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View Full Version : Rocker Ted Nugent: What I'd Do as President

10-10-2008, 12:16 PM
Rocker Ted Nugent pulls no punches on what he'd do as president to those on welfare in America: deport them.


The Michigan rocker and avid hunter espouses his views on the state of the nation in his new book, "Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto" (Regnery, $27.95), in which he outlines his plans for America if he were to win the nation's highest office.

"Able-bodied Americans who refuse to work will be sent to Cuba, Mexico, England and France," Nugent says according to the New York Post's Page Six, which reports the Nuge would eliminate welfare in a "Cat Scratch Fever" administration.

"[I'd] instruct the U.S. military warriors to do their job — win the global war on terror right now and eliminate all threats from all sources by any means necessary," he writes in an excerpt printed by Page Six.

Nugent's plan to run the country includes ending dues payments to the United Nations and taking "appropriate gas and oil from Mexico and the Middle East as payment for all debts we are owed by them."

Also on the chopping block: diplomatic immunity and taxpayer health care for those elected to office.


10-10-2008, 12:18 PM
Ole Ted is a great American...:dance:

10-10-2008, 01:09 PM
I just started reading Ted, White and Blue yesterday. So far I love it. I pre-ordered it a month ago and just got it the other day.

10-10-2008, 03:50 PM
Ted's a bit on the whacky side, but I can't help but like him. He's a pretty smart fellow, actually. Too bad Bush isn't that smart. If he were, we wouldn't find ourselves in the mess we do today.

10-10-2008, 05:12 PM

10-11-2008, 09:40 PM
Nice bullshit from a Viet Nam draft dodger.

10-11-2008, 10:45 PM
Nice bullshit from a Viet Nam draft dodger.

what branch did you serve??

10-12-2008, 12:07 AM
Nice bullshit from a Viet Nam draft dodger.

I'm still waiting...

what branch of service did you serve...I'd like to salute you for it...

Ted Nugent is a great American on top of being a good musician..:salute:

10-12-2008, 07:57 AM
Nice bullshit from a Viet Nam draft dodger.

see if you can find what form DD214 is you aids infected whore

10-12-2008, 08:06 AM
I'm still waiting...

what branch of service did you serve...I'd like to salute you for it...

Ted Nugent is a great American on top of being a good musician..:salute:

we don't salute camp followers !!!!!

10-12-2008, 10:35 AM
I don't know what Ted did during Nam, but at least he is out there now donating money and time to Veterans. He's out supporting our troops, maybe trying to actually make amends for his conduct whatever that may have been. He's not out there now trying to undermine our country, giving aid and comfort to our enemies.

Whether or not he deserves forgiveness for what he did or did not do is up to those honorable men that were there IMHO.

10-12-2008, 11:01 AM
I don't know what Ted did during Nam, but at least he is out there now donating money and time to Veterans. He's out supporting our troops, maybe trying to actually make amends for his conduct whatever that may have been. He's not out there now trying to undermine our country, giving aid and comfort to our enemies.

Whether or not he deserves forgiveness for what he did or did not do is up to those honorable men that were there IMHO.

the LT Dan band is helping our vets also. remember LT Dan in Forrest Gump??? Gary Sinise rocks



the LT Dan Band (the LT Dan Band)


10-12-2008, 04:56 PM
what branch did you serve??
I wasn't born yet. Which branch did YOU serve in?

Ted Nugent has spent the last 35 years or so trying to make up for the cowardice that he showed during Viet Nam. Where he did all sorts of unsavory things to make himself unworthy of the draft board. Then declared he would rather hunt deer than Viet Cong.
If you have the chance, search for the Youtube where Ted shouts down a disabled vet in a wheelchair who showed up at one of his non-concert appearances. Ted doesn't like being asked to account for his cowardice.
If you want to laud a group that has stood up for vets, try KISS. As unsavory as they are, KISS has made a couple of trips to the Middle East and even released a concert video of such, with all proceeds going to vets causes.

10-12-2008, 06:33 PM

10-12-2008, 07:15 PM
I wasn't born yet. Which branch did YOU serve in?

Ted Nugent has spent the last 35 years or so trying to make up for the cowardice that he showed during Viet Nam. Where he did all sorts of unsavory things to make himself unworthy of the draft board. Then declared he would rather hunt deer than Viet Cong.
If you have the chance, search for the Youtube where Ted shouts down a disabled vet in a wheelchair who showed up at one of his non-concert appearances. Ted doesn't like being asked to account for his cowardice.
If you want to laud a group that has stood up for vets, try KISS. As unsavory as they are, KISS has made a couple of trips to the Middle East and even released a concert video of such, with all proceeds going to vets causes.

nother bipolar attack jane fonda?????