they are some conspiracy nut..

Why won't he release his original birth certificate, why is the Dnc in court fighting against the request of him showing it..why did they post a fake certificate..


10-05-2008, 05:08 PM
it is a good point....he could make this go away in five minutes

Well, doesn't common sense dictate that since he hasn't produced it and the longer he takes in doing so, say that it is, in fact, a fake, and he has been hiding it?

If it were me, and there was no problem with it, I would just release it to be seen instead of going through all this bullpucky.

Something smells rotten here.

10-05-2008, 05:43 PM
His father wasn't a citizen, he was a student here on a visa.

If he was born elsewhere, then he does not qualify under the laws in place at the time.

He needs to prove undeniably that he was in fact born in Hawaii.

Maybe get the medical records of the hospital?

If he has nothing to hide, then why not release them?

edited to add link:
"...4. December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986
If, at the time of your birth, both your parents were U.S. citizens and at least one had a prior residence in the United States, you automatically acquired U.S. citizenship with no conditions for retaining it.

If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16. There are no conditions placed on retaining this type of citizenship. If your one U.S. citizen parent is your father and you were born outside of marriage, the same rules apply if your father legally legitimated you before your 21st birthday and you were unmarried at the time. If legitimation occurred after November 14, 1986, your father must have established paternity prior to your 18th birthday, either by acknowledgment or by court order, and must have stated in writing that he would support you financially until your 18th birthday. "


The bolded part is irrelevant, as long as his mother was a US citizen. It matters not where US citizens give birth, mother and/or father; nor whether legal or illegal on US soil. In all cases the product of birth is US citizen.

10-05-2008, 05:52 PM
The bolded part is irrelevant, as long as his mother was a US citizen. It matters not where US citizens give birth, mother and/or father; nor whether legal or illegal on US soil. In all cases the product of birth is US citizen.

yes, but there are several people saying he was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, because Kenya has a record of his birth.

This is the questioned factor, not specifically his mother's citizen status.

Because his father was not a US Citizen, and his mother not old enough at the time of his birth based on the law at the time, stating she needed to live in the US for at least 5 years after age 16.

If Obama was born outside the US, regardless of his mother's US citizenship, he does not qualify to be a candidate according to the laws at the time due to her age. The change in laws after 1986 do not apply to Obama if he was born outside the US.

10-05-2008, 05:54 PM
yes, but there are several people saying he was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, because Kenya has a record of his birth.

This is the questioned factor, not specifically his mother's citizen status.

Because his father was not a US Citizen, and his mother not old enough at the time of his birth based on the law at the time, stating she needed to live in the US for at least 5 years after age 16.

If Obama was born outside the US, regardless of his mother's US citizenship, he does not qualify to be a candidate according to the laws at the time due to her age. The change in laws after 1986 do not apply to Obama if he was born outside the US.
Fuzzy, we nearly always agree, on this I think you are misguided. If I'm wrong, well a bonus, though I'm pretty certain.

10-05-2008, 06:14 PM
Fuzzy, we nearly always agree, on this I think you are misguided. If I'm wrong, well a bonus, though I'm pretty certain.

You can say I am misguided all you want, but then you need to show me where I am wrong to back it up.

I put the facts out there. Take them as you will.

The only fact thus far not physically proven is Obama's birthplace.

At least prove where I am wrong on ANY part I posted, to have the label of 'misguided' stick.

10-05-2008, 06:18 PM
You can say I am misguided all you want, but then you need to show me where I am wrong to back it up.

I put the facts out there. Take them as you will.

The only fact thus far not physically proven is Obama's birthplace.

At least prove where I am wrong on ANY part I posted, to have the label of 'misguided' stick.

Ok, I'm not going to hunt all the stuff down. If you and your sources are correct, the guy challenging will have the stuff produced or Obama will be disqualified. Like I said, we're not on opposing sides.

10-05-2008, 06:21 PM
Ok, I'm not going to hunt all the stuff down. If you and your sources are correct, the guy challenging will have the stuff produced or Obama will be disqualified. Like I said, we're not on opposing sides.

that's all a lot of citizens are asking for..is to show his original birth certificate..

why would they be opposed to that..that is the BIG QUESTION..I hope this guy keeps the pressure on...

10-05-2008, 06:25 PM
that's all a lot of citizens are asking for..is to show his original birth certificate..

why would they be opposed to that..that is the BIG QUESTION..I hope this guy keeps the pressure on...

Agreed. Obama and the DNC could be done with this in a New York minute, but instead they waste their time filing a petition with the courts.

Them taking the time and expenses of filing a petition instead of producing a real, certified birth certificate to me says they are trying to cover themselves for something they don't want the public to know.

10-05-2008, 06:42 PM
that's all a lot of citizens are asking for..is to show his original birth certificate..

why would they be opposed to that..that is the BIG QUESTION..I hope this guy keeps the pressure on...

exactly, didn't obama create some team to vigoriously fight smears/lies/etc...? well, produce it in an open news session and kill this rumor, he promised he would fight rumors, i guess his promises are like his suit...........empty

10-06-2008, 02:31 PM
Is this an October surprise?

10-06-2008, 03:34 PM
Is this an October surprise?

Maybe....like G.W.'s DUI that mysteriously came out around October. The one the Gore campaign had nothing to do with.:salute:

Seriously tho,this has been floating around for a while now. The issue didn't just pop up.

