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View Full Version : American Taxpayers deserve their $700 BILLION bailout tab!

10-06-2008, 05:49 AM
I am hesitant in writing what I’m about to write, but it’s time to step up to the plate and lay blame exactly where blame belongs, and time to end pointing fingers at the “greedy” Wall Street Crowd which merely seized upon an golden opportunity handed to them on a silver platter by the gullible American voter.

If there is a root cause responsible for the Fannie/Freddie collapse and the American Taxpayers being left on the hook for over $700 BILLION, surely it would be the tens of millions of default payments on high risk mortgages which were made possible by activist groups such as ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), President Clinton and other elected members of Congress via Freddie and Fannie, a government created entity in which its political plum job holders raked in millions upon millions as CEO‘s, while losses were well known would eventually be dumped in the laps of the gullible American Taxpayer.

But fear not, millions of undeserving individuals were handed the American Dream while being bribed for their vote during federal elections. But then again, this is how the Washington Establishment’s political plum job empire operates___ it pretends to help the poor while it rewards itself with outrageous salaries, top of the shelf federal medical plans and a very generous pension plan, all of which Mary and Joe Sixpack can only dream of having but are taxed to finance!

And so, taxpayers who have elected and reelected public servants who knowingly lowered mortgage loan standards, and who closed their eyes to risky loans, and even encouraged these bad loans to continue by blocking Freddie/Fannie legislative reforms in order to continuer bribing voters with the American Dream, are now being held responsible with a $700 BILLION bailout tab for voting these scoundrels into office. Keep in mind this $700 BILLION bailout appears to be a first installment to partially cover foreign investors who had their money tied up in Freddie and Fannie loans.

And what does our current election reveal? Obama is ahead in the polls. A con artist is ahead in the polls who worked with ACORN, which not only encouraged risky loans to be handed out via Freddie and Fannie to unqualified loan seekers, but actually organized scare tactics against targeted banks, alleging racism when loans were denied, and threatened legal action under CRA [the Community Reinvestment Act passed in 1977] if risky loans were not handed out, all of which has now resulted in Obama’s undeserving loans coming home to roost, and, the American Taxpayer being burdened with a $700 BILLION bailout tab. And Obama is ahead in the polls? I suggest that Obama is part of the problem and not the solution. I also suggest that Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Chuck Schumer and all those in Congress who worked to prevent reform legislation to end irresponsible loans being given out via Freddie and Fannie ought to be pinked slipped from Congress, tarred and feathered for their complicity in the Freddie and Fannie melt down, and then banished from America.

Another part of the problem are voters who believe they can vote a free lunch from the federal treasury. But the bottom line is, there is no magic wand in government force being used to tax one individual for the personal economic needs of another which changes the definition of theft. These voters are not only a very real problem in preserving a free market system on American soil, but they are in fact domestic enemies of our constitutionally limited “Republican Form of Government” which is guaranteed to us by Article 4, Section 4 of our federal Constitution. How we deal with these thieves is something which the lovers of liberty must quickly figure out.

In closing, can anyone reading this imagine Obama making the following statement during his political campaign, which was made by one of our nation’s founding fathers:

"Under a just and equal Government, every individual is entitled to protection in the enjoyment of the whole product of his labor, except such portion of it as is necessary to enable Government to protect the rest; this is given only in consideration of the protection offered. In every bounty, exclusive right, or monopoly, Government violates the stipulation on her part; for, by such a regulation, the product of one man's labor is transferred to the use and enjoyment of another. The exercise of such a right on the part of Government can be justified on no other principle, than that the whole product of the labor or every individual is the real property of Government, and may be distributed among the several parts of the community by government discretion; such a supposition would directly involve the idea, that every individual in the community is merely a slave and bondsman to Government, who, although he may labor, is not to expect protection in the product of his labor. An authority given to any Government to exercise such a principle, would lead to a complete system of tyranny." ___ Rep. Giles, speaking before Congress February 3rd, 1792 (http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=llac&fileName=003/llac003.db&recNum=179)


If we can make 51 percent of America’s population dependent upon a federal government check, we can then buy their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America’s working population enslaved to pay the bills ____ Obama’s game plan, a plan to establish a federal plantation on American soil.

10-06-2008, 02:33 PM
If we can make 51 percent of America’s population dependent upon a federal government check, we can then buy their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America’s working population enslaved to pay the bills ____ Obama’s game plan, a plan to establish a federal plantation on American soil.

There is alot of political power in pledging to take something from one group of people and giving it to another group.