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View Full Version : Is Joe Hidin' Facial Work?

10-04-2008, 05:01 PM
I mentioned during the debate he had had some work done on his face..

Comments: 2Read Comments Leave a Comment By TODD VENEZIA
EYES HAVE IT: A plastic surgeon says these pictures make him certain that Joe Biden has had Botox injections.
Posted: 4:34 am
October 4, 2008

Has Joe Biden had some work done?

A top Manhattan plastic surgeon thinks so, after comparing some shots from Thursday night's debate with earlier photos of the Delaware senator.

"Yes, absolutely, and I would bet my next paycheck on this assessment," said Dr. Oleh Slupchynskyj, of the Aesthetic Institute.

After being shown the shots by The Post, the doctor concluded that most of the work was around Biden's eyes.

"It appears that he had some sort 'Lateral Brow/Eyelid Lift,' " he told The Post.

read the rest..

10-04-2008, 05:39 PM
wow...so interrestzzzzzzzng

10-04-2008, 05:42 PM
wow...so interrestzzzzzzzng

then don't botheeeeeeerrrrrrr:poke:

10-04-2008, 05:47 PM
do you find it interesting?

10-04-2008, 05:52 PM
do you find it interesting?

I find it HALIAROUS...and I felt like laughing...:laugh2:

10-04-2008, 06:01 PM
I find it HALIAROUS...and I felt like laughing...:laugh2:

I am curious. do you ever laugh at some of the moronic things our president says, or is your laughter strictly reserved for democrats?

10-04-2008, 06:07 PM
I am curious. do you ever laugh at some of the moronic things our president says, or is your laughter strictly reserved for democrats?

strictly reserved for Democrats..so you are included..
anything else you'd like to know?:cheers2:

10-04-2008, 06:08 PM
if he wants to spend his money on that, fine. But he better not be using tax payers money for it.

So unless he is using public money, im not too concerned.

10-04-2008, 06:13 PM
I'm not concerned about it, I just think he looked funny the other night..he looked like a Vulcan Mr. Spock..

Maybe he feels he has to look younger to try and appeal to all those kiddies that are so hot for the Obambam...

I don't care if he has a ass lift, maybe that will be next...:laugh2:

10-04-2008, 06:43 PM
I find it HALIAROUS...and I felt like laughing...:laugh2:

Fair play, I thought you were havin a jib at him for it politicaly, but if it's just fer giggles then my apologies.

10-04-2008, 06:48 PM
Fair play, I thought you were havin a jib at him for it politicaly, but if it's just fer giggles then my apologies.

naaa. If I wanted to have a jib at him politically I'd post this..


10-04-2008, 06:49 PM
strictly reserved for Democrats..so you are included..
anything else you'd like to know?:cheers2:

no...I already knew you were a partisan hack!:lol:

10-04-2008, 06:55 PM
no...I already knew you were a partisan hack!:lol:

Oh and you are not...:lame2:O

at least I'm honest about it.

10-04-2008, 06:56 PM
Oh and you are not...:lame2:O

at least I'm honest about it.

no, he is a deceptively honest preacher

10-04-2008, 06:58 PM
no...I already knew you were a partisan hack!:lol:

Oh and you are not...:lame2:O

at least I'm honest about it.

look at this way steph, you are not a political anymore.......:laugh2:

10-04-2008, 07:00 PM
naaa. If I wanted to have a jib at him politically I'd post this..


and one would retort by saying that even though he does not use his brain as you claim, he was still more than a match for palin, who i assume you would say is using her brain.

10-04-2008, 07:01 PM
Oh and you are not...:lame2:O

at least I'm honest about it.

I am too, no doubt. I am proud to be a democrat and I will be extremely proud to rub your nose in an Obama victory next month. I can hardly wait.

Have you SEEN the post-VP debate polling? Obama continues to stretch out his lead.... all the swing states are moving in his direction. Johnboy is FUCKED! :laugh2:

10-04-2008, 07:59 PM
and one would retort by saying that even though he does not use his brain as you claim, he was still more than a match for palin, who i assume you would say is using her brain.

yeah, I might say that Palin still has a brain because she hasn't been entrenched in the Washington political scene..

but, you'd have to know Joe Biden like WE ALL know Biden...he is a big walking gaffe and not real bright..sorry he's a likable guy and all, but...:laugh2:

10-04-2008, 08:00 PM
I am too, no doubt. I am proud to be a democrat and I will be extremely proud to rub your nose in an Obama victory next month. I can hardly wait.

Have you SEEN the post-VP debate polling? Obama continues to stretch out his lead.... all the swing states are moving in his direction. Johnboy is FUCKED! :laugh2:

to be seen yet..you all were saying this same shit last election, remember..
ya better not jinx it...