10-06-2008, 03:43 PM
I suppose it's possible Obama actually doesn't HAVE it. The original. I have mine, but it's taken careful preservation for a lot of years, and he was wandering around the world with his feckless mother for a lot of his childhood, till she dumped him on his grandparents and went off again. You can get a replacement, and that may be what he's showing.

Just speculation.

Hagbard Celine
10-06-2008, 03:51 PM
This is the most retarded BS.
Here's a frickin' picture of his birth certificate made available by the Obama campaign: http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn227/Polarik/BO_Birth_Certificate.jpg

On top of that, think about what you idiots are saying. You have to submit proof of your natural born citizenship when you apply for candidacy. If you didn't, don't you think it would be a pretty glaring hole in the vetting process? God the inanity of Conservatives in this country is mind boggling. Why don't you go back to polishing your guns and let the smart people run this country?

10-06-2008, 04:00 PM
God the inanity of Conservatives in this country is mind boggling. Why don't you go back to polishing your guns and let the smart people run this country?

Come on Hag. Insane conservatives can't be any worse than the insane Liberals that immediately after the announcement of Palin being Mc's running mate spread rumors all over the internet that her baby was really her daughter's:laugh2:

10-06-2008, 04:00 PM
I suppose it's possible Obama actually doesn't HAVE it. The original. I have mine, but it's taken careful preservation for a lot of years, and he was wandering around the world with his feckless mother for a lot of his childhood, till she dumped him on his grandparents and went off again. You can get a replacement, and that may be what he's showing.

Just speculation.

That is perfectly understandable that he might not have the original. What is being questioned is the validity of the copy. The website of the guy who's suing and those of a few other people who have used Photoshop to remove filters show that the copy that was provided on both Daily Kos and Obama's smear website were actually fabricated/fake copies when compared to a REAL certified copy from someone who was born in Hawaii.

One question that I would like to see answered is does the State of Hawaii birth certificate copy paper have anti-photocopy watermarks? I know that here in MN, if you photocopy a certified copy (or the original if the original was printed in the state within the last 10 years) of a birth or death certificate, you get 'void' written several times across the page. This was started to help prevent identity theft.

10-06-2008, 04:04 PM
This is the most retarded BS.
Here's a frickin' picture of his birth certificate made available by the Obama campaign: http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn227/Polarik/BO_Birth_Certificate.jpg

On top of that, think about what you idiots are saying. You have to submit proof of your natural born citizenship when you apply for candidacy. If you didn't, don't you think it would be a pretty glaring hole in the vetting process? God the inanity of Conservatives in this country is mind boggling. Why don't you go back to polishing your guns and let the smart people run this country?

that is not the original....nor a copy of the original

10-06-2008, 04:08 PM
This is the most retarded BS.
Here's a frickin' picture of his birth certificate made available by the Obama campaign: http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn227/Polarik/BO_Birth_Certificate.jpg

On top of that, think about what you idiots are saying. You have to submit proof of your natural born citizenship when you apply for candidacy. If you didn't, don't you think it would be a pretty glaring hole in the vetting process? God the inanity of Conservatives in this country is mind boggling. Why don't you go back to polishing your guns and let the smart people run this country?


10-06-2008, 04:09 PM
that is not the original....nor a copy of the original

also, why is the Certificate number blocked out? It isn't something that can be used for identity theft, only to trace the document to State records.

So, if Obama has nothing to hide, maybe just release the certificate number if he is having a hard time coming up with a real, state-certified certificate.

10-06-2008, 04:13 PM
also, why is the Certificate number blocked out? It isn't something that can be used for identity theft, only to trace the document to State records.

So, if Obama has nothing to hide, maybe just release the certificate number if he is having a hard time coming up with a real, state-certified certificate.

the regs or codes on the bottom of the cert mention that such a cert can be valid...just my reading of those codes, not my formal opinion...

however, i don't see the problem with getting a copy of the original, my understanding is that this is a "digital" copy and that there is an official seal on the back....hence why i don't think his citizenship is in question....with that said, the harvard trained lawyer knows full well that such evidence probably violates the best evidence rule and he should produce the original or an exact copy thereof....but what do i know, i'm just a shyster :laugh2:

edit: i don't know why they blocked it out

10-06-2008, 04:15 PM
anyone remember rathergate????



10-07-2008, 10:57 AM
You have to submit proof of your natural born citizenship when you apply for candidacy.

To whom?

There is no "board" that "vets" presidential candidates. They don't have to prove their eligibility to ANYONE definite ------

Except to the voters, which is apparently what is going on now.

If it's in doubt, someone will point that out.

John McCain was born in Panama, and George Romney was born in Mexico; I think Goldwater was, too. All of them WERE citizens, apparently, though I wonder about Romney --- he was born on one of those diaspora Mormon polygamist communities.

If you think Obama has somehow been "vetted" by officialdom, Hagbard, please show a link to that. Because I don't think so.

If there's a real problem, it'll come out.

10-07-2008, 11:18 AM
This is the most retarded BS.
Here's a frickin' picture of his birth certificate made available by the Obama campaign: http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn227/Polarik/BO_Birth_Certificate.jpg

On top of that, think about what you idiots are saying. You have to submit proof of your natural born citizenship when you apply for candidacy. If you didn't, don't you think it would be a pretty glaring hole in the vetting process? God the inanity of Conservatives in this country is mind boggling. Why don't you go back to polishing your guns and let the smart people run this country?

We're not going anywhere, so sit down and SHUTUP..:salute: