View Full Version : some people ???????

10-11-2008, 11:31 PM
Gabby has become a hit and run poster just like gw in Ohio..

she has known us here for yrs. and she constantly accuses us of being the racist, intolerant ones..

yet look at what she post and runs..

she post a video of a bunch of liberal dickheads booing a lady they don't know at a sporting event while her children are there, and then blames the lady for having the nerve to be there, and then she tell us we are the intolerant ones.

Liberals are a sick bunch...

that's my two cents worth...like it or not...:cheers2:

10-11-2008, 11:40 PM
I feel the same way Steph.

That video fires me up.

Didn't they here they're idol say to leave the families out of this election? Guess not. Anyone that would condone that behavior is 100% asshole. Quite sick really.

10-11-2008, 11:53 PM
I am sick to death of being told that we are the intolerant ones..

we see day in and day out the liberal intolerance of others who aren't like them and we sit by and watch and say, oh their just being LIBERALS....

so what do they do.......they push a little more..

now we are told we can't show anger at a political rally, why, because the liberals said so...

if we don't wake up and stop this right now...we will have sat back and given up our freedoms to the loud mouthed intolerant liberals who we don't want to emulate...

just my two cents, again...:cheers2:

10-12-2008, 12:18 AM
what saddens me...is to know that a little girl has adopted a family of people who are haters...

I had hoped that they would see things in a different light once they were adopted..but that didn't happen..

I grew from a youngster into making up my own mind, but I guess there really people who are stunted in their growth who get married right out of college, think cause they got a degree that make them someone special, and brags about all the money they have and how tolerant they are because they have a Muslim family living next to them...

life is a very strange journey..

10-12-2008, 12:26 AM
the most intolerant people have been the most braggart of how much they have, house size, trip wise to show off their PRIZE POSSESIONS, the many palaces they had to go to, to show off their prized possession, they were so stressed out......

why do you think that is??

10-12-2008, 12:39 AM
prized possessions aren't the most important things in life most times..

integrity, honesty, thinking of others selflessly, giving freely without needing a pat on the back.......

that makes SOMEBODY........

how wonderful that feels...:dance:

10-12-2008, 10:25 AM
Any chance we can get her husband to sign up to the board?? I would LOVE to meet him!! :laugh2:

10-12-2008, 11:06 AM
After exhaustive research, I was able to track down Gabby's husband. As I had suspected, he is none other than Janet Reno.

10-12-2008, 01:14 PM
Come on Steph, the majority of what she posts is probably constructed out of her imagination. I seriously doubt her life is as fulfilling and successful as she says - she probably caters the events or 'dinners' she claims to attend. Don't take her so seriously, she admitted to being mentally unbalanced, what more do you want? :laugh2:

10-12-2008, 01:28 PM
yeah I know..:dunno:

10-13-2008, 01:35 PM
Any chance we can get her husband to sign up to the board?? I would LOVE to meet him!! :laugh2:

He's probably so henpecked he'd have to allow her to oversee anything he typed anyway.

BTW: cute pic in your avitar

10-13-2008, 02:30 PM
He's probably so henpecked he'd have to allow her to oversee anything he typed anyway.

BTW: cute pic in your avitar

I think it can go either way. I see it as he picked Gabs out of the gutter and has given her anything she wanted. Now she is so used to it that she doesnt dare contradict him, so she does it here.

Thanks!! Thats my son. First year in football! :) He chose the hair style... :laugh2: