View Full Version : An alternative to stem cell research

10-08-2008, 05:09 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) — Cells taken from men's testicles seem as versatile as the stem cells derived from embryos, researchers reported Wednesday in what may be yet another new approach in a burgeoning scientific field.

The new type of stem cells could be useful for growing personalized replacement tissues, according to a study in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature. But because of their source, their highest promise would apply to only half the world's population: men.

Instead of using stem cells for research, medical science can just use male testicles. Not that they would find many on this board. But perhaps other guys who haven't used theirs for a while. :p

10-08-2008, 05:25 PM
there are other ways gabby....i am involved with one....i see $$ in it, the doctors see their end.

you are slightly off course....again

10-08-2008, 06:07 PM
as much as it may help I ain't lettin anyone near my balls with some sharp and pointy medical tools, period.