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View Full Version : The choice for John McCain

GW in Ohio
10-13-2008, 07:43 AM
As I see it, John McCain has two choices:

He can lose with dignity and keep his honor intact by focusing on the issues instead of engaging in personal attacks. To follow this course, he will have to put a muzzle on his running mate.
He can lose and disgrace himself at the same time by engaging in sleazy attacks intended to slime Barack Obama and discredit him. (These attacks will not work, by the way. The American people have had enough of the politics of personal destruction.)

So which is it gonna be, John?

10-13-2008, 07:46 AM
As I see it, John McCain has two choices:

He can lose with dignity and keep his honor intact by focusing on the issues instead of engaging in personal attacks. To follow this course, he will have to put a muzzle on his running mate.
He can lose and disgrace himself at the same time by engaging in sleazy attacks intended to slime Barack Obama and discredit him. (These attacks will not work, by the way. The American people have had enough of the politics of personal destruction.)

So which is it gonna be, John?

What's it going to be, Barack?



10-13-2008, 08:48 AM
As I see it, John McCain has two choices:

He can lose with dignity and keep his honor intact by focusing on the issues instead of engaging in personal attacks. To follow this course, he will have to put a muzzle on his running mate.
He can lose and disgrace himself at the same time by engaging in sleazy attacks intended to slime Barack Obama and discredit him. (These attacks will not work, by the way. The American people have had enough of the politics of personal destruction.)

So which is it gonna be, John?

It will almost certainly be #2. The McCain campaign already trotted out the Ayers thing last week. I see McCain's campaign getting more and more negative as the GOP realizes that the election is lost.

Of course, both major parties engage in the same behavior, focusing on personalities and surface issues in order to gain/maintain political power, instead of attempting to make this country a better place to live in.

10-13-2008, 08:58 AM
It will almost certainly be #2. The McCain campaign already trotted out the Ayers thing last week. I see McCain's campaign getting more and more negative as the GOP realizes that the election is lost.

Of course, both major parties engage in the same behavior, focusing on personalities and surface issues in order to gain/maintain political power, instead of attempting to make this country a better place to live in.

Jeff, I disagree wholeheartedly about the Ayers connections. They are multitudinous as are those with ACORN, they also overlap. Same can be said with Wright, he too was very involved in the ACORN nexis, along with Woods Foundation, CRC.

My complaint about McCain is that he should have explained the connections and continues to fail to do so.

GW in Ohio
10-13-2008, 09:09 AM
Jeff, I disagree wholeheartedly about the Ayers connections. They are multitudinous as are those with ACORN, they also overlap. Same can be said with Wright, he too was very involved in the ACORN nexis, along with Woods Foundation, CRC.

My complaint about McCain is that he should have explained the connections and continues to fail to do so.

Kathianne: I'm glad to see that you're focusing on the issues and the real problems confronting this country, instead of emphasizing cheap, sleazy personal attacks.

10-13-2008, 09:20 AM
McCain has every right to bring up the losers that the Obambam has hung around with..

If you libs don't like it, tough shit..

you don't make the rules up on how a campaign is supposed to run..

where I live the Obambam is running radio commercials that are flat out lies..so you need to go wipe the stink off your little Marxist, then we'll talk about clean campaigns..

10-13-2008, 09:25 AM
Kathianne: I'm glad to see that you're focusing on the issues and the real problems confronting this country, instead of emphasizing cheap, sleazy personal attacks.

Actually these are issues, more than 'character issues.' They demonstrate his real political/educational/social philosophies, serious issues for anyone voting for President. Now you may like his version of 'progressiveness', others may not.

10-13-2008, 09:29 AM
If Obama wasn't sleazy there would be nothing to attack. Since he is sleazy and nearly every alliance he has is with leftist radicals who hate America and since his promo department the MSM won't ever mention it, its about time McCain did. He needs to hammer it home, I mean drive it in till the iron rings the a bell. Then hit a couple more times just for good measure.

Its funny how its only sleazy when McCain tells the truth about Obama but when the wackos come out and tell outright lies about Palin, well that was okay.

10-13-2008, 09:29 AM
I can't wait to see these libs bending down on one knee and kissing the ring of the Obambam, if he wins...and they will be calling him..MY MASTER


GW in Ohio
10-13-2008, 09:47 AM
McCain has every right to bring up the losers that the Obambam has hung around with..

If you libs don't like it, tough shit..

you don't make the rules up on how a campaign is supposed to run..

where I live the Obambam is running radio commercials that are flat out lies..so you need to go wipe the stink off your little Marxist, then we'll talk about clean campaigns..

Actually, it's the American people that don't like it. They've indicated repeatedly that they want to hear how the candidates are going to bring us out of the financial crisis we're in, not who Obama may have had a passing acquaintance with years ago.

Obama is ahead of McCain throughout the country. Some states that were considered "safe" like North Carolina, are now up for grabs.

I understand Liddy Dole is about to lose her Senate seat in North Carolina.

But by all means, keep up with this Ayers business if you think it's significant. You'll guarantee that McCain will not only lose the election, he'll lose his soul.

10-13-2008, 09:56 AM
Actually, it's the American people that don't like it. They've indicated repeatedly that they want to hear how the candidates are going to bring us out of the financial crisis we're in, not who Obama may have had a passing acquaintance with years ago.

Obama is ahead of McCain throughout the country. Some states that were considered "safe" like North Carolina, are now up for grabs.

I understand Liddy Dole is about to lose her Senate seat in North Carolina.

But by all means, keep up with this Ayers business if you think it's significant. You'll guarantee that McCain will not only lose the election, he'll lose his soul.

you my dear little one, do not know what the American people want, so don't pretend you do..

by all means I hope he rams Ayers, the good Rev. Wright and all his other shady and dangerous characters (who we see you could care less about just as long as your man-boy wins) down the Obambams throat...

good times ahead..

10-13-2008, 11:17 AM
i see nothing dishonorable about questioning Obama about Ayers, Resko, Wright, Obinga, or any other questionable ally Obama has. these are issues. Because character is always an issue. and because these alliances are real.

There is nothing dishonorable about campaigning on the truth. In fact, without truth, there is no honor.

10-13-2008, 11:44 AM
Actually these are issues, more than 'character issues.' They demonstrate his real political/educational/social philosophies, serious issues for anyone voting for President. Now you may like his version of 'progressiveness', others may not.

Not only are they important issues, they are also the issues the leftists are trying harder than any other, to stop people from discussing.

There is no surer guide, that these are the issues that are the most important to voters. At least, the leftists clearly think so... enough to devote a majority of their time to deflecting and protesting.

Isn't it cute how the leftists shroud their protests and denunciations in "This is what we think would help John McCain most", as if they actually wanted to help McCain?

10-13-2008, 11:47 AM
Not only are they important issues, they are also the issues the leftists are trying harder than any other, to stop people from discussing.

There is no surer guide, that these are the issues that are the most important to voters. At least, the leftists clearly think so... enough to devote a majority of their time to deflecting and protesting.

Isn't it cute how the leftists shroud their protests and denunciations in "This is what we think would help John McCain most", as if they actually wanted to help McCain?

Unfortunately, McCain helps us lose. Today he gave an 'economics' speech, (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/10/13/in_virginia_mccain_vows_an_und.html) a real downer, when people are looking for hope and the markets are swinging way up.

The Obama position, well Saturday would have been a great time for the Hoover line, but today? Nope.

red states rule
10-13-2008, 12:04 PM
As I see it, John McCain has two choices:

He can lose with dignity and keep his honor intact by focusing on the issues instead of engaging in personal attacks. To follow this course, he will have to put a muzzle on his running mate.
He can lose and disgrace himself at the same time by engaging in sleazy attacks intended to slime Barack Obama and discredit him. (These attacks will not work, by the way. The American people have had enough of the politics of personal destruction.)

So which is it gonna be, John?

What are the sleazy attacks? Pointing out Obama's friends and associates?

While you are ranting about those "sleazy attacks" from the right, any comment about the oh so tolerant left and their expressions of civility?


10-13-2008, 12:11 PM
as I see it McCain will 'Whip' Obama's ass

source (source)

10-13-2008, 12:18 PM
as I see it McCain will 'Whip' Obama's ass

source (source)

stupid soundbyte from McCain.

10-13-2008, 12:19 PM
So why is it unacceptable to point out who McCain associated with in the past? Like certain high ranking North Vietnamese officials who made his life easier. Or perhaps cute lobbyists. And attractive trophy wives who yanked his crank more than his first wife. Who he was still married to when he got engaged to her successor.

GW in Ohio
10-13-2008, 12:21 PM
as I see it McCain will 'Whip' Obama's ass

source (source)

The only whippin' that's gonna happen is if McCain finds himself a couple a' hookers who are into S&M........

red states rule
10-13-2008, 12:21 PM
So why is it unacceptable to point out who McCain associated with in the past? Like certain high ranking North Vietnamese officials who made his life easier. Or perhaps cute lobbyists. And attractive trophy wives who yanked his crank more than his first wife. Who he was still married to when he got engaged to her successor.

and more from the civil left


Gabby, why not do something original and post facts to back up your rants?

10-13-2008, 12:24 PM
So why is it unacceptable to point out who McCain associated with in the past? Like certain high ranking North Vietnamese officials who made his life easier. Or perhaps cute lobbyists. And attractive trophy wives who yanked his crank more than his first wife. Who he was still married to when he got engaged to her successor.

Because most people who make life easier for you dont torture you....

10-13-2008, 12:25 PM
The only whippin' that's gonna happen is if McCain finds himself a couple a' hookers who are into S&M........

Speaking from experience i see.... Well thats sad but whatever makes you happy. I wouldnt go bragging about that around the cops though.

10-13-2008, 12:32 PM
The only whippin' that's gonna happen is if McCain finds himself a couple a' hookers who are into S&M........

exactly what you would expect a child would say..


10-13-2008, 12:32 PM
and more from the civil left


Gabby, why not do something original and post facts to back up your rants?

Now there are four grown up, intelligent individuals... NOT!!!

It appears they have repeated the 7th grade about 10 times each.


red states rule
10-13-2008, 12:34 PM
Now there are four grown up, intelligent individuals... NOT!!!

It appears they have repeated the 7th grade about 10 times each.


They are today's poster children of the modern day left. This is the change they want to bring to America. Just think of what they will do and say if Obama wins, and anyone speaks out against him and his policies