10-05-2008, 04:01 AM
yeah, I might say that Palin still has a brain because she hasn't been entrenched in the Washington political scene..

but, you'd have to know Joe Biden like WE ALL know Biden...he is a big walking gaffe and not real bright..sorry he's a likable guy and all, but...:laugh2:

But if you did say that then I may also say that in the end they are only possible vp's and it's the presidental post that matters, and as McCain has also been on the hill for quite a while will he not also have 'lost his brain entrenched in the washington political scene?'...

10-05-2008, 05:32 AM
naaa. If I wanted to have a jib at him politically I'd post this..


Brainless is not something you can call him.

I watched the VP debate... both candidates performed brilliantly, addressing the issues that they are strongest on or weakest on with pretty slick manner.

But I have to agree with the polls. Completely objective of the issues, of the points they stand on... Biden outperformed Palin at this debate in my opinion. This doesn't mean I side with him or her more on any of the topics, but he gave a better performance.

Biden has been portrayed as a loud mouthed arrogant jerk. No one knows him, but he does have a LONG track record and the experience that Obama lacks. During the debate, he was very likable, polite, even gregarious, which I've never seen of him anywhere else or in any other interview or video footage.

I thought he did a fantastic job at the VP debate, whether you like/agree with him or not.

10-05-2008, 01:59 PM
Brainless is not something you can call him.

I watched the VP debate... both candidates performed brilliantly, addressing the issues that they are strongest on or weakest on with pretty slick manner.

But I have to agree with the polls. Completely objective of the issues, of the points they stand on... Biden outperformed Palin at this debate in my opinion. This doesn't mean I side with him or her more on any of the topics, but he gave a better performance.

Biden has been portrayed as a loud mouthed arrogant jerk. No one knows him, but he does have a LONG track record and the experience that Obama lacks. During the debate, he was very likable, polite, even gregarious, which I've never seen of him anywhere else or in any other interview or video footage.

I thought he did a fantastic job at the VP debate, whether you like/agree with him or not.

He was completely disarmed by Governor Palin from the very first request by her to call him Joe. He told so many outright lies that the experts can't even agree on how many. I look at he or Osamabama and see facades, fakery that is usually reserved for a lying used car dealer that has stuffed sawdust in the differential of a car to get it off the lot. Two liberal lawyers that would defend racist preachers and a white boy terrorist to make a quarter. I am amazed that so many are entertaining the idea of supporting two liberal ambulance chasers over a Bad Ass American Fighter Pilot and a Marathon competing Wilderness Governor of our largest and most beautiful State......... it just shows the type of pussyfication that has occurred in this once great Country, I'm embarrassed for the new generation that is leading this faggy trend.

Here are his lies...........



October 3, 2008 by cjohnston

Here’s a little FACT CHECK… Cross-referenced!
1. TAX VOTE: Biden said McCain voted “the exact same way” as Obama to increase taxes on Americans earning just $42,000, but McCain DID NOT VOTE THAT WAY.
2. AHMEDINIJAD MEETING: Joe Biden lied when he said that Barack Obama never said that he would sit down unconditionally with Mahmoud Ahmedinijad of Iran. Barack Obama did say specifically, and Joe Biden attacked him for it.
3. OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING: Biden said, “Drill we must.” But Biden has opposed offshore drilling and even compared offshore drilling to “raping” the Outer Continental Shelf.”
4. TROOP FUNDING: Joe Biden lied when he indicated that John McCain and Barack Obama voted the same way against funding the troops in the field. John McCain opposed a bill that included a timeline, that the President of the United States had already said he would veto regardless of it’s passage.
5. OPPOSING CLEAN COAL: Biden says he’s always been for clean coal, but he just told a voter that he is against clean coal and any new coal plants in America and has a record of voting against clean coal and coal in the U.S. Senate.
6. ALERNATIVE ENERGY VOTES: According to FactCheck.org, Biden is exaggerating and overstating John McCain’s record voting for alternative energy when he says he voted against it 23 times.
7. HEALTH INSURANCE: Biden falsely said McCain will raise taxes on people’s health insurance coverage — they get a tax credit to offset any tax hike. Independent fact checkers have confirmed this attack is false

There are seven more at the link.

10-05-2008, 02:16 PM
Shoot, they don't even mention his real WHOPPER on Lebanon, which never happened in any form on planet earth. That Palin couldn't or wouldn't call him on that, I do not understand. Perhaps she was confused by the enormity of the lie?

France and US kicking Hezbollah out of Lebanon? Insisting that NATO take over? That this was done? :laugh2: