View Full Version : C U Next Tuesday? I would have never thought, jimbo!!!!!!!!

10-06-2008, 01:10 AM
I can't believe it. All that bullshit and personal insults from all sides and an obligue comment like that crossed your personal line of infraction!!!!!!!!! He ain't no saint and the comment was about as nice as it could possibly be given the context and wham bam the commentor is outta here!!!!!!!!!!

I've always given you better consideration than that, jimbo. Even he deserves better than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-06-2008, 07:12 AM
Sorry, Buddy, but you know I allow an awful lot, even things tossed solely in my direction. But to purposely bypass the boards filter to call a woman that disgusting name is beyond acceptable. And let's not forget, it's not the first time he has done this.

A little more background...

He knew my Mom had recently had major surgery and was in the hospital recovering. While in the middle of a debate, while I was doing nothing more than debating him (and likely making him look foolish), rather than respond to what I wrote, he makes a comment like "How's your Mom? I'll be praying for her" - which we all know was a snide little jab towards my Mom's health. He's done it before to RSR and his condition, so it wasn't totally surprising. Then he goes after Martin for no reason and attacks him, and calls him an idiot and several other names while picking on him for asking an innocent question.

Again, I'm sorry, but we need to have limitations, and tossing that into a woman's face here when they said nothing outrageous to him was WAY out of line.

People have called for his banning for quite some time now and I never relented and always had his back. As much as he gave out, he received a ton in return. But none of it went as far over the line as his comment to Abbey.

He got EXACTLY what he deserved.

10-06-2008, 10:13 AM
with all due respect i disagree, nobody should be calling abbey, our dear sweet abbey such a vile term like that, or anything close

even if she was a man, she is a person, a kind gentle person, who deserves to be treated with respect.

sorry mate, we'll just have to agree to disagree here :cheers2:

I can't believe it. All that bullshit and personal insults from all sides and an obligue comment like that crossed your personal line of infraction!!!!!!!!! He ain't no saint and the comment was about as nice as it could possibly be given the context and wham bam the commentor is outta here!!!!!!!!!!

I've always given you better consideration than that, jimbo. Even he deserves better than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-06-2008, 10:15 AM
I have deserved every ban i got, when i used that word.

its one thing to joke around, but to use such a cheap shot against the women of this board, none of whom act destestable, another meaning of that word, i.e. their is no excuse to call them that

and i wont ever call them that again

if i do, ban me two weeks

Sorry, Buddy, but you know I allow an awful lot, even things tossed solely in my direction. But to purposely bypass the boards filter to call a woman that disgusting name is beyond acceptable. And let's not forget, it's not the first time he has done this.

A little more background...

He knew my Mom had recently had major surgery and was in the hospital recovering. While in the middle of a debate, while I was doing nothing more than debating him (and likely making him look foolish), rather than respond to what I wrote, he makes a comment like "How's your Mom? I'll be praying for her" - which we all know was a snide little jab towards my Mom's health. He's done it before to RSR and his condition, so it wasn't totally surprising. Then he goes after Martin for no reason and attacks him, and calls him an idiot and several other names while picking on him for asking an innocent question.

Again, I'm sorry, but we need to have limitations, and tossing that into a woman's face here when they said nothing outrageous to him was WAY out of line.

People have called for his banning for quite some time now and I never relented and always had his back. As much as he gave out, he received a ton in return. But none of it went as far over the line as his comment to Abbey.

He got EXACTLY what he deserved.

10-06-2008, 11:06 AM
Call me slow, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what he supposedly called Abbey and at first I figured that the post had been deleted and I figure that it must have been, but then I read the first phrase of the title of this thread and I am saddened by what I realize now he must have said.

Entirely inappropriate and childish.


10-06-2008, 11:11 AM
Go to the search function and enter "tuesday" for the search words, and then place "manfrommaine" to the right of that to search a specific user. It turns out he has stated this on quite a few occasions to the women he disagrees with.

Thanks to MtnBiker for pointing this out to me.

Once is bad enough, to continually "speak" to the ladies like this shows he is a classless piece of shit.

10-06-2008, 11:12 AM
Call me slow, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what he supposedly called Abbey and at first I figured that the post had been deleted and I figure that it must have been, but then I read the first phrase of the title of this thread and I am saddened by what I realize now he must have said.

Entirely inappropriate and childish.


And that was comming from a person who claims to be a Christian and preaches the word of God to other people. Do you suppose mfm would like members of that church to come to this board and read how he presents himself?

10-06-2008, 11:13 AM
he did it to me and because I do not know computer lingo I didn't catch on..

he was probably laughing his ass off..

he is such a pathetic little man..

Abbey Marie
10-06-2008, 12:02 PM
Thank you to everyone who supported me and Jim's action.

Mr. P
10-06-2008, 12:29 PM
7 days sux JIM..!!! It should be a PERM..IMO.

10-06-2008, 12:29 PM
Cant Understand Normal Thinking is also used in place of C U Next Tuesday in my part of the woods. Another one to watch out for.

Ladies shouldn't be talked to that way.

10-06-2008, 01:01 PM
so psydeshow, you support mfm calling abbey that name?

10-06-2008, 01:38 PM
dear dear, I lol'd so much at this, I memo kids in primery school saying stuff like 'c u next tuesday' but a grown man?!? That's a new one :laugh2:

As for the word, I tend you rarly swear anyway, never mind saying that word but I think I have used it once on this site about some ignorant sod, but to use it on a lady ain't cool.

10-06-2008, 01:38 PM
he did it to me and because I do not know computer lingo I didn't catch on..

he was probably laughing his ass off..

he is such a pathetic little man..

Took me a while also, I'd never heard it said that way.

he needed banned for that.

10-06-2008, 01:44 PM
Took me a while also, I'd never heard it said that way.

he needed banned for that.

Thank goodness! I am not the only one.

I actually thought that maybe Jim had used the statement to MFM when he banned him as in truly meaning, "You're banned until Tuesday. See you then". It wasn't until I noticed the capitalized letters that I figured out what had been going on.


10-06-2008, 01:51 PM
MFM is the board headache


10-06-2008, 02:07 PM
Thank you to everyone who supported me and Jim's action.

we love you abbey :cheers2:

red states rule
10-06-2008, 02:27 PM
MFM is the board headache


More like the boards hemroid

He hangs around, and is a pain in the ass

10-06-2008, 03:42 PM
Wow, a guy takes a few days off and misses all the drama. That'll learn me!

10-06-2008, 04:08 PM
Wow, a guy takes a few days off and misses all the drama. That'll learn me!

don't worry abut it, I was here the whole time and had no idea, I only found out cus I thought this topic had a bit of an odd name.

10-06-2008, 04:08 PM
Wow, a guy takes a few days off and misses all the drama. That'll learn me!

You were gone??? :dunno:

Haha just kidding! :laugh2:

I saw when he said it in a thread and just didnt put 2 + 2 together. I thought it was a rather odd remark.

10-06-2008, 04:15 PM
You were gone??? :dunno:

Haha just kidding! :laugh2:

I saw when he said it in a thread and just didnt put 2 + 2 together. I thought it was a rather odd remark.

Didn't he screw it up? I thought I read it "See You Next Tuesday", he couldn't even get an insult correct.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

10-07-2008, 02:33 PM
Having read through this thread I have to change my mind, surprise, surprise!!!!!!!!!! Of course I wanted more information and that's why I posted this in the Steel Cage rather than any other forum as I did not want it deleted. The poster was rude for using that remark. And banning is probably the correct solution even if only temporary.

But, can we talk about rudeness for a moment? How many times have one of you accused me and others of hating this country that we love so much? How many times have one of you called me and others names that had nothing whatsoever to do with the conversation or reality in any way and done so in simply a mean spirited and despicable way? I am from the old school of what goes around can be expected to come around. But, maybe that's too deep a concept for most of you to comprehend?!??!?!?!?

Anyway, this has been a good example of a question and many answers that contain genuine credibility and compassion and I thank ALL of you for that!!!!!!!!! And, I thank Jimbo for making this board possible for all of us to express ourselves and consider and understand opposing viewpoints!!!!!!!!!!

I think I'll slither back into my hole and enjoy a Busch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: The Lounge is open until further notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-07-2008, 02:42 PM
Having read through this thread I have to change my mind, surprise, surprise!!!!!!!!!! Of course I wanted more information and that's why I posted this in the Steel Cage rather than any other forum as I did not want it deleted. The poster was rude for using that remark. And banning is probably the correct solution even if only temporary.

But, can we talk about rudeness for a moment? How many times have one of you accused me and others of hating this country that we love so much? How many times have one of you called me and others names that had nothing whatsoever to do with the conversation or reality in any way and done so in simply a mean spirited and despicable way? I am from the old school of what goes around can be expected to come around. But, maybe that's too deep a concept for most of you to comprehend?!??!?!?!?

Anyway, this has been a good example of a question and many answers that contain genuine credibility and compassion and I thank ALL of you for that!!!!!!!!! And, I thank Jimbo for making this board possible for all of us to express ourselves and consider and understand opposing viewpoints!!!!!!!!!!

I think I'll slither back into my hole and enjoy a Busch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: The Lounge is open until further notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't think I have done that to you once. I have lost my cool with others and generally I apologize later (not always as I have yet to apologize to JS and it will probably be a hell of a long time before I do), so if I screwed up with you before pb, I'm sorry.

Good post PB :salute:


10-07-2008, 03:03 PM
As I think about it, Immie, I don't recall a single instance of you being disrepectful of me at anytime. But, while I am thinking, I can think of a time or 2 that I have failed to be repectful of you and I sincerely apologize to you for those infractions.

I don't think I have done that to you once. I have lost my cool with others and generally I apologize later (not always as I have yet to apologize to JS and it will probably be a hell of a long time before I do), so if I screwed up with you before pb, I'm sorry.

Good post PB :salute:


Thanks for the holler back, immie, and no apology from you is warranted or expected in my case. As far as JS is concerned, he can kiss my ass as well if you know what I mean??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I think he owes everyone with whom he has ever had personal contact an apology for having not ended his own misery years ago.

The Lounge remains as earlier announced, OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-07-2008, 04:45 PM
My observation, which may be incorrect, is that most of the name calling is used as punctuation and/or as a demonstration of frustration because its sometimes difficult to show emotion on a board like this. However there are some who go well beyond that usage.

My personal opinion is that if you have to resort to name calling beyond the description above you probably lost the debate/discussion and just cant walk away like a man (so to speak) after being beat.

10-07-2008, 05:18 PM
Having read through this thread I have to change my mind, surprise, surprise!!!!!!!!!! Of course I wanted more information and that's why I posted this in the Steel Cage rather than any other forum as I did not want it deleted. The poster was rude for using that remark. And banning is probably the correct solution even if only temporary.

But, can we talk about rudeness for a moment? How many times have one of you accused me and others of hating this country that we love so much? How many times have one of you called me and others names that had nothing whatsoever to do with the conversation or reality in any way and done so in simply a mean spirited and despicable way? I am from the old school of what goes around can be expected to come around. But, maybe that's too deep a concept for most of you to comprehend?!??!?!?!?

Anyway, this has been a good example of a question and many answers that contain genuine credibility and compassion and I thank ALL of you for that!!!!!!!!! And, I thank Jimbo for making this board possible for all of us to express ourselves and consider and understand opposing viewpoints!!!!!!!!!!

I think I'll slither back into my hole and enjoy a Busch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: The Lounge is open until further notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't know about 'others', just me. To the best of my knowledge, I've not questioned your patriotism or even your honesty. Your sobriety? Maybe. For some reason you often take off after me, as evidenced by the post a day or so ago. Again, to the best of my knowledge, I've not commented on your thread starts, well at least until you started making threads about mine.

Any of us that are usually pure political posters will start threads others are not interested in, at least not yet or maybe ever? How many threads have either of us posted, that get zero responses? Yet a few days later, someone else posts on the same, suddenly it's 'hot.' It's the nature of being a reader and concerned citizen, I don't fault you, why you me?

In any case PB, no hard feelings. Since I've made peace with you a couple months ago, even you can't shake me. I remember your poem, you can't make me think you are a nasty card.

10-07-2008, 05:45 PM
MFM stooped really low in posting that remark to Abbey. He is lucky to ever be allowed back.
If Psychoblues ever came to this board while not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, perhaps he would would realize that a total jerk that MFM is.

10-07-2008, 06:59 PM
That's a stupid remark at least an ignorant repetition of other stupid remarks, gabby.

MFM stooped really low in posting that remark to Abbey. He is lucky to ever be allowed back.
If Psychoblues ever came to this board while not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, perhaps he would would realize that a total jerk that MFM is.

You might be surprised how uninfluenced by drugs and alcohol I usually am as I read and post in these screeds. While I do admit, if admission is the correct word, the occasional imparcation of some Busch beer I do not use drugs at all unless you call Prevacid, Reglan or Alka Seltzer drugs?!?!?!?!?!?!?

But, thanks for your comprehensive remarks, gabby. They mean so much to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-07-2008, 08:24 PM

brings your an electric (battery operated) blanket

it might get cold :poke:

Yeah, everyone on this board, could be nicer to each other, i think your make an excellent point there.

and everyone should be cool with you, maybe they just dont see or understand how sweet and kind hearted
you truly are :)

the next busch is on me :)

Having read through this thread I have to change my mind, surprise, surprise!!!!!!!!!! Of course I wanted more information and that's why I posted this in the Steel Cage rather than any other forum as I did not want it deleted. The poster was rude for using that remark. And banning is probably the correct solution even if only temporary.

But, can we talk about rudeness for a moment? How many times have one of you accused me and others of hating this country that we love so much? How many times have one of you called me and others names that had nothing whatsoever to do with the conversation or reality in any way and done so in simply a mean spirited and despicable way? I am from the old school of what goes around can be expected to come around. But, maybe that's too deep a concept for most of you to comprehend?!??!?!?!?

Anyway, this has been a good example of a question and many answers that contain genuine credibility and compassion and I thank ALL of you for that!!!!!!!!! And, I thank Jimbo for making this board possible for all of us to express ourselves and consider and understand opposing viewpoints!!!!!!!!!!

I think I'll slither back into my hole and enjoy a Busch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: The Lounge is open until further notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-07-2008, 08:25 PM
most of your remarks are under the influence of mental retardation, that or you NOT anyone else is the biggest asshole ever

and you should be banned for a week, for that cheap shot against psycho

fuck you :fu:

MFM stooped really low in posting that remark to Abbey. He is lucky to ever be allowed back.
If Psychoblues ever came to this board while not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, perhaps he would would realize that a total jerk that MFM is.

10-07-2008, 08:27 PM
dont worry, that piece of white trash has been negged for her mean and useless brain i mean comments towards you

take care brother

p.s. she is /her comments are stupid most of time anyway

That's a stupid remark at least an ignorant repetition of other stupid remarks, gabby.

You might be surprised how uninfluenced by drugs and alcohol I usually am as I read and post in these screeds. While I do admit, if admission is the correct word, the occasional imparcation of some Busch beer I do not use drugs at all unless you call Prevacid, Reglan or Alka Seltzer drugs?!?!?!?!?!?!?

But, thanks for your comprehensive remarks, gabby. They mean so much to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-07-2008, 11:57 PM
Well, I didn't mean to get all that trash talking started, but I appreciate the support and the information!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-08-2008, 02:01 AM
bottom line:

does anyone here disagree with mfm's ban?

10-08-2008, 02:25 AM
You have certainly questioned my credibility and character, Kat, and you continue in your misguided approach. Don't play dumb about that.

I don't know about 'others', just me. To the best of my knowledge, I've not questioned your patriotism or even your honesty. Your sobriety? Maybe. For some reason you often take off after me, as evidenced by the post a day or so ago. Again, to the best of my knowledge, I've not commented on your thread starts, well at least until you started making threads about mine.

Any of us that are usually pure political posters will start threads others are not interested in, at least not yet or maybe ever? How many threads have either of us posted, that get zero responses? Yet a few days later, someone else posts on the same, suddenly it's 'hot.' It's the nature of being a reader and concerned citizen, I don't fault you, why you me?

In any case PB, no hard feelings. Since I've made peace with you a couple months ago, even you can't shake me. I remember your poem, you can't make me think you are a nasty card.

You have mistreated me and done your best to diminish me in about every way that you have found available for you to do so. I am not an idiot, Kat.

Your latest attempt to mend fences with me is greatly appreciated, but I do not see anything approaching an apology from you for your treatment of me in the past. I've thought about this for a day or two and I find your pitiful remarks inexplicable to say the least.

I came to USMB honest and forthcoming. I came here the same way. My honesty and willingness to truly discuss was misunderstood there and here by at least you. I'm not asking for anything from you other than an equal share of honesty and forthrightness.

Your bullshit isn't any more valuble than anyone else's, kat.


10-08-2008, 04:04 AM
Having read through this thread I have to change my mind, surprise, surprise!!!!!!!!!! Of course I wanted more information and that's why I posted this in the Steel Cage rather than any other forum as I did not want it deleted. The poster was rude for using that remark. And banning is probably the correct solution even if only temporary.

But, can we talk about rudeness for a moment? How many times have one of you accused me and others of hating this country that we love so much? How many times have one of you called me and others names that had nothing whatsoever to do with the conversation or reality in any way and done so in simply a mean spirited and despicable way? I am from the old school of what goes around can be expected to come around. But, maybe that's too deep a concept for most of you to comprehend?!??!?!?!?

Anyway, this has been a good example of a question and many answers that contain genuine credibility and compassion and I thank ALL of you for that!!!!!!!!! And, I thank Jimbo for making this board possible for all of us to express ourselves and consider and understand opposing viewpoints!!!!!!!!!!

I think I'll slither back into my hole and enjoy a Busch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: The Lounge is open until further notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I can't think of one time I have ever said anything wrong about you, Sycho, or anyone else here, I believe I've been a perfect angel on this board and all others I have ever posted on....... thank you, I'm happy you have allowed me to express my innocence.:rolleyes::smoke::lmao:

10-08-2008, 04:20 AM
Everyone here knows you as a liar, zero.

I can't think of one time I have ever said anything wrong about you, Sycho, or anyone else here, I believe I've been a perfect angel on this board and all others I have ever posted on....... thank you, I'm happy you have allowed me to express my innocence.:rolleyes::smoke::lmao:

Thanks for the verification!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-08-2008, 05:27 AM
most of your remarks are under the influence of mental retardation, that or you NOT anyone else is the biggest asshole ever

and you should be banned for a week, for that cheap shot against psycho

fuck you :fu:

Excuse me?! You are having a go at someone with a mental illness and because of it calling them a retard? Please stop before the irony kills me.

10-08-2008, 07:58 AM
As far as JS is concerned, he can kiss my ass as well if you know what I mean??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I think he owes everyone with whom he has ever had personal contact an apology for having not ended his own misery years ago.

With all due respect to all of your prior thousands of posts - this is easily the best thing you have ever written.

10-08-2008, 03:02 PM
I thought you might like that, jimbo!!!!!!!!!!!

With all due respect to all of your prior thousands of posts - this is easily the best thing you have ever written.

And the Lounge remains in Open mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-08-2008, 08:24 PM
Thank you to everyone who supported me and Jim's action.

First of all I would like to say that it is certainly peaceful seeing all this warm and fuzzy behavior. Abbey, you could have banned the dude for years, it would have been fine with me. He is a cantankerous ass! Not only because he represents nothing but hate and discontent but because he is like that kid who continues to hang around when everyone really would prefer he go home.

I realize you are a big girl and probably took nothing from his remark. Just the mere fact that his action gave us a break from him......well...that's something. It is delightful just to come on and not see him in any of the recent threads. Absolutely delightful!!!!:clap:

JIM.......I say kapoof him! Just point and click that danged ol button dot com...you know?:laugh2:

10-08-2008, 09:55 PM
Damn, emmie, I thought you were one of those unfettered liberty types?!??!??!!?!?!?

First of all I would like to say that it is certainly peaceful seeing all this warm and fuzzy behavior. Abbey, you could have banned the dude for years, it would have been fine with me. He is a cantankerous ass! Not only because he represents nothing but hate and discontent but because he is like that kid who continues to hang around when everyone really would prefer he go home.

I realize you are a big girl and probably took nothing from his remark. Just the mere fact that his action gave us a break from him......well...that's something. It is delightful just to come on and not see him in any of the recent threads. Absolutely delightful!!!!:clap:

JIM.......I say kapoof him! Just point and click that danged ol button dot com...you know?:laugh2:

Or maybe it is only your liberty that you are concerned with!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mr. P
10-08-2008, 10:29 PM
Damn, emmie, I thought you were one of those unfettered liberty types?!??!??!!?!?!?

Or maybe it is only your liberty that you are concerned with!!!!!!!!!!!!


Liberty without boundaries is anarchy..I thought you'd have known that.
Libertarians are not anarchist.

10-08-2008, 10:34 PM
if she had an actual mental illness, i would not be saying that.

thanks for playing, but survey says you have no idea what your talking about

the only thing wrong with gabby, as far as i know, is she says stupid stuff sometimes

Excuse me?! You are having a go at someone with a mental illness and because of it calling them a retard? Please stop before the irony kills me.

10-08-2008, 10:35 PM
you are wrong on this one

Damn, emmie, I thought you were one of those unfettered liberty types?!??!??!!?!?!?

Or maybe it is only your liberty that you are concerned with!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-08-2008, 10:58 PM
Holy Moly!!!!!!!! I was kidding, emmie, marteen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you are wrong on this one

Are you one of those unfettered liberty types?


10-08-2008, 10:59 PM
I am one of those over sensitive california types :laugh2:

can i have an h2o barkeep?

Holy Moly!!!!!!!! I was kidding, emmie, marteen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you one of those unfettered liberty types?


10-08-2008, 11:49 PM
I had it setting on the bar when I saw you come in the door, marteen!!!!!!!!


10-09-2008, 04:50 AM
if she had an actual mental illness, i would not be saying that.

thanks for playing, but survey says you have no idea what your talking about

the only thing wrong with gabby, as far as i know, is she says stupid stuff sometimes

Indeed, well I put it to you that you are the one who has no idea what you are taking about.

10-09-2008, 09:13 AM
dude relax, perhaps I was being a bit mean-spirited when i said that , but common the world didnt end :laugh2:

Indeed, well I put it to you that you are the one who has no idea what you are taking about.

10-11-2008, 01:51 AM
What do you mean, marteen?!?!?!?!?!?????!

dude relax, perhaps I was being a bit mean-spirited when i said that , but common the world didnt end :laugh2:

"but common the world didnt end". Did you think about that before you wrote it or as you wrote it? You certainly didn't think about it after you wrote it.

Just kidding you, marteen!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-11-2008, 06:41 AM
dude relax, perhaps I was being a bit mean-spirited when i said that , but common the world didnt end :laugh2:

I am relaxed, just couldn't help but cringe at the irony of your comments,

10-11-2008, 09:16 PM
What do you mean, marteen?!?!?!?!?!?????!

"but common the world didnt end". Did you think about that before you wrote it or as you wrote it? You certainly didn't think about it after you wrote it.

Just kidding you, marteen!!!!!!!!!!!!!


since we are in the cage....

dude, you are an idiot and you never respond to direct questions, yet you prance around the floor as if you are john travolta on saturday night fever....when in reality you are more like bill clinton who never inhaled....you danced, but never truly danced

10-12-2008, 08:44 PM
well gosh, it's great to be back. What an interesting week, eh?

RCP now has Obama with enough projected electoral votes to let McCain have all the tossup states...and still have 277...and yet, Obama is leading in five of the eight toss up states in any case. starting to smell like a landslide.

10-12-2008, 08:46 PM
starting to smell

Something smells alright, and it's something I haven't smelled for the past 7 days.

10-12-2008, 08:48 PM
Something smells alright, and it's something I haven't smelled for the past 7 days.

right in with the personal attacks already jimbo? how moderate of you!

10-12-2008, 08:50 PM
right in with the personal attacks already jimbo? how moderate of you!

YOU posted here in the cage, dimwit. And for someone who hasn't a clue how to treat and/or speak to women, you should be the LAST person in the world speaking of others personal attacks - *preacher.

10-12-2008, 09:04 PM
YOU posted here in the cage, dimwit. And for someone who hasn't a clue how to treat and/or speak to women, you should be the LAST person in the world speaking of others personal attacks - *preacher.I treat women on the internet the same way that I treat anyone on the internet. It's the internet! Not the high school cafeteria....... and my treatment of anyone on here has a great deal to do with how they treat me.... nonetheless.... it's been a great week in presidential politics. Obama just seems to keep stretching his lead....without the eight battlegound states, RCP has him with 277... and he's leading in five of the eight anyway. Landslide...coattails... 60 D's in the senate... and we can flush eight years of Bush shit from our government in a matter of months.:laugh2:

10-12-2008, 09:08 PM
I treat women on the internet the same way that I treat anyone on the internet. It's the internet! Not the high school cafeteria....... and my treatment of anyone on here has a great deal to do with how they treat me

When your wife or daughter state something you disagree with, and call what you stated "tripe" - do you tell/call them "See You Next Tuesday"?

You are a vile prick and a liar. And you expect people to believe you served in the military and now preach at a church? LOL

You are filth, and I don't see a damn person here disagreeing with that assessment.

10-12-2008, 09:16 PM
welcome back mfm :coffee:

well gosh, it's great to be back. What an interesting week, eh?

RCP now has Obama with enough projected electoral votes to let McCain have all the tossup states...and still have 277...and yet, Obama is leading in five of the eight toss up states in any case. starting to smell like a landslide.

10-12-2008, 09:16 PM
When your wife or daughter state something you disagree with, and call what you stated "tripe" - do you tell/call them "See You Next Tuesday"?

You are a vile prick and a liar. And you expect people to believe you served in the military and now preach at a church? LOL

You are filth, and I don't see a damn person here disagreeing with that assessment.

Jim.... "women" om internet message boards do not necessarily have to be women. YOu DO undertand that, doen't you. I am very respectful to all the women in my life

And I don't expect anyone to believe anything about anybody if they don't care to. I know where I served and how long I served and I know what I am doing now. I don't ask you to believe me...I don't bloody care if you believe me or not. I am curious, however....if this crime by acronym is so heinous to you, why not just ban me permanently? YOu seem to feel that that is what everyone wants you to do, and I know that deep down, you want to be seen as a popular and magnanimous owner....it would make sense, I'm sure.

10-12-2008, 09:20 PM
Jim.... "women" om internet message boards do not necessarily have to be women. YOu DO undertand that, doen't you. I am very respectful to all the women in my life

And I don't expect anyone to believe anything about anybody if they don't care to. I know where I served and how long I served and I know what I am doing now. I don't ask you to believe me...I don't bloody care if you believe me or not. I am curious, however....if this crime by acronym is so heinous to you, why not just ban me permanently? YOu seem to feel that that is what everyone wants you to do, and I know that deep down, you want to be seen as a popular and magnanimous owner....it would make sense, I'm sure.

So you speak like a scumbag to women on the internet because they can't see you and you them? So you're not only a vile dirtbag but a coward to boot.

As for moderation, I take each case on it's own merits and hand out discipline when necessary to meet the offense. I don't ban because the masses want me to, nor do I ban simply because I think someone is a lying fraud.

10-12-2008, 09:48 PM
youre being a complete asshole.

I was gonna stay out of this, out of respect to you, but you had to be a little bitch about it.

You are acting WORSE then mfm, and i think you should be banned for a week, because your whining cry, and bitching like a little girl

all im hearing from you is insults, and innuendo

and frankly, even it was true

youre being a bigger prick then he was

women can act badly so can men, women dont deserve special treatment.

nor do they deserve to be called a c, but your overreating and you suck for it

so, go ahead ban me.

but im not gonna let you act like a three year old without calling you out, for defaming maineman's patriatism, the only prick i see right now is YOU


So you speak like a scumbag to women on the internet because they can't see you and you them? So you're not only a vile dirtbag but a coward to boot.

As for moderation, I take each case on it's own merits and hand out discipline when necessary to meet the offense. I don't ban because the masses want me to, nor do I ban simply because I think someone is a lying fraud.

10-12-2008, 09:50 PM
and dont pm me again, unless its to apologize for being an asshole

i love your thinking, he's a prick, so im gonna be a much bigger prick

you attacked him the minute he returned

you really should either ban him or shut the fuck up

you whiny baby

waaah, let me call you a wambulance

10-12-2008, 10:06 PM
youre being a complete asshole.

I was gonna stay out of this, out of respect to you, but you had to be a little bitch about it.

You are acting WORSE then mfm, and i think you should be banned for a week, because your whining cry, and bitching like a little girl

all im hearing from you is insults, and innuendo

and frankly, even it was true

youre being a bigger prick then he was

women can act badly so can men, women dont deserve special treatment.

nor do they deserve to be called a c, but your overreating and you suck for it

so, go ahead ban me.

but im not gonna let you act like a three year old without calling you out, for defaming maineman's patriatism, the only prick i see right now is YOU


Go ahead and then ban me then, Martin. Oh, that's right, your not a MOD here, just a little pissant without full faculties upstairs! :laugh2:

and dont pm me again, unless its to apologize for being an asshole

i love your thinking, he's a prick, so im gonna be a much bigger prick

you attacked him the minute he returned

you really should either ban him or shut the fuck up

you whiny baby

waaah, let me call you a wambulance

I'll PM you whenever I feel like it and there ain't shit you can do about it. Did you hide your pills under your tongue this evening and spit them out after Nurse Ratchet left the room? :laugh2:

10-12-2008, 10:13 PM
and don't pm me again, unless its to apologize for being an asshole

i love your thinking, he's a prick, so im gonna be a much bigger prick

you attacked him the minute he returned

you really should either ban him or shut the fuck up

you whiny baby

waaah, let me call you a wambulance

you need to stay out of this, this is between mfm and Jimmy..now cool your jets out..

Abbey Marie
10-12-2008, 10:45 PM
Martin, Stephanie is right. This is not your business.

Mr. P
10-12-2008, 10:58 PM
Martin, Stephanie is right. This is not your business.

But it's in public..and..IMO inappropriate. Jim could have perm banned him, he didn't..this is childish..

That's my 2 cents. Sue me.

10-12-2008, 11:07 PM
But it's in public..and..IMO inappropriate. Jim could have perm banned him, he didn't..this is childish..

That's my 2 cents. Sue me.

It is in public and I have no issue with anyone responding. But for an issue that was taking place between MFM and myself, it was rather odd of Martin to come in with guns blaring and basically asking to be banned.

As I stated to Martin in private - I have ZERO respect for someone who continually referred to the women of this board with the C word. He came back after his temp ban and showed no remorse whatsoever and offered no apology for his despicable words to the ladies. I will not show an ounce of respect to a BOY who acts in such a manner, and I will call out such characters when I can.

As for bannings... MFM was banned not only for his comments, but for purposely bypassing the boards filters. No banning has taken place since, and won't, unless further rules are broken. Martin appears to think I should show more respect to someone like MFM who spouts filth whenever possible - I disagree.

10-13-2008, 05:17 AM
Jim is spot on concerning mfm. I would not have been so nice. mfm is like a felon, convicted and sent to prison. He did his time and got out. He has no remorse and is not rehabilitated. He will return to doing what he always does until next time. The only thing he has learned is how to be more careful.

mfm uses his anonymity to let his true self out. He hides behind it and says all things he wishes he could say to people in person. And a seven day ban has an effect on his pay check, if he gets paid by the post.

I know the bans get longer with each infraction, but maybe a three strikes your out policy is worth considering too. It was a pleasant seven days.

10-13-2008, 06:34 AM
So you speak like a scumbag to women on the internet because they can't see you and you them? So you're not only a vile dirtbag but a coward to boot.

As for moderation, I take each case on it's own merits and hand out discipline when necessary to meet the offense. I don't ban because the masses want me to, nor do I ban simply because I think someone is a lying fraud.

my point was that gender on the internet is a mythical construct. Nobody is for certain to be any gender, are they? and "women" who "hide" behind the gender that they portray themselves to be just so that they can avoid harsh treatment because of some illogical sense of chivalry, all the while being perfectly content to attack someone else's integrity and honesty and patriotism are gaining a preferential treatment they might not deserve. If I had come onto this site for the first time and proclaimed that I was a "woman" from maine, would you have been banning all those "men" on here who routinely insult me? I certainly doubt it.

And here I am back from my week's suspension, and, just as martin has pointed out, you IMMEDIATELY call my a liar, a scumbag and a fraud. One might begin to think that you don't like me jimbo! And if you really don't want me around, just ban me forever...then this mutual admiration society of conservatives would run much smoother, no doubt!;)

10-13-2008, 06:38 AM
my point was that gender on the internet is a mythical construct. Nobody is for certain to be any gender, are they? and "women" who "hide" behind the gender that they portray themselves to be just so that they can avoid harsh treatment because of some illogical sense of chivalry, all the while being perfectly content to attack someone else's integrity and honesty and patriotism are gaining a preferential treatment they might not deserve. If I had come onto this site for the first time and proclaimed that I was a "woman" from maine, would you have been banning all those "men" on here who routinely insult me? I certainly doubt it.

And here I am back from my week's suspension, and, just as martin has pointed out, you IMMEDIATELY call my a liar, a scumbag and a fraud. One might begin to think that you don't like me jimbo! And if you really don't want me around, just ban me forever...then this mutual admiration society of conservatives would run much smoother, no doubt!;)

You called Abbey your despicable name simply because she posted a cartoon and referred to your post as tripe. She did not call your integrity into question. Nor were a few prior times of your use of the word did Steph call into question your integrity, so please don't lie - again.

And sure, blame me and try to insinuate we want a conservative board, or that we are biased. Let's not forget, politics and affiliations aside, it was YOU who purposely bypassed the boards filters to call the women here despicable names.

10-13-2008, 07:01 AM
But it's in public..and..IMO inappropriate. Jim could have perm banned him, he didn't..this is childish..

That's my 2 cents. Sue me.

I concur.

10-13-2008, 11:17 AM
my defense is....they may not be women....but i only used that word to posters i "believe" are women :laugh2:

more deceptive honesty....

10-13-2008, 02:45 PM
You called Abbey your despicable name simply because she posted a cartoon and referred to your post as tripe. She did not call your integrity into question. Nor were a few prior times of your use of the word did Steph call into question your integrity, so please don't lie - again.

And sure, blame me and try to insinuate we want a conservative board, or that we are biased. Let's not forget, politics and affiliations aside, it was YOU who purposely bypassed the boards filters to call the women here despicable names.

are you really suggesting that doubting someone's gender is anything MORE offensive than, say, doubting the fact that I have a DD214 that says I was in the Navy from '68 to '93? YOU call me a LIAR all the time... you call me a fake preacher all the time... you claim I did not serve.. all the fucking tiime...and I have told you repeatedly that I find that more despicable than any name you could possibly call me, but you continue to call me that ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!! Steph and Kathianne call my integrity into question all the time.... NOBODY ever bans them for any of that... but YOUR IMMODERATE moderators ban ME for three days for the fucking crime of using one of the emoticons that you yourself provide! Fair and balanced, my ass.:fu:

Sir Evil
10-13-2008, 02:52 PM
Should of left this douchebag banned from day 1, people just never listen. :slap:

10-13-2008, 03:03 PM
Should of left this douchebag banned from day 1, people just never listen. :slap:

Hey evil!!!How's it going?!!!

10-13-2008, 03:04 PM
my defense is....they may not be women....but i only used that word to posters i "believe" are women :laugh2:

more deceptive honesty....

since he's been back he only posts in the cage :laugh2:

maybe he's found home

10-13-2008, 03:08 PM
are you really suggesting that doubting someone's gender is anything MORE offensive than, say, doubting the fact that I have a DD214 that says I was in the Navy from '68 to '93? YOU call me a LIAR all the time... you call me a fake preacher all the time... you claim I did not serve.. all the fucking tiime...and I have told you repeatedly that I find that more despicable than any name you could possibly call me, but you continue to call me that ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!! Steph and Kathianne call my integrity into question all the time.... NOBODY ever bans them for any of that... but YOUR IMMODERATE moderators ban ME for three days for the fucking crime of using one of the emoticons that you yourself provide! Fair and balanced, my ass.:fu:

Try reading the rules, liar boy, calling someone's integrity into question is not against the rules. The word you slyly used us censored from this board, which is why you wrote it the way you did.

