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View Full Version : 5000 New Registered Voters: First 2300 Are Fraudulent

10-14-2008, 05:30 AM
Yep, a couple seasonal workers are behind it all, in so many states. Interesting indeed that suddenly Indiana is 'up for grabs', of course with rampant fraud anything can happen.

I do think it commendable that CNN has stayed on the ACORN story, actually making the ties between Ayers, Acorn, and Obama.

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10-14-2008, 12:01 PM
obama, to my knowledge, has never been about winning the vote because of the people...it has been about technicalities and now i am beginning to suspect illegalities

10-14-2008, 12:34 PM
they need to stay on top of this, the election is just around the corner. We do not need the headaches that we had after the last election.

Honestly we do this every 4 years there has got to be a better system for detecting fraud.