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10-09-2008, 02:56 PM
If the republicans have lost Politico they have certainly lost the nation!!!!!!!!!

David Paul Kuhn
Thu Oct 9, 5:32 AM ET

Three weeks of historic economic upheaval have done more than just tilt a handful of once reliably Republican states in Barack Obama’s direction. Democratic strategists are now optimistic that the ongoing crisis could lead to a landslide Obama victory.

Four large states John McCain once seemed well-positioned to win — Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio and Florida — have in recent weeks shifted toward Obama. If Obama were to win those four states — a scenario that would represent a remarkable turn of events — he would likely surpass 350 electoral votes.

Under almost any feasible scenario, McCain cannot win the presidency if he loses any of those four states. And if Obama actually captured all four states, it would almost certainly signal a strong electoral tide that would likely sweep the Southwestern swing states — Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada — not to mention battlegrounds from New Hampshire to Iowa to Missouri.

One month ago, Democratic strategist Paul Maslin, who closely tracks the electoral map, thought that perhaps Democrats would win by a couple of percentage points. At best, he thought Obama might earn a slight majority as Democrats earned in 1976, the last time the party’s presidential nominee cracked the 50 percent barrier..............

Much more: http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20081009/pl_politico/14413

Rather lengthy but a good read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-09-2008, 03:02 PM
even to a moron like you it should be obvious Politico is in Osama's tank.

delete. move on

10-09-2008, 03:08 PM
Politico has consistently demonstrated a propensity to favor the republicans ever since their outset, nv.

even to a moron like you it should be obvious Politico is in Osama's tank.

delete. move on

And, they have made no secret about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps you would do better if you weren't so immaturely defensive?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! Better yet, just read the article and comment accordingly?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?


10-09-2008, 03:21 PM
Politico has consistently demonstrated a propensity to favor the republicans ever since their outset, nv.

And, they have made no secret about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps you would do better if you weren't so immaturely defensive?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! Better yet, just read the article and comment accordingly?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?


I use search engines. you use your balls. if you have any

10-09-2008, 03:26 PM
Four large states John McCain once seemed well-positioned to win — Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio and Florida — have in recent weeks shifted toward Obama. ...

Under almost any feasible scenario, McCain cannot win the presidency if he loses any of those four states.

Yeah, I read that earlier today, Psychoblues, and thought of posting it here, but didn't. Landslide, huh?

I think that is possible, especially if this remarkable financial collapse continues ---------- and actually starts impacting more than the headlines.

I.e, jobs lost and banks really frozen, say runs on a couple, regional/local banks getting in difficulties. Now, I am hoping and assuming that won't happen. (But I am buying the computer game "Supreme Ruler 2020" which assumes the U.S. dollar collapses and then the global order collapses and somebody can become leader of the world ----- you get to choose whatever country you want to start from. Somalia?)

Well, no one supposed ol' Reagan would do a landslide, but he sure did. So strange things can happen.

Politico is saying it's just total disgust with all the manifold failures of Republicans, which I must say have certainly been something to regret.

10-09-2008, 03:40 PM
Thanks for the holler back, mundame!!!!! I don't see a landslide in the making, however. I don't think there is any doubt that Obama will win but by what amount is insignificant. I do see a divide within the population that will grow even more hostile than we've ever seen in our lifetimes. And I think that is just so sad!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I read that earlier today, Psychoblues, and thought of posting it here, but didn't. Landslide, huh?

I think that is possible, especially if this remarkable financial collapse continues ---------- and actually starts impacting more than the headlines.

I.e, jobs lost and banks really frozen, say runs on a couple, regional/local banks getting in difficulties. Now, I am hoping and assuming that won't happen. (But I am buying the computer game "Supreme Ruler 2020" which assumes the U.S. dollar collapses and then the global order collapses and somebody can become leader of the world ----- you get to choose whatever country you want to start from. Somalia?)

Well, no one supposed ol' Reagan would do a landslide, but he sure did. So strange things can happen.

Politico is saying it's just total disgust with all the manifold failures of Republicans, which I must say have certainly been something to regret.