Make all the excuses you want, *preacher, you've been exposed as a lying fraud endless times now.

10-13-2008, 03:09 PM
are you really suggesting that doubting someone's gender is anything MORE offensive than, say, doubting the fact that I have a DD214 that says I was in the Navy from '68 to '93? YOU call me a LIAR all the time... you call me a fake preacher all the time... you claim I did not serve.. all the fucking tiime...and I have told you repeatedly that I find that more despicable than any name you could possibly call me, but you continue to call me that ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!! Steph and Kathianne call my integrity into question all the time.... NOBODY ever bans them for any of that... but YOUR IMMODERATE moderators ban ME for three days for the fucking crime of using one of the emoticons that you yourself provide! Fair and balanced, my ass.:fu:

Seriously, it's all about YOU. Right. Give it a rest. Trying to tie me to Steph or her to me, despicable. We are our own persons. That we both think you are whatever, well that may have much more to do with you, than either of us.

10-13-2008, 03:13 PM
my point was that gender on the internet is a mythical construct. Nobody is for certain to be any gender, are they? and "women" who "hide" behind the gender that they portray themselves to be just so that they can avoid harsh treatment because of some illogical sense of chivalry, all the while being perfectly content to attack someone else's integrity and honesty and patriotism are gaining a preferential treatment they might not deserve. If I had come onto this site for the first time and proclaimed that I was a "woman" from maine, would you have been banning all those "men" on here who routinely insult me? I certainly doubt it.

And here I am back from my week's suspension, and, just as martin has pointed out, you IMMEDIATELY call my a liar, a scumbag and a fraud. One might begin to think that you don't like me jimbo! And if you really don't want me around, just ban me forever...then this mutual admiration society of conservatives would run much smoother, no doubt!;)

...I see...so we are unsure that abbey is a women...well I can see no other way to sort this out, abbey you will have to send me some toppless pics so I can indepentently verify that you are indeed a lady, I await your PM :popcorn:

red states rule
10-13-2008, 03:17 PM
are you really suggesting that doubting someone's gender is anything MORE offensive than, say, doubting the fact that I have a DD214 that says I was in the Navy from '68 to '93? YOU call me a LIAR all the time... you call me a fake preacher all the time... you claim I did not serve.. all the fucking tiime...and I have told you repeatedly that I find that more despicable than any name you could possibly call me, but you continue to call me that ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!! Steph and Kathianne call my integrity into question all the time.... NOBODY ever bans them for any of that... but YOUR IMMODERATE moderators ban ME for three days for the fucking crime of using one of the emoticons that you yourself provide! Fair and balanced, my ass.:fu:


Abbey Marie
10-13-2008, 03:24 PM
...I see...so we are unsure that abbey is a women...well I can see no other way to sort this out, abbey you will have to send me some toppless pics so I can indepentently verify that you are indeed a lady, I await your PM :popcorn:

Yup, it's pitiful.

Hey, I can call her any names I want, and then just imply she might not even be a woman! You know, come to think of it, I can make anything up I want. Next time I screw up, I'll claim she's a robot. Or, an alien. Or a male robot alien. Yeah, that's the ticket.

As for the pics, Noir, you will have to get in line. Jim has been waiting years for those. :laugh2:

10-13-2008, 03:26 PM
As for the pics, Noir, you will have to get in line. Jim has been waiting years for those. :laugh2:

C'mon, I seriously believe I deserve a little something by now. Maybe a sheer top or similar? :coffee:

10-13-2008, 08:02 PM
Try reading the rules, liar boy, calling someone's integrity into question is not against the rules. The word you slyly used us censored from this board, which is why you wrote it the way you did.

Make all the excuses you want, *preacher, you've been exposed as a lying fraud endless times now.

your "rules" are arbitrary. I will follow them, but publicly scoff at them, and you.

And again... I find LIAR to be the most insulting thing anyone could possibly say about me... and that is what you did -repeatedly -from the very minute I returned to your little neocon clubhouse after my banishment. How "moderate".

Again...what is your aim here, jimbo? Do you want me to leave but just don't quite have the stones to do so and still look yourself in the mirror and claim you run a non-partisan board? If you don't like democrats who are willling to take on multiple conservatives night after night...if you really would prefer that everyone think like you do, just boot me permanently.

Oh..by the fucking way, is using emoticons that you provide for our use "against the rules"? Is banning someone who uses them "against the rules" for your moderators? If so, what punishment do you mete out - or DID you mete out - for such a violation? My bet: not a fucking thing.

10-13-2008, 08:05 PM
Yup, it's pitiful.

Hey, I can call her any names I want, and then just imply she might not even be a woman! You know, come to think of it, I can make anything up I want. Next time I screw up, I'll claim she's a robot. Or, an alien. Or a male robot alien. Yeah, that's the ticket.

As for the pics, Noir, you will have to get in line. Jim has been waiting years for those. :laugh2:

and we would KNOW that the pictures were of YOU and not your Mom? We would somehow KNOW that you are NOT a pimply faced teenage boy with sexual identity issues simply because you found a picture of a woman to upload?

Like I said to you in my PM, I apologize to you -publicly - for using the word that shall not be used. You are free to accept it or not.

10-13-2008, 08:17 PM
his typical game..he insults you, then apologizes and says you are free to accept them of not..:lame2:

10-13-2008, 08:19 PM
his typical game..he insults you, then apologizes and says you are free to accept them of not..:lame2:

I can't force anyone to accept my apology stephanie... when was the last time you ever apologized to ME, by the way?:lol:

If you did, I would accept it. honest.

10-13-2008, 08:23 PM
I can't force anyone to accept my apology stephanie... when was the last time you ever apologized to ME, by the way?:lol:

If you did, I would accept it. honest.

