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View Full Version : Racine schools hand out textbooks with 15 page Obama love fest..

10-14-2008, 09:11 AM
This comes from the mother of a Racine Unified School District 8th grader. She has asked to keep her name out of this but frankly I can't add much to what she has said here but I do have one question. Did the teacher give equal time and a fair discussion about John McCain and his "life of service"? I think I already know the answer to that question. This is not education folks, this is indoctrination.


My 8th grade son is in an advanced English class at a public middle school here in Racine, Wisconsin. I just found out that my son's new (copyright 2008) Wisconsin - McDougal Littell Literature book has 15 pages covering Barack Obama.

I was shocked - No John McCain, no Hillary Clinton, no George Bush - Just Barack Obama. I'm wondering how it is that Obama's story gets put into an 8th grade literature book? It would be one thing, if it was just the tidbit about his boyhood days, but 15 pages, and they talk about his "Life of Service". Honestly, what has Obama really done to be included in this book? Not only that, but on page 847 there is a photo of Obama at the 2004 Democratic Convention with at least 8 Obama signs in the background! Front & center is an www.obama2004.com sign.

a picture and the rest of the story at..


10-14-2008, 09:38 AM
so they teach their children to love Osama. but whe he lose's do the teach them to hate McCain????? hmmmm a love/hate???? :laugh2: teach your children what????


10-14-2008, 09:59 AM
It's all about programming them. However, since they aren't old enough to vote and won't be for a few years, this is futile. Maybe they are thinking that the kids will sway their parents into voting for him with all their yak, yak about him. Kids can be very persistent, so maybe that's what it's all about. Kids nagging their parents to vote him in.

This should not even be legal. It's a wonder the parents don't hold an uprising. But then, most of them are prob'ly his supporters anyway. I can only imagine the bullpucky my grandaughters, ages 9 and 12 are being programmed to believe. Grrr!

10-14-2008, 10:06 AM
Hell no surprise here, at least one of the owners of the textbook publishing company has been contributing to Obama and other Democrats for a while. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, but I can not, for the life of me, understand why "Dreams of My Father" should be included in a textbook on literature.

10-14-2008, 10:33 AM
Hey, he's got to get thing ready for the future. The pictures, the signs, the statues are going to be raised in the next few years. It's all in the early stages right now. Can we say president for life?

After he's elected there will be violence by "right wing wackos" He'll establish a special guardian type citizens group to deal with that. Of course the "right wing wacko's" will actually be working for him. But the conservatives will be targeted and persecuted.

Watch closely who he puts in his cabinet and other political appointments. And if you think elections are fixed now just give him a couple of years in office.

A civil war is coming.

But then I'm just a paranoid right winger.

10-14-2008, 11:15 AM
As always, Stephanie refers to the most radically right-wing sources to get her information. Without even checking to see whether this might be over exaggerated.
Wisconsin is an extremely conservative state. You would think that, if this was true, it would be in all the newspapers. Of course, it is not.
As usual, it is merely Stephanie shoveling shit into the forum. Without merit and with extreme bias.

10-14-2008, 11:20 AM
As always, Stephanie refers to the most radically right-wing sources to get her information. Without even checking to see whether this might be over exaggerated.
Wisconsin is an extremely conservative state. You would think that, if this was true, it would be in all the newspapers. Of course, it is not.
As usual, it is merely Stephanie shoveling shit into the forum. Without merit and with extreme bias.

now who was complaining the other day about attacking the poster instead of the article..:laugh2:

you are free to check it out dearie..

10-14-2008, 11:34 AM
As always, Stephanie refers to the most radically right-wing sources to get her information. Without even checking to see whether this might be over exaggerated.
Wisconsin is an extremely conservative state. You would think that, if this was true, it would be in all the newspapers. Of course, it is not.
As usual, it is merely Stephanie shoveling shit into the forum. Without merit and with extreme bias.

Are you claiming that this is not true? Is it your position that Obama is not in the textbook? You are aware that Obama has a 17 point lead over McCain in this "extremely conservative state," right?

10-14-2008, 11:38 AM
The leftists have to go to more and more extremes to get their people elected. It's not really surprising, how far they'll go.

This example is, of course, a flat violation of the McCain-Feingold law, the so-called Campaign Finance Reform Act. That act is unconstitutional, but has so far been held up by a 5-4 margin in the Supreme Court, so it must be obeyed until it is overturned by a law-abiding court.

The leftists will do anything they have to, to stay in power. Expect more of the same, and worse, as election after election rolls by.

10-14-2008, 11:42 AM
gabs just felt like bitching...after all this was a post against her Messiah, her savior of the United States she hates...she can't wait to kick all the conservatives in the teeth, and the Messiah is just the one to lead the way...


10-14-2008, 11:48 AM
now who was complaining the other day about attacking the poster instead of the article..:laugh2:

you are free to check it out dearie..

so true :cheers2:

10-14-2008, 11:52 AM
Of course, the source is anonymous. And there are no specific facts listed.
Feel free to check it out. I already have. You are probably too busy reading right wing garbage.

10-14-2008, 11:55 AM
its child abuse. and no laws to enforce it.

10-14-2008, 12:05 PM
Of course, the source is anonymous. And there are no specific facts listed.
Feel free to check it out. I already have. You are probably too busy reading right wing garbage.

and that proves what???

10-14-2008, 12:20 PM
Of course, the source is anonymous. And there are no specific facts listed.
Feel free to check it out. I already have. You are probably too busy reading right wing garbage.

If you consider that the story was posted on the guy's blog just yesterday, it's not surprising that it has not hit the papers as of yet. Now, if you are really resourceful and have a true interest in finding out the truth, you could visit the McDougal/Littell website, do a little searching, and find the list of authors featured in the eighth grade textbook in question. But then again, I suppose it is much easier to accuse others of "shoveling shit into the forum."


10-14-2008, 12:56 PM
Hey, he's got to get thing ready for the future. The pictures, the signs, the statues are going to be raised in the next few years. It's all in the early stages right now. Can we say president for life?

After he's elected there will be violence by "right wing wackos" He'll establish a special guardian type citizens group to deal with that. Of course the "right wing wacko's" will actually be working for him. But the conservatives will be targeted and persecuted.

Watch closely who he puts in his cabinet and other political appointments. And if you think elections are fixed now just give him a couple of years in office.

A civil war is coming.

But then I'm just a paranoid right winger.

Well, you haven't said anything that I haven't thought or said, myself. I believe we're headed for a civil war since the powers that be love to insight hate in the masses and keep stirring up racism. It's coming. So if you're paranoid, then I guess I must be as well. But I've talked to a lot of individuals and they all seem to feel the same as I do, that we're in for some even tougher times here. They seem to think that a civil war is eminnent. Just a matter of when.

They love to instill hate in the people and keep them divided. A divided people are much easier to control.

10-14-2008, 04:56 PM
Here ya go, Gabs, it has hit the news. Feel free to continue dismissing the facts, after all, this is a link to Fox News.

Mom Angered to Find Obama Speech in Son's Middle-School English Text (http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/10/14/parent-angered-obama-speech-middle-school-english-text/)