Your observation of the "total disgust" circumstance is dead on. Even here in Mississippi I talk to conservatives almost everyday that are certainly disgusted by the actions, policies and dictates from the appointed one. I hope I live long enough to read what the dominant history books will have to say about this disasterous administration and how it came to power in the first place!!!!!!!!! Can you dig it?!?!?!??!??!??!??!

BTW, if you didn't already know, I voted for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surprise, surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-09-2008, 03:55 PM
I don't see a landslide in the making, however. I don't think there is any doubt that Obama will win but by what amount is insignificant.

I hadn't thought of a landslide, certainly. The black issue and his bad companions and strongly leftist points of view --- I thought he would win, as the polls are showing now, but not by much. And indeed, as you say, the severe divide (worst in my lifetime by far, and that includes the Vietnam era) here would persist. I suppose it's about as bad as the divide before the Civil War.

However, this economy thing really is an emergency and we can't so far solve it. If things start getting really weird this month ------ people may turn to a non-Republican in a landslide, I suppose. I'd a lot rather it start to settle down!

Note that there is only one (1) thread on the major historic event of our time, this financial ......let's say break. People don't understand it and don't know if it will affect them, and I don't either. I understand as much of it as I can from reading all the financial papers, but NO ONE understands much, including the top guys, or they would have avoided it.

Your observation of the "total disgust" circumstance is dead on. Even here in Mississippi I talk to conservatives almost everyday that are certainly disgusted by the actions, policies and dictates from the appointed one. I hope I live long enough to read what the dominant history books will have to say about this disasterous administration and how it came to power in the first place!!!!!!!!! Can you dig it?!?!?!??!??!??!??!

BTW, if you didn't already know, I voted for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surprise, surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sure, I voted both times for Saint Reagan, and then for Perot, more fool me. Bush I was just so tired-seeming; he plainly wanted to retire, poor guy.

I guess part of the catastrophe that Bush caused was the crookedness of his election itself: his campaign spreading the "black baby" rumor about McCain. That was when McCain should have been president; he surely can't have done as badly as Bush did. And I voted for McCain in the primary then. And then Carl Rove pushing this divided America for all these years ---- that's been terribly bad for the country and it certainly didn't work well for --- well, ANYthing. Nothing Bush has done has worked and his party has totally lost control of every branch of government. I'm not much of an admirer of Carl Rove, who killed my party. (I used to be a Republican until 2006 when I reregistered in disgust.)

Some people here are just looking for enemies and assume anyone who doesn't drink any Koolaid Bush hands out is a communist ------ but not every Republican is stupid. There are several relatively rightwing people here who aren't fool enough to bow down and worship failure on quite THIS scale!

10-09-2008, 05:12 PM
Couple of things, mundame, I understand what you are saying about the black circumstance, the shady acqaintances and to some extent even the strongly leftist points of view. I wonder, however, why are they concerns to you or anyone else?

First off, the man can't help that he was born black. This is a non-issue if there ever was one. But, in keeping with the conversation and observations I must remark that I seriously wonder how the MAN would have turned out had he been born and raised poor and black in Mississippi?

Secondly, there has never been one iota of information forthcoming that in any way personally relates any action or policy consideration of Barack Obama to any action or policy considerations of some of these individuals that the reichwingers are pissing down their legs about. I belong to many fraternal, professional, civic and political organizations and I know for a fact there are some rather unsavory charactors that also are members. And sometimes they come up with some outstanding ideas but I do not in any way support any actions or philosphies they may have had in the past. And I certainly don't want to be held accountable with any of that with which I had no part of. And that's what I think the predominant American attitude is and should be.

These "strongly leftist points of view"? What are they? Barack Obama leans much more toward the DLC point of view. As you may know, the DLC is the conservative wing of the Democratic Party. In fact, there are presently many self described Republican politicians nationwide that are considerably left of many of the governing considerations of Barack Obama. The continual accusations that Obama is somehow the raging liberal are false on their outset and no matter how many times they are repeated it doesn't make them true.