I have nothing to apologize to you for..I can't even remember the last time I spoke to you, it was getting too boring..

10-13-2008, 08:26 PM
I have nothing to apologize to you for..I can't even remember the last time I spoke to you, it was getting too boring..

whatever. I am quite sure you've never had any reason to ever apologize for anything.

but hey...how about those poll numbers steph? McSame keeps slippin' and slippin'.... looks like Obama's gonna wipe the floor with him, doesn't it?

10-13-2008, 08:27 PM
your "rules" are arbitrary. I will follow them, but publicly scoff at them, and you.

No, you won't. Discussion about decisions will NOT be on the board. Try it and you'll get another vacation.

And again... I find LIAR to be the most insulting thing anyone could possibly say about me... and that is what you did -repeatedly -from the very minute I returned to your little neocon clubhouse after my banishment. How "moderate".

Then stop lying all the time! And me pointing out your issues has nothing to do with me moderating, *preacher.

Again...what is your aim here, jimbo? Do you want me to leave but just don't quite have the stones to do so and still look yourself in the mirror and claim you run a non-partisan board? If you don't like democrats who are willling to take on multiple conservatives night after night...if you really would prefer that everyone think like you do, just boot me permanently.

I don't give a fuck if you stay or leave. I'll boot you if you continually break the rules. If you obey them, I'll hound you when you act like the scumbag you've been for the past few months.

Oh..by the fucking way, is using emoticons that you provide for our use "against the rules"? Is banning someone who uses them "against the rules" for your moderators? If so, what punishment do you mete out - or DID you mete out - for such a violation? My bet: not a fucking thing.

Who gives a fuck what your bet is? You're a liar, so you're likely a welsher as well. Besides, we already discussed your ban over the use via PM. Shall I post your response to me when I explained my take on what transpired?

10-13-2008, 08:28 PM
and we would KNOW that the pictures were of YOU and not your Mom? We would somehow KNOW that you are NOT a pimply faced teenage boy with sexual identity issues simply because you found a picture of a woman to upload?

We tend to believe Abbey as she hasn't been busted being a liar and a fraud countless times as you have.

10-13-2008, 08:42 PM
We tend to believe Abbey as she hasn't been busted being a liar and a fraud countless times as you have.

that is incorrect. I have never lied or said anything fraudulent here or anywhere else on the internet.

10-13-2008, 08:44 PM
that is incorrect. I have never lied or said anything fraudulent here or anywhere else on the internet.

Sure, we all believe you, *preacher. :laugh2:

Sir Evil
10-13-2008, 08:44 PM
I don't give a fuck if you stay or leave. I'll boot you if you continually break the rules. If you obey them, I'll hound you when you act like the scumbag you've been for the past few months.

Past few months? more like ever since he has arrived. Do the forum a favor, and dump this dung pile.......

10-13-2008, 08:47 PM
Sure, we all believe you, *preacher. :laugh2:

again..jimmy..whether you "believe" me or not is irrelevant. What IS relevant is the fact that I have not lied on here.

10-13-2008, 08:50 PM
again..jimmy..whether you "believe" me or not is irrelevant. What IS relevant is the fact that I have not lied on here.

It's relevant to me and the MANY other members of this board that are convinced you are a proven liar. The fact that you are in denial about your disgusting habits is of no consequence to me.

10-13-2008, 08:53 PM
It's relevant to me and the MANY other members of this board that are convinced you are a proven liar. The fact that you are in denial about your disgusting habits is of no consequence to me.
the fact that you are "convinced" that I am a liar is not "proof" that I am...only that you don't like the things that I say.

Name ONE LIE that you can prove I wrote.

I'll wait.

Sir Evil
10-13-2008, 08:54 PM
the fact that you are "convinced" that I am a liar is not "proof" that I am...only that you don't like the things that I say.

Name ONE LIE that you can prove I wrote.

I'll wait.

Shut up nutsack and look in the mirror, all lies will be very clear....

10-13-2008, 08:59 PM
the fact that you are "convinced" that I am a liar is not "proof" that I am...only that you don't like the things that I say.

Name ONE LIE that you can prove I wrote.

I'll wait.

Wait all you like, little *preacher boy, I'm not playing your games. I'm not the first who has acknowledged you're a liar, about 20 people leveled that claim before I ever chimed in. You'd deny anything and obfuscate issues anyway. A liar, a fraud and a vile little man who gets his jollies off by picking on women.

10-13-2008, 08:59 PM
Wait all you like, little *preacher boy, I'm not playing your games. I'm not the first who has acknowledged you're a liar, about 20 people leveled that claim before I ever chimed in. You'd deny anything and obfuscate issues anyway. A liar, a fraud and a vile little man who gets his jollies off by picking on women.

can't find even one, eh?

I didn't think so.:laugh2:

10-13-2008, 09:02 PM
can't find even one, eh?

I didn't think so.:laugh2:

Fine, you claimed you are former Navy. You're a fucking liar. Prove me wrong.

I'll wait.

10-13-2008, 09:04 PM
Fine, you claimed you are former Navy. You're a fucking liar. Prove me wrong.

I'll wait.

no..prove that I am a liar.
YOU were the one who called me a liar. prove it or retract it.

I'll wait.

10-13-2008, 09:05 PM
no..prove that I am a liar.
YOU were the one who called me a liar. prove it or retract it.

I'll wait.

I know your full name - not a damn thing comes up in any military records I had searched. No records, you are a liar.

Again, with an "alleged" 25yr career in the military it should be quite simple for you to prove this to us, *preacher.

Still waiting

10-13-2008, 09:09 PM
I know your full name - not a damn thing comes up in any military records I had searched. No records, you are a liar.

Again, with an "alleged" 25yr career in the military it should be quite simple for you to prove this to us, *preacher.

Still waiting

you cannot prove that I am a liar. retract your insult.

I'll wait.

10-13-2008, 09:09 PM
you cannot prove that I am a liar. retract your insult.

I'll wait.

I retract NOTHING to scum. I'm done with you here, read your PM's.

10-13-2008, 09:11 PM
Show is over - MFM can take it to PM's where he has one waiting from me.