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View Full Version : Rush Limbaugh can't handle criticism of Palin? Too bad

10-10-2008, 10:55 AM

October 10, 2008

BY MARY MITCHELL Sun-Times Columnist
When you step on a pig's tail, it squeals. Rush Limbaugh is a squealer.

And why is he squealing?

Sun-Times columnist Mary Mitchell

Transcript: Read Rush Limbaugh's rant
Because John McCain and Sarah Palin are losing ground in a contest that they thought was theirs.

And they are losing it to a black man.

Of course, Limbaugh won't say that. Instead, on Thursday he spent his time berating me for saying Palin needs to apologize for inciting crowds that hurled racial epithets at black members of the press.

I'm a "wuss, wimp columnist," Limbaugh says.

So why would a multimillion-dollar squealer use his air time on a "wuss and a wimp?"

The reason Limbaugh is squealing like the pig he is, is because he's the epitome of white privilege.

read the rest and comments..

10-10-2008, 11:22 AM
Funny, ive been listening to Rush all week. He hasnt said anything like that.

10-10-2008, 11:50 AM
Funny, ive been listening to Rush all week. He hasnt said anything like that.

I heard him yesterday and he tore this bitch a new one...

10-10-2008, 01:40 PM
I heard him yesterday and he tore this bitch a new one...

He tore her apart. It was really quite good.

10-10-2008, 01:59 PM
Funny how the most important person besides Rush on the show is Bo Snerdley, a black man.


GW in Ohio
10-10-2008, 02:35 PM
Well, I'll give you guys credit for actually listening to Rush Limbaugh. (Does he still have 1 minute of commercials for every minute he's on the air bloviating or talking about himself?)

It would be a tough thing to have to decide between listening to Rush or having root canal without novocaine.

10-10-2008, 03:12 PM
Let the fat baby cry, for crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I'll give you guys credit for actually listening to Rush Limbaugh. (Does he still have 1 minute of commercials for every minute he's on the air bloviating or talking about himself?)

It would be a tough thing to have to decide between listening to Rush or having root canal without novocaine.

He definitely has his audience and as long as they're listening to his horseshit the rest of us can go about life and continuing improvement of our nation and societies. Anyone with a 3rd grade education and a 5th grade mind is mesmerized with Rush. Fortunately, there are not that many of them anymore. WTF does Rush care? He's already screwed them for millions and millions. If he went off the air today he would certainly not miss the income one iota!!!!!!!!! His bed is already paid for.


10-11-2008, 01:25 AM
I recall the exact moment that a high school student knocked Limbaugh on his arse. I was driving from Cortez, Colorado and heading to Mesa Verde.

I nearly rolled the fucking car laughing so much :laugh2:

He was dumbfounded. This young woman calmly ripped him apart and he was fucked. I bet a screener was sacked that day.

A cherished moment in American broadcasting :salute: :laugh2:

10-11-2008, 01:28 AM
Rush, like most American conservatives, fail miserably in the light of truth, doc.

I recall the exact moment that a high school student knocked Limbaugh on his arse. I was driving from Cortez, Colorado and heading to Mesa Verde.

I nearly rolled the fucking car laughing so much :laugh2:

He was dumbfounded. This young woman calmly ripped him apart and he was fucked. I bet a screener was sacked that day.

A cherished moment in American broadcasting :salute: :laugh2:

High school student, eh?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!???!!?


10-11-2008, 01:30 AM
Rush, like most American conservatives, fail miserably in the light of truth, doc.

High school student, eh?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!???!!?


Yep, a very bright, erudite and calm young woman. She was a credit to your education system. I was most impressed.

10-11-2008, 01:34 AM
She was probably educated in our public education system, doc.

Yep, a very bright, erudite and calm young woman. She was a credit to your education system. I was most impressed.

Most of the products of the private system are pretty much failures and otherwise dumbasses IMHO. Somehow, they just can't get along in a diverse population!!!!!!!!!!!!
