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10-08-2008, 11:40 PM
During the second debate, Obama said he believes that health care is a "right".

One would think a supposed "constitutional lawyer" would know the meaning of the word "right". It is not an entitlement, it's an immunity.

Freedom of speech is a right, we cannot be persecuted for speaking our mind (although lately Obama is persecuting anyone that says bad things about him).

Owning a firearm is a right, but that doesn't mean the government should have to provide a firearm to each citizen.

These rights were defined very specifically in the Constitution because our old government actually persecuted us for those very things.

As for health care being a "right", I wasn't aware anyone was being persecuted for having health care. Although, ironically under Obama's health plan you must take his health care or else....

This seems to be the new mantra for liberals, pound your fist on a podium and say "we have a right to.." and name anything you think you deserve, and then assume that the government must provide it for you. Of course reality is its not the government providing it for you, its some other taxpayer.

10-08-2008, 11:47 PM
Health care is a service provided by the labor of people. No one is enttled to another persons labor. That's called slavery.

Im going to keep repeating it until its heard.

10-08-2008, 11:59 PM
Good point.

I've also been saying that Obama's tax plan is to exploit a small percentage of the population, literally taking the fruit of their labor, all in the name of economic well-being for the rest. Thats economic slavery.

By the way, here is a link to another person being persecuted by the Obama camp for exercising freedom of speech: http://www.nbc-2.com/articles/readarticle.asp?articleid=22058&z=3

10-09-2008, 02:32 AM
Health care is a service provided by the labor of people. No one is enttled to another persons labor. That's called slavery.

Im going to keep repeating it until its heard.

Has anyone suggested people who provide their services be forced to do so without compensation? THAT'S slavery.

Next? :laugh2:

10-09-2008, 03:27 AM
I don't want Government Health care. I'll secure my own so just send me a check and I'll spend it on cigs and shrimp! It's my "right"..........right?

10-09-2008, 05:12 AM
The author of the book "The obama nation" is being held in kenya for trying to have a news conferrence about things he discovered concerning obamanations family and connections in that country. Seems they don't want things getting out before the election.

Kenya detains Corsi during Obama probe
Officials scuttle WND reporter's news conference on investigation
Posted: October 07, 2008
7:26 am Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

WND senior staff writer Jerry Corsi

NAIROBI, Kenya – The government of Kenya is holding WND senior staff reporter Jerome Corsi in custody at immigration headquarters after police picked him up at his hotel just prior to a scheduled news conference in which he planned to announce the findings of his investigation into Barack Obama's connections in the country.

Corsi, the author of the No. 1 best-selling book "The Obama Nation" was picked up by authorities at his hotel at 9:45 a.m. and is being detained at Nyayo House, the provincial headquarters for Nairobi.

"We are still being detained -- it is nearly 1 p.m. now," wrote Corsi from his mobile phone. "The Kenyan publicist who set up the press conference was released. His name is Peter Mbae, the publisher and managing editor of The Eagle Christian Magazine. Immigration authorities intimidated him, asking him 'Why would you harm Sen Obama and sell out the future of Kenya for money' by arranging the press conference? The Grand Regency refused to reschedule the press conference, saying "We don't want any events like this in our hotel."

A Kenyan official claimed Corsi, an American citizen who has been traveling in Kenya for more than a week, was being held while his immigration status was being checked. >{?A senior immigration official in charge of investigations, Carlos Maluta was quoted by the Associated Press as saying: "We still haven't decided what to do with him."

Obama has a long history of connections in Kenya, where his father worked as a government economist. Corsi documented this history in his book and went to Kenya to find answers to lingering questions – particularly about the links between the presidential candidate and Kenya Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

Corsi had promised a news conference today that would "expose details of deep secret ties between U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and a section of Kenya government leaders, their connection to certain sectoral groups in Kenya and subsequent plot to be executed in Kenya should Senator Obama win the American presidency."

Meanwhile, the management of the hotel where Corsi was scheduled to launch his book has distanced itself from a press conference the American was to address.

In a press release, the hotel said: "We would like to assure our business partners and the public at large that Laico Regency Hotel is a law-abiding institution and does not condone any smear campaigns. The management cannot allow such activities to take place."

In a recent press release, the author said he would "expose deep secret ties between U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama and a section of the Kenyan government leaders."

Corsi told WND he has been assured he will be released soon. He had planned to leave the country tomorrow, arriving in London first and the U.S. Friday.

Corsi was set to show Obama and Odinga have been in direct contact since the senator's visit to Kenya in 2006. He was to claim Obama advised Odinga on campaign strategy and helped him raise money in the United States for the Kenya presidential campaign.

Corsi was also to report that a memorandum of understanding between Raila Odinga and Sheikh Abdullahi Abdi, the chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum, signed Aug. 27, 2007, has been validated as a genuine document. Odinga's 2007 presidential campaign strategy called for claiming victory and charging voter fraud even if the campaign knew the election had been legitimately lost and being willing to fan the flames of ethnic tribal tensions and use violence as a last resort by calling for mass action which led to the destruction of properties, injuries, loss of life and the displacement of over 500,000 Kenyans, said Corsi. This was to create a situation of forcing the electoral commission of Kenya to declare him the winner or declare himself the winner by force and thus "The People's President" at a rally in Uhuru Park .

"Even though Odinga has not fully fulfilled his campaign promises to the Muslims who voted for him, Odinga continues to cause concern among Kenyans since he has not declared his position on the Shariah law and the Kadhi's Court in Kenya," Corsi said. "Senator Obama remained in active phone contact with Odinga, through the New Hampshire Democratic Party primary in January 2008, continuing to support Odinga, turning a blind eye to the memorandum of understanding signed with Muslims and the post-election violence instigated as part of the ODM campaign strategy."


10-09-2008, 05:51 AM
Corsi is shaping up as yet another right wing nutter.

Where do you find these people? In breeding tanks in the Everglades?

10-09-2008, 07:58 AM
Has anyone suggested people who provide their services be forced to do so without compensation? THAT'S slavery.

Next? :laugh2:

Then by your definition, no one has ever been a slave because the master always provided food and sustenance in compensation for his property.

No, slavery has nothing to do with compensation. It has everything to do with being compelled to do labor you dont want to do.

10-09-2008, 08:02 AM
The author of the book "The obama nation" is being held in kenya for trying to have a news conferrence about things he discovered concerning obamanations family and connections in that country. Seems they don't want things getting out before the election.

Kenya detains Corsi during Obama probe
Officials scuttle WND reporter's news conference on investigation
Posted: October 07, 2008
7:26 am Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

WND senior staff writer Jerry Corsi

NAIROBI, Kenya – The government of Kenya is holding WND senior staff reporter Jerome Corsi in custody at immigration headquarters after police picked him up at his hotel just prior to a scheduled news conference in which he planned to announce the findings of his investigation into Barack Obama's connections in the country.

Corsi, the author of the No. 1 best-selling book "The Obama Nation" was picked up by authorities at his hotel at 9:45 a.m. and is being detained at Nyayo House, the provincial headquarters for Nairobi.

"We are still being detained -- it is nearly 1 p.m. now," wrote Corsi from his mobile phone. "The Kenyan publicist who set up the press conference was released. His name is Peter Mbae, the publisher and managing editor of The Eagle Christian Magazine. Immigration authorities intimidated him, asking him 'Why would you harm Sen Obama and sell out the future of Kenya for money' by arranging the press conference? The Grand Regency refused to reschedule the press conference, saying "We don't want any events like this in our hotel."

A Kenyan official claimed Corsi, an American citizen who has been traveling in Kenya for more than a week, was being held while his immigration status was being checked. >{?A senior immigration official in charge of investigations, Carlos Maluta was quoted by the Associated Press as saying: "We still haven't decided what to do with him."

Obama has a long history of connections in Kenya, where his father worked as a government economist. Corsi documented this history in his book and went to Kenya to find answers to lingering questions – particularly about the links between the presidential candidate and Kenya Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

Corsi had promised a news conference today that would "expose details of deep secret ties between U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and a section of Kenya government leaders, their connection to certain sectoral groups in Kenya and subsequent plot to be executed in Kenya should Senator Obama win the American presidency."

Meanwhile, the management of the hotel where Corsi was scheduled to launch his book has distanced itself from a press conference the American was to address.

In a press release, the hotel said: "We would like to assure our business partners and the public at large that Laico Regency Hotel is a law-abiding institution and does not condone any smear campaigns. The management cannot allow such activities to take place."

In a recent press release, the author said he would "expose deep secret ties between U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama and a section of the Kenyan government leaders."

Corsi told WND he has been assured he will be released soon. He had planned to leave the country tomorrow, arriving in London first and the U.S. Friday.