My primary consideration at this time, beyond the economy, is the health of our democracy and how we the people will respond in the advent of another illegal and otherwise dubious election result. Somehow and someway the restoration of trust in our nation's elections must be addressed. I have many more concerns but these are the one's I find most disturbing and in need of immediate consideration if not resolution.

Perhaps the nation can do better this time around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the democracy deserves no less!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-09-2008, 05:46 PM
Don't "Dem strategists" foresee every election being a landslide in their favor?

Obama is exactly where Gore was in 2000.....

10-09-2008, 06:25 PM
I don't recall ever hearing that from any "dem strategist" until now, huk.

Don't "Dem strategists" foresee every election being a landslide in their favor?

Obama is exactly where Gore was in 2000.....

Perhaps you can somehow back that claim up?!?!???!???!??!?!?!?!?!?


10-09-2008, 07:16 PM
Dem Strategists See Landslide In The Making ???

Obviously Wall Street sees it too....

10-09-2008, 07:37 PM
Dem Strategists See Landslide In The Making



ask gore and kerry what they think of those "predictions" :laugh2:

10-09-2008, 07:57 PM
sure they see a landslide...wonder what they smoking?:coffee:

10-09-2008, 09:47 PM
Optimism is a healthy thing, yuk.



ask gore and kerry what they think of those "predictions" :laugh2:

In this case, the optimism is completely warranted. What about this election cycle do you have to be optimistic about?


10-09-2008, 09:47 PM
what would a landslide be defined as.....

10-09-2008, 09:53 PM
I can believe there will be a landslide. I think the only question right now i s which side will be winning by landslide.

10-09-2008, 09:56 PM
At this point in time who knows, m'59?

what would a landslide be defined as.....

The lil' one has governed as if he had won in a landslide yet he lost the popular vote and only won an illegal and unconstitutional court case. Perhaps a little humbleness from him would have been more in order, don't you think?


10-09-2008, 10:19 PM
At this point in time who knows, m'59?
The lil' one has governed as if he had won in a landslide yet he lost the popular vote and only won an illegal and unconstitutional court case. Perhaps a little humbleness from him would have been more in order, don't you think?


wow ... that is on topic.....60-40....70-30.....a landslide like reagan's win.....

make a prediction.....

10-09-2008, 10:30 PM
If you had read the thread and not been chasing me around tonight, dumbo, you would have already seen that I do not agree that there will be a "landslide" victory for anyone. I didn't make the original statement and I don't make it now.

wow ... that is on topic.....60-40....70-30.....a landslide like reagan's win.....

make a prediction.....

Maybe you need help in reading comprehension. Have you checked in with your local literacy council or organization?


10-09-2008, 10:34 PM
If you had read the thread and not been chasing me around tonight, dumbo, you would have already seen that I do not agree that there will be a "landslide" victory for anyone. I didn't make the original statement and I don't make it now.
Maybe you need help in reading comprehension. Have you checked in with your local literacy council or organization?

so you post a thread how it will be a landslide.....

your comentary is:

If the republicans have lost Politico they have certainly lost the nation!!!!!!!!!

Rather lengthy but a good read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and that was suposed to mean that you disagreed with the article.....

thanks for the clarification.....

10-09-2008, 10:59 PM
My comment was that Politico,,,,,,,,,never mind, dumbo.

so you post a thread how it will be a landslide.....

your comentary is:

If the republicans have lost Politico they have certainly lost the nation!!!!!!!!!

Rather lengthy but a good read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and that was suposed to mean that you disagreed with the article.....

thanks for the clarification.....

Get that reading help that you desperately need, OK?!?!??!??!??????


10-09-2008, 11:02 PM
My comment was that Politico,,,,,,,,,never mind, dumbo.
Get that reading help that you desperately need, OK?!?!??!??!??????

well that certainly cleared up your posistion thanks so much.....

10-09-2008, 11:06 PM
Still confused, eh?!?!?!?!?!??!

well that certainly cleared up your posistion thanks so much.....

Just what kind of a simpleton are you, anyway?!?!?!??!?!?!?!


10-09-2008, 11:12 PM
well that certainly cleared up your posistion thanks so much.....


10-10-2008, 01:19 AM
And that goes double for you, yuk!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:

