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View Full Version : I dont get the whole...

10-09-2008, 09:37 AM
oh my god :coffee:, youre a libertarian. youve abandonded the republican :coffee: party, or youve been brainwashed :lol:

But ive taken political tests before that told me im conservative leaning, libertarian.

I just dont get the martin, youre voting for obama crap, Im voting for bar, not against obama.

I am just shocked that so many americans see only two choices and dont have the moral courage, intellectual curiosity, and are so intellectually lazy to even consider an alternative to the two corrupt party system

my favorite is, im voting for palin, or mccain is gonna die.

or obama is for change, mantra's arent policy, and inexperience isnt a presidential trait

10-09-2008, 09:44 AM
oh my god :coffee:, youre a libertarian. youve abandonded the republican :coffee: party, or youve been brainwashed :lol:

But ive taken political tests before that told me im conservative leaning, libertarian.

I just dont get the martin, youre voting for obama crap, Im voting for bar, not against obama.

No, that's all nonsense, Martin. People say it to increase the power of their own vote by adding yours to theirs, if they can.

You should suit yourself. I'm not voting this election because these turkeys just wildly don't meet my standards. I realize now I shouldn't have voted in 1992, either, the Bush I/Clinton/Perot election. NONE of them came up to my standards at the time and I should just have stayed out.

You better pick somebody for me, Martin, if you're still voting. http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/%E1llatok/animal-smiley-016.gif