Corsi was set to show Obama and Odinga have been in direct contact since the senator's visit to Kenya in 2006. He was to claim Obama advised Odinga on campaign strategy and helped him raise money in the United States for the Kenya presidential campaign.

Corsi was also to report that a memorandum of understanding between Raila Odinga and Sheikh Abdullahi Abdi, the chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum, signed Aug. 27, 2007, has been validated as a genuine document. Odinga's 2007 presidential campaign strategy called for claiming victory and charging voter fraud even if the campaign knew the election had been legitimately lost and being willing to fan the flames of ethnic tribal tensions and use violence as a last resort by calling for mass action which led to the destruction of properties, injuries, loss of life and the displacement of over 500,000 Kenyans, said Corsi. This was to create a situation of forcing the electoral commission of Kenya to declare him the winner or declare himself the winner by force and thus "The People's President" at a rally in Uhuru Park .

"Even though Odinga has not fully fulfilled his campaign promises to the Muslims who voted for him, Odinga continues to cause concern among Kenyans since he has not declared his position on the Shariah law and the Kadhi's Court in Kenya," Corsi said. "Senator Obama remained in active phone contact with Odinga, through the New Hampshire Democratic Party primary in January 2008, continuing to support Odinga, turning a blind eye to the memorandum of understanding signed with Muslims and the post-election violence instigated as part of the ODM campaign strategy."


not that it isnt interesting, but whats it got to do with health care?

10-09-2008, 08:03 AM
Wow, nice thugs Obama has over there in Kenya.

The Management of a fucking hotel cannot allow someone to practice freedom of speech?

In a press release, the hotel said: "We would like to assure our business partners and the public at large that Laico Regency Hotel is a law-abiding institution and does not condone any smear campaigns. The management cannot allow such activities to take place."

10-09-2008, 08:04 AM
Corsi is shaping up as yet another right wing nutter.

Where do you find these people? In breeding tanks in the Everglades?

Someone is arrested for investigating Obama, and you label him as a nutjob and ignore it?

10-09-2008, 08:04 AM
Corsi is shaping up as yet another right wing nutter.

Where do you find these people? In breeding tanks in the Everglades?

So what if he is a right winger. Does that mean he should be jailed without charges and intimidated by a bunch of thugs, for simply seeking the truth?


Something tells me Corsi is just the first of many political prisoners to come under and Obama administration....

10-09-2008, 08:09 AM
So what if he is a right winger. Does that mean he should be jailed without charges and intimidated by a bunch of thugs, for simply seeking the truth?


Something tells me Corsi is just the first of many political prisoners to come under and Obama administration....
Well yaa....... Duh........ He isn't spouting the liberal mantra of "Obama is the second coming" so he must be evil and not in full possesion of his faculties.......:slap:

10-09-2008, 08:15 AM
Immigration authorities intimidated him, asking him 'Why would you harm Sen Obama and sell out the future of Kenya for money' by arranging the press conference?

If that is true, that is a real problem for me. What has Barack Obama promised the land of his father's birth?

We are still being detained -- it is nearly 1 p.m. now," wrote Corsi from his mobile phone.

Now that this article has emerged, I wonder if Mr. Corsi, still has possession of his mobile phone.


10-09-2008, 08:29 AM
If that is true, that is a real problem for me. What has Barack Obama promised the land of his father's birth?

Now that this article has emerged, I wonder if Mr. Corsi, still has possession of his mobile phone.


Im wondering if he is still alive...

10-09-2008, 09:09 AM
Well, somebody goes over to Africa these days, what does he think he can expect? They cut up with machetes the tourists left behind in Kenya during their mini-civil war earlier this year. People are crazy to go to Kenya without an Army behind them. No law, endless corruption, just dog-eat-dog.

This guy just wants to make himself important, IMO.

10-09-2008, 09:12 AM
Anyway, I do not think health care is a right. It's a service, that you pay for.

If it becomes a "right," they'll control it for themselves --- I mean the docs and hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. Everybody has to take all their poisonous pills, no choice. Everybody has to go through all kinds of diagnostics and invasive procedures designed to pay for the docs new cars.

I'd a lot rather it stay a service we pay for and the customer stays in control.

10-09-2008, 10:37 AM
Well, somebody goes over to Africa these days, what does he think he can expect? They cut up with machetes the tourists left behind in Kenya during their mini-civil war earlier this year. People are crazy to go to Kenya without an Army behind them. No law, endless corruption, just dog-eat-dog.

This guy just wants to make himself important, IMO.

That must be where Barack gets so many of his wonderful traits....