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10-04-2008, 06:00 PM
oh oh...October surprises!!

October 04, 2008 10:28 AM

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the FBI is looking into whether or not former Obama pal Tony Rezko -- convicted in June of attempted extortion, mail and wire fraud, and aiding and abetting bribery -- paid for all or part of $90,000 worth work on the Northwest Side Chicago home of Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Rezko apparently liked helping out his politician pals on their real estate transactions. As you may recall, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and Rezko's wife, Rita, bought adjacent properties in a controversial and complicated series of real estate transactions, one of which Obama later called "boneheaded" because it might cause people to think he'd been done a favor in exchange for something untoward, which he denies is the case. Rezko at the time was under federal investigation.

A federal judge Wednesday froze more than $100,000 of Rezko's cash. Rezko's sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 28.

The conservative Judicial Confirmation Network is running a TV ad tying Obama to not just Rezko, but William Ayers (now using cartoons to spread his ideas) and the bombastic Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

read the rest and comments..

10-04-2008, 06:05 PM
Give them boys time and they might find out that Obama is half white! How can you have a nigger that ain't true colored? That should make for some real questions about his youth.

10-04-2008, 06:09 PM
Give them boys time and they might find out that Obama is half white! How can you have a nigger that ain't true colored? That should make for some real questions about his youth.

you Democrats sure do love that word, nigger..
but you're not a racist..:rolleyes:

10-04-2008, 06:15 PM
you Democrats sure do love that word, nigger..
but you're not a racist..:rolleyes:Shit no I hang my black stepson in effigy every other night. I make big crosses for the gatherings in the black neighborhoods for a welcoming party we throw.

Actually I was emphasizing a point about how stupid and school yardish the first post was. To do that you need to get the words down to the same mentality level in order to not leave the readers behind.

10-04-2008, 06:23 PM
Shit no I hang my black stepson in effigy every other night. I make big crosses for the gatherings in the black neighborhoods for a welcoming party we throw.

Actually I was emphasizing a point about how stupid and school yardish the first post was. To do that you need to get the words down to the same mentality level in order to not leave the readers behind.

Oh that's right..nobody is suppose to question who the boy wonder hung around in his younger days, even though they were unrepentant domestic terrorist that bombed buildings with people in them...
or the preacher he had for 20yrs. who preaches that the United States should be Damned by God..and his associations with Acorn, and on and on and on..

silly me I forgot...

10-04-2008, 06:28 PM
Give them boys time and they might find out that Obama is half white! How can you have a nigger that ain't true colored? That should make for some real questions about his youth.

you are aware apfril, that black people were the first to raise that issue :poke:

obama himself even mentioned it in a speech, first i wasn't black enough....

you do crack me up though, thanks for playing, next...............

10-04-2008, 06:30 PM
Oh that's right..nobody is suppose to question who the boy wonder hung around in his younger days, even though they were unrepentant domestic terrorist that bombed buildings with people in them...
or the preacher he had for 20yrs. who preaches that the United States should be Damned by God..and his associations with Acorn, and on and on and on..

silly me I forgot...

its obama's ace card....the race card....it works well due to white guilt

10-04-2008, 08:04 PM
you are aware apfril, that black people were the first to raise that issue :poke:

obama himself even mentioned it in a speech, first i wasn't black enough....

you do crack me up though, thanks for playing, next...............Your welcome!

Mr. P
10-04-2008, 08:52 PM
oh oh...October surprises!!

October 04, 2008 10:28 AM

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the FBI is looking into whether or not former Obama pal Tony Rezko -- convicted in June of attempted extortion, mail and wire fraud, and aiding and abetting bribery -- paid for all or part of $90,000 worth work on the Northwest Side Chicago home of Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Rezko apparently liked helping out his politician pals on their real estate transactions. As you may recall, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and Rezko's wife, Rita, bought adjacent properties in a controversial and complicated series of real estate transactions, one of which Obama later called "boneheaded" because it might cause people to think he'd been done a favor in exchange for something untoward, which he denies is the case. Rezko at the time was under federal investigation.

A federal judge Wednesday froze more than $100,000 of Rezko's cash. Rezko's sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 28.

The conservative Judicial Confirmation Network is running a TV ad tying Obama to not just Rezko, but William Ayers (now using cartoons to spread his ideas) and the bombastic Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

read the rest and comments..

A few hours ago I heard Palin brought William Ayers up in a speech.
The Obama campaign poo-pooed it as an insignificant torpedo...

10-04-2008, 11:11 PM
you are aware apfril, that black people were the first to raise that issue :poke:

obama himself even mentioned it in a speech, first i wasn't black enough....

you do crack me up though, thanks for playing, next...............

Your welcome!

no problem....hey what do you think of the rest of my post?

10-04-2008, 11:35 PM
A few hours ago I heard Palin brought William Ayers up in a speech.
The Obama campaign poo-pooed it as an insignificant torpedo...

Of course they did.

If you can't refute, evade.

Since Democrats can rarely refute the substantive bad things emerging about them, evasion has become the hallmark of their campaign.

10-05-2008, 07:25 AM
Which party is known for using dead voters, who wants to allow voters to vote the same day they register encouraging students to vote in their home state and Ohio, which party supports and is supported by ACORN... which party supports special rates for people of color http://www.redstate.com/diaries/redstate/2008/oct/04/obama-loves-sub-prime-lending/ that caused capitalism to fail in America... is it so hard to consider they also love terrorists?