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View Full Version : Venezuelan President Chavez Announces Plan To Swap Old Cars For Free Natural Gas Mode

10-05-2008, 11:56 PM
Maybe Hugo understands better the use of his own national wealth of resourses than even WE do!!!!!!!!!!!!

Source: Associated Press

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) _ Give up your gas-guzzler and get a free car. That's President Hugo Chavez's offer to Venezuelans.

Chavez says he plans to start a program next year that will give away cars running on less-polluting natural gas to people who turn in old cars that consume "too much gasoline."

The socialist leader says he'll even throw in a year of free fuel — though that's a relatively minor bonus in oil-rich Venezuela, where gasoline goes for 12 cents a gallon.

Saturday's offer didn't say what sort of cars will be offered or how many will be given out.

Venezuela has signed accords with companies from more than a half-dozen countries to exploit its mostly untapped natural gas reserves.............

More: http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/wire/sns-ap-lt-venezuela-free-cars,0,4568482.story

Perhaps if our oil companies were not so greedy and shared their wealth to help the people that perpetuate their existence then life would be better for ALL of us!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-05-2008, 11:59 PM
you do realize of course that if all governments were socialists there would be no "oil companies" and you would most likely have no oil....and why do you think oil makes hugo rich? because of capitalism baby, not socialism :laugh2:

10-06-2008, 12:05 AM
You do realize, dumbo, that what you say here is absolute bullshit, don't you?

you do realize of course that if all governments were socialists there would be no "oil companies" and you would most likely have no oil....and why do you think oil makes hugo rich? because of capitalism baby, not socialism :laugh2:

The argument of capitalism v socialism was settled long ago. Have you forgotten? This conversation is about how one country chooses to represent and embellish it's peoples v how our corporations fail to represent and embellish their own. Am I getting too deep for you, yuk?


10-06-2008, 03:57 PM
and what country supplies hugo with the most money for his oil....

10-06-2008, 05:12 PM
Does Tata's $2000 car run on natural gas - I know their working on buses that run on natural gas.....

10-08-2008, 12:06 AM
I am certain that India has considered that, Said1.

Does Tata's $2000 car run on natural gas - I know their working on buses that run on natural gas.....

If only our own country were so innovative!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I don't mean to sound condescending in that remark so don't go there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-08-2008, 06:29 PM
Good idea actually on Hugo's part. I just wonder if he will allow people to "choose" rather they want this deal. I suppose not! There in lies the problem.

We are tlaking about a guy who just declared everything in his country to be the property of the state you know. In essence he will be trading with himself!

10-08-2008, 09:48 PM
Pitiful slam job, emmie. Every vehicle built and sold as new in America in this day and age meets certain emissions criterion. What choice do you have about that?

Good idea actually on Hugo's part. I just wonder if he will allow people to "choose" rather they want this deal. I suppose not! There in lies the problem.

We are tlaking about a guy who just declared everything in his country to be the property of the state you know. In essence he will be trading with himself!

Last I checked, I was still getting my licence plates and inspections from the "state" as well but I don't complain as I don't really have a choice about that either. I guess I could protest and drive around unlicenced, though. Wait, I did that once and it cost me about a thousand bucks and the judge basically told me that he didn't give a rat's ass about how I felt about paying the road tax or anything else. It was pretty much pay up or go to jail and even then at some point I would still have to pay up!!!!!!!!!! The law really doesn't give a crap about these catch 22 situations, don't you know?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
