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View Full Version : Caplis Reports: The Obama Tapes

10-09-2008, 12:18 AM
I hope people are seeing the REAL OBAMBAM..
links at their site let you listen to the passages of his book..

Monday, June 23, 2008 Email article | Print article
Dan Caplis reports on Barack Obama's negative racial views, and other important revelations about Obama.

I think that one reason the Jeremiah Wright tapes damaged Senator Obama so badly is because they caused people to wonder whether Obama shares Rev. Wright’s negative racial stereotypes. Senator Obama then heightened those concerns when he recently described his grandmother, who he said uttered racial stereotypes that made him cringe, as a “typical white person,” and then claimed that the people in small towns in the Midwest and Pennsylvania have “antipathy to people who aren’t like them.”

This report is even more revealing than the Jeremiah Wright tapes, because it is based on Barack Obama’s own words. His words are from his book “Dreams From My Father—A Story of Race and Inheritance”.

Some will certainly try to claim that Senator Obama really doesn’t believe the things he said in his book, and which I report here.

However, it is fair to assume that Barack Obama believes what he wrote. He was a 33 year old lawyer when the book was published. He acknowledged at that time that the book left him feeling exposed and even slightly ashamed because “it speaks to those aspects of myself that resist conscious choice…”. Obama reaffirmed his writings in a preface to the 2004 edition: “I cannot honestly say, however, that the voice in this book is not mine—that I would tell the story differently today than I did ten years ago…”.

I’m publishing this report because I want all Americans to know about Obama’s racial attitudes before they vote.

I can’t imagine that America would knowingly elect a man who said that Black Nationalism- “a steady attack on the white race”-is justified if it can deliver results.

read it and listen to it here.....
